Wanderers of The Isles - Core Book V0.3 Beta

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Wanderers of the

Core Book
WORN WEAPON ................................. 9
SHIELDS .............................................. 9
AMMO.................................................. 9
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................. iii SPELL & TECHNIQUE ......................... 9
THE NAGA .............................................. 1 NPC CASTERS .................................. 10
THE GERUDA .......................................... 1 NPC TARGET..................................... 10
HUMANITY ............................................. 2 NPC ABILITIES .................................. 10
GOLDEN AGE .......................................... 2 WANDERERS............................................. 11
A NEW AGE ............................................. 2 NAME .................................................... 11
THE ACADEMY ....................................... 3 CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES .................. 11
COMMAND MAGIC ................................ 4 HIT DICE ................................................ 11
GAMEPLAY................................................. 5 INVENTORY & STRESS SLOTS ............ 11
EXPLORATION........................................ 5 BELONGINGS ........................................ 11
OVERWORLD ...................................... 5 SKILL-TREE ........................................... 11
OVERWORLD MAPPING .................... 6 MAGIC AFFINITY .................................. 12
DUNGEON ........................................... 6 SKILL-TREE ........................................... 13
DUNGEON RATING............................. 6 MELEE TECHNIQUES ........................... 14
DUNGEON MAPPING ......................... 6 BOW TECHNIQUES ............................... 15
CAMPING ............................................ 7 GUN TECHNIQUES ............................... 15
TOWN .................................................. 7 SPELLS .................................................. 16
ACTIONS ................................................. 7 EQUIPMENT .............................................. 18
ACTION ROLLS & SAVING THROWS. 7 GOLD.................................................. 18
OPPOSED ROLLS................................ 7 SUPPLY ............................................. 18
BUFFS & BREAKS ............................... 7 AMMO................................................ 18
INVENTORY & STRESS ...................... 8 DAMAGE & ARMOR .......................... 18
PUSHING A CHARACTER .................. 8 WORN WEAPON ............................... 18
ADVANCEMENT ................................. 8 SHIELDS ............................................ 18
REWARDING XP.................................. 8 UPGRADES ........................................ 18
COMBAT ................................................. 8 ITEMS TABLE ........................................ 18
CLOSE COMBAT ................................. 8 MELEE WEAPON............................... 18
RANGED COMBAT ............................. 8 RANGED WEAPON ............................ 19
CRITICAL SUCCESS ........................... 9 ARMOR .............................................. 19
REACTION ROLL ................................. 9 MISCELLANEOUS ............................. 19
MORALE .............................................. 9 D20 TREASURE & RELIC................... 19
HIT DICE & DEATH ............................. 9 EVENTS ..................................................... 21
DAMAGE & ARMOR ............................ 9 OVERWORLD EVENTS.......................... 21
HEART (LOCATIONS) ....................... 21
SPADE (BATTLE) .............................. 23
CLUB (LOOTS) .................................. 24
DUNGEON EVENTS .............................. 25
ACES (RELIC) .................................... 25
SPADE (BATTLE).................................. 25
HEART (LOCATIONS) ....................... 25
CLUB (LOOTS) .................................. 26
DIAMOND (LORE) ............................. 27
BESTIARY ................................................. 29
OVERWORLD BOSS .............................. 31

ii | P a g e
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the players who have embarked on a journey in
the game Wanderers of the Isle. It is through your willingness to explore, battle, and
experience the world I have created that this game has come to life. Your enthusiasm,
creativity, and feedback have been instrumental in shaping the game, making it better and
more engaging with each iteration. I would also like to thank the countless game designers,
artists, and creators who have inspired me throughout this journey. Your work has been a
source of motivation and insight, and I am grateful for all that I have learned from you.

We would like to acknowledge Emiel Boven for creating DURF - AN ADVENTURE GAME FOR
BRAVE ADVENTURERS, which served as the foundation for our game, Wanderers of the Isle.
We have built upon their work and expanded upon it to create a new and exciting game. We
are grateful to Emiel Boven for releasing their work under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0)
license, which has allowed us to build upon and share our own creation.

iii | P a g e
with the arrival of Geruda, who would
THE SHATTERED bring an end to Naga’s golden age.
THE NAGA The Geruda were once an alien race who
According to the legends, the Naga were travelled to this world for reasons
the first race to inhabit the world. They unknown. They found themselves on a
were a highly advanced and ancient planet teeming with life, but the most
civilization, thriving for over a million years fascinating creatures they found were the
before the arrival of the Geruda. The Naga Naga. The Geruda were curious about the
was known for their deep understanding Naga and their civilization, and soon
of magic and their mastery of genetics, began to study them in secret. The Geruda
which allowed them to manipulate and found that the Naga were incredibly
create various forms of life. advanced, with technology beyond the
Geruda's understanding.
The Naga was a serpent-like race with
multiple arms and eyes, possessing However, the Geruda were not content
scales as tough as steel. They were a with simply observing the Naga. They
peaceful and reclusive people who rarely sought to conquer the Naga and take their
interacted with other races, preferring to technology for themselves. They began to
focus on their magical research and infiltrate Naga society, learning their ways
development. The Naga built vast and their secrets. The Naga, unaware of
underground cities, complete with the Geruda's true intentions, welcomed
libraries, laboratories, and temples them as allies and friends.
dedicated to their gods. Over time, the Geruda grew in power and
The Naga had a strong connection to the influence among the Naga. They began to
spirits of nature and its elements. They manipulate the Naga into giving them
revered the sun, moon, and stars as well access to their technology, and the Naga
as the spirits of the earth and sea. Their were powerless to stop them. The Geruda
religion was based on a complex system used their knowledge of genetics to create
of astrology, which they used to predict hybrid creatures, which they used as
the future and make decisions. weapons to defeat the Naga's defenses.

The Naga had a long lifespan, and many Finally, the Geruda struck. They attacked
of their most powerful leaders and mages the Naga with their hybrid creatures,
lived for centuries. They had no concept of destroying Naga cities and slaughtering
war, and their conflicts were often their people. The Naga fought back as
resolved through negotiation and best they could, but they were no match
diplomacy. Despite their pacifism, they for the Geruda's advanced technology. In
were not without their defenses. Their the end, Geruda emerged victorious, and
cities were protected by powerful magic the Naga civilization was all but
and guardians, and they possessed destroyed.
advanced weapons and technology. The Geruda took over the ruins of the
The Naga lived in peace and prosperity for Naga civilization and made them their
many ages, and their knowledge and own. They studied the Naga technology
influence spread far and wide throughout and used it to advance their own
the world. However, this would all change civilization. They continued to create
hybrid creatures, which they used to

