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Chapter 1 is 25 years later translucent.

When she blinked gently, her curled

eyelashes looked like a small fan.
This novel has been translated by
and if you are reading this somewhere, they This is indeed a twenty-year-old self.
have stolen our translation.
Since she was a child, she has been a little
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest beauty that everyone praises. At the age of
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and seventeen, she took the college entrance
call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 1 is 25 examination and passed the film school.
years later Unfortunately, she only interrupted her studies
because of a terminal illness after more than a
"I have slept for twenty-five years?" year of schooling.
When Gu Yuan heard this, there was a sense of Looking at his still-unchanged face, Gu Yuan felt
moistness in his eyes. better in his heart: "So, is it NIX2019 now? Are
What happened in the past is just like yesterday, you born in NIX1969?"
when I was 18 years old, I had a rare disease, Doctor Chen looked at Gu Yuan and nodded,
and I had to interrupt my studies and career for "Yes, I was only 25 years old in the year when
treatment. After two years of treatment, the you failed the operation, and I was a graduate
doctor in charge, Dr. Luo, decided to take her student of Capital Medical College. After
last life-and-death. surgery. graduation, I came to Dr. Luo's Institute."
The chance of success of this operation is only Gu Yuan listened, a little dazed, a man who was
five thousandths. She succeeded, she survived five years older than himself, and considered his
this rare disease, and failed, she will die. peer, is now fifty years old.
Gu Yuan woke up thinking that her surgery What is it yourself?Crossed?Reborn, youth
should have been successful, and the joy of forever?
survival just came to her mind, and she heard
the news. "What happened in those days? Why am I
frozen for 25 years?"
She looked at the doctor in front of her
inexplicably. Doctor Chen smiled and told Gu Yuan about the
original thing.
The doctor's surname is Chen, and he is fifty
years old. He said that he is a disciple of Doctor It turned out that Dr. Luo helped Gu Yuan to
Luo. perform this life-and-death operation. When the
operation was carried out to three quarters, an
Doctor Luo is only twenty-eight years old, abnormal situation was found, which led to the
already fifty-year-old people worship in his failure of this operation. Dr. Luo took the stand
name? and took the previous preparations. Choose the
Waking up after a sleep, in the past 25 years, scheme, and use the world's most advanced
the world has undergone such a big change, RAZI technology to freeze Gu Yuan. This
which seems a little difficult for anyone to digest. advanced high-tech ice sealing technology will
put all the cells of her body into a solidified state,
"Yes." Dr. Chen looked at Gu Yuan with an and her body cells will always maintain the
inexplicable excitement: "This is already twenty- original state, pathology The cells will not
five years later. After freezing for twenty-five develop.
years, you wake up."
In other words, she means staying young
"Can you bring me a mirror?" Gu Yuan didn't forever, and time has completely stopped for
understand his current situation. her.

"Mirror?" Dr. Chen quickly reacted and quickly As long as one day, Dr. Luo can overcome the
asked the nurse to bring a mirror. difficulties he encountered in this operation, he
can still perform surgery for Gu Yuan.
Gu Yuan looked at the girl in the mirror, her eyes
were soft and moist, her skin was delicate and Over the years, of course, the world has
changed a lot. The Luosi years who used to
treat Gu Yuan were already well-known in the Dr. Chen's words reminded Gu Yuan of Dr. Luo
medical profession at this time, and Gu Yuan's again. Dr. Luo, who was 28 in her memory, was
condition was cured, which only thawed her. gentle and gentle. She was a talented young
talent in the medical field and set up the institute
Dr. Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu by herself.
Yuan: "Now that your body has returned to
health, next we will do some physical Perhaps it was the subconscious dependence
examination and rehabilitation for you." on the doctor in charge after she became a
patient. She liked Dr. Luo very much.
Gu Yuan was still at a loss: "What about Dr.
Luo? Why is he not here?" Especially after encountering Lu Zhiqian's
betrayal and deception, in despair, she even
Dr. Chen heard this, smiled, looked at the white once placed her hope on Dr. Luo.
sheets covered in Gu Yuan, and said kindly: "Dr.
Luo, he went to an international conference. He Now, the old and handsome Professor Luo is
won't be able to return for a while. It may take fifty-three years old?
some time."
It will be half a month before I return...
Gu Yuan had nodded.
Gu Yuan sighed softly: "...I will see you again in
After a series of examinations and several days the future, I want to go home."
of recuperation, Gu Yuan’s body did not have
any problems. Although the MRAZI freezing ...
technology has been developed as early as Gu Yuan quickly went through the discharge
more than two decades ago, it can freeze a procedures and pushed a small suitcase to
normal living body for 25 years. And the life is follow the kindly doctor Chen to the airport.
not uncomfortable. This is also the first case and
can be used as an important milestone in RAZI The suitcase is some simple clothing items
technology. prepared by Dr. Chen for her, ID card and a sum
of cash in her previous wallet.
The body did not feel any discomfort, and Dr.
Luo seemed to not come back for a while. Gu After Dr. Chen sent her to the airport, she
Yuan looked out of the window, which was a seemed to have something to say, and she just
large lawn. The lawn was sometimes planted stopped talking.
with some unknown flowers. When the wind
came, she could Smell the faint scent caught in Gu Yuan wondered: "Dr. Chen, do you have
the grassy breath. anything else to tell me?"

The sky is endless blue, the clouds are floating Doctor Chen's eyes flickered slightly: "Do you
in the sky, like the summer 25 years ago. remember the five eggs you gave?"

I came to this institute from the age of eighteen, Gu Yuan was startled and remembered.
and the outside world for her was only this lawn
At that time, during the treatment, she was found
and this sky.
to have a recessive gene called OR9AA2. In the
She missed the large lawn next to the words of professionals, it was a genius gene.If
playground of the Capital Film Academy. The this rare gene disappears, it is a loss to humans,
young students running on the playground also so after the doctor talked to her at that time, she
began to miss the children playing in the agreed to take out five eggs from the body, and
courtyard of her community. used a technological method when taking out,
so that her body would not got damage.
"I want to leave, is it okay?"
Gu Yuan suddenly had a strange hunch. She
"Of course." Dr. Chen was silent for a while looked at Doctor Chen with a strange voice:
before saying: "But if you want to wait for "Then?"
Professor Luo, Professor Luo will hold a very
important seminar abroad. It will take about half Doctor Chen looked at Gu Yuan and announced
a month to come back." in a solemn tone: "The five eggs have all
hatched into life."
Dr. Luo...
Gu Yuan was momentarily startled there. After trying so hard to persuade himself, Gu
Yuan finally had the mood to look at the airport.
This is really an unspeakable feeling, as if
someone said to her "Your five eggs have I have to say that these twenty-five years have
hatched." undergone great changes. Gu Yuan looked
around at the airport, which seemed to her to be
Doctor Chen: "These five eggs have all become a majestic and novel airport, and was preparing
life, five..." to check in with the flow of people.
Dr. Chen seemed to be thinking about how to The staff member glanced at her: "Is this your ID
describe this matter: "Five sons. Their oldest is card?"
already twenty-four."
Gu Yuan hurriedly said: "Yes."
Gu Yuan: "..."
After the hospital issued the relevant certificate,
Doctor Chen looked at her seriously: "Miss Gu, I Dr. Chen instructed her to upgrade and
think, you must hope to see them? Don't you authenticate the original ID card through
want to find them?" fingerprints and face directly on the Internet, and
Gu Yuan hesitated and shook his head, still applied for a new ID card.Dr. Chen also said that
saying: "No, I don't want to." it is now very convenient to use the ID card, and
you can swipe directly to take the plane.
Although she is forty-five years old, she
subconsciously thinks that she is an 18-year-old The staff frowned and looked at Gu Yuan: "Are
beautiful girl who is terminally ill and enters the you forty-five years old this year?"
institute with hope. She can't accept someone Gu Yuan hesitated and nodded: "Yes, I am forty-
helping her to hatch a cheap 24-year-old son ! five years old."
This shock is too big! The staff checked it again, and the face
Dr. Chen had to say something, Gu Yuan had verification based on the photo on the ID card
turned and pulled the suitcase away, almost could be passed. She said nothing and let Gu
fled. Yuan pass.

