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1. A is the point (1, 7) B is the point (6, 7)

The line AB is mapped onto the line PQ by the translation

(a) Find the coordinates of Q

(b) What special type of quadrilateral is ABQP?

(c) Find the area of the quadrilateral ABQP.


3. Triangles A, B, C and D are drawn on a centimetre square

(a) The perimeter of triangle A is (a+√b) cm, where a and b
are integers. Find a and b.
(b) Triangle A is mapped onto triangle B by the translation
T. Write down the column vector that represents T.
(c) Describe fully the single transformation that maps
triangle B onto triangle C.
(d) Describe fully the single transformation that maps
triangle B onto triangle D.
(e) Write down the matrix that represents the
transformation which maps triangle D onto triangle A.
(f) The transformation V is a reflection in the line y = 0. The transformation W is a rotation 90° clockwise about
(0, 0). The single transformation X is equivalent to the transformation V followed by the transformation W.
(i) The point (g, h) is mapped onto the point P by the transformation X. Find the coordinates of P
(ii) Describe fully the single transformation X.


5. The diagram shows triangles A, B and C

(i) Describe fully the single transformation that maps

triangle A onto triangle B

(ii) Describe fully the single transformation that maps

triangle A onto triangle C.

(iii) Another transformation is

represented by the matrix P, where This
transformation maps triangle A onto
triangle D. Find the vertices of triangle D

(iv) Describe fully the single

transformation represented by the
matrix P

6. (a) The diagram shows triangles A, B

and C
(i) Describe fully the single
transformation that maps
(a) triangle A onto triangle B,
(b) triangle A onto triangle C.
(ii) One vertex of triangle A is (2, 1).
Find the coordinates of this point
when it is
(a) reflected in the line y = –x
(b) rotated through 90°

anticlockwise about (1, –1).

(b) You may use the grid below to help you answer this question. The points (2, 1), (4, 3), (3, 1) and (p, q) form a
quadrilateral. This quadrilateral has rotational symmetry order 1 and one line of symmetry.

(i) One possible position of (p, q) is (2, 2). Write down the name of this special quadrilateral.

(ii) Given that p and q are integers, find two other possible positions of (p, q)

7. Shapes A and B are drawn on the grid.

(a) Draw the image of shape A after a translation

with vector .

(b) Draw the image of shape A after an enlargement with

scale factor and cen-1/2 centre (1, 0).

(c) Shape A is mapped onto shape B by the single

transformation P.

(i) Describe fully the transformation P.

(ii) Find the matrix representing transformation P.

8. The diagram shows triangle A and line L.

(i) Triangle A is mapped onto triangle B by a reflection in

line L. Draw and label triangle B. [2]

(ii) Triangle A is mapped onto triangle C by an

anticlockwise rotation of 90°, centre (0, 3). Draw and label
triangle C. [2]

(iii) Triangle C is mapped onto triangle D by a reflection in

line L. Describe the single transformation that maps
triangle B onto triangle D

9. The points (2, 3), (4, 3) and (4, 4) are the vertices of a
triangle A. (use a grid -10 ≤ x ≤ 5 and -5 ≤ y ≤ 10
(a) On the grid, draw and label triangle A.(1)
(b) Triangle A is transformed to triangle B under the translation On the grid, draw and label triangle B.(1)
(c) Triangle B is transformed to triangle C under the transformation with matrix T where Find the coordinates of
the vertices of triangle C.(2)
(d) On the grid, draw and label triangle C.(1)
(e) Triangle B is mapped to triangle C under the transformation with matrix T by an anticlockwise rotation about
the origin of 180° followed by an enlargement with centre the origin. Find the scale factor of this
(f) Triangle C is transformed to triangle D under the translation On the grid, draw and label triangle D.(1)
(g) Triangle A is transformed to triangle D by a single enlargement. Describe fully this enlargement.
10. (a)


11. Triangle A is drawn on the grid.

(a) Transformation P is represented

by the matrix P maps triangle A
onto triangle B.

(i) Draw and label triangle B.

(ii) Describe fully the single transformation P.

(iii) Write down the ratio area of triangle A : area

of triangle B.

(b) Transformation Q is represented

by the matrix Q maps triangle B onto
triangle C. Draw and label triangle C.

(c) Transformation Y is represented by

the matrix Y maps triangle A onto
triangle D. Find the matrix that
represents the transformation that maps triangle
D onto triangle A.

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