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• Financial information is capable of making a difference in decisions

Both statements are correct.

If it provides feedback about (confirms or changes) previous evaluations.
If it can be used as an input to processes employed by users to predict future
Neither statements are correct.
• Which statement is correct regarding enhancing qualitative characteristics?
The enhancing qualitative characteristics, either individually or as a group,
cannot make information useful if that information is irrelevant or not faithfully
All the statements are correct.
Applying the enhancing qualitative characteristics is an iterative process that
does not follow a prescribed order.
Sometimes, one enhancing qualitative characteristic may have to be
diminished to maximize another qualitative characteristic.
• The users of financial statements who are interested in information that
enables them to determine whether the amounts owing to them will be paid
when due
Suppliers and other trade creditors

• The future economic benefit embodied in an asset is the potential to contribute,

directly or indirectly, to the flow of cash and cash equivalents to the entity. The
potential may
Any of the above.
Take the form of convertibility into cash or cash equivalents
Be a productive one that is part of the operating activities of the entity
Take the form of a capability to reduce cash outflows, such as when an
alternative manufacturing process lowers the costs of production
• The settlement of a present obligation usually involves the entity giving up
resources embodying economic benefits in order to satisfy the claim of the
other party. Settlement of a present obligation may occur in a number of ways,
for example, by:

I. Payment of cash.

II. Transfer of other assets.

III. Provision of services.

IV. Replacement of that obligation with another obligation.

V. Conversion of the obligation to equity.

VI. A creditor waiving or forfeiting its rights.

I, II, III, IV, V and VI

I, II, III, V and VI only
I, II and III only
I, II, III, IV and VI only

• Which is not a specific purpose of the Conceptual Framework?

To assist FRSC in the development of future Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards (PFRSs) and in its review of existing PFRSs.
To assist users of financial statements in interpreting the information contained
in financial statements.
Provide those who are interested in the work of FRSC with information about its
approach to the formulation of PFRSs.
To assist the Board of Accountancy in promulgating rules and regulations
affecting the practice of accountancy in the Philippines.
Which statement is incorrect regarding ‘assets’ in accordance with the Conceptual

Assets are presented in the statement of financial position either as current or

Assets are resources controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from
which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
Assets are required to be measured at fair value.
Assets are recognized in the statement of financial position if it is probable that
the future economic benefits will flow to the entity and the item has a cost or
value that can be measured reliably.
• Which statement is incorrect regarding the new definition of an asset?

It clarified that an asset is the economic resource, not the ultimate inflow of
economic benefits.
It needs to be certain or likely that economic benefits will arise.
An economic resource is a right that has the potential to produce economic
An asset is a present economic resource controlled by the entity as a result of past
• Under this concept, a profit is earned only if the financial (money) amount of
the net assets at the end of the period exceeds the financial (money) amount
of net assets at the beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to,
and contributions from, owners during the period.

Neither physical nor financial capital

Physical capital
Both physical and financial capital
Financial capital
• What is the objective of financial reporting as indicated in the conceptual

Provide information that is useful to those making investing and credit decisions.
All of the above.
Provide information about those investing in the entity.
Provide information that is useful to management.
• Information is neutral if it

Provides benefits which are at least equal to the costs of its preparation
Would have no impact on a decision maker
Is free from bias toward a predetermined result
Can be compared with similar information about an enterprise at other points in
• To be a faithful representation as described in the Conceptual Framework,
information must be all of the following, except:

Free from error.
• Which of the following helps users make good decisions?
Neither statements are helpful.
An unfaithful representation of a relevant phenomenon.
A faithful representation of an irrelevant phenomenon.
Both statements are helpful.
• Which statement is incorrect regarding materiality?

Information is material if omitting it or misstating it could influence decisions that

users make on the basis of financial information about a specific reporting entity.
The IASB does not specify a uniform quantitative threshold for materiality or
predetermine what could be material in a particular situation.
None of the statements are incorrect.

Materiality is based on the nature or magnitude, or both, of the items to which the
information relates in the context of an individual entity’s financial report.

• Effective communication of information in financial statements does not


Aggregating information in such a way that it is not obscured either by

unnecessary detail or by excessive aggregation.
Focusing on presentation and disclosure objectives and principles rather than
focusing on rules.
Classifying information in a manner that groups similar items and separates
dissimilar items.
Disregarding costs constraints.
• The fundamental qualitative characteristics are

Understandability and comparability

Timeliness and verifiability
Relevance and reliability
Relevance and faithful representation
• The following measurement bases provide information updated to reflect
conditions at the measurement date, except

Current cost
Value in use
Amortized cost
Fair value
Question 18
Which statement is incorrect regarding a liability?
An essential characteristic of a liability is that the entity has a present obligation.
A decision by the management of an entity to acquire assets in the future gives
rise to a present obligation.
A liability may arise from normal business practice, custom and a desire to
maintain good business relations or act in an equitable manner.
A liability may be legally enforceable as a consequence of a binding contract or
statutory requirement.
Question 19
Factors to consider in selecting a measurement basis include

I.Characteristics of the asset or liability

II.Contribution to future cash flows

III.Measurement inconsistency

IV.Measurement uncertainty

I, II and III only

I and II only
I, II and IV only
I, II, III and IV
Question 20
Under this concept, a profit is earned only if the physical productive capacity (or
operating capability) of the enterprise (or the resources or funds needed to achieve
that capacity) at the end of the period exceeds the physical productive capacity at the
beginning of the period, after excluding any distributions to, and contributions from,
owners during the period.

Physical capital
Financial capital
Neither physical nor financial capital
Both physical and financial capital
Question 21
The new Conceptual Framework defines recognition as

The process of capturing for inclusion in the statement of financial position or the
statement(s) of financial performance an item that meets the definition of an asset,
a liability, equity, income or expenses.
The process of incorporating in the balance sheet or income statement an item
that meets the definition of an element and satisfies the criteria for recognition.
The process of determining the monetary amounts at which the elements of the
financial statements are to be recognized and carried in the balance sheet and
income statement.

The removal of a previously recognized asset or liability from an entity’s statement

of financial position.

Question 22
Which of the following is the foundation of the Conceptual Framework?

The elements of financial statements.