Dr. Chen, who was standing on the spot, looked The people who lined up behind Gu Yuan
at Gu Yuan's leaving and suddenly smiled after naturally heard Gu Yuan's words and looked at
a long time. her one after another.

Looking down, he turned on the phone, and Gu The slightly fat little girl is pretty and charming,
Yuan's whereabouts were displayed on the her skin is white and tender, and her eyes are
screen. looking clear and watery. Is such a watery little
girl forty-five years old?
Even if modern cosmetic plastic surgery is more
After walking far away, Gu Yuan was still not powerful, the face that can be moved with a
calm. knife is obviously different from the natural
young one. The face that has been moved with
If you have never married and have not lived a a knife can't possibly have such a youthful
harmonious life, you have a son, and you still breath from the bones, let alone a little girl The
have five breaths?The oldest is twenty-four green aura radiated like a simple girl who just
years old? entered the university campus.
It's incredible to think about it. Faced with the startling gaze around, Gu Yuan
pulled the suitcase and hung his head, quickly
Gu Yuan took a deep breath and tried to calm
preparing to board the plane.
herself down. She decided not to think about it
anyway. Anyway, it was just five eggs. I hadn’t Although Zhu Yanyoufang was amazed that she
seen it before. It had nothing to do with her, just was very happy, Gu Yuan was afraid that the
a stranger. airport would not let her board the
plane.Although Dr. Chen helped buy the plane
Yes, it has nothing to do with her.
ticket this time, Gu Yuan guessed it was
definitely not cheap and could not be wasted like I have thought about it more than once along the
this. way. She still has a key in her hand. She is
afraid that the community will be gone and there
After the plane successfully took off, Gu Yuan is no more door lock that can be opened with
was relieved. that key.
Looking around, everyone around them looked The community is still there, and her home is
down, holding a rectangular display with an there.
electronic screen, like a game console she had
played before, Gu Yuan was a little puzzled, She took a sigh of satisfaction and lifted her
thinking about what this was, and also a newly suitcase to the third floor, and came to her door.
invented game console , Looks more fun than
she did at first? When she looked at the security door, which
was completely different from her memory, she
After getting off the plane, Gu Yuan came out of felt something was wrong.
the airport and lined up to catch a taxi as taught
by Dr. Chen. Pulled out the key, intending to open the door,
but at this time, the door opened.
The taxi was driving on the highway, and Gu
Yuan looked out the window. Inside the door, a woman looked at her
defensively, with a disgusted face: "Who are
Although it has been accepted that it is now you? Why touch our door?"
twenty-five years later, although I understand
that technology is changing rapidly in these Gu Yuan looked at this woman inquiringly: "Are
twenty-five years, Gu Yuan is still shocked you Gu Yue?"
looking at the street view of the city. But she soon felt wrong. Gu Yue was the
After the taxi stopped, Gu Yuan asked for 120 younger sister brought by her stepmother. She
yuan, which made Gu Yuan look at the driver in was only three months younger than her. She
surprise. She did not expect that twenty-five should be forty-five years old now, and the
years had passed, and the people's hearts were woman in front of her looked like she was in her
unpredictable. . early twenties. It looks like Gu Yue, is it Gu Gu's
Gu Yuan: "One hundred and twenty dollars? Is it
a bit expensive?" Woman: "How do you know my mother's name?
Who are you?"
The driver master stared: "Expensive? Are you
still too expensive? It's the price. I'm playing the When the woman said this, several people
watch. Do you think I'm wrong with you? Lao behind her came together. There was an uncle,
Tzu never does that kind of thing!" a young man, and a woman in her forties who
was blessed. The woman said angrily: "Peng
He looked very fierce. Gu Yuan didn't say Zihan, who?"
anything. He gave the driver a master 120 yuan
to spend money on safety. Peng Zihan: "Mom, this person just said your
name, did she find you--"
After getting the money, the driver master took a
closer look, then looked at Gu Yuan, and left The middle-aged woman has looked over the
with a strange expression. probe and saw Gu Yuan's first glance,
After getting off the bus, Gu Yuan was relieved
to see the community that had not been "you you you--"
This house was left to her by her grandmother. It 2/189
was her mother who died when her father
married a stepmother. Chapter 2 I am your son
She was dreaming and dreaming, spanning This novel has been translated by
twenty-five years, she did not expect that she and if you are reading this somewhere, they
could return to this home. have stolen our translation.
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest I have to say that looking at this niece, who is
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and bigger than herself, she is in a good mood.
call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 2 I am your
son Peng Zihan: "??"

Gu Yuan looked at the woman in her forties in Gu Yue was suspicious: "You, are you Gu
astonishment with too obvious crow's feet Yuan?"
wrinkles, a thick layer of powder that could not Of course Gu Yuan knew that Gu Yue didn’t
cover the spots, sagging skin and the believe it. She touched her face and wondered if
appearance of traces that could no longer be the frozen nutrient solution in the research
eliminated. institute was too nutritious. Her skin is better
Through the traces of these years, she still saw than before she was frozen, fresh and smooth,
the sister Gu Yue who was a few months and it feels like freshly peeled egg, Satisfy if you
younger than herself. think about it.

