Colegio de La Purisima Concepcion

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The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Roxas City 5800, Philippines




Activity 2



1. Discuss briefly the different learning process.

1. Visual learning: Visual learners learn best through visual aids such as diagrams, images,
and videos.
2. Auditory learning: Auditory learners learn best through listening and speaking, such as
lectures, discussions, and audio recordings.
3. Kinesthetic learning: Kinesthetic learners learn best through hands-on activities, such as
experiments, projects, and physical simulations.
4. Tactile learning: Tactile learners learn best through touch and physical manipulation of
objects, such as building models or using manipulative.
5. Verbal learning: Verbal learners learn best through written or spoken language, such as
reading, writing, and debates.
6. Social learning: Social learners learn best through interacting with others, such as group
discussions, peer teaching, and collaborative projects.
7. Experiential learning: Experiential learners learn best through direct experience, such as
internships, field trips, and real-world applications.
2. Explain  the example of domains of learning.
Cognitive domain: The cognitive domain of learning involves the development of
intellectual skills such as knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking. This type of learning
can be demonstrated through activities such as memorization, problem-solving, and analysis. For
example, a student learning history may focus on memorizing important dates, events, and
people. They may also be asked to analyze historical documents and evaluate the significance of
Psychomotor domain: The psychomotor domain of learning involves the development of
physical skills and abilities. This type of learning can be demonstrated through activities such as
sports, dance, and manual labor. For example, a student learning to play the piano may focus on
developing their finger dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and posture. They may also learn to
read and interpret sheet music, and practice playing different musical styles.
Affective domain: The affective domain of learning involves the development of social
and emotional skills such as attitudes, beliefs, and values. This type of learning can be
demonstrated through activities such as discussions, debates, and role-playing. For example, a
student learning about environmental issues may focus on developing attitudes of empathy and
responsibility towards the environment. They may also learn to evaluate the impact of human
activities on the environment, and develop strategies for reducing their own ecological footprint.

3. As a teacher, what kind of managerial school manager do you like? Why

As a teacher, I believe that an effective school manager is one who values collaboration,
open communication, and a student-centered approach to education. A manager who is
approachable, supportive, and responsive to the needs of both students and staff can create a
positive and productive learning environment that benefits everyone.
First and foremost, I appreciate a manager who fosters a collaborative culture in the
school. This means encouraging teamwork and cooperation among staff members, as well as
involving students in decision-making processes. By working together, we can create a
supportive and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and respected.
Open communication is also key to effective school management. A manager who is
transparent, honest, and accessible can build trust and rapport with both students and staff. This
means being willing to listen to feedback, address concerns, and provide regular updates on
school-wide issues and initiatives. By maintaining open lines of communication, we can work
together to create a positive and productive learning environment for everyone.
Finally, I believe that a student-centered approach to education is essential for effective
school management. This means prioritizing the needs and interests of students, and tailoring
educational experiences to meet their individual learning styles and abilities. A manager who
values diversity, inclusion, and equity can create a learning environment where all students feel
supported and empowered to achieve their full potential.

4. What is the different between static and dynamic culture?

Static culture refers to a culture that remains largely unchanged over time. It is
characterized by a strong adherence to tradition and a resistance to change or innovation. In a
static culture, values, beliefs, and customs are passed down from generation to generation
without significant modification.
On the other hand, dynamic culture is characterized by change, adaptation, and evolution
over time. In a dynamic culture, values, beliefs, and customs are constantly evolving in response
to new social, economic, and political realities. This type of culture is often associated with
modern societies, where rapid technological advancements and global connectivity have led to a
more fluid and interconnected world.

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