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Education Plan


Student identified as Student not formally identified but requires special education
exceptional by IPRC program/services, including modified/alternative learning
expectations and/or accommodations
February 7,
Name: Jesse Smith Gender: F Date of Birth:
School: Golden Banks Public (Since Jr. Kindergarten)

Student OEN/MIN: 111222333 Principal: Mrs. P. Stout

Current Grade/Special Class: Grade 8 School Year: 2021-2022

June 18,
Most Recent IPRC Date: Date Annual Review Waived by Parent/Guardian:
Exceptionality: Communication – Learning Disability

IPRC Placement Decision (check one)

Regular class with indirect support Special education class with partial integration
Regular class with resource assistance Special education class full-time
Regular class with withdrawal assistance

List relevant educational, medical/health (hearing, vision, physical, neurological), psychological,
speech/language, occupational, physiotherapy, and behavioural assessments.

Information Source Date Summary of Results

Speech-Language Assessment May 26th,  Well below average in Oral Language –
2019 Receptive
 Average in Oral Language – Expressive
 Below Average in Written Language – Writing
 Well Below Average in Written Language –
Reading/Phonemic Awareness
 Below Average in Memory

Psycho-Educational Assessment- January 27th  Below Verbal (19th percentile)

WISC III 2019  Performance (25th percentile)
 Full Scale (22nd percentile)
 A discrepancy between intellectual ability and
school achievement noted - diagnosis of a
Learning Disability


Areas of Strength Areas of Need
 Jesse is a very social and active student  She is unable to focus and follow instructions
who shows strong communication skills which impacts her time management skills.
with adults and peers.
 She demonstrates appropriate fine and  Jesse has difficulty with mathematical skills in
gross motor skills. problem-solving.
 Jesse has strong oral expressive language  She struggles with feelings of uncertainty and
skills, and a good vocabulary is noted. requires frequent reassurance.
 She is aware of her need for support and  Jesse has difficulty with written expressive
welcomes any opportunity to work with language skills.
SERT or with the homeroom teacher on a
1:1 basis.

Health Support Service/Personal Support Required Yes (list below) No


Identify each as Modified (MOD), Accommodated only (AC), or Alternative (ALT)

1. Language Arts- 6.
2. Language Arts- 7.
3. Mathematics 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Elementary Program Exemptions or Secondary School Compulsory Course Substitutions

Yes (provide educational rationale) No

Modified Language and Math support and instruction will replace the French requirement to support Jesse’s

Complete for secondary students only:

Student is currently working towards attainment of the:

Ontario Secondary School Ontario Secondary School Certificate of Accomplishment

Diploma Certificate

(Accommodations are assumed to be the same for all subjects, unless otherwise indicated)

Instructional Accommodations Environmental Accommodations Assessment Accommodations

 Encourage the use of  Preferential seating in the  Reduce the quantity of work.
graphic organizers and classroom.
tracking sheets.  Chunk assignments into
 Allow for the use of manageable units with
 Positively reinforce efforts headphones. timelines and give feedback
and improvements. frequently.
 Post simple and action-
 Allow for extra time for focused rules and  Allow for more frequent
processing on tests. consequences.
 Provide time for computer
 Rephrase information and  Encourage partnering or
use for written assignments.
tasks for clarity. small group settings.
 Allow oral responses for
 Allow memory aids for some written tasks.

 Ensure that all

expectations for work and
classroom behaviour are
clearly established.

Individualized Equipment Yes (list below) No

 The use of assistive technologies such as

PROVINCIAL ASSESSMENTS (accommodations and exemptions)

Provincial assessments applicable to the student in the current school year:
Accommodations: Yes (list below) No

Exemptions: Yes (provide explanatory statement from relevant EQAO document) No

Jesse was exempted from the EQAO assessment in Grade 6.