Gu Yuan’s mother died when Gu Yuan was She smiled at Gu Yue: "Sister, do you think
twelve years old. At that time her dad married there is a difference between me and twenty-five
another, and her stepmother brought a younger years ago? There is no difference, right? Then I
sister. She was a few months younger than Gu am your sister who fakes, can this be fake?"
Yue. The two sisters were about the same age. Gu Yue, who was surrounded by loose skin
They only went to school in a class. There were spots: "..."
a lot of contradictions after getting along for a
few months, so Gu Yuan’s grandmother came Just because there is no difference from 25
forward and took Gu Yuan to take care of it years ago, it is not right!
Twenty-five years, she is a middle-aged aunt,
However, afterwards, Gu Yuan became how could she still be the same as when she
terminally ill, and her grandmother passed away. was young?
The grandmother's death treatment for Gu Yuan
was "borrowed" by her stepmother to this sister Looking at Gu Yue's sour, unbelievable and
to study at her own expense. shocking disbelief, Gu Yuan was in a better
mood: "Don't you know? I failed the operation
Gu Yuan remembered these things in his heart, and was frozen. Now with the development of
and when he thought of it, he gritted his teeth technology, my illness is cured and unfrozen.
and wished to rush over to fatten Gu Yue. Now."
But now, perhaps the world has changed a lot With that said, she crossed the shocked and
after waking up, perhaps looking at Gu Yue, who dumbfounded Peng Zihan and Gu Yue and two
has obviously stepped into middle age in front of men, one old and one young, walked into the
her, she is really surprised, but it is rare that she room, looked at this completely different
calmed down and looked at Gu Yue curiously: arrangement, and frowned slightly: "How did you
"Gu Yue, Is it you? I am your sister Gu Yuan, live in my house?" What happened to my family?
who has been missing for many years." What are you doing?"
Gu Yue's mouth was so open that he couldn't Gu Yue finally reacted at this time.
say a word.
Yes, yes, at that time, it was said that the
Her daughter Peng Zihan looked at Gu Yuan like operation failed and it was frozen, but she
a neuropath: "Who are you? Is something thought that freezing was dead, and it has been
wrong?" Gu Yuan's death for 25 years.
Gu Yuan looked at Gu Yue’s daughter and Unexpectedly, she was alive again?
remembered that Gu Yue called her Peng Zihan
just now: “Are you called Zi Han, right? I’m your She glared at Gu Yuan: "This is my house, now
aunt, your mother’s sister, niece, and be polite to this house is mine, I have inherited this house."
the elders, you know?”
Gu Yuan: "You inherited this house?"
The old hatred was long ago, and she didn't death certificate?
want to worry about her, but now she told her
that she would even occupy her house? Gu Yuan was also a little ignorant.

Gu Yue: "You may not know that after you were So when the people in the research institute had
frozen, your father inherited the house, and then not given up on themselves and maintained their
the house was given to me again. The owner of lives at a high cost, her only relative, father, had
the property is now me." given up on her and could not wait to give her a
death certificate?
The dumbfounded Peng Zihan finally reacted
and rushed over: "Yes, this is our house." Looking at the flashing loss and confusion in Gu
Yuan's eyes, Gu Yue smiled triumphantly:
The older man was obviously Gu Yue’s "Good sister, although you are young and
husband. After watching the scene just now, he beautiful, this house is really mine. If you want to
was completely ashamed. When he heard the come back, you can find your father. Go, this
house, he immediately pinched his waist and house was given to me by my father, not by you.
scolded: “Gu Yue, who is this? This is our Right--"
house, What does it have to do with her?"
In the meantime, Gu Yue remembered: "Your
Gu Yuan was too lazy to take care of him, and original jade pendant was also inherited by my
asked Gu Yue directly: "How about Dad?" father."
Gu Yue: "Dad has been dead for more than ten Gu Yuan heard that he almost wanted to rush
years, he left the house to me more than ten over to give Gu Yue a slap.
years ago, I will tell you again, this house is
mine!" Yuzizi, that was left by her mother!

Peng Zihan realized what he was, rushed into My father even gave the jade pendant left by my
the bedroom and took out a real estate mother to Gu Yue!
certificate: "This is our real estate certificate. The Peng Zihan saw that it was wrong, and rushed
owner of the house is my mother. It has nothing over immediately: "What do you want to do?
to do with you. Don't run into our house like Want to hit someone? This is my house. If you
Huazi." want to hit someone, we hit 110 immediately,
Gu Yuan looked at the mother and daughter, so and you get out!"
that her chest hurts: "I'm not dead, why should I ...
transfer my house to my dad? Without my
consent, how could my house be transferred to The following scene was chaotic. Gu Yue's
others casually?" husband and Peng Zihan's boyfriend also
arrived. In the tragic scene of a dozen or four,
Gu Yue looked jealously at this sister whose Gu Yuan was driven out of the house and the
skin was blown up and was younger and better- suitcase was thrown out.
looking than her daughter. She gritted her teeth
and said, "After you were frozen for five years, The suitcase was scattered, and a few simple
Dad applied for your death certificate and your clothes were scattered all over the place.
house has been transferred to Father's name!"
Gu Yue smiled smugly behind him: "What are
After all, it was more than 20 years ago. At that you doing when you are young, an old antique!
time, many procedures were not formal enough. You know a fart, you think it was twenty-five
First, a fake death certificate was obtained. After years ago. You have nothing now!"
that, everything was easy to handle. The money
in Gu Yuan’s card was divided, and everyone in At this time, the neighbors were also disturbed.
Gu Yuan’s house inherited it. Even Gu Yuan can Everyone looked up at the bustle and listened to
take whatever he can, but throw the trash can if Gu Yue pinching her waist and scolding the girl
he can't. who came to her house to "spit". There were
many people around her.
Anyway, everything that belongs to Gu Yuan is
gone. In the crowd of people watching, Gu Yuan
lowered his head to pack his clothes.
She was issued a death certificate twenty years Gu Yuan was in a daze, she really knew
ago. She has nothing, and the house is not hers. nothing...
The remaining balance in the bank card is
estimated to be gone. She sighed. Now she is The neighbor felt more sympathetic: "Are you
the only property. That's the eight hundred and rich now?"
eighty dollars in the suitcase. Gu Yuan: "Yes, I have more than 800."
She probably had a thousand open money, and neighbor:"……"
it took a hundred and twenty to get a taxi.
More than 800, what can you do?
Eight hundred and eighty dollars is still quite a
lot of money, Gu Yuan began to plan that he Gu Yue laughed loudly. At the beginning, she
could rent a house to live, and then find a way to gritted her teeth at Gu Yuan's young face, Huo,
sue and get his house back. jealous. Now she is not jealous at all.
However, just as she packed up her 800-plus in Gu Yuan is young, but she has no money, no
her pocket, Peng Zihan next to her laughed. house, no husband, no children and nothing.
Her husband and her son have a good career.
Just now the suitcase was scattered, and there This is the winner in life!
was something clear in it.
The people next to them also looked at Gu Yuan
Peng Zihan said with a smile: "This is really a sympathetically and funny. They had never seen
real poor ghost, just a few clothes and hundreds such a rare event. It was a rare event. Some
of dollars!" people secretly took Gu Yuan's photos and
Gu Yue is also in a good mood now: "You are planned to send a circle of friends.
amazing, you are poor, let's go to Huazi!" Gu Yuan listened to the ridicule around her, and
Among the neighbors, there is an old neighbor of course understood that she was
who knows these things in the past. After shock, embarrassed. There was no way to do it.
how much sympathy for Gu Yuan: "You still call Twenty-five years later, it seemed that she was
the real estate office, how do you deal with this far behind the times.
situation like you?" It's an old antique.
Gu Yuan thought so too, and looked at a Thinking about it, she suddenly found that the
neighbor gratefully: "I'm going to find a phone people around her were no longer laughing, and
booth to make a call." everyone looked at the direction of the door of
Neighbor: "Phone booth? What about your the community in surprise.
mobile phone, please call and ask, and then find "A lot of cars came."
a lawyer to consult."
"There are so many bodyguards in black
Gu Yuan: "Mobile phone?" clothes!"
She soon wondered: "The little game console in "What is this for?"
your hand is a mobile phone?"
"Wow, long Rolls-Royce, limited edition, with the
Everyone: "..." tail number eight or eight, lean on, take pictures,
neighbor:"……" take pictures quickly! I want to send a circle of
Gu Yue pouted with laughter, and the tears were
almost coming out: "I don't even know my Both Gu Yue and Peng Zihan also tilted their
mobile phone!" feet to see the excitement. This community is an
old one, and it is rare to see rich people. This
A few young people next to me also felt funny: kind of thing has never been encountered
"Where did you come up without even knowing before.
your mobile phone? Do you know the scan
code? Do you know the Internet? Where is this What everyone did not expect was that the
old antique!" extended Rolls-Royce car door opened, and the
people on the car came to the community and
walked in front of the big guy, surrounded by same time pulling the zipper of the suitcase,
bodyguards and assistants. thinking about what she should do next.
I saw the crowd around, and the middle man Thinking too hard to hear the words of those
walked towards this. around you.
This man has broad shoulders and long legs When she stood up, because of squatting for too
against the sky, exuding a noble and cold long, her eyes turned slightly dark.
atmosphere, which is completely different from
this community. After leaving the institute today, I only ate a
plane meal. Now she is a little hungry. She used
From the scary bodyguard assistant lineup, this to have low blood sugar before.
person is definitely not an ordinary person.
In a flicker of shape, a pair of powerful hands
Everyone was shocked. Who is this person?Are politely supported her shoulder blade.
they relatives?How come they come to a
community like them? The reason for being polite is that it just
happened to hold her up and be polite and not
Peng Zihan blushed with excitement, she felt make people feel offended.
that the person was coming in her direction?
She looked over in amazement. She looked at a
What does it mean?Did the other party look at man with a fierce expression and a cold
her?Can she get rid of her boyfriend right away? expression. The facial features were three-
dimensional perfect. In addition to her
Everyone looked at the noble figures who were expression being too serious, she thought that
completely out of place with their community, this man could score a hundred points. It was
walked in front of them, and then stopped. the hero of a romance novel she had read
Peng Zihan was about to float up, this man was before. Of the standard model.
standing in front of her?He he he... The point is that this man is now carefully
Depressed by the excitement in her heart, she supporting his shoulder blade and is polite.
blushed and said: "Sir, may I ask what you have Ever since she left the institute, she has been in
asked me for--" a state of turmoil. Suddenly, such a person
Before she finished, she heard the handsome released goodwill to herself. Gu Yuan was
man say: "Mum, hello, I am your son." naturally moved. She smiled and said
embarrassedly, "Sir, thank you, I'm fine."
Peng Zihan: "??"
The man looked at her, raised her eyebrows,
Gu Yue: "?" and said softly, "Mom, you're welcome."