The qualitative characteristics of, and the constraint on, useful financial
A reporting entity concept.
The objective of general purpose financial reporting.
Question 23
Which statement relates to comparability?

Information is available to decision-makers in time to be capable of influencing

their decisions.
Financial reports are prepared for users who have a reasonable knowledge of
business and economic activities and who review and analyze the information with
Different knowledgeable and independent observers could reach consensus,
although not necessarily complete agreement, that a particular depiction is a
faithful representation.
Enables users to identify and understand similarities in, and differences among,
Question 24
Which concept of capital should be adopted by an entity if the users of financial
statements are primarily concerned with the maintenance of nominal invested capital
or the purchasing power of invested capital?

Physical concept
Neither financial nor physical concept
Financial concept
Either financial concept and physical concept
Question 25
What is an entity-specific aspect of relevance?

Confirmatory value
Predictive value
Question 26
All of the following represent costs of providing financial information except

Accessing capital.
Question 27
The 2018 Conceptual Framework explicitly referred to


II.Substance over form


I and II only
I and III only
I, II and III
I only
Question 28
Information about income and expenses is

Just as important as information about assets and liabilities.

More important as information about assets and liabilities.
Not important.
Less important as information about assets and liabilities.
Question 29
General purpose financial statements

Are those intended to meet the needs of users who are not in a position to require
an entity to prepare reports tailored to their particular information needs.
All of the statements are correct.
Are designed to show the value of a reporting entity since they provide information
to help existing and potential investors, lenders and other creditors to estimate the
value of the reporting entity.

Provide all of the information that financial statements’ users need.

Question 30
The primary users of financial information include

I.Existing and potential investors

II.Existing and potential lenders and other creditors

III.User group such as employees, customers, government and their agencies, and
the public

I and III only

I and II only
I only
I, II and III
Question 31
Which statement is incorrect regarding a reporting entity?

A reporting entity does not comprise an arbitrary or incomplete collection of assets,

liabilities, equity, income and expenses.
A reporting entity is an entity that is required, or chooses, to prepare financial
A reporting entity should be a legal entity.
A reporting entity could be a portion of an entity or comprise more than one entity.
Question 32
Which statement is incorrect regarding concepts of capital?

Under a financial concept of capital, such as invested money or invested

purchasing power, capital is synonymous with the net assets or equity of the
The selection of the appropriate concept of capital by an entity should be based
on the needs of the users of its financial statements.
A physical concept of capital is adopted by most entities in preparing their
financial statements.
Under a physical concept of capital, such as operating capability, capital is
regarded as the productive capacity of the entity based on, for example, units of
output per day.
Question 33
In the Conceptual Framework, qualitative characteristics

Are attributes that make the information provided in financial statements useful to
Are considered either fundamental or enhancing.
All of the choices are correct.
Distinguish better information from inferior information for decision-making
Question 34
Which statement is incorrect regarding prudence?

Prudence does not allow for overstatement of assets, liabilities, income or

Prudence is the exercise of caution when making judgments under conditions of
Neutrality is supported by the exercise of prudence.
Prudence allows for understatement of assets, liabilities, income or expenses.
Question 35
Accounting information is considered to be relevant when it

Is understandable by reasonably informed users of accounting information.

Is capable of making a difference in a decision.
Can be depended on to represent the economic conditions and events that it is
intended to represent.
Is verifiable and neutral.
Question 36
Which statement is incorrect regarding recognition of the elements of financial

None of these.
Only items that meet the definition of an asset, a liability or equity are recognized
in the statement of financial position.
All items that meet the definition of one of those elements are recognized.
Only items that meet the definition of income or expenses are recognized in the
statement of financial performance.
Question 37
Which statement is incorrect regarding the Conceptual Framework for Financial

Serves as a guide in developing future PFRSs and as a guide to resolving

accounting issues that are not addressed directly in existing PFRSs.
Prevails in cases where there is conflict with a PFRS.
Describes the objective of, and the concepts for, general purpose financial
Is not a PFRS and hence does not define standards for any particular
measurement or disclosure issue.
Question 38
Which statement is incorrect regarding the elements of financial statements?

The elements directly related to the measurement of financial position are assets,
liabilities and equity.
None of the above.
The elements directly related to the measurement of financial performance are
revenues and gains.
These are the grouping, into broad classes, of the financial effects of transactions
and other events according to economic characteristics.
Question 39
In accordance with the 2018 Conceptual Framework, income is defined as

Increases in assets, or decreases in liabilities, that result in increases in equity,

other than those relating to contributions from holders of equity claims.
Decreases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of
outflows or depletions of assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decreases
in equity, other than those relating to distributions from equity participants.
Decreases in assets, or increases in liabilities, that result in decreases in equity,
other than those relating to distributions to holders of equity claims.
Increases in economic benefits during the accounting period in the form of inflows
or enhancements of assets or decreases of liabilities that result in increases in
equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants.
Question 40
The IASB revised the Conceptual Framework because the previous version is

No longer useful.
No longer relevant.
None of the above.
Useful, but incomplete and needed improvements.
Question 41
The conceptual framework includes a cost-benefit constraint. Which of the following
best describes the cost-benefit constraint?

Financial information should be free from cost to users of the information.

All of the choices are correct.
Costs of providing financial information are not always evident or measurable, but
must be considered.
The benefits of the information must be greater than the costs of providing it.
Question 42
Decision makers vary widely in the types of decisions they make, the methods of
decision making they employ, the information they already possess or can obtain
from other sources, and their ability to process information. Consequently, for
information to be useful there must be a linkage between these users and the
decisions they make. This link is

Question 43
Revisions of the Conceptual Framework

Are expected every three to five years.

Will not automatically lead to changes to the Standards.
Are no longer expected after the release of the new Conceptual Framework.
Will automatically lead to changes to the Standards.
Question 44
How is the Conceptual Framework useful to auditors?

By assisting in promoting harmonization of regulations, accounting standards and

procedures relating to the presentation of financial statements by providing a basis
for reducing the number of alternative accounting treatments permitted by PFRSs.
By assisting in interpreting the information contained in financial statements
prepared in conformity with PFRSs.
By assisting in applying the accounting standards.
By assisting in forming an opinion as to whether financial statements conform to
Question 45
Comparability of financial information depends on

Neither consistency and regular reporting periods
Consistency and regular reporting periods
Regular reporting periods
Question 46
Which statement is incorrect regarding equity?