enslave other races and expand their knowledge of the Naga and Geruda, in the
empire. hopes of unlocking the secrets of the past
and creating a better future for all.
The Geruda ruled over the world for
thousands of years, until they were GOLDEN AGE
eventually overthrown by humanity. But
the legacy of the Geruda lives on in the Once, long ago, there was a time when
ruins they left behind, and in the hybrid humans thrived in a golden age of
creatures that still roam the land. technology and magic. With the help of
the Geruda and their advanced knowledge
HUMANITY of science, humanity enjoyed
unprecedented advancements in
The humans of this world are believed to
medicine, agriculture, and transportation.
have originated from genetic experiments
The cities were marvels of engineering,
conducted by the Geruda. The exact
towering structures of metal and glass
details of their creation are shrouded in
that touched the clouds. Magic was
mystery, but it is known that the Geruda
harnessed to provide energy and power
had been experimenting with genetic
for the people.
engineering and creating hybrid creatures
for a very long time. During this time of prosperity, humans
established an empire that spanned the
Over time, humans gained intelligence and
continents. Trade and commerce
gradually evolved into their current form.
flourished, and the people lived in peace
They were initially used as servants by the
and harmony. But the golden age was not
Geruda, but as their intelligence grew, they
meant to last forever.
began to rebel against their creators. The
Geruda were eventually forced to accept As the years passed, humans grew
the humans as a separate race and grant complacent and forgot the lessons of
them their freedom. their ancestors. Corruption and greed
began to infect the ruling class, leading to
After their liberation, humans began to
political unrest and discontent among the
form their own civilizations and develop
populace. The once-great empire began to
their own culture. They quickly spread
crumble, and the cities that were once
across the land, building kingdoms, and
shining beacons of hope became dark and
engaging in trade with one another.
dangerous places ruled by crime lords and
However, their success came at a cost, as
they destroyed many of the ruins left
behind by the Naga and the Geruda in their But there are still those who remember the
conquest for power. golden age, and they seek to restore
humanity to its former glory. The
Despite their violent history, humans are
Academy, the guilds, and the Wanderers
now one of the dominant races in the
all work towards a common goal: to
world. They possess an insatiable
uncover the secrets of the past and use
curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that
them to build a brighter future for all.
has allowed them to advance rapidly in
areas such as magic, technology, and A NEW AGE
culture. Some humans still harbor
resentment towards the other races, In the current age of exploration, humanity
seeing them as inferior or a threat to their has recovered from the catastrophic event
dominance. However, many others seek to that occurred 5,000 years ago. The
work together and learn from the surviving humans, beast men, and other

humanoid races have established new with humans in many kingdoms, although
kingdoms and civilizations. However, the there is still conflict between some
world is still filled with danger, as ancient factions.
ruins and dungeons hold incredible power
The world is full of danger, but also holds
and secrets.
great potential. The adventurers who
The Academy of Magic, a neutral explore the ruins and dungeons have the
organization that arose after the opportunity to discover incredible
apocalyptic war, serves as the unofficial treasures and magical artifacts that can
government of the world. It controls the change the world. The Trading Guild
Adventurer Guild, which manages the provides opportunities for commerce and
adventurers who explore and retrieve trade, and the kingdoms of the world
artifacts from ruins and dungeons. The strive for power and control over the
Academy is also responsible for the ancient legacies left by the Naga, Geruda,
Trading Guild, which oversees commerce and humans.
and trade throughout the world.
The ruins and dungeons throughout the
world are the legacy of three ancient The Academy is the most powerful
civilizations: the Naga, the Geruda, and the institution in the current age. It is a neutral
humans. The Naga was the first to entity, separate from any of the kingdoms
develop magic and created an advanced or governments that exist. The Academy
civilization with technology that surpassed is responsible for governing the academic
that of the current age. They were world, conducting research, and training
humanoid with serpentine features and mages. It is located on a floating island,
were capable of telekinesis, shapeshifting, accessible only by airship.
and mind control.
The Academy operates two major
The Geruda, a Lovecraftian-like race of organizations: the Adventurer Guild and
bird-like humanoids with wings, the Trading Guild. The Adventurer Guild
conquered the Naga around 500,000 years manages adventurers and collects the
ago. The Geruda were masters of genetic artifacts they retrieve on missions. The
engineering, and they created many hybrid Trading Guild oversees trade and
monsters and other amalgamations. Their commerce across the world.
ruins and dungeons contain many
The Academy's mages are highly
dangerous creatures that are the result of
respected and sought after by the
their experimentation.
kingdoms and other governing bodies.
Around 20,000 years ago, humans Many of the kingdoms rely on the
overthrew the Geruda and established Academy's mages to help them rule their
their own civilization. Humans are realms, whether out of respect, fear, or
physically weaker than the other races, but greed. However, corruption is not
they are adaptable and intelligent. They uncommon, and some mages may use
created many impressive structures and their powers for personal gain.
technological advances, but their
The Academy is also the source of a lot of
civilization was destroyed in the
new technology and knowledge, much of
apocalyptic war. Today, their ruins are
which comes from the ruins of past
infested with bandits and pirates.
civilizations. The Academy encourages
The beast men, descendants of animals exploration and excavation of these ruins,
uplifted by the Geruda, live in harmony

which can be dangerous and host to on the other hand, involves
various monsters and creatures. communicating with and raising the dead.

There are some traditionalists who Mages can also specialize in specific
oppose the Academy's efforts to uncover schools of magic, such as healing magic
the past, fearing the consequences of or combat magic, to further refine their
unleashing ancient horrors. Others may skills. Some mages may also choose to
simply wish to keep the knowledge and blend different schools of magic to create
technology for themselves. Nevertheless, new and powerful spells.
the Academy remains the de facto
However, despite their abilities, mages are
government of the world, with the support
not invincible. The use of magic can be
of the powerful mages and guilds under
draining and exhausting, and if a mage
its command.
overexerts themselves, they can suffer
COMMAND MAGIC from magical backlash, which can result
in anything from temporary weakness to
magic is a fundamental force that flows permanent damage.
through everything, imbuing every living
and non-living thing with its power. Magic In addition, the use of magic is not without
is not a separate entity from the world, but consequences. Uncontrolled use of magic
rather an integral part of it, and it can be can result in environmental damage and
harnessed by certain individuals known as even catastrophic disasters. Therefore,
mages. mages are often regulated and monitored
by the Academy to ensure the responsible
Mages are born with a unique genetic use of magic.
makeup that enables them to access and
control magic. The key to wielding magic
lies in the mage's DNA, which is said to
contain the genetic code of the Naga, the
ancient and powerful serpent-like beings
that once ruled the world.

The basis of all magic is Command Magic,

a system of magic that allows mages to
give specific commands to an
omnipresent AI created by the Naga.
These commands are given in the Naga's
long-forgotten language, which only
mages can understand. The AI then
responds to the mage's commands and
produces the desired effect.

There are many different types of magic in

the world, each with its own unique
properties and uses. Elemental magic, for
example, allows mages to control the
natural elements of fire, water, earth, and
air. Illusion magic allows mages to create
powerful illusions that can fool even the
most perceptive of minds. Necromancy,


Wanderers of the Isles is a GM-lite TTRPG, Exploration mode is a storytelling-based

the game is designed to be accessible and gameplay mode that uses a deck of
easy to play. The game will consist of two playing cards to generate events and
modes of play: exploration and combat. prompts for the players to create stories
or write in a journal. Players roll a 1d6 to
During exploration mode, players will draw determine how many cards they draw and
several event cards from a deck of playing use prompts to develop their stories. The
cards based on the result of a 1d6 roll. cards facilitate the game's flow and
Each event card will be associated with an provide resources, but the players have
event, and players will use prompts or control over the game's narrative.
guidelines provided by the cards to create
a story or write it in a journal. OVERWORLD