Onlookers: "?" Gu Yuan: "?"

3/189 The neighbors and Gu Yue Peng Zihan, all

originally black question mark faces, looked at
Chapter 3 The Chief Son of Tianliang King the domineering and rich man in front of him
This novel has been translated by
and if you are reading this somewhere, they Looking at the scene in front of me now, I was
have stolen our translation. dumbfounded, and almost thought I had auditory
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and What do you mean?How could such a rich and
call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 3 The Chief generous man call Gu Yuan's mother?
Son of Tianliang King
But how old is Gu Yuan?
When everyone was so shocked that life could
not take care of themselves, Gu Yuan was Everyone's eyes looked at Gu Yuan in unison,
putting her 800 yuan in her pocket, and at the only to see her with a simple blank face, as if
she didn't understand what happened.
If you tell everyone that such a young girl has a Gu Yuan only felt soft all over, not knowing if
elder son who is a hundred times more mature she was hungry or excited, she nodded and said
and stable than her, who can believe it?! weakly, "Okay, thank you..."
Gu Yue couldn't understand, Peng Zihan So, in the eyes of the neighbors who were
stunned. shocked to understand, Gu Yuan was almost
half-supported by the man and came to the
The man looked down at Gu Yuan, and Gu elongated Rolls-Royce.
Yuan opened his mouth slightly because he was
too shocked, and looked at himself inexplicably When I got in the car, an assistant had already
with his eyes wide open. opened the door eagerly.
His sword eyebrow moved slightly, his The man raised his hand and guarded the roof
expression was still faint, but his voice slowed of the car so that Gu Yuan would not touch his
down: "You are indeed my mother. Let me head.
explain this to you later. It seems that you are
not in a good condition now. It is better to find a Gu Yuan glanced at the thoughtful "son"
restaurant. , Let's just use something casually?" gratefully and got into the car.

Use something, Gu Yuan's brain is automatically In the community, all the people almost felt that
translated, just to eat a meal? something was wrong with their heads. They
looked to Gu Yue for help: "What the hell is
The thirsty throat moved. She really needed a going on?"
meal. She was so hungry that her stomach was
grunting. Gu Yue was in a daze: "Well, how can I know
this, why did she suddenly have such a big son?
but-- When was she born?"
Looking at the man, she said helplessly: "You Peng Zihan was suddenly excited: "Mom, that's
may have admitted the wrong person, I am not my aunt, dear aunt, that person was my aunt's
your mother--" son just now, and that's my cousin! Why don't
you hold people!"
Halfway through the talk, she paused.
Suddenly came out what Dr. Chen said at the
airport. This will do!
Like her five gourd babies, her five eggs have ...
broken out of their shells and turned into five big
bargaining sons! Gu Yuan is now floating like a Cinderella in the
palace, and feels that everything around him is
The oldest is 24 years old! so unreal.
She looked at the man in front of her in disbelief, Her son took her to a very high-end and elegant
ignoring the overly old and cold look, and it was restaurant and ordered her many, many dishes.
estimated that she was in her twenties, so this
might be her own son? She was really hungry and she was welcome.

Knowing that there are five big cheap sons is She was satisfied with the food. The food in the
one thing, and seeing it is another shock. high-end restaurant was indeed delicious, and
she wanted to cry.
The man looked at her silently, as if to see her
question, nodded, and said with certainty: "Yes, After eating enough, her body finally felt better.
Mom, I said, I am your son." She looked at the big cheap son curiously.