Equity is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its
The amount at which equity is shown in the balance sheet is dependent on the
measurement of assets and liabilities.
Equity may be sub-classified in the balance sheet.
None, all the statements are correct.
Question 47
Which statement is incorrect regarding the new criteria for recognition of the elements
of financial statements?

The new criteria are intended develop a more coherent set of concepts, not to
increase or decrease the range of assets and liabilities recognized.
Both statements are correct.
Neither statements are correct.
The revised recognition criteria refer explicitly to the qualitative characteristics of
useful information.
Question 48
The objective of financial statements is to provide financial information about the
reporting entity’s assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses that is useful to
users of financial statements in assessing

Neither statements are correct.

Both statements are correct.

Management’s stewardship of the entity’s economic resources.

The prospects for future net cash inflows to the reporting entity.
Question 49
According to the Conceptual Framework, which of the following, is the underlying
assumption relating to financial statements?

The business is expected to continue in operation for the foreseeable future

Users are assumed to have sufficient knowledge to be able to understand the
financial statements
The accounts have been prepared on an accruals basis
The information is free from material error or bias
Question 50
Which of the following is (are) essential to the existence of an asset?

Legal right
Legal right and Physical form
Neither legal right nor physical form
Physical form
Question 51
In accordance with the 2018 Conceptual Framework, historical cost
Reflects the current amount that would be paid to acquire an equivalent asset or
received to take on an equivalent liability.
Reflects entity-specific current expectations about the amount, timing and
uncertainty of future cash flows.
Provides information derived, at least in part, from the price of the transaction or
other event that gave rise to the item being measured.
Is the price that would be received to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in
an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
Question 52
Which statement is incorrect regarding the new definition of a liability?

A liability is a present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource as a

result of past events.
It clarified that a liability is the obligation to transfer the economic resource, not the
ultimate outflow of economic benefits.
An obligation is a duty or responsibility that the entity has no practical ability to

Retained the ‘expected flow’ criterion.


1. The “cash” account in Massaionni Company’s ledger on December 31, 2019

showed a balance of P 5,250,000 which included the following:

Petty Cash Fund 50,000

Undeposited receipts, including a post-dated customer check of
P200,000 1,300,000
Cash in Bank 2,500,000
Cash in Sinking Fund 1,000,000
Expenses paid out of collections, not yet recorded 250,000
IOUs signed by employees 150,000
At what amount should Massaionni Company report as “cash” in the December 31,
2019 statement of financial position?

Answer: 3,650,000

Question 2
Petty cash fund is
Set aside for the payment of payroll

Restricted cash

Separately classified as current asset

Money kept on hand for making minor disbursements of coin and currency rather
than by writing checks

Question 3

1. Leesudnani Incorporated established a petty cash fund of 50,000 for

incidental expenses on January 1, 2021. At the end of the month, the count
of cash on hand indicated that 6,704 remained in the fund. A review of the
petty cash vouchers disclosed the following expenses had been incurred
during the month:

Office supplies 3,416

Transportation 13,214
Postage 7,800
Miscellaneous 8,376
Representation 10,000
What is the amount of cash shortage?

Answer: (490)
Question 4
Saionna Company had the following account balances on December 31, 2019

Cash in Bank- current account 4,000,000

Cash in Bank- payroll account 1,500,000
Cash on Hand 500,000
Cash in Bank- restricted for equipment acquisition on 2020 1,000,000
Treasury bill purchased November 1, 2019 to mature on February
1, 2020 2,000,000
The cash on hand includes a P200,000 customer check payable to Saionna Company,
dated January 15, 2020.
1. What should be reported as cash on December 31, 2019?
2. What should be reported as cash equivalent on December 31, 2019?
Answer for blank # 1: 5,800,000 (50 %)
Answer for blank # 2: 2,000,000 (50 %)

Question 5
In your audit of the Easy Company as of December 31, 2020, you gather the
Balance per books P100,000
Balance per bank 100,000
Bank charges 250
Outstanding checks 23,750
Deposit in transit 31,250
Customer’s note collected by bank 37,550
Interest on customer’s note 1,500
Customer’s check returned NSF 6,250
Depositor’s note charged to account 25,000
1. The correct amount of cash in bank to be reported at December 31, 2020?
2. The amount of cash overage or shortage, if any. enclose your answer in
parenthesis if shortage
Answer for blank # 1: 107,500 (50 %)
Answer for blank # 2: (50) (50 %)
Question 6
As of December 31 of the current year, an entity had various checks and papers in its
safe. Which item should not be in its cash account in the current year-end balance

US$ 20,000 cash

Another entity’s P150,000 check payable to the entity dated December 15 of the
current year

Past due promissory note issued in favor of the entity by its President

The entity’s undelivered check payable to a supplier dated December 31 of the

current year

Question 7
If the cash balance shown on a company’s accounting records is less than the correct
cash balance and neither the company nor the bank has made any errors, there must

Deposits credited by the bank but not yet recorded by the company

Bank charges not yet recorded by the company

Outstanding checks

Deposits in transit

Question 8
Which of the following should not be considered cash for financial reporting

Petty cash funds and change funds

Coin, currency and available funds

Money orders, certified checks and personal checks

Post-dated checks and IOUs

Question 9
Which is false concerning valuation of cash and cash equivalents?

If a bank or financial institution holding the funds of the company is in bankruptcy

or financial difficulty, cash should be written down to estimated realizable value

Cash equivalent should be valued at maturity value, meaning face value plus

Cash is valued at face value

Cash in foreign currency is valued at the current exchange rate

Question 10
On April 1, Cassaion Company established an imprest system petty cash fund for
P10,000 by writing a check drawn against the general checking account. On April 30,
the fund contained the following:

Currency and coins 3,000

Receipts for office supplies 4,000
Receipts for postage still unused 2,000
Receipts for transportation 600
On April 30, the entity wrote a check to replenish the fund.
1. What is the amount of replenishment under the imprest fund system?
2. What is the amount of cash overage (shortage), if shortage enclose in parenthesis
the amount of your answer.
Answer for blank # 1: 7,000 (50 %)
Answer for blank # 2: (400) (50 %)
Question 11
1. The cash in bank account of S-mart, Inc. for April showed an ending
balance of P129,298. Deposits in transit on April 30 was
P18,200. Outstanding checks as of April 30, were P59,435, including a
P5,000 check which the bank had certified on April 27. During the month of
April, the bank charged back NSF checks in the amount of P3,435 of which
P1,835 had been redeposited by April 20. On April 23, the bank charged S-
Mart’s account for a P2,200 items which should have been charged against K-
mart, Inc., the error was not detected by the bank. During April, the proceeds
from notes collected by the bank for S-Mart, Inc. was P7,548 and bank charges
for this services was P18.
How much is the cash balance per bank statement on April 30?