During combat mode, players will engage The overworld in Wanderers of the Isle is a
in tactical battles with enemies or vast and diverse landscape that players
monsters and take turns making strategic can explore through the Exploration mode
decisions and using their abilities or skills of the game. The overworld is divided into
to defeat their opponents. different locations such as cities, towns,
villages, ruins, and dungeons, each with
At the start of the game, players will their own unique characteristics and
create their characters using a set of events.
guidelines or choose from pre-generated
characters to simplify the character 1. Players begin by rolling a 1d6 to
creation process (page 11). determine how many event cards they
will draw from the deck.
As players progress through the game, 2. Players draw the specified number of
they will earn experience points and other event cards from the deck, with each
rewards for completing objectives, card representing a particular event.
defeating enemies, or achieving other 3. Using prompts provided on Overworld
milestones. These rewards might include Event Page (page 21), players create a
new abilities or items that can be used in story or write about the event in their
combat or exploration, or new story journal.
elements that will impact the world 4. These stories might involve exploring
around them. a new location, encountering a
mysterious stranger, or experiencing a
The game is designed to be driven by the
significant event that impacts the
creativity and imagination of the players.
game world.
The game is meant to be immersive and
5. Players have the freedom to develop
engaging, empowering players to take an
the stories as they see fit, using their
active role in shaping the narrative and
imagination to create interesting and
driving the action forward without overly
engaging narratives.
relying on a GM to steer them in a
6. Players may encounter enemies on
particular direction.
their journey, and the game moves on
Overall, the goal of the game is to provide to Combat mode.
a fun and unique TTRPG experience that is 7. Once all events have been resolved,
easy to play and accessible to players of the player may start another day or go
all skill levels. back to the nearest Town to rest and

8. The Exploration mode can continue story or write about the event in their
indefinitely, with players exploring new journal.
locations and encountering new 3. These stories might involve exploring
events in each session. a new location, encountering an
enemy, finding loot, or fighting a boss.
OVERWORLD MAPPING 4. Players have the freedom to develop
Optionally, players can map each event as the stories as they see fit, using their
a point of interest or POI on a tile of a grid. imagination to create interesting and
engaging narratives.
1. Players start with a paper with grids. 5. Players may encounter enemies on
2. Players will start on a tile, mark this as their journey, and the game moves on
starting town. to Combat mode.
3. Use a marker to represent the entire 6. Once events have been resolved, the
party and place it on the starting town. player may continue exploring or go
4. Players will then perform Overworld back to the nearest Town to rest and
Exploration. Refer Overworld (page recover.
Error! Bookmark not defined.).
5. Move the marker to adjacent tile. DUNGEON RATING
6. Mark any notable location provided by
A dungeon is marked by a Rating that
the Event for example, towns, ruins, or
determines the difficulty of the dungeon.
7. Tiles that the party had been are • Raise the HD of all enemy by Rating
marked as explored. amount.
8. The party can start their day anywhere • Raise the Skill of all enemy by Rating
on explored land including dungeons. amount.
DUNGEON A dungeon size is modified by the
Dungeon Rating.
Players may encounter a dungeon which
can be explored further. Dungeons are RATING SIZE CARD
divided into 3 themes based on their 1-2 2x2 4
origin. 3-5 4x4 16
6-8 6x6 36
1. Naga Dungeon 9-13 8x8 64
2. Geruda Dungeon
3. Human Dungeon
The dungeon will also have difficulty
rating associated with it from 1 to 13. The Optionally, players can map each event as
level is the modifier for enemy encounters. a point of interest or POI on a tile of a grid
for the dungeon.
Exploring a dungeon is like overworld
exploration. The dungeon uses its own Mapping a dungeon is similar to overworld
Dungeon Event table (page 25). exploration.

1. Players draw number of event cards 1. Players start with a paper with grids.
from the deck determine by the 2. Players will start on a tile, mark this as
dungeon rating (page 6), with each the entrance.
card representing a particular event. 3. Use a marker to represent a PC and
2. Using prompts provided on Dungeon place it on the entrance.
Event Page (page 25), players create a

4. Determine the move turn based on The Town is equipped with a tavern, where
highest DEX stat or roll of the dice if a you can grab a bite to eat and enjoy a
tie. drink with fellow adventurers.
5. PC will take turns performing Dungeon
You can rest at the inn for 10 GP per night
Exploration. Refer Dungeon (page 6).
to heal all wounds.
6. Move the marker to adjacent tile.
7. Mark any notable location provided by You can pay the blacksmith 10 GP to
the Event, for example, a bonfire or repair your armor and worn equipment.
boss room.
8. Tiles that the party had been are You can pay him 100 GP to upgrade your
marked as explored. weapon and armor (page 18).
9. The party can start their day anywhere
on explored land including dungeons.
10. A dungeon is complete when all tiles ACTIONS
are explored.
11. A completed dungeon does not ACTION ROLLS & SAVING THROWS
provide any more reward as no more When the success of an action is
events can happen. uncertain, a player rolls a d20 and adds
CAMPING the score from their relevant attribute. A
result over 15 is a success.
At the end of the day, PCs can set-up
camp outside of dungeon and town. Here Player makes an action roll to determine if
PCs can spend 1 supply to restore all a PC can resist an effect or react quickly
wounds. enough to avoid harm. These action rolls
are called saving throws or saves.
PCs can also consume supplies to repair
Armor and restore worn weapons during OPPOSED ROLLS
an expedition. One Supply can be used to Sometimes a PC’s action is counteracted
restore 2 Armor points or one worn or resisted by an NPC. In that case, both
weapon and shield. sides make an action role (NPCs use their
TOWN Skill score). Instead of the action
succeeding on a result over 15, the side
Upon entering the Town, you will be with the highest result wins and succeeds
greeted by the friendly staff, who are at what they are trying to attempt. In the
always ready to assist you with your case of a tie, the Player decides the
needs. Here you find the Market, where outcome.
you can buy and sell a wide variety of
weapons, armor, and other adventuring BUFFS & BREAKS
gear. If your equipment is damaged or in Some situations can give a PC Buffs
need of repair, the blacksmith is located and/or Breaks on their action roll. These
just a few steps away. cancel each other out. For example, if PC
The Town also provides a comfortable has 2 Buffs and a Break, the Break cancels
and safe place to rest and recover from out one of the Buffs, resulting in the final
your adventures. You can book a room in roll only being affected by 1 Buff and no
the Inn, where you can rest and recuperate Breaks.
before setting out on your next quest. When making the action roll, for each Buff
or Break the player rolls a D6 (in addition
to the normal D20).

If the D6s rolled are Buffs, the highest roll A PC cannot have more than 12 HD. If
among them is added to the result. they gain their thirteenth Hit Die, they
should retire from adventuring, as they
If the D6s are Breaks, the highest roll
couldn’t advance further.
among them is subtracted from the result.
NPCs do not roll Buffs or Breaks.
When returning from an adventure,
rewards each character XP based on
A PC has several inventory slots equal to 5
• 25 XP per NPC Hit Die of each
+ their STR score. Most items take one
monster they defeated or outsmarted.
slot to carry but some items, like weapons
• 100 XP X Rating of the Dungeon they
or armor, take up multiple slots.
A PC also has several stress slots equal to • 1G value of Ancient Relic they brought
2 + their WIL score. back safely (1 GP = 1 XP).