Gu Yuan was soft under his feet and nearly fell. It can be seen that although the son on the
opposite side does not even give a smile, on the
The man tenderly supported her arm: "Go, Mom, whole it is very polite, very personable, and very
I'll take you to a light meal first." filial and considerate.
"Mom, let me introduce myself first. My name is She really couldn't understand, she was
Ji Qisen. I am twenty-three years old this year. It awkward, why did this son call her mother
is your son medically." Ji Qisen politely said. without psychological pressure?
"Oh." Faced with such a big son, Gu Yuan was Ji Qisen: "When I was very young, I knew that I
still ignorant in his head, and felt that everything was different from ordinary children. I came to
was like a science fiction blockbuster: "That... the world in a special technological way. My
you said you are twenty-three years old this father will also take me to visit you, so I know
year?" your exist."
She remembers Dr. Chen saying that her eldest Gu Yuan listened to this and suddenly realized
son is already 24 years old? that if he felt that he was a mother since he was
a child, after reading it for so many years, it is
"Yes." Ji Qisen nodded. probably used to it?
"Then you know—" Gu Yuan talked a little, and Ji Qisen: "Do you have anything else to ask?"
she struggled to find a suitable way to describe:
"At that time, I left five eggs, do you know the She has too many questions.
other whereabouts?"
However, in the face of such a strange son, Gu
Don't know if the father of these five eggs is Yuan was not good at throwing away all his
one?Are they considered brothers? problems, so he had to pick some less sensitive
ones: "Are you graduated from university now?"
Ji Qisen looked at Gu Yuan's frowning and
worried and didn't know how to speak, and Ji Qisen: "Mom, I was an excellent IQ since I
immediately understood. was a child. I graduated from a 13-year-old
university and studied at a famous Ivy League
"My father got the qualification that year and school. I entered my own company as an intern
only got me an egg before I got it. As for the at the age of seventeen. Now I have taken over
whereabouts of the other few, I don’t know. The my father's career for six years."
information is kept secret, so I have no way of
knowing it, but I know that Several eggs have He glanced at her and said softly: "This may be
been used one after another." due to the magical OR9AA2 gene."
Finally, the word "use" was hesitant. In front of this big cheap son, Gu Yuan calmed
his face: "Oh, this is it."
After all, this matter involves ethics, and it is
really incredible. I was so shocked in my heart that this resume is
really amazing.
"Oh, oh..." Gu Yuan tried to digest this fact with
his brain still in a state of coercion. This son is Why do you obviously have that kind of gene,
twenty-three years old, maybe her second son? but when you have never been so brilliant, in
She may also have four such big cheap sons... addition to being beautiful, learning from
childhood is just fine.
Thinking of the scene where the five sons called
her mother together, she suddenly felt that the Is this genius gene still hidden in her?
picture was too beautiful and she was a little
unacceptable. Ji Qisen raised his eyes and looked at Gu Yuan:
"I also happened to send someone to check
Ji Qisen poured a glass of juice and handed it to your situation yesterday. I learned that you have
Gu Yuan thoughtfully. woken up. There was an important meeting
yesterday. I was planning to fly over to see you.
Gu Yuan hurried over and drank a few sips of I didn't expect you. It’s gone, and I sent
juice. someone to find you."
Ji Qisen waited for her to calm down in silence. He wanted to find someone. Naturally, it was
After a while, Gu Yuan suddenly remembered a very easy. Besides, he already had some
question: "Yes, you, have you seen me before?" information about his mother. He knew that his
mother might come to this community after
leaving the hospital.
Looking at Gu Yuan's empty juice cup, he At that time, he was very young, and he liked
tenderly helped Gu Yuan to pass the exquisitely this mother very much. He worked hard to learn,
printed napkins, and said lightly: "Mom, when I and wanted to be better, just to be able to let his
was looking for you, was someone bullying father take him to see his "mum" on the
you?" weekend. Make a wish and hope this mother
wakes up to eat his birthday cake.
Gu Yuan wiped the corners of her mouth
carefully to look at the son of the domineering Twenty years later, he is an adult. He doesn't
Tianliang Wang, who was somewhat helpless. like to eat birthday cakes or love birthdays, but
After all, it was shameful to let her son see this she wakes up.
kind of scene.
Waking up, still young, with an old face, sitting in
She sighed: "I didn't bully me, just took my front of him, lively and vivid anger, full of tears,
house...and drove me out." accused the bad guys who bullied her.
Ji Qisen saw that she seemed a little guilty, her He grew up, but her heart was still at eighteen.
guilty dangling her eyes.
Ji Qisen said in a deep voice: "Mother, don’t
When sinking his eyes, he asked quietly: "They worry, since this house is the legacy of your
are living in your mother's house now?" grandmother, that is a very important relic. I will
find a way to bring this house back by legal
The story is long... means."
Gu Yuan glanced at his son, sighed, and Gu Yuan was suddenly angry, and she looked at
whispered, "This has to be said since more than Ji Qisen in surprise: "Really? Can you find a way
twenty years ago..." to come back?"
With that said, Gu Yuan talked about the Think about it with the thinking of her twenty-five
grudges and grudges of himself and his step- years ago, it is not so easy, the times have
sister. He seized his life-saving money and changed, the house has fallen on both hands,
forced him to try the free treatment quota of the where to find evidence?
institutional test. He had nowhere to go. My
house has been occupied, and the jade pendant However, Ji Qisen nodded, definitely saying: "Of
left by my mother has been occupied. course."
Originally Gu Yuan felt that these things were a Such a definite answer made Gu Yuan breathe
little embarrassing. After all, they met for the first a sigh of relief. Since he said so, wouldn't it be a
time in their lives. She also hoped to make a problem?
good impression on her son, but now she had to
talk to her son about the history of blood and Thinking of the house and the jade pendant
tears. coming back, Gu Yuan was overjoyed, but
thinking that this is her son, as an old mother,
But when it comes to these old things, the more she should not be too dignified, hurry to
I think, the more helpless, the more angry I get, suppress the joy in her heart, grateful and
the more I bite my teeth: "She robbed me of grateful: "Thank you You pray—"
everything, my house, my jade pendant, the jade
pendant is my grandmother Leave it to me." Hey, what's his son's name?