Answer: 169,263
Question 12
Cash equivalents are

Short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash with
remaining maturity of three months.

Short-term and highly liquid marketable equity securities.

Short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash.

Short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into cash and
acquired three months before maturity.

Question 13
In preparing its bank reconciliation for the month of December 2020, Saionra
Company has made available the following information:

Balance per bank statement, 12/31/20 36,050

Deposit in transit, 12/31/20 6,250
Outstanding checks, 12/31/20 5,750
Erroneous bank credit made on 12/20/20 250
Bank service charge for December 50
1.What should be the correct balance of cash at December 31, 2020?
2.What is the amount of unadjusted cash in bank per books as at December 31,

Answer for blank # 1: 36,300 (50 %)

Answer for blank # 2: 36,350 (50 %)
Question 14
Which of the following must be deducted from the bank statement balance in
preparing a bank reconciliation which ends with adjusted cash balance?

Deposit in transit

Certified check

Outstanding check

Reduction of loan charged to the account of the depositor

Question 15
Which of the following is not a basic characteristic of a system of cash control?

Segregated responsibility for handling and recording cash

Weekly deposit of all cash received

Use of a voucher system

Internal audits at irregular intervals

Leesudnani Incorporated petty cash custodian's box at the end of the year contained
the following:

currencies and coins 2,000

Paid vouchers 3,000
employee's check marked NSF 1,000
check drawn to the order of the petty cash
custodian 4,000
envelope containing cash contributed by
employees for donation 5,000
What amount of petty cash fund should be reported in the balance sheet at year

Answer: 6,000

As of June 30, the bank statement of Considerate Co. had an ending balance of
373,612. The following data were assembled in the course of reconciling the bank
o The bank erroneously credited Considerate Co. for 2,150 on June 22.
o During the month, the bank charged back NSF checks amounting to 2,340
of which 800 had been redeposited by the 25th of June.
o Collection for June 30 totalling 10,330 was deposited the following month.
o Checks outstanding as of June 30 were 30,205.
o Notes collected by the bank for Considerate Co. were 8,150 and the
corresponding bank charges were 50.

The adjusted cash in bank balance on June 30 is

Answer: (351,587)
Question 2
The Gracious Co.’s ledger showed a balance in its cash account at December 31, 2020
of P341,125 which was determined to consist of the following:
Petty cash fund P 1,800
Cash per bank statement with a check for P3,000 still outstanding 168,375
Notes receivable in the possession of a collecting agency 12,500
Undeposited receipts, including postdated check for P5,250 and 89,000
traveler’s check for P5,000
Bond sinking fund – cash 63,750
IOUs signed by employees 2,475
Paid vouchers not yet recorded 3,225
Total P341,125

At what amount should “Cash on hand and in bank” be reported on Gracious’ balance

Answer: (250,925)
Question 3
Confident Co. kept all cash in a checking account. The bank statement at the end of
December showed a balance of 4,235,000.
A deposit of 475,000 placed in the bank’s depository machine on December 30 does
not appear on the bank statement.
Outstanding checks on December 31 amounts to 135,000.
The bank statement showed that on December 26 the bank credited the company’s
account for 467,500, including interest of 67,500 for the proceeds of note collected.
Confident also discovered that a check issued in December for 183,000 in payment of
an account had been recorded as 138,000.
Received with the bank statement was an NSF check for 125,000 that Confident
deposited on December 26.
The bank statement showed a 7,500 service charge for December.

1. What is the adjusted cash in bank on December 31?

2. What is the unadjusted balance per books on December 31?

Answer: (4,575,000)
Answer: (4,285,000)
Question 4
The petty cash fund of Responsive Co. on December 31, 2020 is composed of the
Coins and currencies 14,000
Petty cash vouchers:
Gasoline 3,000
Supplies 4,000
Cash advances to employees 2,000
Employee’s check returned by bank marked NSF 5,000
Check drawn by the company payable to the order of the petty cash
custodian, representing her salary 20,000
A sheet of paper with names of employees together with contribution
for a birthday gift of a co-employee in the amount of 5,000
Total 53,000
The petty cash ledger account has an imprest balance of P50,000.

1. What is the correct amount of petty cash on December 31, 2020?

2. How much is the amount of cash shortage on the petty cash fund?
3. How much is the amount of replenishment if the fund is replenished on December
31, 2020?

Answer: (14,000)
Answer: (22,000)
Answer: (36,000)

Question 5
The following items were included as cash in the books of Dependable Co.:
Checking account at Security Bank (1,200)
Checking account at BPI 5,335
Checking account at BDO used for payment of salaries 5,500
Postage stamps 107
Employee’s post-dated check 2,300
I.O.U. from an employee 200
A check marked “DAIF” 1,250
Postal money order 500
Petty cash fund (P324 in expense receipts) 500
Certificate of time deposit with BPI 5,000
A gold ring surrendered as security by a customer who lost his 1,500
wallet (at fair value)

The correct amount that should be reported as cash is

Answer: (11,511)
Question 6
The information below is from the books of the Cheerful Co. on June 30:
Balance per bank statement P11,164
Receipts recorded but not yet deposited in the bank 1,340
Bank charges not recorded 16
Note collected by bank and not recorded on books 1,120
Outstanding checks 1,100
NSF checks - not recorded on books nor redeposited 160
1. Assuming no errors were made, compute the cash balance per books on June
30 before any reconciliation adjustments.
2. At what amount should the cash in bank be reported on June 30?

