Quantitative Research Methods (Hypothesis)

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Compiled by :

Suminih (222623102)

Postgraduated Program

Master Degree In English Education




The hypothesis is generally interpreted as a temporary answer (conjecture) of a research problem. These
conjectures that arise are called hypotheses, which come from the word 'hypo' which means weak, and
'thesis' which means theory/opinion. So the hypothesis is an opinion/conjecture that is still weak and a
decision must be made to accept or reject the hypothesis by testing the hypothesis. Hypotheses are useful
in guiding or directing further research.

The hypothesis is only arranged in the type of inferential research, namely the type of research with a
quantitative approach that aims to test. Testing a hypothesis is always through inferential statistical
analysis techniques. Meanwhile, descriptive research does not require an explicit hypothesis formulation.
Hypotheses can be prepared by researchers based on a strong theoretical basis and supported by relevant
research results. Researchers must understand about the content and how the steps in formulating a
research hypothesis.

The formulation of the research hypothesis is the third step in the research, after the researcher presents
the theoretical basis and framework for thinking. But it should be noted that not every research has to
formulate a hypothesis. Exploratory and descriptive research often does not need to formulate hypotheses.

Research that formulates hypotheses is research that uses a quantitative approach. In qualitative research,
hypotheses are not formulated, but instead hypotheses are expected to be found. Furthermore, the
hypothesis will be tested by researchers using a quantitative approach.

Definition of Hypothesis According to Experts

Here are some understanding of the hypothesis based on experts or experts:

Etymologically, the word hypothesis comes from two words, namely the word hypo which means "less
than" and thesis which means opinion. So, a hypothesis is an opinion or conclusion that is not final, which
must be tested for truth (Djarwanto, 1994: 13).

The hypothesis is a temporary statement proposed to solve a problem, or to explain a symptom (Donald
Ary, 1992: 120).

The hypothesis is a temporary answer to a research problem whose truth must be tested empirically
(Moh.Nazir, 1998: 182).
Technically, a hypothesis is a statement regarding the state of the population whose truth will be tested
based on the data obtained from the research sample (Sumadi Suryabrata, 1991: 49).

Statistically, a hypothesis is a statement regarding the state of the parameters to be tested through sample
statistics (Sumadi Suryabrata, 2000: 69).

The hypothesis is a temporary answer to the research problem formulation, where the research problem
formulation has been stated in the form of a question sentence. It is said temporarily, because the new
answers given are based on empirical facts obtained through data collection. So the hypothesis can also be
stated as an empirical answer with data. (Sugiyono, 2015:96).

Viewed in relation to the research variables, the hypothesis is a statement about the relationship between
variables (relationship or difference between two or more variables).

Viewed in relation to scientific theory, the hypothesis is the deduction of scientific theory (in quantitative
research) and temporary conclusions as a result of observations to produce new theories (in qualitative

Conclusions About the Definition of Hypothesis Are:

In general, the epistemological definition or understanding of the hypothesis is a word that comes from
the Greek language, which comes from the word "hypo" which means under and the word "thesis" which
means establishment, opinion or certainty. From this epistemological understanding of the hypothesis, we
can draw a picture that the hypothesis is a temporary answer to a problem that is still presumptive or
conjectural, because it still has to be proven true first and then through research or research.
Understanding the Research Hypothesis is a temporary answer to research questions. Generally, the
widely used notion is that a hypothesis is a temporary answer to research. So in general, a hypothesis is a
temporary answer that the researcher determines to later prove the truth through scientific research steps.

Types of Hypotheses Based on Their Forms

There are three types or types of hypotheses or more precisely referred to as "the term form of the

The various hypotheses are:

1. Descriptive Hypothesis

2. Comparative Hypothesis
3. The Associative Hypothesis.

1. Descriptive Hypothesis

Descriptive hypotheses are conjectures or temporary answers to problems that are descriptive in nature or
problems related to a single (independent) variable.

An example of a descriptive hypothesis is: For example, there is a researcher who wants to know whether
Herbal Medicine Brand A sold in the market contains harmful chemicals. So the researcher then compiled
a problem formulation as follows: Does Herbal Medicine Brand A sold in the market contain harmful

In this research, the variable used is a single variable, namely Jamu Brand A which is sold in the market.
So therefore, the hypothesis used in this study is the Descriptive Hypothesis.

