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Communication Practitioners and Journalist:

 Industry/Corporate Practice
 Government Service
 Nongovernment Service
 Academic Practice

 Industry/Corporate Practice

-Industry practice involves tasks related to mass communication, speech communication,

communication arts, development communication, and organizational communication.
Telecommunication services- a platform through which people could access and share
information in the most effective way.

 Government Service

-a communication practitioner or journalist may also want to enter government service. This
may or may not require civil service eligibility depending on the government agency he or she is
affiliated with.

 Common government agencies and institutions in the country, which provide

employment to communication graduates or practitioners:
1. Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
2. People’s Television Network (PTV)
3. Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
4. National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)
 Nongovernment Service

-utilize communication for various purposes, most notably during emergency search, rescue or

 Academic Practice

-Communication practitioners and journalists find themselves in academic institutions as either

communication educators or members of the information and communication office.


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