Answer: (10,460)
Answer: (11,404)
Question 7
Reliable Co.'s checkbook balance on December 31, 2020, was 8,000,000. In addition,
Reliable held the following items in its safe on December 31:
Check payable to Reliable Co., dated January 2, 2021, not included
in December 31 checkbook balance
Check payable to Reliable Co., deposited December 26, and included
in December 31 checkbook balance, but returned by bank on
December 29, stamped "DAIF." The check was redeposited
January 2, 2021, and cleared January 4
Check drawn on Reliable Co.'s account, payable to a vendor, dated
and recorded December 31, but not mailed until January 15, 2021
The proper amount to be shown as cash on December 31, 2020 is
Answer: (7,700,000)
Question 8
The “cash” account in Optimistic Co.’s ledger on December 31, 2020 showed a balance
of P 5,250,000 which included the following:
Petty Cash Fund 50,000
Undeposited receipts, including a post-dated customer check of
P200,000 1,300,000
Cash in Bank per bank statement, with a check for 250,000 still
outstanding 2,500,000
Deposit in a bank closed by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 1,000,000
Vouchers paid out of collections, not yet recorded 250,000
IOUs signed by employees, taken from collections 50,000
At what amount should Optimistic Co. report as “cash” on December 31, 2020?

Answer: (3,400,000)
Question 9
In preparing the bank reconciliation of Competent Co. on December 31, 2020, the
following data are gathered:
Balance per book 4,000,000
Bank charges 10,000
Outstanding checks 950,000
Deposit in transit 1,200,000
Customer note collected by bank 1,500,000
Interest on customer note 60,000
Customer check returned NSF 250,000
Depositor's note charged to account 1,000,000

1. What is the correct cash balance?

2. What is the amount of cash per bank statement?

Answer: (4,050,000)
Question 10
As defined in PAS 7, cash excludes

Six-month maturity time deposit

Cash on hand
Money orders
Demand deposits

Question 11
As of December 31 of the current year, an entity had various checks and papers in its
safe. Which item should not be in its cash account in the current year-end balance

US$ 20,000 cash

Another entity's P150,000 check payable to the entity dated December 15 of the
current year

Past due promissory note issued in favor of the entity by its President

The entity's undelivered check payable to a supplier dated December 31 of the

current year

Question 12
A bank reconciliation is

A statement send by the bank to depositor on a monthly basis

A merger of two banks that previously where competitors

A schedule that accounts for the differences between an enterprise's cash

balance as shown on its bank statement and the cash balance shown in its
general ledger

A formal financial statement that lists all of the bank account balances of an
Question 13
Petty cash fund is

Money kept on hand for making minor disbursements of coin and currency
rather than by writing checks

Restricted cash
Set aside for the payment of payroll
Separately classified as current asset

Question 14
The internal control feature that is specific to petty cash is
Assignment of responsibility
Separation of duties
Imprest system
Proper authorization
Question 15
Compensating balance

Provides a source of funds to the lender as partial compensation for the credit
Constitutes support for existing borrowing arrangements.
All of these.
Is a minimum or average balance on deposit with a bank.
Question 16
Which of the following is true regarding the imprest petty cash system?

The Petty Cash account is debited when the fund is replenished.

All of these are not true.
The imprest petty cash system in effect adheres to the rule of disbursement by
Entries are made to the Petty Cash account only to increase or decrease the
size of the fund.
Question 17
If petty cashier pays a certain amount for transportation out of an imprest petty cash,
the journal entry should include

debit to transportation expense

credit to cash in bank
credit to petty cash
no journal entry is made
Question 18
In reimbursing the petty cash fund, which of the following is true?

Petty cash is debited

Petty cash is credited

Expense accounts are debited

Cash is debited
Question 19
The following statements relate to cash. Which statements is true?

The term cash equivalent refers to demand credit instruments such as money
order and bank drafts

Classification of a restricted cash balance as current or noncurrent should

parallel the classification of the related obligation for which cash was restricted

Compensating balance required by a bank should always be excluded from cash

and cash equivalents

The purpose of establishing a petty cash fund is to keep enough cash on hand
to cover all normal operating expenses for a period of time
Question 20
A cash over or short account

Is debited when the petty cash fund proves out over

Is not generally accepted
Is a contra account to cash
Is debited when the petty cash fund proves out short
Question 21
Which of the following statements is false?

Undelivered or unreleased checks should be treated as outstanding checks

Undelivered or unreleased checks should be restored to the cash balance

Post-dated checks that are delivered should be restored to the cash balance

Stale checks should be restored to the cash balance

Question 22
What happens when a petty cash is in use?

Most small amounts are paid from cash receipts before they are deposited
Petty cash is debited when the fund is replenished

Expenses paid with petty cash are recorded when the fund is replenished

Petty cash is credited when the fund is replenished

Question 23
Which statement is correct regarding presentation of compensating balances?

Deposits held as compensating balances that are not "legally restricted" are not
shown separately. However, footnote disclosure is necessary.

Neither statements are correct.

"Legally restricted" deposits held as compensating balances should be

segregated and reported separately.

Both statements are correct.

Question 24
Which of the following statements is false pertaining to accounting for petty cash

At any time, the sum of the cash in the petty cash fund and the total of petty
cash vouchers should equal the amount for which the imprest petty cash fund
was established
Each disbursement from petty cash should be supported by a petty cash
With the establishment of an imprest petty cash fund, one person is given the
authority and responsibility for issuing checks to cover minor disbursements
The creation of a petty cash fund requires a journal entry to reflect the transfer of
fund out of the general cash account
Question 25
Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the imprest fund system?

Statement 1 – Petty cash expenses are immediately recorded

Statement 2 – The amount of replenishment is normally equal to the petty cash


Statement 2 only
Both statements

Statement 1 only

None of the statements

Question 26
Which of the following should not be considered cash for financial reporting

Money orders, certified checks and personal checks

Petty cash funds and change funds

Post-dated checks and IOUs

Coin, currency and available funds

Question 27
At December 31 of the current year, an entity had cash accounts at three different

One account balance is segregated solely for payment into a bond sinking fund.

A second account, used for branch operations, is overdrawn.

The third account, used for regular corporate operations, has a positive balance.

