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Jobs dropped out of Oregons Reed College after one semester, although he returned to audit a class in calligraphy.

A Job well done

At 21, Steve Jobs created Apple in the garage of his parents home. 35 years later, he is the head of one of the most powerful and well-known companies. Real technology guru and outstanding manager, Jobs is considered one of the pioneers of personal computing. In his letter to the Board, the charismatic boss of Apple remains condent: I think the day's brightest and most innovative Apple is to come.


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Jobs, whose personal wealth is about $9 billion, in early years survived on money he got from selling coke bottles and weekly free meals at a Hare Krishna temple in Oregon.

Apple share prices

Jobs quit one of his rst jobs, designing video games for Atari, to backpack around India and take psychedelic drugs.

2011: iPad 2 released


In January 2009, Jobs took a six-month leave for a liver transplant. He Remained CEO, but chief operating o cer Tim Cook took over day-today operations and by July, 2009 stock prices were up 67% under Cooks tenure.



Steve Jobs was born out of wedlock to a man named Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne Simpson. He was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He has a biological sister named Mona Jandali, an author and professor at UCLA. She goes by the name Mona Simpson. Simpson was at one time married to Richard Appel, a television writer who used to work on The Simpsons.

2010: : iPad unveiled
According to a regulatory ling, Jobs took a salary of $1 in 2010. However, he owns some 5.5 million shares in the company, which are worth some $1.8 billion at the current price of around $333 a share, a rise of more than 50% on the year.
In 2004, he had surgery for a rare form of pancreatic cancer, known as an islet cell neuroendocrine tumour, which represents about 1% of the total cases of pancreatic cancer

1976: Steve Jobs cofounds Apple Computer

Steve Jobs always dresses in his trademark black turtleneck and jeans.

2007: Launch of iPhone 2005: New iPods Shu e, Nano released Aug., 2004: Goes public about his illness

2008: App Store opens; Jobs appears thin and frail at Developers Conference. Shares fall 10%




1980: Apple IPO shares open at $3.59

1984: Debut of Macintosh all-in-one personal computer

1985: Jobs quits after power struggle with directors

Steve Jobs personally holds 313 patents. Most of the patents are tech-related, but the Apple founder even holds a patent for a glass staircase.

1991: Powerbook is Apples rst hit portable computer

1994: Power Mac launched

1997: Jobs returns as CEO

1998: iMac 2001: iPod launched launched

Jobs is married and has three children.

About the i It was rst used with iMac in 1998. Jobs said at the launch that 'i' meant internet, individual, instruct, inform, inspire.

2003: iTunes store opens Oct., 2003: Jobs diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Steve Jobs owns 7.4% of Disney (DIS), or 138 million shares, worth roughly $4.5 billion and making him the top shareholder. Hes not even in the top 20 shareholders of Apple.


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