Special Education Program

To be completed for each subject/course with modified expectations and/or each alternative program with
alternative expectations

Student OEN/MIN: 111222333 Subject/Course/Alternative Program: Language Arts- Reading and


Current Level of Achievement: Current Level of Achievement for Alternative Program:

Prerequisite course (if Jesse’s marks in Language Arts were in the 60’s based
applicable): on Grade 6 expectations. Improvement in her ability to
use the conventions of written language is noted. Jesse
Letter grade: was able to decode more proficiently but her reading
comprehension continued to hold her back.
Curriculum grade

Annual Program Goal(s): A goal statement describing what the student can reasonably be expected to
accomplish by the end of the school year in a particular subject, course, or alternative program.

Jesse is expected to achieve the provincial standard for grade level for grade 8 Language. Jesse will complete
almost all the overall expectations of the Language curriculum. Her communication exceptionality means
modifications to the requirements of the course but adding assistive technologies and modifications to
assessments provided to her. Jesse is expected to perform at the grade 8 level by end of the year.

Learning Expectations Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods

(List modified/alternative (List only those that are (Identify the assessment method to
expectations outlining knowledge particular to the student and be used for each learning
and/or skills to be assessed, by specific to the learning expectation)
reporting period. Identify grade expectations)
level, where appropriate.)
 Incorporate writing style to  Assistive technology to  One-on-one conversations
complement activities so help with reading and about specific topics of
Jesse can improve writing (text-to-speech interest.
grammar including
and speech-to-text).
punctuation, diction, tense,
and sentence structure.  Oral presentations that
 Encourage shared encourage explanation.
 Encourage the use of a reading with parents,
dictionary. teachers, and peers.  Writing checklist with student
 Assign writing opportunities  Use of writing process:
that allow for personal prewriting activities,
connections. edited drafts (one that
includes teacher or
 Provide short reading SERT support), and a
pieces that deal with final draft completed.
specific topics to promote
Jesse’s ability to infer.

 Encourage the use of

highlighter and note-taking
skills for recall as this would
help Jesse put more detail
in her writing.

Special Education Program

To be completed for each subject/course with modified expectations and/or each alternative program with
alternative expectations

Student OEN/MIN: 111222333 Subject/Course/Alternative Program: Mathematics

Current Level of Achievement: Current Level of Achievement for Alternative

Prerequisite course (if
applicable): Jesse’s marks in Math were in the 70’s based on Grade
4 expectations.
Letter grade:

Curriculum grade

Annual Program Goal(s): A goal statement describing what the student can reasonably be expected to
accomplish by the end of the school year in a particular subject, course, or alternative program.

Jesse is expected to achieve the provincial standard for grade level for grade 8 mathematics. Jesse will
complete all the overall expectations of the mathematics curriculum. Her communication exceptionality means
modifications to the requirements of the course but adding assistive technologies and modifications to
assessments provided to her. Jesse is expected to perform at the grade 8 level by end of the year.

Learning Expectations Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods

(List modified/alternative (List only those that are (Identify the assessment method to
expectations outlining knowledge particular to the student and be used for each learning
and/or skills to be assessed, by specific to the learning expectation)
reporting period. Identify grade expectations)
level, where appropriate.)

 Encourage the use of a  Concrete materials and  Oral presentations.

“Math Dictionary” for Jesse manipulatives whenever
to gain a better possible.  Activities done within a small
understanding of math group setting.
language used in various  Strategies encouraged
tasks she is given. for math problems such  Writing checklist with student
as looking for “key” or self-assessment.
 Use a “Math Journal” that clue words that indicate
allows Jesse to relate math the mathematical
concepts to real-life operation.
experiences, allowing her to
continue to challenge  Calculator for checking
herself. work.

 Use diagrams and visuals

to increase understanding.

 Provide real-life
applications of math
concepts and provide a lot
of practice with problem-
solving, especially in the
area of time (schedules).

 Encourage the breakdown

of problems into steps to
ensure that basic
calculations are correct.