How should these accounts be reported in the December 31 classified balance


The segregated and regular accounts should be reported as current assets, and
the overdraft should be reported as a current liability

The segregated account should be reported as a non-current asset and the

regular account should be reported as a current asset net of the overdraft

The segregated account should be reported as a non-current asset, the regular

account should be reported as a current asset, and the overdraft should be
reported as a current liability

The segregated and regular accounts should be reported as current assets net
of the overdraft
Question 28
Which statement is true?

Bank service charge will cause the cash balance per ledger to be higher than
that reported by the bank, all other things being equal

The cash amount shown in the balance sheet must be the balance reported in
the bank statement

Outstanding checks will cause the cash balance per ledger to be greater than
the balance reported by the bank, all other things being equal

An error made by the bank by charging an amount to the depositor's account

requires a correcting entry in the depositor's own records

Question 29
The following data pertaining to the cash transactions and bank account of Courteous
Co. for the month of May are available to you:
Cash balance, per records, May 31 P17,194
Cash balance, per bank statement, May 31 31,948
Bank service charge for May 109
Debit memo for the cost of printed checks delivered by the bank 125
Outstanding checks, May 31 6,728
Deposit of May 30 not recorded by bank until June 1 4,880
Proceeds of a bank loan of May 30, net of interest of 300 5,700
Proceeds from a customer's promissory note, including interest of 100 8,100
Check No. 2772 issued to a supplier entered in the accounting records
at 2,100 but deducted in the bank statement at an erroneous amount 1,200
Stolen check lacking an authorized signature, deducted from
Courteous' account by the bank in error 800
Customer's check returned by the bank marked NSF; no entry has
been made in the accounting records to record the returned check 760
What is the correct cash balance at May 31?

Answer: (30,000)
Question 30
On December 31, 2020, the cash account of Affectionate Co. has a debit balance of
3,500,000. An analysis of the cash account shows the following details:

Undeposited collections P 60,000

Cash in bank-PCIB checking account 500,000
Cash in bank-PNB (overdraft) (50,000)
Undeposited NSF check received from a customer, dated December 15,000
1, 2020
Undeposited check from a customer, dated January 15, 2021 25,000
Cash in bank-PCIB (fund for payroll) 150,000
Cash in bank-PCIB (savings deposit) 100,000
Cash in bank-PCIB (money market instrument, 90 days) 2,000,000
Cash in foreign bank (restricted) 100,000
IOUs from officers 30,000
Sinking fund cash 450,000
Listed stock held as temporary investment 120,000

1. What is the amount of cash on Affectionate’s December 31, 2020 statement of

financial position?
2. What amount of cash equivalent should be reported on December 31, 2020?

Answer: (810,000)
Answer: (2,000,000)
Question 31
Hardworking Co. had the following account balances on December 31, 2020:
Cash in bank 4,000,000
Cash in bank- payroll account 1,500,000
Cash on hand 500,000
Cash in bank- restricted for equipment acquisition on 2021 1,000,000
Time deposit made on February 1, 2020 to mature on February
1, 2021 2,000,000
The cash on hand includes a 300,000 customer check payable to Hardworking Co.,
dated January 15, 2021. Cash in bank included 500,000 of compensating balance,
which is legally restricted as to withdrawal, against short-term loan agreements.
1. What should be reported as cash on December 31, 2020?
2. How much is cash equivalent on December 31, 2020?

Answer: (0)

Question 32
On December 31, 2020, Passionate Co. had the following cash balances:
Cash in Bank 5,000,000
Petty Cash Fund 50,000
90-day Time Deposit due March 31, 2021 1,000,000
Saving Deposit 500,000
A check of P 100,000 dated December 15, 2020 in payment of accounts payable was
recorded but was mailed only on January 2, 2021.

1. What should be reported as cash on December 31, 2020?

2. How much is cash equivalent on December 31, 2020?

Answer: (5,650,000)
Answer: (1,000,000)


New Corp has the following data relating to accounts receivable at the end of the
current year:

Accounts receivable P1,880,000

Allowance for doubtful 94,000
Allowance for sales discounts 10,000
Allowance for sales returns 15,000
Allowance for freight 3,000

What is the net realizable value?

Answer: (1,758,000)
Question 2
Tyson, Inc. reported the following balances (after adjustment) at the end of 2016 and

12/31/16 12/31/15
Total accounts
receivable P105,000 P96,000
Net accounts
receivable 102,000 94,500

During 2016, Tyson wrote off customer accounts totaling P3,200 and collected
P800 on accounts written off in previous years. Tyson's doubtful accounts
expense for the year ending December 31, 2016 is

Answer: (3,900)
Question 3
North Co. uses the aging of accounts receivable method. The following information
comes from its accounting records:
What is the amount of the bad debt expense for North?

Answer: (14,000)
Question 4
Samuel, Inc has Accounts Receivable of $200,000 and an Allowance for Doubtful
Accounts of $10,000. If it writes-off a $1,000 account, its net accounts receivable is:

Question 5
A method of estimating doubtful accounts that focuses on the income statement
rather than the statement of financial position is the allowance method based on

Balance of accounts receivable

Direct write off
Credit sales
Aging of trade accounts receivable
Question 6
Nontrade receivables are classified as current assets only if they are reasonably
expected to be realized in cash

Within one year or the normal operating cycle, whichever is longer

Within one year or normal operating cycle, whichever is shorter
Within one year, the length of the operating cycle notwithstanding
Within the normal operating cycle
Question 7
When the allowance method of recognizing bad debt expense is used, the entries at
the time of collection of an account previously written off would

Have no effect in the allowance for doubtful accounts

Increase net income
Decrease the allowance for doubtful accounts
Have no effect of net income
Question 8
Which of the following methods of determining annual bad debt expense best
achieves the objective of properly valuing the receivables in the statement of financial
Percentage of sales
Direct write off
Percentage of average accounts receivable
Percentage of ending accounts receivable
Question 9
Trade receivables are classified as current assets when they are reasonably
expected to be collected

Within one year or within the normal operating cycle, whichever is longer
Within one year
Within the normal operating cycle
Within one year or within the normal operating cycle, whichever is shorter
Question 10
An entity uses the allowance method for recognizing doubtful accounts. The entry to
record the writeoff of a specific uncollectible account

Decreases both net income and accounts receivable

Affects neither net income nor accounts receivable
Decreases both net income and working capital
Affects neither net income nor working capital
Question 11
Which of the following is used to account for probable sales discounts, sales returns
and sales allowances in relation to factoring of accounts receivable?