Some actions and situations, like pushing

the PC (see below), cause a PC to receive
Stress. Each instance of Stress takes up a COMBAT
Stress slot.
Combat is played in rounds. Each round:
A PC cannot carry more Items or Stress
1. Establish combat order. Roll a d6 for
than they have Inventory and Stress slots.
each side to determine the combat
Spending a day resting in a safe location order this round; the side that rolls
removes all Stress. highest goes first. In case of a tie, the
PCs go first.
PUSHING A CHARACTER 2. Each side acts. When a character can
Before making an action roll, if their act, they may move around and take
character has at least one empty stress action. This action may be attacking,
slot, players may choose to push their casting a spell, making a second move
character to receive a Buff on the roll. If or any other action deemed
they do so, the PC takes Stress. A player reasonable by the Player.
may choose to push their character CLOSE COMBAT
multiple times on a single roll if they have
sufficient empty stress slots to take the To hit in close combat, the attacking and
stress. the defending creature make an opposed
Reaction Roll. The winner deals their
ADVANCEMENT weapon’s damage to the opposing side. In
Once a PC earns XP equal to 1000 x their case of a tie, the attacker wins.
current Hit Dice (HD), they automatically RANGED COMBAT
spend it to gain a HD (example a PC with 3
HD would need to earn 3000 XP, after they Shooting or throwing something at a
gained their third HD, to gain their fourth) target works mostly the same as close
combat. The difference being that the
When a PC’s HD increase, they may do the opposed roll between the two creatures
following: uses DEX instead of STR, and if the
• Increase one attribute by 1 point. defender wins, they dodge the projectile,
• Learn 1 new spell or technique. but do not deal damage to the attacker.

CRITICAL SUCCESS Some attacks or effects may deal Wounds
directly and ignore a creature’s Armor.
If a creature rolls a 20 on the d20 during
their attack, it counts as a critical success. WORN WEAPON
This means the creature deals double
If a PC rolls a 1 on the D20 during their
their weapon damage to their opponent,
attack, their weapon becomes worn. A
even if the opponent still wins the
worn weapon has its damage reduced to 1
opposed rolls. Creatures who are the
until it is repaired.
target of a ranged attack cannot score a
critical hit. SHIELDS
REACTION ROLL Wielding a shield reduces incoming
damage by a specified value. If a PC rolls
When creatures are attacked, roll a
a 1 on the D20 during their defense, the
reaction based on your chosen stats.
shield is worn and cannot block attack.
• STR - Block a physical attack. Parry on
• DEX - Dodge a physical attack. Ammo is an abstract item representing
Counter on Critical. the ammunition a PC brought with them
• WIL - Resist a mental attack. for their weapon. Players do not keep
Incapacitate on Critical. track of individual arrows or bullets but
must roll a D6 at the end of combat in
On critical success, perform additional
which their PC uses a ranged weapon. On
action such as parry or counter.
a result of 1, they only have enough
MORALE ammunition left for one shot after which
the Ammo is removed from their
NPCs have a Morale score. The Player inventory.
should make a Morale roll when
something manages to shock the NPCs SPELL & TECHNIQUE
(they meet more resistance than
To cast a spell or technique the caster
expected, their leader is killed etc.).
must have at least one empty Stress slot
To make a morale roll, roll 2d6. If the to receive Stress, one hand free, and must
result is higher than the Morale of the be able to speak.
NPCs, they will flee or attempt to parley.
When a PC attempts to cast a spell, they
HIT DICE & DEATH must make a WIL roll for spell, DEX for
ranged technique, STR for melee
Each time a creature receives Wounds technique.
they roll their Hit Dice (HD). Each HD is a
D6. If the result is less than or equal to the A successful roll means the spell is cast
Wounds, they have accumulated the and they take Stress. If the PC fails the
creature dies. roll, the spell is not cast, and the PC gains
no Stress.
For spells and techniques, if the D20 rolled
If a creature takes damage while they’re a result of 1, PC receive 1D6 amount of
wearing armor, the damage first reduces Stress.
their Armor points. If no Armor points
remain, they take the remaining damage If a PC takes a full turn to cast a spell, they
as Wounds. still receive a Stress but do not have to

make a WIL roll and automatically cast the attack. For example, if there are 3 PC, roll
spell successfully. a 1d6 and divide the result by 2 to choose
a PC to attack. If there are only 2 PC, a
All spell and technique are guaranteed to
coin flip can also be used to determine the
be hit if successfully casted.
target. Use whatever method is available
to make the selection.


The allies and adversaries PCs can When an NPC has multiple abilities, roll a
encounter are described using the D6 to determine which move it will use to
following statistics: attack. If there is no specified probability
for each ability, assume that the chances
1. Skill - An NPC’s Strength, Dexterity and of using each ability are equal and divide
Willpower distilled into one value. The them accordingly.
Player adds this to any action rolls the
NPC makes.
2. Hit Dice (HD) - The amount of D6s the
Player should roll when an NPC
becomes wounded. An NPC with 0 HD
dies when it takes any Wounds.
3. Armor - The amount of damage an
NPC can take before it starts rolling its
Hit Dice.
4. Morale (ML) - An NPC’s odds of giving
up during battle.
5. Possible attacks and/or special
abilities the NPC might have.

NPCs cannot push themselves and cannot

gain Stress. For more details on how to
use these statistics, see Combat (page 8).

Whenever an NPC attempts to cast a
spell, the Player makes a roll just like a PC
would but uses the NPC’s Skill score
instead of WIL. The X value of spells they
cast is half their Skill rounded up.

NPCs don’t receive Stress.

Unless otherwise stated, NPC spellcasters

can only cast each of their spells once
each day.

If there are multiple PC and an NPC needs
to choose a target, roll the appropriate die
to determine which PC the NPC will

10 | P a g e
highest attribute if you’re the sturdy
WANDERERS type who likes to hit things in the face.
Wanderers are individuals who travel the • Dexterity (DEX) - Finesse and agility.
world in search of adventure, treasures, This is probably your highest attribute
and knowledge. They are skilled in various if you’re the sneaky type that likes to
forms of combat and survival, as well as hit things from afar.
being knowledgeable in history, • Willpower (WIL) - Charisma and
archaeology, and other fields that are mental endurance. This is probably
useful for exploring ancient ruins and your highest attribute if you’re the
uncovering forgotten secrets. intense type that likes to cast spells.

Wanderers can come from all walks of life, A PC starts with 6 points to distribute
from the humble farmer seeking a better between the three attributes.
life to the noble knight seeking to prove
More points are available during
themselves. They can work alone or in
advancement (page 8).
groups, and they often join guilds or
organizations such as the Adventurer's HIT DICE
Guild to find work and connect with like-
minded individuals. Each PC starts with one Hit Die (HD).
These are rolled when the character is
Many Wanderers are motivated by the wounded to determine if the wounds are
pursuit of wealth and fame, but others are fatal.
driven by a desire to uncover hidden
knowledge or to protect the world from INVENTORY & STRESS SLOTS
ancient evils that still lurk in forgotten
places. They face many dangers on their Note the number of inventories slots your
journeys, from traps and monsters to rival PC has. A PC has Inventory Slots equal to
Wanderers and corrupt officials, but they 5 + their STR score.
press on nonetheless in pursuit of their Also note the PC’s Stress Slots equal to 5
goals. + their WIL score.
Despite the risks, the life of a Wanderer A PC cannot carry more Items or Stress
can be rewarding and fulfilling, providing than they have Inventory and Stress slots.
opportunities for personal growth and
adventure that are hard to find elsewhere. BELONGINGS
They are an important part of the world's
culture and history, and their exploits have PCs start with 5 Supplies and a dagger.
shaped the course of many events Roll 2d6 and multiply the result by 10 to
throughout the ages. determine your starting gold. You may use
this to buy additional equipment if you
NAME like.
Name your character.
CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES A skill tree system is a feature that allows
Each player character (PC) has three players to upgrade their character's
attributes. abilities and skills over time. The skill tree
is a visual representation of the different
• Strength (STR) - Physical strength and skills or abilities that a character can learn
endurance. This is probably your or improve and is divided into branches

11 | P a g e
that correspond to different categories of
abilities. Each node in the skill tree
represents a particular skill or ability and
can be unlocked during advancement.

