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TITLE: The importance of books in our life.

TOPIC: Reading a book

SPECIFIC PURPOSE STATEMENT: To point out the benefit of reading a


THESIS STATEMENT: Reading a good book works wonders in our life.


1-A Reader lives a thousand lives before he dies….The man who never
reads lives only one. ( GEORGE. R.R MARTIN)


1- The wonders of reading a book

1.1 Keep our brain active

1.2 Communications

1.3 Prevent illness

1.3.1 Alshzeimer

1.3.2 Muscle

2-Personal development


2.1.1 Elon Musk

2.2 Concentration

Conclusion. Thank you for listening to me and let me talk about the
benefits of reading a book.
We always dream about having an adventure in which we want to visit many
places, meet new people and even live in it. But sometimes we see it like
unreachable and impossible since everybody doesn’t have the same
opportunities. Instead of looking for adventure outside we dive in a story, novel
and have a trip , using our imagination. Once a novelist and writer George martin
said a reader lives a thousand lives before he dies …the man who never reads
lives only one. So reading is so important and this habit can work wonders in our
life and become the best version of ourselves. The wonders of having and reding
a book. First, it keeps our brain active. Reading literally change our mind since
our brain is as a computer with networks of circuits and signals and start process
every words that we reads. Also brain is a muscle that must be keep training
every single day and make us proactive in our task. Second, it helps us to
communicate in a better way. While we are reading we are learning new
concepts, word that provides us an extend vocabulary which influences many
areas of our life like school and job opportunities. Moreover, it allows us to
express better in daily conversation. Thirds, it helps us prevent illness. People
who read regularly are less likely to suffer from mental problem since reading
maintains and improves their cognitive functioning. Also, it cut down on blood
pressure, heart rate and have a good nights rest. Example Alzheimer is one of
biggest problem that old people face with. But reading a book, crossword can
reduce this problem.

Reading contribute in our own personal development. When we read a book we

come across with personalities who tells a story about themselves like
motivation, goals and how they succeeded. This allows to create another
perspective and focus on our strengths and dreams. As well as, we use our
imagination to solve problem that we face with using reasoning and logic. This
helps us develop new ability like empathy in which we put ourselves into shoes of
another people. The most richest man have something in common they read a lot
when were child. For example, Elon musk has revealed that he read one or two
books for week. So it improve our concentration and comprehension when we
are doing homework and test.

In conclusion reading a book helps to keep our brain active, improve

communication skill and prevent illness like Alzheimer. As well as, reading is
good for our personal development. It helps to reach our goals, succeed and
improve our concentration.

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