Neither factor's holdback nor recourse liability

Both factor's holdback and recourse liability

Factor's holdback

Recourse liability
Question 12
Which of the following is true when accounts receivable are factored without

The transaction may be accounted either as a secured borrowing or as sale

The factor assumes the risk of collectability and absorbs any credit losses in
collecting the accounts receivable
The financing cost should be recognized ratably over the collection period of the
The receivables are used as collateral for a promissory note used to the factor
Question 13
It is a predetermined amount withheld by a factor as a protection against customer
returns, allowances and other special adjustments

Factor's holdback or due from factoR

Service charge
Equity in assigned accounts
Question 14
Which of the following is not permitted for accounting for material amount of
uncollectible accounts receivable?

Direct write-off method.

Percentage of accounts receivable using allowance method.
All of the choices are acceptable.
Percentage of sales using allowance method.
Question 15
When the allowance method of recognizing uncollectible account is used, the entry to
record the writeoff of a specific account would

Decrease both accounts receivable and the allowance for uncollectible accounts
Decrease accounts receivable and increase the allowance for uncollectable
Decrease both accounts receivable and net income
Increase the allowance for uncollectable accounts and decrease net income.
Question 16
Credit balances in accounts receivables should be classified as

Noncurrent liability
Deduction from accounts receivable
Part of accounts payable
Current liability
Question 17
A method of estimating doubtful accounts that emphasizes asset valuation rather
than income measurement is the allowance method based on
Direct writeoff
Aging of accounts receivable
Credit sales less sales returns and allowances
Gross sales
Question 18
Why would a company sell receivables to another company?

To accelerate access to amounts collected.

To limit its legal liability.
To improve the quality of its credit granting process.
To comply with customer agreements.
Question 19
Which of the following should be recorded in accounts receivable?

Receivable from officers

Dividends receivable
None of these
Receivables from subsidiaries
Question 20
Sleeping Corporation factored P600,000 of accounts receivable to Beauty Finance
Co. Control was surrendered by Sleeping. Beauty accepted the receivables subject
to recourse for nonpayment. Beauty assessed a fee of 3% and retains a holdback
equal to 5% of the accounts receivable. In addition, Beauty charged 15% interest
annually computed on a weighted-average time to maturity of the receivables of 54
days (use 365 days in a year). The fair value of the recourse obligation is P9,000.
(round off answers to nearest peso)

1. Sleeping will receive and record cash of

2. Assuming all receivables are collected, Sleeping’s cost of factoring the receivables
would be
Answer: (538,685)
Answer: (31,315)
Question 21
XYZ Corp. uses the percentage of credit sales method in determining its bad debt
expense. The following information comes from the accounting records of XYZ Corp.:

What is the bad debt expense for the year?

Answer: (29,000)
Question 22
On December 1, Caoayan Company assigned on a nonnotification basis accounts
receivable of P5,000,000 to a bank in consideration for a loan of 90% of the
receivables less a 5% service fee on the accounts assigned. Caoayan signed a note
for the bank loan. On December 31, Caoayan collected assigned accounts of
P3,000,000 less discount of P200,000. Caoayan remitted the collections to the bank
in partial payment for the loan. The bank applied first the collection to the interest
and the balance to the principal. The agreed interest is 1% per month on the loan

1. In its December 31 statement of financial position, Caoayan should report note

payable as a current liability at?

2. As at December 31 how much is Caoayan's Equity in accounts receivable


Answer: (1,745,000)
Answer: (255,000)
Question 23
1. On June 9, Seller Corp. sold merchandise with a list price of P5,000 to Buyer
on account. Seller allowed trade discounts of 30% and 20%. Credit terms
were 2/15, n/40 and the sale was made FOB shipping point. Seller prepaid
P200 of delivery costs for Buyer as an accommodation. On June 25, Seller
received from Buyer a remittance in full payment amounting to

Answer: (3,000)

The Basic Company uses the net price method of accounting for cash discounts. In
one of its transactions on December 15, Basic sold merchandise with a list price of
500,000 to a client who was given a trade discount of 20%. Credit terms were 3/10,
n/30. The goods were shipped FOB destination, freight collect. On December 20, the
client returned damaged goods originally billed at 60,000. Total freight charges paid
by the buyer amounted to 7,500. What is the net realizable value of this receivable on
December 31?

Answer: (329,800)
Question 2
Basic Co. sold goods to customers on terms 3/15; net 30. All sales are on credit and
based on experience, 75% of the customers would avail of the sales discounts. The
company use the gross method in recording sales and accounts receivable. The aging
of accounts receivable at year-end follows:
Age Amount Uncollectible
0-15 days 1,500,000 0%
16-30 1,050,000 3%
31-60 500,000 12.5%
Over 60 200,000 30%
total 3,250,000
At year-end
1. What amount should be reported as allowance for sales discount?
2. What is the net realizable value of the accounts receivable?

Answer: (33,750)
Answer: (3,062,250)
Question 3
Trade discounts are

All of the statements are true.

Used to avoid frequent changes in catalogues.
Not recorded in the accounts; rather they are a means of computing a price.
Used to quote different prices for different quantities purchased.
Question 4
For banks and financial institutions, receivables result primarily from

credit sales
Question 5
The ideal measure of short-term receivables in the statement of financial position is
the discounted value of the cash to be received in the future, failure to follow this
practice usually does not make the statement of financial position misleading
The allowance for uncollectible accounts includes a discount element.
The amount of the discount is not material.
Most receivables can be sold to a bank or factor.
Most short-term receivables are not interest bearing.
Question 6
A financing arrangement whereby one party formally transfers its rights to accounts
receivable to another party in consideration for a loan without necessarily transferring
the ownership thereof

Question 7
Which of the following is a method to generate cash from accounts receivables?

Assignment only.
Neither Factoring nor Assignment.
Assignment and Factoring.
Question 8
If a company employs the gross method of recording accounts receivable from
customers, then sales discounts taken should be reported as

A deduction from sales in the income statement.

