HR Perspectives Assignment Updated

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Canada is projected to require about 218,000 highly skilled workers in 2023. This figure alone is in the
Information Technology ecosystem. research also reveals that 70% of employers in the IT sectors are
faced with the challenges of filling up job openings in their companies.

While every company/organization strives to remain competitive and deliver optimum value to its
customers, this can only be achieved if they have well skilled and versatile workforce.

A cursory review of the lingering and critical factors responsible for the labour shortage in Canada in
2023 is the core of this article. It highlights amongst other factors the rapid growth and expansion in the
Information Technology era, with innovative, revolutionary technologies tools been deploy in all area of
human endeavors, to achieve faster, more efficient and effective results, this new IT era has brought
about demand for new skilled workers. The IT ecosystem is dynamic and highly competitive ushering
great request for new skills by company and they strive to get the best, gifted worker from the labour
market, thereby offering lucrative offers to acquire the best, with some offering option for remote work.

The larger portion of the working are aged, and gradually retiring, corroborated by the COVID 19
pandemic that impacted negatively the availability of skilled workforce creating a huge gap. The
changing skill need is need is another factor to the labour shortage, as companies – organizations face
great innovation and as such needs to remain competitive and remain in business or risk running out of
business, has triggered and brought about demand for new and complex skills, which workers struggles
to acquire or often takes a while to acquire. Another barrier and challenges for some newcomers willing
to acquire new skills or change industry is the requirement of local skill certification by some province
(Quebec) which are somewhat difficult to obtain and serves as constrains.

The aforementioned challenges particularly as it affect the IT ecosystem can be resolved by adopting the
option of outsourcing specific skilled task such as program and software development need to
specialized companies, this will enable the companies to achieved it set objectives and goals with the
non-availability of local skilled worker, and at reduced cost and shorter/reduced timeline.

Important takeaway from the article is that enormous opportunities abound in Canada for individuals
who swift to identify the gaps and correctly position themselves to acquire required competence and
provide the solutions to the needs, demands in the country.
Workplace Harassment: How to Recognize and Report It

Workplace Harassment means engaging in a course of vexation comment or conduct against a

worker in a workplace that is reasonable know to be unwelcoming conduct that is based on race,
colour, religion, sex or age. Work place harassment may take form in different ways and are not
gender specifics as it anyone can be a victim. Every company is encouraged to have policy to
prevent work place harassment to protect its workforce, so as to avoid a hostile working
environment, that will reduce workforces productivity as well as the companies growth and
overall profitability, which can also exposed the company to legal liability, every forms of work
place harassment are illegal, and relevant Laws exist that protects individuals from been
harassed, by any persons, parties or agent.

Harassment also occurs in a variety of circumstances, such as these:

 The harasser could be the victim’s supervisor, a supervisor in another area, an agent of
the employer, a co-worker or a non-employee.
 The victim does not have to be the person harassed; it could be anyone affected by the
offensive conduct.
 Unlawful harassment may occur without economic injury to or discharge of the victim.

Type of workforce harassment: it may take different forms which include:

There are many forms of workplace harassment, and anyone can be impacted. Understanding
and identifying workplace harassment is the first step in resolving it.

* Verbal harassment * Psychological harassment

* Sexual harassment * Physical harassment
* Digital harassment (cyberbullying)

Irrespective of the forms that workplace harassment may take, and anyone can be impacted.
Understanding and identifying workplace harassment is the first step in resolving it.

Why reporting workplace harassment is important

 Other may have experienced and reported similar harassment by the perpetrator
previously without success hence the need to escalate such offence.
 It serves as a deterrent to other who may have the tendency to carry out such offence –
 It safe the company from legal case as well as create a safe, productive working

How to report workplace harassment

 If the harassment does not involve physical violence, attempt to address it with the
perpetrator by privately calling his/her attention to it in clear terms. However if the
situation posses great risk to you, your safety is the priority.
 If possible obtain/maintain evidence of the harassment such as screenshot, text, email or
eye witness.
 Escalate the issue to your immediate supervisor, unless your supervisor/manager is the
perpetrator then approach the HR manager or top management.
 If management or HR does not address the issue repport to requisite Human right activist
/lawyer, government agencies saddled to attend to such issues or nearest Police

Things to avoid when facing workplace harassment

 Do not retaliate
 Do not complain to co-worker
 Do not keep quiet

Achieving a safe, productive and harassment free workplace is result of well-planned and
consistently practiced policies within the workplace. Every companies is to strive to foster and
build a positive policy and protect its employees and colleagues. This will in turn protect the
organization from potential liability and create a safe, inclusive environment that helps boost
morale and improve employee retention.
Bloomberg Report: Transparency In Gender-Equity Disclosures Is Rising

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