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Name: Nguyễn Đình Thoại

Class: 11AV1

TOPIC: Modern technology is creating a single world culture. To what extent do you
agree/ disagree?

It is universally accepted that human lives have changed in tandem with the proliferation of
technology. Therefore, a school of thought holds that such technologies are facilitating the
emergence of mono-cultural world through connections. I personally concur with that
statement for the reasons outlined below.

In terms of means of communications, the introduction of emails and messaging apps, such
as Instagram or Messenger, has radically altered the way our connections with others are
made. From letters and word-of-mouth to texting and phone calls, technology is playing an
integral role in reshaping how people get their information conveyed. In stead of having to
wait for days for a letter to be delivered, people can now converse effortlessly through virtual
connections on social media platforms. By that, the cultural values can be shared and
understood without one having to travel to foreign countries to learn about them at first hand.

Thanks to the developments in means of transportation, the barriers of geographic distance

have been successfully broken down. One is now able to travel and settle down in a country
miles away from his hometown, and head back as he pleases. The process of moving to and
fro takes only a few hours, making the term “The Flat World” become a reality. Moreover, in
light of the cultural integration and assimilation, culture mixing has sneaked into every
corner of the world thanks to technology. The rapid growth of the Internet is unifying the
lifestyles of people worldwide. For example, with the help of media platforms, traditions and
customs are no longer regional, but can be enjoyed in different parts of the world. This is the
testament to how a common culture is created as a result of technological advancements.

In conclusion, it is a foregone conclusion that a single world culture has come to fruition
alongside the progressive development in the technological field. That said, for the first time
in history, people’s connections are being pulled much closer than ever.

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