Subject Verb Agreement (Valenzuela, Joecelle, D)

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School Fort San Pedro Grade level 8

National High
Teacher Learning Area English
Teaching Date Quarter Third Quarter

I. Objectives
A. Content The learners demonstrate communicative competence through his/her understanding of
standard Afro-Asian Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture
and those of other countries.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
Standard entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs appropriate prosodic
features, stance and behaviour.
C. Learning 1. Discuss the Subject - Verb Agreement;
Competencies 2. Sustain interest in studying Subject - Verb Agreement; and
/ Objectives 3. Construct their own sentences using correct Subject - Verb Agreement.
II. Content Subject - Verb Agreement
III. Learning
A. References

B. Other Learning Laptop, printed materials

IV. Procedures
A. Review of Before the discussion start the teacher will give a short pre-test to find out how much
previous lesson the learners know about the lesson.
or presenting 1. What is a body of written works such as poetry, novels, history, biography, and
of new lesson essays that reflects the background of a certain culture?
a. Epic
b. Literature
c. Poetry
d. Prose
2. Which type of literature is a product of a writer’s imagination?
a. Feature
b. Fiction
c. Literature
d. Non-fiction
3. What is defined as the sequence of events that occurs from the first to the last
line of the story?
a. Character
b. Plot
c. Point of view
d. Setting
4. Which type of literature is based on facts and talks about real people, places, and
a. Features
b. Fiction
c. Non-fiction
d. Sci-fi
5. What part of plot refers to the conclusion or ending of a story?
a. Climax
b. Falling action
c. Rising action
d. Resolution

B. Establishing a The teacher will present pictures of spoon and fork, needle and
purpose for thread, and cellphone and charger.
the lesson
Motive Questions
Teacher’s Activity
Students Activity

*What do you call with those *Needle & thread, Spoon &
things at the picture? Fork, Cellphone & its Charger

*Do you think you can still use

one of those without the other *No, Ma’am

*Because they are always go

*What made you say such?
The teacher will ask the students to construct sentences about “Needle & thread, Spoon
& Fork, Cellphone & its Charger”.
1. Both the needle and thread are in the sewing box.
2. Anna buys a spoon and fork
3. The cellphone and the charger are in my bag.

C. Presenting Activity 1: The Hot Potato

Examples/ Directions: The teacher will give the learners a potato for them to pass around,
Instances of when the timer goes off, the student with the potato will be shown a flashcard. If
the New they can correctly identify the word, they stay alive, but if they are wrong, they
Lesson are out and must sit down. Vary the length of time for the timer, generally 5-15
seconds, with an occasional longer or shorter spell. They need to make a
sentence out the word that is shown to them.

Example: The learner got the word “Soccer”, they need to make a correct
sentence out of it.

“ They are playing soccer.”


concepts and
One of the important structures that you must master is the agreement of the verb and
practicing new
the subject in the sentence. Such agreement is governed by the following rules.
A. General Rule
1. Singular subject requires a singular verb.
a. Singular BE verbs are: am, is, and was
b. Singular non – BE verbs present tense end in –s.

Example: Ikebana is Japanese flower arrangement.

The tallest line represents heaven.
2. Plural subject requires a plural verb.
a. Plural BE verbs are: are and were
b. Plural non – BE verbs are present tense form not ending in –s.
Example: The flowers are fragrant and colorful.
Special schools teach Ikebana.

B. Compound Subjects
1. Subjects joined by and require a plural verb when they refer to different ideas;
singular, when they refer to one idea or one person.

Examples: Pebbles, rocks and clay contribute to the beauty of the flower arrangement.
Graciousness and hospitality is typical among many Filipinos. His best friend
and confidante is his cousin.
2. Subjects joined by or or nor require a singular verb when the subjects are all singular
or when the nearer subject to the verb is singular. They are plural when the subjects are
both plural and when the subject nearer the verb is plural.

Examples: The petal or the brand is considered important.

3. Compound Subjects thought as one unit require singular verb.

Example: Cereal and milk is a good breakfast.

C. Relative and Indefinite Subjects

1. Relative pronouns are singular when they refer to singular antecedents; plural when
they refer to plural antecedents.

Examples: One of the visitors who were invited was a Japanese artist.
He gave her a rose which was her favorite flower.
2. Plural indefinite pronouns such as some, all, and most are singular when they refer to
quantity and are plural when they refer to number.

Examples: Some of the food given to the children. were Some of the children given left
– over food.
3. Indefinite pronouns like each, everyone, nobody, etc. require singular verbs. Both,
some, many, and several require plural verbs.