As players progress through the game and

earn experience points, they will gain
access to more powerful skills and
abilities. Some skills may require certain
prerequisites skill to be unlocked, by
investing points in another skill on the
same branch. Refer to the Skill-Tree
Diagram to see how you can unlock skills
of your choosing (page 13).

To determine if a character is able to wield
magic, roll a D20. A result of 18 or higher
indicates that they have the ability to wield
magical powers.

12 | P a g e

13 | P a g e
Two-Handed Increases damage when wielding a two-handed N/A +2
weapon. Passive. Requires at least a Sword.
Cleave Strikes all enemies in front of the user in a wide arc. 1 N/A
Power Swing A slow but powerful swing that deals heavy 1 +3
damage to a single target.
Whirlwind The user spins around, striking all nearby enemies. 2 N/A
Execute Delivers a finishing blow to a weakened target, 2 +5
dealing extra damage.
Counter Automatically attacks an enemy that strikes the 1 N/A
user in melee combat.
Devastation A powerful attack that deals massive damage to a 3 +10
single target.
Dual-Wield The ability to wield two one-handed weapons at N/A N/A
once, increasing attack damage and versatility.
Passive. Requires two weapons of the type one-
handed and includes dagger.
Dual Fury A rapid-fire attack that hits twice times with both 2 x2
Dual Strike A strong attack that hits with both weapons at 1 +3
Blade Storm The user spins around, striking all nearby enemies 2 N/A
with both weapons.
Precision A quick and precise attack that deals moderate 2 +3
damage to a single target.
Frenzy The user attacks wildly, striking all nearby enemies 3 +3
with both weapons.
Riposte Counters a melee attack with a swift strike when 1 N/A
enemy miss a melee attack. Passive. Auto-counter.
1 Stress upon activation.
Shield Bash The user slams their shield into an enemy, dealing 1 3
moderate damage and stunning them. STR Roll,
stun for 15 – D20 STR Roll turns.
Shield Wall The user braces themselves, gaining increased 1 N/A
defense for a short time. +2 Block, 2 turn.
Shield Throw The user hurls their shield at an enemy, dealing 2 3
moderate damage and stunning them. DEX Roll,
stun for 15 – D20 DEX Roll turns.
Shield The user charges at an enemy, striking them with 2 5
Charge their shield and knocking them down.
Parry Blocks a melee attack and deals moderate damage 1 N/A
to the attacker.
Taunt Draws the attention of an enemy, forcing them to 1 N/A
attack the user.
Shield of Creates a protective barrier around the user, 2 N/A
Justice absorbing incoming damage. Block +4 DMG, 1 Turn
Charge The user charges at an enemy, striking them with a 1 +3
powerful blow.

14 | P a g e
Critical A devastating charge attack that deals massive 2 +10
Charge damage to a single target.
Piercing A precise attack that deals extra damage to heavily 2
armored targets. Ignore shield and armor.
Sweep The user sweeps their weapon in a wide arc, 3 +3
striking all enemies in front of them.
Impale A powerful thrust attack that deals extra damage to 3 +12
a single target.
Ultimatum Forces an enemy to attack the user, dealing heavy 4 10
damage and stunning them. STR Roll, stun for 15 –
D20 STR Roll turns.

Bow Mastery Increases bow damage. Passive N/A +2
Multi-Shot Shoots multiple arrows at 2 targets. 1 N/A
Critical Shot High critical hit chance. Lower critical rolls by 2. N/A N/A
Volley Shoots arrows in an arc. +3
Pierce-Shot Arrows pierce through targets. Ignore shield and 2 N/A
Quickdraw Faster aiming and firing. +2 DEX. Passive N/A N/A
Knockback Knocks back target. Skip 1 turn. 3 +3
Rain of Rains arrows in an area. Hit multiple targets. 4 N/A

Rifle Mastery Increases accuracy and reload speed with rifles. N/A N/A
Reload automatically, reload roll not required.
Pistol Increases accuracy and reload speed with pistols. N/A N/A
Mastery Reload automatically, reload roll not required.
Quick Draw Reduces the time it takes to draw and holster N/A N/A
pistols. +2 Dex
Dual Wield Allows the wielder to effectively use two pistols at N/A N/A
once. Required pistols. Passive
Sharpshooter Increases critical hit chance and damage with N/A N/A
ranged attacks. Lower critical rolls by 2. Passive
Precise Aim Increases accuracy and critical hit chance for a 2 x2
single, powerful shot.
Crossfire Fires a shot that damages multiple targets in a line. 3 N/A
Eagle Eye Temporarily increases accuracy and critical hit N/A N/A
chance. Lower critical rolls by 1D6 for 2 turns.
Critical Shot Fires a shot with increased critical hit chance and 4 X3
damage. Lower critical rolls by 1D6. fire a shot.

15 | P a g e
Ricochet Fires a shot that bounces off walls and other 4 N/A
objects, hitting multiple targets. Cannot be block.
Barrage Rapidly fires multiple shots at a single target. Fire 4 N/A
1D6 shots.

Gust Creates a blast of wind that pushes back enemies 1 N/A
Shock Sends an electric shock at a single enemy, dealing 2 5
lightning damage
Tornado Summons a small tornado that damages and lifts 3 10
enemies in its path
Stone Wall Creates a wall of stone that blocks attacks 1 N/A
Tremor Creates a small earthquake that damages and 2 5
stuns enemies in the area. STR Roll to resist. Stun
for 1D6.
Landslide Causes a large rockslide that damages and knocks 3 10
down enemies in the area
Control Allows the caster to manipulate water to create 1 N/A
Water floods, waves, or waterspouts.
Water Gun Shoots a high-pressure jet of water at a single 2 3
enemy, dealing water damage.
Hydro Unleashes a powerful blast of water that damages 3 5
Cannon all enemies in a wide area.
Ember Shoots a small fireball at a single enemy, dealing 1 3
fire damage. Burn if critical hit.
Fireball Launches a large fireball that explodes on impact, 2 5
damaging all enemies in a moderate area. Burn if
critical hit.
Firebolt Shoots a bolt of fire at a single enemy, dealing 3 10
moderate fire damage. Burn if critical hit.
Restore Heals a single target's wounds, restoring some 1 N/A
health. Heal 1d6 wounds.
Protect Shields a single target, reducing damage taken for a 2 N/A
short time. +4 Armor, lasts 1 turn.
Mass Cure Heals all allies in a moderate area. Heal 1d6 3 N/A
Illusion Creates a convincing illusion of the caster or an 1 N/A
object, distracting enemies. Summon 0HD replica of
the caster. Replica cannot attack.
Enrage Increases the damage dealt by an ally, but also 1 N/A
causes them to take more damage. Remove armor
temporarily. +5 DMG.
Invisible Makes the caster invisible, allowing them to avoid 2 N/A
enemies and attacks.
Charm Attempts to charm an enemy, making them more 2 N/A
friendly and willing to help the caster. Last for 1D6