An item of "other income and expense" in the income statement.
Sales discounts forfeited in the cost of goods sold section of the income
A deduction from accounts receivable in determining the net realizable value of
accounts receivable.
Question 9
When accounts receivable are pledged, in addition to the disclosures required, total
receivables will

Increase or decrease depending on the circumstances.

Remain the same.
Question 10
Accounts receivable are initially valued at face value and subsequently valued at

maturity value
net realizable value
market value
face value
Question 11
A company, which has an adequate amount in its Allowance for Doubtful Accounts,
writes off as uncollectible an accounts receivable from a bankrupt customer. This
action will

Reduce the amount of equity.

Have no effect on total current assets.
Reduce total current assets.
Reduce net income for the period.
Question 12
Which of the following items is a trade receivable?

loans to employees
claims in litigation
amounts due from customers
receivables from affiliates
Question 13
The amount of 'equity' of the assignor in assigned accounts that is required to be
disclosed in the notes is equal to

bank loan balance minus the assigned accounts receivable

assigned accounts receivable minus the bank loan balance
bank loan balance
assigned accounts receivable
Question 14
Which of the following items is a non-trade receivable?

contracts receivable (construction firm)

premiums receivables (insurance firm)
loans receivable (retail company)
rentals receivable (real estate business)
Question 15
In relation to receivables, an entity is required by PFRSs to

Disclose any receivables pledged as collateral.

Classify receivables as current and non-current in the statement of financial
Disclose all significant concentrations of credit risk arising from receivables.
All of these are required.
Question 16
When the allowance method of recognizing uncollectible accounts is used, the entry
at the time of collection of an account previously written off would

have no effect on profit

decrease the allowance for uncollectible accounts
have no effect on the allowance for uncollectible accounts
increase profit
Question 17
Entity A factors P500,000 of accounts receivable. Entity A transfers the receivable
records to the factor, which will receive the collections. Factor assesses a finance
charge of 3 percent of the amount of accounts receivable and retains an amount
equal to 5 percent of the accounts receivable (for probable adjustments). If the
transfer is on a non-guarantee (or without recourse) basis, which statement is

Entity A reports both a receivable and a liability of P500,000 in its statement of

financial position.
None of the statements are correct.

The factor's net income will be the difference between the financing income of
P15,000 and the amount of any uncollectible receivables.

Entity A records a loss of P40,000.

Question 18
In estimating the net realizable value of trade receivables, which of the following may
be deducted from the face value of receivables?

all of these
allowance for doubtful accounts
allowance for freight charges
allowance for sales returns and discounts
Question 19
Which statement is correct regarding Receivables?

They are financial assets representing contractual rights to receive cash.

They refer to amounts due from individuals and other entities.
All of the statements are correct.
They are claims expected to be collected in cash.
Question 20
Adams Co. uses the allowance method of determining bad debt expense. It collects
250 from a customer that Adams had previously written-off. As a result of collecting
this 250, its:

Assets remain the same

Assets are increased by 250
Net income is increased by 250

Stockholders'equity is increased by 250

Question 21
Which statement is incorrect regarding pledge of accounts receivable?

The accounts pledged are not transferred to a special ledger control account.
New receivables can be substituted for the ones collected.
Does not require note disclosure relating to details of transaction.
No special accounting for the borrowing is needed.
Question 22
Credit balances in accounts receivable should be classified as

Part of accounts payable

Current liability
Noncurrent liability
Deduction from accounts receivable
Question 23
The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts account has a year-end credit balance, prior to
adjustment, of 4,500. The bad debts are estimated at 3% of 6,500,000, the net credit
sales. At year end, however, management estimates that 10% of the outstanding
receivables amounting to 1,000,000 will be uncollectible. In its year-end financial
statements at what amount will the following be reported?
1. Net realizable value of Accounts receivable
2. Doubtful accounts expense
Answer: (900,000)
Answer: (95,500)

Question 24
Basic Co. provided the following information:
Accounts receivable, balance 650,000
Credit sales 2,750,000
Collections from customers 2,500,000
Accounts written off 50,000
Estimated future sales returns 25,000
Estimated future sales discounts 10,000
Estimated uncollectible accounts 5% of accounts receivable

What is the net realizable value of the Accounts receivable at year-end?

Answer: (772,500)
Question 25
On December 1, Basic Company assigned on a nonnotification basis accounts
receivable of 5,000,000 to a bank in consideration for a loan of 90% of the receivables
assigned less a 5% service fee on the value of the note. Basic signed a note for
the bank loan. During the month, Basic collected assigned accounts of 2,940,000 net
of sales discounts of 60,000. On December 31, Basic remitted the collections to the
bank in partial payment for the loan. The bank applied first the collection to the interest
and the balance to the principal. The agreed interest is 1% per month on the loan
1. How much cash was received from the assignment on December 1?
2. What is the carrying amount of the notes payable on December 31?
3. What is the balance of accounts receivable assigned on December 31?
4. What amount should be disclosed as equity in assigned receivables on December

Answer: (4,275,000)
Answer: (1,605,000)
Answer: (2,000,000)
Answer: (395,000)
Question 26
A company estimates that 20,000 of its 500,000 of accounts receivable will be
uncollectible. Its Allowance for Doubtful Accounts presently has a credit balance of
8,000. In its year-end financial statements at what amount will the following be
1. Allowance for doubtful accounts?
2. Doubtful accounts expense?
Answer: (20,000)
Answer: (12,000)
Question 27
On June 9, Seller Corp. sold merchandise with a list price of 50,000 to Buyer on
account. Seller allowed trade discounts of 20% and 10%. Credit terms were 2/10, n/30
and the sale was made FOB shipping point. Seller prepaid P2,000 of delivery costs for
Buyer as an accommodation. On June 15 what amount was received from Buyer in
full settlement of the transaction?

Answer: (37,280)
Question 28
Basic Co. factored 10,000,000 of accounts receivable to a financing company without
recourse. The allowance for doubtful accounts had a balance of 200,000 prior to the
sale. The factor assessed a fee of 5% and retained a holdback equivalent to 5% of
accounts receivable to cover sales returns and allowances and sales discounts.

1. What amount of cash was initially received from factoring?

2. How much was the loss on factoring?

Answer: (9,000,000)
Answer: (300,000)

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