Ji Qisen looked at the girl whose cheeks were Ji Qisen: "My surname is Ji, it's Qi Sen."
flushed because of anger. Gu Yuan was really embarrassed. She smiled
He remembered the first time he saw her. At that quickly and whispered, "Thank you, Qi Sen."
time, he was only three years old. When he saw This son is so nice.
that other children had moms, he wanted moms
too. He didn’t like the aunts around Dad. 4/189
At that time, my father took him on the plane, Chapter 4 The child's father is Ji Zhentian
went to the institute, and saw the "mum" in the
glass cover.
This novel has been translated by Ji Qisen was about to stop it, but the waiter had
and if you are reading this somewhere, they politely delivered the accounts to Gu Yuan.
have stolen our translation.
Gu Yuan looked at Ji Qisen and smiled politely,
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest said: "I will pay the bill, I am also an elder how to
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and say -"
call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 4 The
child's father is Ji Zhentian Halfway through her words, her voice suddenly
got stuck.
After the meal, Ji Qisen asked Gu Yuan's plan:
"The house can come back, but it will take two She saw the bill.
days. Before that, does mom have a place to The moment she saw the bill, she was not well.
Why is it so expensive?
Ji Qisen's words aroused Gu Yuan's mind.
It’s just a meal, is this a death?
She only has that house, and of course she has
no place to live. Her eight hundred and eighty dollars is certainly
not enough!!
As for relatives and friends, her closest relatives
are grandmothers, and grandmothers have Gu Yuan's face was shocked, embarrassed and
passed away. Other estranged relatives are incredible, what kind of black shop is this?How
unable to contact after 25 years, and friends?Gu can it be so expensive?
Yuan was a little dazed.
Ji Qisen took out his credit card: "Mom, how can
She had a terminal illness just over a year after I make you pay, I will pay."
she was admitted to the Film Academy. She
basically had no contact with her friends. Her Gu Yuan was not polite with him.
only boyfriend was Lu Zhiqian, who remembered
It's so expensive, she doesn't want to be polite.
Lu Zhiqian. Gu Yuan frowned slightly: "I don't
Selling her is not enough for the meal.
have a place to live, so I I plan to rent a house
first, just wait for some way to return to my When Gu Yuan walked out of this restaurant, his
house." feet were floating.
Ji Qisen nodded and tentatively asked, "That Sitting back on the extended Rolls Royce, Gu
mom you--" Yuan sighed to the cheap son: "People are not
old, why the car is now a black car, the shop is a
Although they have the closest blood
black shop, and there are people everywhere."
relationship in the world, they are rusty. Ji Qisen
pondered slightly, trying to say how he would not Ji Qisen slightly said unexpectedly: "Erotic?"
hurt Gu Yuan’s self-esteem: "Are you well-
funded?" Gu Yuan sighed: "I took a taxi from the airport to
the community, and it cost 120 or 120 yuan! I
Gu Yuan nodded: "Money? I have some money. used to pay 100 yuan a month for living
Renting a house should be enough." expenses, and this meal was even more
incredible. The number, Chi Sen, I don’t think I
Although the blackhearted driver blackmailed
will come here for dinner in the future."
them to 120, but there were 880, 880 enough for
her to rent a house to live first, and still be able Ji Qisen's mouth twitched.
to live for some days.
He glanced at Gu Yuan's annoyed look, and
Ji Qisen raised his eyebrows, slightly puzzled. silently converted the wage level and prices 25
years ago. After the conversion, he probably
At this time, the waiter happened to come over
understood the shock in Gu Yuan's heart.
and it seemed to be paying the bill. Gu Yuan
hurriedly said: "I will pay the bill for this meal. The economy of the MES planet has been
Our mother and son will meet for the first time. relatively stable. Monetary policy has not
I'm here to treat you. Don't be polite with me. undergone any major changes in about two or
Waiter, pay."
three hundred years, so prices have not not familiar with her son and can only calmly
stabilized for more than two hundred years. pass by pretending to be: Let me see."
But about twenty years ago, in order to be able She took a look and the picture was gone.
to snatch economic power from the Huo family
of the business giant, the world giant M issued She looked at her son in surprise: "Broken?"
additional currencies in large quantities, which Ji Qisen stretched out his framing fingers and
led to other countries competing to follow suit, flexibly clicked a few times, the picture came out
leading to oversupply of currency, serious again.
inflation, and price The level has increased
several times, and the amount of deposits of the Gu Yuan secretly marveled at the magic of this
past seems worthless today. high-tech thing, pretending to look calmly at the
So far, he has never understood what level of
Gu Yuan said "I have money". At that time, after I saw on the screen that the price of the nearby
two or three hundred years of stable prices, she rented house was listed at a glance.
could not have the concept of inflation.
The price is ridiculously expensive, far from what
He decided not to ask for her request and said Gu Yuan can afford.
lightly: "Mom, I suggest that you don’t need to
rent a house. You won’t be able to come back in Gu Yuan saw his legs weak and his feet were
a few days from that house. In a few days, soft, and asked in disbelief: "So expensive?"
renting a house is not worth it. You can--"
Ji Qisen put away his phone calmly: "In the
He suggested: "You can go to my place for a twenty-five years of your sleep, wages and
few days." prices have skyrocketed, and the concept of
money has been very different from twenty
When Gu Yuan heard this, it was naturally years ago."
unacceptable. For such an elder son, let alone
raising, he had never even given birth, but just With that said, Ji Qisen briefed Gu Yuan on the
contributed an egg, but now he would enjoy his current price of science. Gu Yuan heard it for a
son’s support?How embarrassing! moment, his body was short, he was short, his
body was short, and his body was short.
She hurriedly said: "No, I will take a look at
renting a place by myself." Finally, she received too much shock and she
was half paralyzed on the sofa. She looked
She was thinking about it. She originally went to blank and muttered: "No wonder it takes 120 to
school at the Film Academy. I wonder if she can get a taxi."
resume school for so many years. If you can,
she can go to school. In addition to the It turned out that this was the normal price, and I
accommodation fee, the school does not need to was wronging the driver master...
pay tuition fees. There is also a subsidy every
Think of the eight hundred and eighty dollars in
your hand. According to Ji Qisen's small TV, it
Ji Qisen looked at Gu Yuan in silence, reminding was only enough to sleep for one night in the
her: "Mom, do you know how much it costs to hotel.
rent an ordinary house?"
In other words, she is really homeless and has
Gu Yuan listened to his tone and was puzzled. nothing to do with poverty, so the next step is to
Is it true that renting a house is also a black sleep on the street.
Then she can only rub her son now?
Ji Qisen opened the phone silently, pulled it a
But why is this so funny?
few times, and handed it to Gu Yuan.
Gu Yuan thought hard, and suddenly thought
Gu Yuan has seen several people pulling
that she might ask him to borrow money?
around with such a small TV with pictures,
Borrowed money, first through the temporary
including on the plane. She is curious, but she is
difficulties, after the situation improves, and then
give him back?
Thinking of this, she spoke with anticipation. Ji Qisen: "Yes."
Ji Qisen looked at her expressionlessly, after Gu Yuan: "What is the company called?"
hesitating and entangled, and then looking
forward with expectation, he said directly, "Let Ji Qisen: "AK."
me live first." Gu Yuan heard it, and was immediately
This is naturally a good choice for Gu Yuan, but surprised: "Ak Division?"
it’s also embarrassing to take advantage of this: Ji Qisen glanced at Gu Yuan: "AK Group
“Actually, you can borrow some money and wait Headquarters."
for me to repay you. I’m a student of the film
school. I’ll find a way to apply to them for Gu Yuan suddenly remembered what Ji Qisen
renewal. I study there. When I go back to said before, he said he inherited his father's
school, the school will give me a subsidy. I will career?Dad's career?AK?Surname Ji?
work hard and work hard and go out to work,
and I will definitely be able to return your Gu Yuan looked at Ji Qisen strangely: "What is
money." your father's name?"