16 | P a g e
Dimension Teleports the caster and their allies to a nearby 5 N/A
Door location, avoiding obstacles and enemies. Can be
use in dungeon and overworld.
Summon Summons a friendly animal to aid the caster in 4 N/A
Wildlife combat. Last for D20 turns. Check Bestiary (page
Summon Summons a hostile enemy to fight for the caster. 5 N/A
Enemy Last for D20 turns. Check Bestiary (page 29)
Summon Summons a powerful boss enemy to fight for the 6 N/A
Boss caster. Last for D20 turns. Check Bestiary (page 30)

17 | P a g e
track of individual arrows or bullets but
EQUIPMENT must roll a D6 at the end of combat in
Most items take one slot to carry but which their PC uses a ranged weapon. On
some items, like weapons or armor, may a result of 1, they only have enough
take additional slots to carry. ammunition left for one shot after which
the Ammo is removed from their
GOLD inventory.
When treasure is sold, it is converted into DAMAGE & ARMOR
gold pounds (GP). These do not take up
inventory slots. PC’s are assumed to carry If a creature takes damage while they’re
a small amount on their person to spend wearing armor, the damage first reduces
on small purchases and have the rest of their Armor points. If no Armor points
their wealth stored somewhere else. remain, they take the remaining damage
as Wounds.
Some attacks or effects may deal Wounds
Supply is an abstract item representing directly and ignore a creature’s Armor.
basic gear a PC brought with them and
costs 5 GP. At any time during a session a WORN WEAPON
PC may trade a Supply they carry for any If a PC rolls a 1 on the D20 during their
simple commonly available item, which attack, their weapon becomes worn. A
they then note in their inventory. worn weapon has its damage reduced to 1
For example, Player may want to use a until it is repaired.
rope, it is assumed a rope is a supply item
the PC carried as part of the supply. The
PC can use rope to resolve the Wielding a shield reduces incoming
encounters. damage by a specified value. If a PC rolls
a 1 on the D20 during their defense, the
If a supply item is consumable, then usage
shield is worn and cannot block attack.
of such item will cost 1 supply.
You can spend 100 GP at a blacksmith to
Ammo is an abstract item representing
upgrade your weapon and armor with +1
the ammunition a PC brought with them
to all its attributes.
for their weapon. Players do not keep

Here is the list of items available.

Weapon Traits Price
Unarmed, Improvised, etc. 2 dmg -
1 Dagger, Club, Staff, etc. 3 dmg 4
2 Sword, Axe, Flail, etc. 4 dmg, +1 slot 10
3 Great sword, Halberd, Warhammer, 5 dmg, two hands, +2 slots 15

18 | P a g e
Weapon Traits Price
4 Sling, Dart, Blowpipe, etc. 2 dmg, does not use Ammo 5
5 Bow 3 dmg, two hands, +2 slot 35
6 Crossbow 4 dmg, two hands, +2 slots 40
7 Pistol 5 dmg, roll DEX to speed reload 50
or one round to reload, +1 slot
8 Rifle 10 dmg, roll DEX to speed reload 200
or one round to reload, +3 slot
9 Shotgun 5 dmg at AOE, roll DEX to speed 200
reload or one round to reload, +3
Ammo See Ammo 5

Armor Traits Price
No Armor 0 Armor -
10 Light (Leather, etc.) 3 Armor 20
11 Medium (Chain, etc.) 5 Armor, +1 slot 50
12 Heavy (Plate, etc.) 7 Armor, +2 slots 200
13 Shield Reduce incoming dmg by 2 10
14 Spiked Shield Reduce incoming dmg by 2, 1 20
dmg to attacker

Item Traits Price
Supply Adventuring supplies 5
15 Bag of dust Blind enemy for 1 turn 5
16 Health Potion Heal 5 wounds 5
17 Medicine Cure Poison 5
18 Smoke Bomb Instant success when fleeing 10
19 Smoke leaf Release 4 stress 5
20 Phoenix Tear Revive a fallen creature 500


Treasure & Relic cannot be bought but can be sold for GP.

Item Traits Price (GP)

1 Magic Sword +2 Wil, 5 DMG 20
2 Enchanted Armor +2 Wil, 5 Armor, +1 Slot 30
3 Amulet of Life +1 HD 100

19 | P a g e
4 Geruda Skin Book A book made from skin. What skin? You 100
don’t need to know.
5 Staff of healing +2 Wil, 3 dmg, all healing spells will be 50
cast to all allies.
6 Wand of fireballs +2 Wil, 3 dmg, +2 dmg to fire spell 70
7 Naga Holo-books A metal tetrahedron. The Academy 100
might know what it is.
8 Dagger of poison 3 DMG, STR save or die in 2 turns 30
9 Crystal ball Sought after by Seers 20
10 A Crown The crown of a long-lost king, or just a 100
weird hat.
11 Globe of darkness Create darkness to hide. Roll Dex to hide 50
for 2 turns.
12 Necklace of invisibility Make the wearer translucent. Roll Dex to 100
avoid detection and encounter.
13 Gauntlet of strength +2 Str 30
14 Horn of blasting Blast sound at enemy, cause mute. 40
15 Talisman of protection +1 Str, +1Wil 20
16 Ring of Regeneration Heal 1 Wound each turn. 40
17 Boots of Speed +2 Dex 30
18 Orb of Stone Summon a Golem once a day (Skill 3, HD 100
2, Tackle 4 Dmg)
19 Scrying mirror Reveal a room, take 2 stresses. 30
20 Bag of holding +10 Inventory slot. Store many items in 200
the bag.

20 | P a g e
The Overworld Events are a variety of random encounters and other events that the player
can encounter as they explore the game world outside of cities, towns, dungeons, and other
specific locations. These events might include things like finding a valuable item hidden in
the wilderness, encountering a wandering merchant, coming across a group of bandits, or
discovering an ancient shrine.

ACE A Town, the quaint town bustles with Name the town.
life as people from all corners of the
world gather to trade, rest, and seek
adventure amidst the winding streets
and colorful architecture.
2 A Village, surrounded by fields of Name the village.
vibrant crops, the humble village
bustles with the sounds of clucking
chickens, contented cows, and
children playing in the streets.
3-5 As you enter the field, the gentle
rustling of the crops and the warm
sunlight create a peaceful and
soothing atmosphere. The vibrant
green leaves sway to the breeze, and
the sweet scent of wildflowers fills
the air.
6 The adventure camp looks like it has
been abandoned for some time; tents
have collapsed, and equipment is
strewn about the area. The only sign
of life is the remnants of a fire that
has long since gone out.
7 As you climb higher and higher, the
air becomes thinner, and the ground
more treacherous, yet the sight of
snow-capped peaks stretching
towards the sky fills you with a sense
of awe and wonder. The howling
wind seems to whisper tales of
ancient spirits and lost civilizations
buried deep within the mountain's
8 The river flows lazily through the
landscape, its gentle currents
creating a peaceful atmosphere as it
winds through the terrain, providing a
source of life and sustenance for
those who call it home. The sparkling

