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Bathala is a deity of the pre-colonial Philippines, often regarded as the supreme god in the Tagalog and

Visayan pantheon. The word "Bathala" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Brahma," which means the
creator or the god of creation. Bathala is considered the highest being who is responsible for the
creation of the universe and all living things.

According to Philippine mythology, Bathala created the universe out of chaos and darkness. He created
the sun, the moon, and the stars to bring light and order to the world. He also created the earth, the sea,
and the sky, as well as the animals and plants that inhabit them.

Bathala is often depicted as a wise and just god who rewards good behavior and punishes wrongdoing.
He is also believed to have the power to heal the sick and to grant wishes to those who pray to him.
Many pre-colonial Filipinos would offer sacrifices to Bathala in the hope of gaining his favor and

Bathala is also associated with the concept of fate or destiny. It is believed that Bathala determines the
path of each person's life and that it is up to the individual to accept and fulfill their destiny. This idea is
reflected in the pre-colonial Filipino concept of "kapalaran," which means fate or destiny.

Despite the influence of Christianity in the Philippines, the belief in Bathala and other pre-colonial deities
has persisted to this day. Many Filipinos still practice traditional rituals and offer prayers to Bathala and
other deities, especially in rural areas.

In conclusion, Bathala is an important figure in Philippine mythology, representing the supreme being
who created the universe and governs the fate of all living things. Although his worship has been
influenced by the spread of Christianity, Bathala remains an essential part of Filipino culture and

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