Examples: Everybody the visitor. enjoy Many the Ikebana exhibit.

D. Collective Nouns and Nouns Plural in form.
1. A collective noun requires a singular verb when the group is regarded as one unit;
plural verb when the individual in the group act separately.

Examples: The team shows its best performance.

The committee do not agree on some suggestions.
2. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning require singular verb.

Example: Aesthetics makes a person appreciate the beauty of his surroundings.

E. Positive Subjects and Predicate Nouns

1. The verb agrees with the positive subject, not the negative.

Examples: The flowers, not the container, look attractive.

The container, not the flowers, looks attractive.
2. The verb agrees with the subject, not the predicate noun.

Examples: The main attraction is the beautiful flower arrangements.

The different flower arrangements are the main attraction.

F. Amount of money, length of time, etc., title of a book, play, etc.

1. Amount of money, length of time, measurement, weight, volume, and fractions are
singular when the amount is considered as single unit. A fraction is plural when it refers
to a plural noun.
Examples: Five thousand pesos was the expenses incurred by the family during the last
town fiesta.
Is Two days the actual length of celebration for the fiesta? Is Two thirds of the apple
rotten? Are Two thirds of the townspeople at the plaza? Is Three miles the distance from
here to his place?
2. Title of a book, play, story, poem, or musical composition is singular.

Example: “To Daffodils” is a popular poem of Robert Herrick.

G. A number, The number
1. A number is plural, the number is singular.

Examples: The number of girls equals the number of boys.

A number of participants have arrived.

H. Intervening Words
1. Words intervening between the subject and the verb do not affect the number of the
Example: The guest speaker, together with the other visitors, is going to give the
opening remarks.

I. Other Rules…
1. The “of phrase” is never used as the simple subject.
Examples: One of the houses was razed to the ground.
The beautiful eyes of the fairy attract him into oblivion.
2. In the case of inverted sentences, look for the simple subject and use the form of the
verb that agrees with it.
Examples: Across the street stand a house and a barn.
Down the aisle sits a quiet, prim lady.
3. Adjectives used as subjects require plural verb.
Example: The poor are close to the heart of Jesus.
4. Expressions like many a or many an, not one, more than one use the singular form of
the verb.
Examples: Many a parent takes that kind of responsibility.
More than one student seeks for the right answer.
5. A clause used as a subject requires a singular verb.
Example: What you say usually reveals the kind of person you are.

E. Developing a Activity 1: Relay Race

Mastery (Leads Directions: The teacher will choose several different worksheets on subject-verb
to Formative agreement errors. Then, the teacher will group the learners into 4 groups . The teacher
Assessment) will tape each worksheet to the wall or board at a distance from each groups. Players for
each team will take turns coming up to the board, choosing a sentence to redo, and
writing in on the board. Once they are finished, the teacher will give one point per
correct sentence, and perhaps a bonus point for the team that finishes first.

Example worksheet:

F. Finding Activity 3: List and Create

practical Directions: First, learners will match each verb on their worksheet with three nouns
application of from the box. Next, learners will write a present simple sentence for each verb using the
concepts, and given subject pronoun and three nouns. When the students have finished, go through
skills of daily the answers with the class.
G. Making To sum it all up, subject-verb agreement is essential and even critical in all forms of
Generalization, English writing. It unifies a sentence and makes it easier to understand for the readers
and and and it will help ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly.
about the
H. Evaluating Assessment
A. Write the subject and the correct form of the verb in the following sentences

1. He (listen, listens) to the still air.

2. Clouds (float, floats) lazily in the sky.
3. One bird (begin, begins) to sing a song.
4. It (inspire, inspires) other birds to sing.
5. The flock (continue, continues) to sing.
6. Both (notice, notices) Paz‟s arrival.
7. The distant mountains (appear, appears) blue.
8. There (is, are) a few clouds hanging overhead.
9. Paz (wants, want) to talk with Frost.
10. There (is, are )the sound of water running.

B. Give at least 5 verbs and use it in a sentence using the Subject-Verb Agreement Rules






I. Additional Activity 1: Analyse and Write

activities for Direction: Choose one among the pictures below, describe what’s in the picture and
application or construct 3-5 sentences using the rules of subject-verb agreement. Write your answer
recommendati on a separate sheet of paper.
V. Remarks

Prepared by:

Valenzuela, Joecelle D. Maribel C. Fellores, Teacher 1

ST, PHINMA – University of Iloilo Fort San Pedro National High School

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