21 | P a g e
surface glints in the sunlight, and the
soft sound of water lapping against
the riverbank creates a soothing
melody that soothes the soul.
9 The towering trees of the verdant
forest loom overhead, their leafy
canopies dappling the forest floor
with soft green light as the rustling of
leaves blends with the chirping of
birds and the scurrying of small
woodland creatures. Beneath the
trees, a carpet of fallen leaves and
thick undergrowth conceals the
many secrets of the forest, and the
path ahead winds and twists through
the thick trunks, promising adventure
and perhaps danger for those braves
enough to venture forth.
10 A Bandit Hideout, lies a hidden den Draw a card, the number determines the
where the notorious bandits of the rating. Name the dungeon.
land gather to plot their nefarious
schemes and divide their stolen loot.
J An Ancient Human Ruin, scattered Draw a card, the number determines the
throughout the Isles, hold valuable rating. Name the dungeon.
treasures and lost knowledge from a
time long forgotten.
Q A Geruda Dungeon, Among the Draw a card, the number determines the
twisted spires and macabre rating. Name the dungeon.
architecture of the Geruda dungeon
lies forgotten treasures and
unspeakable horrors, guarded by the
remnants of a fallen civilization.
K A Naga Dungeon, the air is thick with Draw a card, the number determines the
the scent of ancient magic and the rating. Name the dungeon.
distant sound of slithering echoes
throughout the dimly lit corridors,
where the remnants of a once-great
civilization lie hidden beneath the
coiling vines and vines of forgotten


ACE Encounter a wounded adventurer, Spend 1 Supply to heal the adventurer.
seeking aid or rescue. He rewards you with one of his items.
Roll D20 items.
2 Encounter a friendly adventurer, You receive 1D6 X 5 of XP.
offering a useful tip.
3 Encounter a wise old sage with You receive 1D6 X 25 of XP.
advice to give.

22 | P a g e
4 Encounter a mysterious traveler, You may accept 1 quest.
offering a secret quest.
5 Discover a hidden treasure trove in Receive GP worth 1D6 X 10GP.
the bushes.
6 Encounter a rival adventurer, offering You may challenge them to a duel with
a challenge or competition. one of your party members. Stats is the
same as one of your party members.
You may name this character and his
background and re-use for future
encounters. Roll WIL to decline the
offer. 1D6 X 25G if you won.
7 Encounter a group of merchants You may buy an Ancient Relic.
selling rare goods.
8 Discover a forgotten ruin. Inside of You may spend 1 Supply to lockpick the
which a locked chest with gold. chest. Roll DEX for success.
9 Discover an ancient relic. Roll D20 for a random Ancient Relic.
10 Encounter a friendly animal You may choose 1 wildlife to join your
companion. party. Death is permanent.
J Encounter a legendary hero or You may invite them to join your party
powerful ally. for a today. Stats are the same as your
strongest party members. You may
name this character and his background
and re-use for future encounters. Roll
WIL to invite.
Q Encounter a powerful mage or wizard Magic character receive 1D6 X 25 XP.
with arcane knowledge.
K Encounter a noble with a request or You may accept 1 quest.

ACE Encounter a rival adventurer or You may challenge them to a duel with
bounty hunter, looking to claim a one of your party members. Stats is the
prize. same as one of your party members.
You may name this character and his
background and re-use for future
2-5 Encounter a docile wildlife You may hunt this creature for 5
supplies. Roll 1D6 Docile Wildlife table.
6-8 Encounter a hostile wildlife The creature attacks you. Receive 5
supplies if won. Roll 1D6 Hostile Wildlife
9-10 Encounter an Overworld Enemy Roll D6 Overworld Enemy. You may flee
or fight. Roll DEX to flee, consume 1
Q-J Encounter a party of Overworld Roll D6 Overworld Enemy. Fight a party
Enemy of enemy the same size as the PCs
party. You may flee or fight. Roll DEX to
flee, consume 3 supplies.

23 | P a g e
K Encounter an Overworld Boss Roll D6 Overworld Boss. You may flee or
fight. Roll DEX to flee, consume 5

ACE Encounter a wounded adventurer, Spend 1 Supply to heal the adventurer.
seeking aid or rescue. He rewards you with one of his items.
Roll D20 items.
2-5 Find a small amount of coin or You receive 1D6 X 2 GP.
valuable trinket.
6-7 You found a random items on the Roll D20 items.
8-9 You found a random locked chest. Roll DEX, consume 1 supply if fail. Can
retry. Receive 1D6 X 25 GP.
10 A party of Overworld Enemy guards a Roll D6 Overworld Enemy. Fight a party
horde of loots. of enemy the same size as the PCs
party. Receive an item each. Roll D20
Items table.
J-Q A Boss guards a treasure horde. Roll D6 Overworld Boss. You may fight
the boss or ignore it. Receive 1D6 X 100
K An Ancient Relic wielded by a Boss. Roll D6 Overworld Boss. Roll D20 Relic.
The boss will wield and use the relic.
Adding the relic ability into its arsenals.
You may fight the boss or ignore it.
Receive the Relic as Reward.

24 | P a g e
Dungeon events are a set of encounters and situations that players can encounter while
exploring a dungeon. These events can range from combat encounters with monsters and
traps to finding hidden treasures and uncovering ancient secrets. Some events may offer
opportunities for players to solve puzzles, while others may involve negotiating with NPCs or
finding creative ways to overcome obstacles. Additionally, dungeon events can provide
opportunities for players to deepen their understanding of the game world and the history of
the dungeon they are exploring. Ultimately, dungeon events add depth and variety to the
gameplay experience, allowing players to have a unique and engaging adventure each time
they explore a dungeon.

ACE As you approach an altar, you feel a Roll D20 Relic.
sense of reverence and awe. The
ancient relic, resting upon its stone
pedestal, glows with a faint,
otherworldly light. The air around you
crackle with energy, and you can hear
a low, pulsing hum emanating from
the artifact.

2-6 Encounter a Dungeon Enemy Roll D6 Dungeon Enemy. You may flee
or fight. Roll DEX to flee, consume 1
7-9 Encounter two Dungeon Enemy Roll D6 Dungeon Enemy two times. You
fight two Enemy. You may flee or fight.
Roll DEX to flee, consume the party
count of supplies.
10-Q Encounter a party of Dungeon Enemy Roll D6 Dungeon Enemy to the size of
PCs count. Fight a party of enemy the
same size as the PCs party. You may
flee or fight. Roll DEX to flee, consume
the party count of supplies.
K Encounter a Dungeon Boss Roll D6 Dungeon Boss. You may flee or
fight. Roll DEX to flee, consume 5

2 A dark and damp corridor with the
sound of dripping water echoing all
around you.

25 | P a g e
3 An ancient library filled with shelves
of dusty tomes and crumbling
4 A long-abandoned laboratory, filled
with rusted tools and strange, arcane
5 A small shrine to a long-forgotten
god, with offerings of coins and
jewels left in tribute.
6 A large, open chamber with a pit in
the center and narrow walkways
around the edge.
7 A network of tunnels and caverns
that seem to stretch on forever,
leading who knows where.
8 A collapsed section of the dungeon,
revealing a hidden passageway to a
lower level.
9 An eerie, abandoned chapel, with
stained-glass windows depicting
scenes of ancient battles.
10 A large, round chamber with a
glowing portal in the center, leading
to parts unknown.
J-Q A bonfire. As you approach the If a PC dies, revive at this place for 100
clearing, the sound of crackling GP as an offering. Heals all wounds.
flames fills your ears. In the center of
the space stands a roaring bonfire,
casting flickering light across the
surrounding area. The warmth of the
fire washes over you, a welcome
respite from the chill of the
surrounding air.
K The throne room of an ancient king, Roll D20 Relic.
long dead and buried, but still
exuding an aura of power.