Ji Qisen looked at her small abacus with various Surname Ji, AK...
small plans, and even a little unbearable to tell
Gu Yuan realized something, but couldn't
believe it.
Over time, the college students now not only
Ji Qisen: "My father is called Ji Zhentian."
have no subsidies, but also need to pay tuition
fees, which will be a heavy burden for her. At this time, taking a step, Gu Yuan accidentally
fell on the spot.
He lowered his eyes and said softly: "You live
with me first, and wait for me to help you get Ji Qisen's eyes were fast, he held her arm
back to the house before you leave." quickly, and held her.
Gu Yuan heard this, frowned, and hesitated, but Gu Yuan was still immersed in the shock just
still couldn't help but ask, "So is there anyone now: "AK, Ji Zhentian..."
else in your family?"
In her time, she knew the name of Ji Zhentian. It
It stands to reason that he should have a dad. If was a legend of the shopping mall. She
he lived there rashly, would everyone be established the AK Group in one fell swoop and
uncomfortable with each other?After all, having created the business myth at that time. The
a son together is a complete stranger. media made a big splash. I don’t know how
many entrepreneurs advertised Ji Zhentian.
Ji Qisen saw Gu Yuan's concerns: "At present, I
live alone, although my father will come over Ji Zhentian is handsome and handsome, and he
occasionally, but very few." is not very young. When he was interviewed by
World Magazine, he was only 20 years old!
Gu Yuan: "Okay... Then I will stay with you for
the time being. When I have a place to live, I will Although Gu Yuan had a boyfriend, Ji Zhentian,
move out." who looked at the extraordinary appearance in
the newspaper, will also lick the paper with his
roommates, read the legendary story of his
The luxurious and exaggerated elongated Rolls- independent entrepreneurship, and adore this
Royce stopped in a villa. Although Gu Yuan was young and well-known entrepreneur.
prepared psychologically, she was shocked by
The result now tells her that her 23-year-old
this luxurious villa. She took a deep breath and
cheap son turned out to be Ji Zhentian's son.
said, "Qi Sen, are you rich? ?"
Gu Yuan didn't know how to describe his
Ji Qisen: "Fortunately."
feelings in his heart: "This awakening, I..."
Gu Yuan: "You seem to be the boss of the
What's wrong with this world!
5/189 area. You can pick any room in the guest room
Chapter 5 Filial Good Son
Gu Yuan hurriedly said: "It's nothing, I can do
This novel has been translated by whatever I want, just have a room."
and if you are reading this somewhere, they
have stolen our translation. While speaking, the butler in a bow tie came to
them, respectfully calling Master Ji Qisen, and
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest asked what to eat for dinner.
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and
call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 5 Filial This magnificent and magnificent atmosphere is
Good Son like the aristocratic atmosphere of a medieval
European castle.
Gu Yuan's legs were soft when he walked into
the villa. He even had a son with the old male Ji Qisen: "I have already eaten dinner, take care
god, and he also walked into the villa of the old of a room."
male god's son... This was absolutely impossible
for her before. Male god and himself, that is a The butler in the bow tie nodded politely to Gu
difference between heaven and earth. Yuan, then smiled and said, "What do you call
this lady?"
She glanced at her son with unspeakable eyes:
"You and your dad look pretty similar." Gu Yuan felt that although the butler maintained
his professional calmness, the amount of
I didn’t find it before, I just thought that my son excitement and excitement in his eyes could be
has excellent facial features, but now I look seen at a glance, and he seemed to be curious
closely, it really looks like the famous Ji Zhentian about himself.
in the past, but it’s just like Ji Zhentian, and it
has a little bit of his own shadow. This has a Ji Qisen glanced lightly at the housekeeper:
very wonderful feeling. . "Call her Miss Gu, this is my guest."

Ji Qisen raised his eyes: "Do you know my As soon as these words came out, the butler's
dad?" waist bent suddenly worse, and the smile
spread: "Yes."
Gu Yuan couldn't tell the taste in her heart.
Compared with the characters like Ji Zhentian, Gu Yuan thought secretly, this housekeeper
she was an ordinary freshman. When she woke looked at his own eyes...Is there any
up, she directly entered the inside of the big misunderstanding?
man. She was shocked and wonderful, but look But soon, she was accompanied by Ji Qisen to
at this domineering son, she He coughed a little: the second floor, and selected a room, which
"Yes, I have seen reports in newspapers was luxuriously and comfortably furnished, and
before." there were large floor-to-ceiling windows, the
Ji Qisen nodded, said nothing, and walked into curtains were light blue strands, and the wind
the villa with Gu Yuan. blew, it was almost Is where the fairy lives.

Gu Yuan was still thinking about the fact that his This room is so fond of, Gu Yuan exclaimed:
son was Ji Zhentian's son. Who knew that as "Wow!"
soon as he entered, he was shocked by the The housekeeper next to him froze slightly,
large living room he saw. wow?Do young people now express such
A large living room that was unimaginable, marvels?
expensive mahogany furniture, and beautiful I always think something is not right...
carpets under her feet. As soon as she stepped
in, she seemed to have entered the palace. Busy looking at his young master, this is the
treasure that the young master dug from?
This is the style of a giant?
But what did he see, he actually saw his young
Ji Qisen said softly: "Mom, I live on the third master looking at the little girl with a gentle eye,
floor, and the second floor is the guest room flashing in it... tolerance?
The housekeeper shook his heart, and suddenly when she looked at her. What kind of eyes are
felt something was not right in this world. they?Look at the eyes of your daughter-in-law?
And then, Ji Qisen personally took Gu Yuan to Moment in my heart.
talk about the furnishings of the next room, and
even the bathroom equipment in the bathroom: Middle-aged woman: "My surname is Sun. You
"Here, boil water, this is cold water, here is the call me Aunt Sun. That's what the young master
temperature control system." called me since childhood."

Be as detailed as possible. Gu Yuan heard this title, but was a little

confused, should she call this woman Sun Jie?
The steward is a calm person, and he feels that Otherwise, she is not the same as her son?
he is calm.
But think about it, after returning to the villa, Ji
Where is this sacred, so that he can let his Qisen did not mention his identity with the
young master like an old mother tell without people here, he still smiled and said: "Hello Aunt
hesitation? Sun."
My young master has never been so succinct Aunt Sun looked at the little girl in front of her
and silent! with a smile. She thought the little girl was very
cute and lovely. Look at the skin as delicate and
Faced with his son's various orders, Gu Yuan white as milk, and the hair, which was not dyed
listened with her left ear and entered with her at first glance, soft and comfortable. Such a girl
right ear. She was completely surprised in this is really flattering. Love.
princess's room, feeling like a Cinderella in a
fairy tale. She smiled and said: "Miss Gu, I came here to
give you a drink. This is what the young master
When the son left, she finally relieved, like a little told me to give you a drink. I brought milk, white
monkey who had left the zoo, and threw herself water, juice, and see what you need."
comfortably on the big bed.
In other words, Aunt Sun pulled a chic small
This bed is so comfortable! dining car from behind the door. The small
Life is so sweet! dining car turned out to be full of drinks.

At the age of twenty, she began to enjoy her Gu Yuan didn't even think that he was thirsty
son's filial piety and support! when he saw this: "Thank you Aunt Sun, let me
drink a glass of milk."
The son is so rich, so filial, so considerate, so
handsome!The stars in my heart are blooming, Aunt Sun poured milk to Gu Yuan and said with
the small flowers in my heart are flying, and the a smile: "The young master also told me to let
world has become so beautiful and so sunny. me prepare hot milk for you. By the way, the
young master is old, and he hasn't talked about
She lay there, recalling the experience of the his girlfriend until now. It’s rare that he can think
day, as if dreaming. so comprehensively without pulling guests."