(Indicate parent/student
Date consultation or staff review) Outcome
At the An IEP was developed for Jesse. Later that school year, Jesse was formally
beginning of identified with a Communication Learning
the 2015/2016 Disability.
school year

2021 Jesse’s IEP was updated and sent to her To ensure Jesse will continue to receive
parents for review. individualized programming to meet her
specific learning needs and to ensure that
classroom instruction is at an appropriate
Grade level for Jesse to succeed.

The principal is legally required to ensure that the IEP is properly implemented and monitored.
This IEP has been developed according to the ministry’s standards and appropriately addresses the
student’s strengths and needs. The learning expectations will be reviewed and the student’s
achievement evaluated at least once every reporting period.

Principal’s Signature Date

Involvement of Parent/Guardian and Student (if student is 16 or older)

I was consulted in the development of this IEP Student
I declined the opportunity to be consulted in the development
of this IEP Parent/Guardian
I have received a copy of this IEP Student
Parent/Guardian and Student Comments:

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Student Signature (if 16 or older) Date

Transition Plan
Student’s Name Jesse Smith OEN/MIN 111222333

Specific Goal(s):

 Jesse will focus on written language development. She will maintain curriculum language
expectations to the instructional level of her peers.
 Jesse will focus on mathematics lessons one at a time, with the support of SERT. She will get
clarification using the appropriate level of language to convey expectations.
 Jesse will focus on organization skills and better manage her time for tasks to be completed on

Actions Required Responsible for Actions Timelines

 Annual transition meeting to Spec Ed/Teacher, Principal,  Beginning of the year

reflect on Jesse’s IEP and Parents
make sure it is up to date.

 Continue to work on written Spec Ed/Teacher, Student  Daily

communication skills in the

 Arrange to work with SERT for Spec Ed/Teacher, Student  Daily

clarification of tasks.

 Use an agenda to record when Spec Ed/Teacher, Student,

tasks are due, show this to an Parent  Daily
adult in the room by the end of
the day then get it signed by a
parent each day.

 As Jesse completes Grade 8,

a transition meeting with the Spec Ed/Teacher, Student,  In the Spring
local high school will be held to Parent, High School Team
discuss her IEP and course
selection for next school year.

This Individual Education Plan was designed using all the information about Jesse Smith and her
learning thus far. By having the IEP connected to Jesse’s profile as well as her strengths and needs, it
allows us to create a plan that is best suited for Jesse to succeed. While programming; teachers, support
staff, parents, and the principal can contribute to planning tasks and activities based on Jesse’s goals and
help her accomplish them more promptly. It is a great starting point.

Jesse does not begin tasks promptly and thus time management becomes an issue for her. She is
often behind in her work and she fails to meet deadlines. I want to encourage Jesse to continue to receive
organizational support. I believe Jesse will continue to do her best in all subjects as she is welcoming of
any support that is offered. This will greatly impact her success as long as the appropriate strategies and
tools are put in place. It is crucial to develop a schedule and tracker to ensure the individual education
plan-modified expectations are being addressed each day. As a teacher, assessing these regularly and
re-establishing student goals once existing ones are obtained is important. This also comes with the help
of support staff, the principal, and Jesse’s parents. I believe it is crucial to keep communication open,
especially using a communication system such as an agenda to keep in touch. Ultimately, conversing
regularly with Jesse on her goals and analyzing errors together can be an effective form of learning.

This Individual Education Plan could be implemented if Jesse had to be taught remotely by
implementing the appropriate tools and strategies for Jesse to succeed virtually. I would take the time to
schedule a check-in with Jesse to ensure her needs are being met daily. I would provide her with enough
breaks to refresh. I think it is important to provide Jesse with text-to-speech and speech-to-text devices
for language and mathematics tasks. It would be beneficial to add audio recordings for lessons as support
for Jesse and her understanding of various activities. This could be done to deliver information in chunks.
All these strategies and tools can support Jesse to stay actively engaged in her learning with the proper
support to meet her needs.

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