ACE Encounter a wounded adventurer, Spend 1 Supply to heal the adventurer.
seeking aid or rescue. He rewards you with one of his items.
Roll D20 items.
2-5 Find a small amount of coin or You receive 1D6 X 2 GP.
valuable trinket.
6-7 You found a random items on the Roll D20 items.
8-9 You found a random locked chest. Roll DEX, consume 1 supply if fail. Can
retry. Receive 1D6 X 25 GP.
10 A party of Dungeon Enemy guards a Roll D6 Dungeon Enemy. Fight a party of
horde of loots. enemy the same size as the PCs party.

26 | P a g e
Receive an item each. Roll D20 Items
J-Q A Boss guards a treasure horde. Roll D6 Dungeon Boss. You may fight
the boss or ignore it. Receive 1D6 X 100
K An Ancient Relic wielded by a Boss. Roll D6 Dungeon Boss. Roll D20 Relic.
The boss will wield and use the relic.
Adding the relic ability into its arsenals.
You may fight the boss or ignore it.
Receive the Relic as Reward.

2 You discover an old, tattered book
with a strange, glowing symbol on
the cover. The symbol is not one you
3 You come across an unusual
gemstone embedded in the wall. It
glimmers in the torchlight, and you
feel a strange energy emanating
from it.
4 You hear a strange noise coming
from down the hallway. As you
approach, you realize it's the sound
of a group of small creatures.
5 You come across a statue that
seems to be staring at you. Its eyes
seem to follow you as you move.
6 You will find a map of the dungeon
on the ground. It's old and faded, but
it might still be useful.
7 You stumble upon an old, rusted
chest hidden behind some rocks. It's
locked, but you might be able to find
a way to open it.
8 You notice a strange, pungent odor
coming from a nearby room. You're
not sure what it is, but it doesn't
seem natural.
9 You discover a strange altar with an
ancient relic resting on top. The relic
seems to be pulsing with a faint,
otherworldly light.
10 You find a piece of parchment with a
riddle written on it. The answer might
lead to a secret treasure.
J You come across a room with
strange markings on the walls. You're

27 | P a g e
not sure what they mean, but they
might be important.
Q You come across a group of
skeletons that seem to be guarding
something. They don't seem to
notice you yet.
K You notice a strange, glowing fungus
growing on the wall. It looks like it
might have some useful properties.

28 | P a g e
Deer A gentle herbivore that is a 3 1 Charge: 1 dmg
common sight in the forest.
Rabbit A small and skittish creature 1 0 Kick: 0 dmg
that hops about the forest
Squirrel A small and agile rodent that 1 0 Throw: 0 dmg
is known for its ability to
climb trees.
Beaver A semi-aquatic rodent that is 2 1 Bite: 1 dmg
known for building dams and
lodges in streams and rivers.
Boar A large and powerful pig that 3 2 Charge: 3 dmg
can be found in forests and
other wooded areas. Ferocity: Gain +2 bonus
dmg when wounded.

Fox A small carnivore with red fur 3 2 Bite: 3 dmg

and a bushy tail.


Dire Wolf A large and aggressive wolf 4 2 Bite: 3 dmg
with razor-sharp fangs.
Pack Tactics: Gains 2
buff on attack rolls
against targets if
another Dire Wolf is
Giant Spider An enormous spider with 2 1 Bite: 2 dmg
venomous fangs and sharp
legs. Webbing: Can shoot
webs to restrain targets
Alligator A massive reptile with 5 3 Bite: 4 dmg.
powerful jaws and thick skin.
Ambush: Attack first
when combat starts.
Giant Scorpion A massive arachnid with a 2 1 Sting: 2 dmg
stinger dripping with venom.
Poison: STR save or die
in 2 turns.
Bear A massive and powerful bear 5 3 Maul: 4 dmg
with razor-sharp claws.
Ferocity: Gain +2 bonus
dmg when wounded.

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Wyvern A flying reptile with sharp 6 4 Fire Breath: 5 dmg, burn
talons, a poisonous stinger, for 1 dmg per round, up
and leathery wings. to 3 rounds unless

Poison Immunity:


Goblin A small, green-skinned 3 1 Sword: 4 dmg
humanoid with a vicious grin.
Nimble Strike: Can make
a bonus attack.
Bandit A rough-looking human with 4 2 Sword: 4 dmg
a bandana over their face.
Dirty Tricks: Can disarm

Troll A massive, brutish humanoid 6 4 Tackle: 5 dmg

with tough, rubbery skin and
a taste for flesh. Regeneration: The troll
restores 1 wound points
at the start of its turn if
it has still survived.

Harpy A winged, female creature 4 3 Talon: 4 dmg

with the head of a bird and
the body of a woman. Luring Song: The harpy
sings a magical melody.
Each humanoid and
giant able to hear the
song must succeed on a
D20 WIL saving throw or
be charmed for 2 turns.

Ogre A large, brutish humanoid 5 4 Club: 4 dmg

with gray-green skin and a
Basilisk A massive, reptilian monster 6 4 Tail Whip: 5 dmg
with deadly eyes that turn
their victims to stone. Petrifying Gaze: If the
basilisk sees a creature
within 30 feet of it and
the two of them can see
each other, the basilisk
can force the creature to
make a D20 WIL saving
throw if the basilisk isn't
incapacitated. On a

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failed save, the creature
magically begins to turn
to stone and is
restrained for the rest of
the fight.


Thornyback A giant, spiky turtle with a hard 6 5 Slash: 6 dmg

shell and sharp claws.
Shell Defense:
Thornyback can retreat
into its shell, reducing
incoming damage by
Timberwolf A massive, wolf-like creature 6 5 Bite: 5 dmg
with sharp claws and powerful
jaws. Pack Tactics: Timberwolf
is more effective when
fighting in a group,
dealing extra damage for
each Wolf-like ally
Dire Bear A massive, aggressive bear 8 6 Slash: 5 dmg
with razor-sharp claws and a
thick coat of fur. Bite: 6 dmg

Frenzy: When Dire Bear's

health drops below 50%,
it enters a frenzied state,
dealing double damage
and taking reduced
damage until its health is
restored above 50%.

Night A shadowy, serpentine 8 6 Gnaw: 7 dmg

Stalker creature with glowing eyes and
razor-sharp fangs. Shadow Cloak: Night
Stalker can disappear
into the shadows,
becoming invisible to
players and dealing
bonus damage on its
next attack.
Ogre A towering, brutish ogre with a 10 7 Club: 8 dmg
Chieftain massive club and thick hide.
Warcry: Ogre Chieftain
can let out a thunderous
roar, inspiring nearby
ogres to fight more

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fiercely and dealing
bonus damage to
Poison Ivy A massive, sentient plant with 6 5 Vine Whip: 6 dmg
vines and tendrils that can
grasp and squeeze its prey. Poisonous Touch:
Poison Ivy's vines
secrete a toxic poison
that deals 2 dmg over
time and slows the
player's movement.

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