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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Siargao
Socorro East District
Atoyay, N. Sering, Socorro, Surigao del Norte

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

(Science and Health - IV)

I – Objectives:
1. Know what is ecosystem?
2. Identify the living things (Biotic) and non-living things (Abiotic) in an ecosystem.
3. Appreciate the importance of living things and non-living things in the environment.
II – Subject Matter:

Competencies: Describe the effects of interactions among organism (S4LT-IIG-H-14)

Topic: Ecosystem
References: MELCS; Science & Health Book; pp.149 – 155
Content Learning Across Curriculum: Mathematics, Science, MAPEH (Health), EsP, English, Aral Pan.
III – Procedures:
A. Prayer
B. Checking of Attendance
C. Reading of the Objectives of the Lesson
D. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Ecosystem – is a place where living things and non-living things interact with each other
for their survival.
Living Things – having life/ they are the plants and animals in a certain place.
Non-living Things – having no life/ they are the sunlight, air, soil, water in a certain place.
Garden – a piece of ground, often near a house/school, used for growing flowers, fruits or
Forest – a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
Ponds – a small body of still water formed naturally or by hollowing or embanking.
River – a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another
such stream
Sea – the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its
E. Motivation:
(Showing pictures of different ecosystem (Garden, Forest, Ponds, river, sea)

1. Based on the posted picture, what can you see?
(Let the pupils express what they will have seen in the picture)

2. What are the living things found in a certain ecosystem? (Garden, river, forest)
(LOTS Questions) (Let the pupils express what they will have seen in the picture)

3. What are the non-living things found in a certain ecosystem? (Garden, river)
(LOTS Questions) (Let the pupils express what they will have seen in the picture)

4. Why do plants and animals important in an ecosystem?

(HOTS Questions) (Let the pupils answer the given question)

5. Why do non-living things important to living things?

(HOTS Questions) (Let the pupils answer the given question)

6. How the living things and non-living things interact with each other? Are they
both important? Why?
(HOTS Questions) (Let the pupils answer the given question)

F. Discussion Proper:
What is ecosystem?
- An ecosystem consists of all living (biotic components) and non-living things
(abiotic components) in a given area that function together as a unit.
- It is the largest and the most complex level of organization which consists of all
plants, animals and microorganisms which function with all the environmental
factors such as sunlight, climate, soil, water, air, space nutrients, temperature
and energy.

(The teacher will give some examples of some ecosystems and will be
posted in the power point)
- There are two major components of an ecosystem:
A. Living Things (Biotic Components)
B. Non-living Things (Abiotic Components)

1. TERRESTIAL ECOSYSTEM – is one that occurs on land.
A. Forest ecosystems – consist of various plants,
particularly, trees.
B. Grassland ecosystems- dominated by grasses.
C. Tundra ecosystem- treeless and snow covered
D. Dessert ecosystem – typically arid and windy.Some
contain sand dunes, others, mostly rock.
2. FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEM -are the acquatis ecosystems that donot
contain saltwater.
Major Types of Freshwater Ecosystem
A. Lentic Ecosystem – refers to ecosystems in still water.
Examples: Lakes and Ponds
3. MARINE ECOSYSTEM – is an aquatic ecosystem that contain
saltwater. It is regarded as the most abundant ecosystem in the world.
Seas – is the expand of saltwater that covers most of the
earth’s surface and surround its landmasses.
Ocean – a very large expanse of sea, in particular, each of
the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically
such as Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, etc.
3. ARTIFICIAL ECOSYSTEM – is a man-made system, which can be
classified as terrestrial, freshwater or marine.
Examples: Garden, fishpond, aquariums and etc.
- Now, what are living things? – They are the biotic components of an ecosystem
such as producers, consumers and decomposers living in a certain place.
 Producers – are the plants in a certain place that produce foods to the
 Consumers – are the animals living in a certain ecosystem
Types of Consumers:
A. Herbivores – are the animals that eat plants only.
B. Carnivores – are the animals that eat other animals.
C. Omnivores – are the animals that eat both plants and
 Decomposers – are the bacteria and fungi that decompose all the
dead plants and animals in an ecosystem.
- Now, what are non-living things? – They are the abiotic components such as
rocks, soil, minerals, water sources, sunlight, temperature that help the plants
grow and produce their own food for the consumers.

(The teacher will give some examples of living and non-living things in a
certain place and the examples will be posted in the power point) or the
teacher may insert a video about the ecosystem.
1. Now, are these living and non-living things important in our lives? Why?
(HOTS Question that leads to values integration)
2. Did you give importance of living and non-living things in our environment?
How? (HOTS Question that leads to EsP integration)
3. How would you describe the life without plants and animals (living things) the
water, soil, air and sunlight (non-living things)?
(HOTS Question that leads to English integration by using adjective words and Science & Health)
4. Do you have some plants in your garden at home or in a farm? If you have,
enumerate and count the blessings that you have, and how would it help in your
family? (HOTS Questions that leads to Mathematics integration and might give much appreciation about
the importance of living and non-living things in a certain area).
5. How these plants and animals helped in your everyday lives?
(HOTS Question that leads to EsP integration and give much appreciation about the importance of
living things in the environment)
6. Is Atoyay, our place, rich in ecosystems? Do we have all types of ecosystems?
(LOTS Questions that leads to Aral.Pan. integration by enumerating some types of ecosystems found in

G. Generalization:

ECOSYSTEM is a place where both living and non-living things interact with each
other for their survival. It has two major components; Living things (Biotic
components and the non - living things (abiotic components). There are also type of
ecosystem, namely; terrestrial, freshwater, marine and artificial ecosystems.
LIVING THINGS – They are the biotic components of an ecosystem such as
producers, consumers and decomposers living in a certain place.
NON-LIVING THINGS – They are the abiotic components such as rocks, soil, minerals,
water sources, sunlight, temperature that help the plants grow and produce their
own food for the consumers.

H. Application: (Differentiated Instruction)

Let the pupils find an ecosystem inside the school premises and let them make a list
of living and non-living things to be found in a certain ecosystem.

Let the pupils make a semantic map of a living and non-living things to be found in a
garden in front of our classroom.


Let the pupils arrange into its original the pictures of an ecosystem that were cut
into pieces and identify the kind of ecosystem they will have solved.

III – EVALUATION: (Let the pupils answer the given questions in just 7 minutes.)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the following questions comprehensively. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a biotic feature of an ecosystem?

A. Soil b. Water c. Butterfly
2. Which of these are found in a marine ecosystem?
A. Fish b. Trees c. grass
3. What type of ecosystem that is dominated by grass.
A. Forest b. Tundra c Grassland
4. Where can we find shark, whale and big fishes?
A. Ocean b. Tundra c. Lakes
5. Which of the following is the producer?
A. Pechay b. Snake c. Man
6. Which of the following is abiotic components of an ecosystem?
A. Grass, pechay, kangkong b. water, air, sunlight c. butterfly, frog, flower
7. What do you called the animals eat other animals?
A. Herbivores B. Carnivores C. Omnivores
8. Which of the following are Herbivores?
A. Lion, tiger, snake B. Goat, cow, carabao C. Man, cat, pig
9. What are the Living things (Biotic components) of the following?
A. Plants and animals B. decomposer and soil C. sunlight and water
10. What are the non-living things (Abiotic components) of the following?
A. Plants and animals B. decomposer and soil C. sunlight and water


(Let the pupils draw any ecosystems found in our place, Atoyay, and make a list of living and non-living
things found in that a certain ecosystem).

Prepared by:



Head Teacher-II

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