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Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Learning Task 4:
Give some concrete instances when unity exists even though there are differences happening among

Unity in Diversity:

Pagkakaisa sa kabila ng pagkakaiba-iba

In our society, there is a well-known case of unity in diversity. hundreds of evacuees from Marawi
City’s armed war hid in a gymnasium in Maria Cristina, Lanai Del Norte. The gymnasiums have
various emergency centers that are crowded, hot, and there is no anonymity for those who take
refuge there. In these ostensibly daunting circumstances,the evacuees muslim and Christias have
continued to live in peace and work together again. There are many possibilities that war may not
happen in different countries. Because of unity we keep the peace. And this diversity we have
learned that Unity brings us as one.

What I Can Do
Learning Task 7: #i-beg to Disagree because
State your reason why you beg to disagree to the given statements below. You have to remember that
you are a CULTURAL RELATIVIST; you have to place yourself in the shoes of these people in order to
understand them better. Culture is not good or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but instead it is relative.
1. One society can call another society as evil such as those nations where terrorist live. These places are
also called an “axis of evil”.
-I disagree because we cannot say that society is bad or not , because we don't have the rights
to call an evil the another society even to those nations where terrorist lives and we don't have the
rights to called those places "axis of evil" because we don't know what they're culture or their traditions
we dont know their religious beliefs that is why it is not right to brand them as terrorist. Their actions
have multiple reasons maybe fighting is their way to expressing their motives to please freedom and
good leadership.
2. Western culture is superior and opposite of non-Western culture.

-I disagree because every culture has it own beliefs and aspects there is no superior or low in
cultures. There is no superior culture between the Eastern and Western culture. Both cultures have
their own rich history, heritage, and norms. Citizens of each have adapted and developed their own
societal standards that is why it is not right to categorically state that Western Culture is superior.
3. When you don’t say “po” at “opo,” you are impolite.
- Disagree Why? Because in "My Opinion" even if we don't say Po or opo is impolite? Not,
because even every day not saying po or opo does not represent being impolite, because most Filipinos
today no longer use of "po” and “opo” and as I said it does not represent being meaningless,
accustomed that we only once or on the other hand we can use Po or opo, Impolite is shown when your
swearing, pushing or throwing things that are harmful to the eyes of the person you are called impolite.
It is not by saying "po" and "opo" that makes a person polite, but paying rudeness is seen through the
actions or words that come out of your mouth.
4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are backwards people because they are uneducated.
-From what I read, I disagree because they say that no one is educated all of Mangyan but the
truth is that they are educated, because they love to study, professional, study oriented. Even if they
cannot study properly, they take care of the trees and animals that live in the forest. Most Mangyans
live on subsistence farming, meaning they eat what they grow. Their harvest is just enough for the
family. Sometimes surplus crops are sold for money, but the profit is small.
5. We have to avoid going to places like Siquijor and Capiz because monsters called Aswang infest these
- I disagree because this is not true and has no scientific basis or facts. It's just a merely a
baseless opinion.

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