Furthermore, there are two choices that can be made by the researcher according to the theoretical
concept he uses, namely:

H0 : The herbs sold in the market contain hazardous chemicals. Or:

H1 : The herbs sold in the market do not contain harmful chemicals.

2. Comparative Hypothesis

Comparative hypothesis is an allegation or temporary answer to the formulation of the problem which is
to answer questions of comparison or comparison between 2 variables. In this formulation, the variable is
the same but the population or sample is different, or the circumstances occur at different times.

An example of a Comparative Hypothesis is: A researcher wants to know if there is a difference between
the death rates of coronavirus cases and bird flu virus cases. Do both have the same death rate or

So further in the study, researchers used variables that are plural. The first variable is used to assess the
death rate from the Corona virus, and the second is the death rate from the bird flu virus.

So therefore, in this problem, the hypothesis used is the Comparative or Comparative Hypothesis, because
it contains a comparison between two variables, namely the death rate from the corona virus and the death
rate from the bird flu virus.
Furthermore, there are two choices that can be made by the researcher in accordance with the scientific
concept, namely:

H0 : The death rate from the corona virus is not different from the death rate from the bird flu virus. Or:

H1: The death rate from the corona virus is different from the death rate from the bird flu virus.

3. Associative Hypothesis

The associative hypothesis is a temporary answer to the formulation of the problem in which it answers
the question whether there is a relationship between two or more research variables.

An example of an associative hypothesis is: Is there a researcher who will examine whether the severity
of a coronavirus infection is related to the patient's gender?

So the researcher will formulate the problem as follows: Is the severity of the corona virus infection
related to the sex of the sufferer?

So in the formulation of the problem, the variables used in this study are multiple variables. The first
variable is the severity of the corona virus infection. While the second variable is the sex of the patient.

So therefore, in answering these problems, the research hypothesis used is the Associative Hypothesis,
because it contains meaning to assess the existence of a relationship between two or more research

Furthermore, there are two choices that can be made by the researcher according to the theoretical
concept he uses, namely:

H0: The severity of the coronavirus infection is not affected by the sex of the patient. Or

H1: The severity of the corona virus infection is affected by the sex of the sufferer.

Hypothesis Development Requirements

In preparing the hypothesis, there are conditions that must be complied with, including:

It must be formulated briefly, concisely and clearly.

Must show the existence of a relationship between two or more variables in the study.

It must be based on opinions or theories from experts or the results of other relevant research.
Types of Research Hypotheses are:

working hypothesis (Ha)

null Hypothesis (H0)

Inductive hypothesis, and

Deductive hypothesis.

What is meant by h0 and h1 in Hypothesis testing?

The null hypothesis or H0 is a statement in which there is no difference between parameters and statistics.
Meanwhile, the opposite of the Null Hypothesis is the alternative hypothesis or commonly called H1 or
Ha, which states that there is a difference between parameters and statistics.

Based on this understanding, we can answer a question: How many hypotheses are there? There are 2
hypotheses, namely the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha).

What should be done in preparing the hypothesis?

The following are the steps for preparing a hypothesis:

The first is to formulate the problem, meaning that we must determine or determine the problem to be
studied in accordance with the questions or phenomena in the field.

The second step is to establish the hypothesis of the problem.

The next step is to determine the initial hypothesis.

Next is to collect facts that are relevant and/or related to the problem to be studied.

After the objective data collection stage in the form of facts, the next step is to compare the facts obtained
whether they are really relevant or not.

Next is to enter the comparing stage, namely testing the hypothesis to get the real answer to the research
question which was initially still presumptive.

And the final stage is the application of the answers to the hypotheses that have been tested for their truth
through the research stages earlier.

A hypothesis is a conjecture or a temporary answer to the formulation of a research problem, it is

said to be temporary because the answer given is only based on the relevant theory, not yet based on the
facts obtained from the results of data collection. there are 3 forms of hypothesis, namely: descriptive,
comparative, and associative hypotheses. besides that there are 2 types of hypotheses namely: null
hypothesis (H0) and alternative hypothesis (Ha).


Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D). Bandung:
Alfabeta, 2015.



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