"Dingdong--" The doorbell rang. This sentence is very informative. Gu Yuan's

scalp suddenly felt numb, and she felt more and
The bell awakened Gu Yuan from the sweet more that the aunt Sun was looking at her with a
dream. She reluctantly got up from the glance at her daughter-in-law.
comfortable bed, then smiled and opened the
door with a serious face. But Ji Qisen didn't make it clear to others. She
didn't know what happened to the relationship
Outside the door, there is a middle-aged woman between her superiors and subordinates. Of
who is about fifty years old. The woman is course, it wasn't easy to rush over and promote
looking at her with a smile, full of love. her as a mother.
Looking at this woman, Gu Yuan was a little Thank you very politely.
puzzled. I don't know why. She always felt that
the middle-aged woman's eyes were not right
However, Aunt Sun didn't want to leave, but Gu Yuan nodded: "Yes, he is a very filial
stayed here and turned into a bag to ask: "Miss person."
Gu, are you familiar with my young master?"
I haven't been born, I haven't raised a day, I can
Gu Yuan held the milk and thought about the be so filial to her.
words: "I and Qi Sen know each other, but they
are not very familiar with it. This time he is also Aunt Sun was satisfied that Gu Yuan was aware
kind-hearted. Seeing that I have nowhere to go, of this, but she decided to continue to talk about
I took me in and let me stay here for the time the benefits of her young master: "Don’t look at
being." my young master who was born in a wealthy
nest. In fact, he is a pitiful child. Flying
Aunt Sun listened with her ears upright, listening everywhere, busy business, there is not so
to Gu Yuan's words, and suddenly caught a few much time to match the young master, the
key messages. young master had a lonely life as a child, is a
poor child."
Did Miss Gu even call Master Qisen directly?
Gu Yuan: "..."
God, how many people in this world can directly
call the name of the young master?Except for Suddenly there was a hint of distress. This son
the friends of the young master, that is, the old looked really difficult when he was a kid.
man!But this little girl can be called Master's
name? Aunt Sun, of course, noticed the slight sympathy
in Gu Yuan's eyes, and her heart suddenly burst
And also, young master, when are you so kind? into bloom.A woman is distressed about the
man's past, which may be almost tempting.
Do you think the young master is a
philanthropist? Aunt Sun continued to add fire: "My young
master has been smart since childhood. It is not
The young master has a cleansing habit, and he a little bit smarter than the average person. It is
will never let people enter his house casually! excellent everywhere. I entered the Ivy League
Even a gardener has to be innocent of various school when I was a teenager. It’s really not
investigations with a full set of medical comparable to the average person. It’s a pity
examinations! that it’s so good. Ordinary women can’t even
look down on him. You see, he’s all twenty-three
But such a young master, even letting a little girl years old, but he hasn’t even talked about a
enter his house casually, and still live in the girlfriend yet!”
guest room on the second floor?You must know
that the guest room on the second floor of Ji Speaking of which, Aunt Sun sighed: "Mr.
Family is not for anyone to enter! himself changed his girlfriend one by one, but
pitiful young master, he didn't know what
There are countless emotions in Aunt Sun's happened, and he didn't even talk about his
heart. There are eyes in the sky. Young Master girlfriend? You said, big or small, why don't you
is moving his heart. Do you want to fall in love? even have a girlfriend? Look It’s really anxious!"

Rejoice and touch! Gu Yuan listened, and there was some worry.

Looking at this little girl again, Aunt Sun looks Although she was only twenty years old,
more and more satisfied. She looks really although who urged her to make a boyfriend to
beautiful. She has a beautiful atmosphere and is marry and have children, she must be anxious
not worse than the stars on TV. The key is that with, but-that is her son!
she looks a bit sloppy with her young master. Is
this The legendary husband and wife? Since it's a son, she's a mother, so I can't help
but worry.
Aunt Sun looked at Gu Yuan with a smile and
decided to say something more for his young She asked with some doubt: "Why not make a
master: "Miss Gu, you may not know that girlfriend? He doesn't like women? Does he like
although my young master looks cold and does men?"
not take care of others, he is actually a kind- Aunt Sun quickly shook her head and waved her
hearted person and kind. , A filial child!" hand: "How is it possible! Of course my young
master likes women, but he is busy with work call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 6 Son
and is a workaholic. Besides, isn't this the right teaches me to play mobile phone
After Gu Yuan walked out of the room, he
When she said this, she laughed again and regretted it.
looked at Gu Yuan with anticipation: "It is of
course different to meet the right, right eye. Of She found that the villa was really big. After she
course, my young master will become attentive came out, it was also a room. There was also a
and considerate, and will- " room. Occasionally, she could see an open
small hall, an elegant table and sofas. She felt
Gu Yuan suddenly had a headache. She like she had walked into the maze.
thought of Aunt Sun's conjecture and scalp
tingling, and quickly stopped: "Stop!" After a long turn, she finally found the stairs, and
she quickly climbed to the third floor.
Aunt Sun suddenly stopped himself so seriously
that he was surprised and shut up. When I reached the third floor, I remembered
that I didn't know which room Ji Qisen was in.
Gu Yuan looked at Aunt Sun and said seriously:
"Aunt Sun, I hope you don't misunderstand. My I knew I should ask the aunt Sun just now, or go
junior and your family are ordinary and normal downstairs and look for the butler with a bow tie.
friends. There is no meaning you guessed. Don't She turned around, and finally got dizzy,
misunderstand, otherwise you and your junior touched her head, and sighed, thinking that her
will be very good. Awkward." ultimate goal should be to return to her room.
Aunt Sun certainly did not believe it, but in order But at this time, the next door opened.
to appease Gu Yuan, she still said: "Miss Gu,
you can rest assured, I understand, I Ji Qisen stood there.
He is wearing a blue shirt and simple silk
Aunt Sun left, and Gu Yuan sat on the bed, trousers. He is casual and comfortable, but he
trying to lie down and continue to enjoy life, but feels less cold.
was a little uneasy.
He looked at her: "What's wrong?"
Aunt Sun's words floated beside her ears.
Gu Yuan saw Ji Qisen in this desperate time, as
Such a cheap son came to her like a big pie, if he saw a savior: "Qi Sen, I finally found you."
and was filial and considerate, which was nice.
Ji Qisen: "Huh?"
However, this son sounded pitiful when he was
young. Gu Yuan just wanted to cry, but thinking that he
was his son in front of him, he should maintain
Gu Yuan began to wonder, as an old mother, the image of the old mother, he quickly
she should not only know about obtaining converged, think about it, a very calm, very
benefits, but should also pay a little love, right? motherly and loving smile: "Nothing, just boring,
thinking Come and talk to you. But think about it,
Thinking of this, she stopped sleeping and you should be asleep at this time, but you are
decided to go to the third floor to find her son still awake."
and talk to her son.
Ji Qisen raised her eyebrows, but did not expect
6/189 her to come to find herself.
Chapter 6 Son teaches me to play mobile phone Her voice was soft and soft, obviously with the
This novel has been translated by girl's soft and waxy feeling, but she had to work
and if you are reading this somewhere, they hard to be old-fashioned.
have stolen our translation. Ji Qisen lowered his eyes and said softly: "I was
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest in the study just now, since you can't sleep, then
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and come in and sit down."
Gu Yuan nodded quickly: "Okay."
Since the son did not object to the conversation brand's mobile phones will be pre-installed with
from the old mother, Gu Yuan of course climbed this game.
up the pole.
Ji Qisen has no interest in mobile phones, it can
Gu Yuan followed his son into the study and first be used, so I don’t care too much about the
opened his eyes on this modern study. existence of this game.
"Why is this TV so big?" Gu Yuan couldn't tell I just didn't expect that there was a game app on
what was hanging on the wall. A large TV on the his phone, and Gu Yuan could even find it with
whole wall was a bit like a movie curtain. his eyes.
Ji Qisen: "This is the display." Gu Yuan was surprised: "The mobile phone is
really powerful, and it can still play games."
Gu Yuan: "Oh."
Ji Qisen looked up at him.
While speaking, she looked at the electronic
device next to her curiously. Although Gu Yuan tried to pretend to be
indifferent, the clear eyes stared at the game on
Ji Qisen roughly pointed out a few things, said his phone screen without blinking.
the next function, Gu Yuan was surprised to
hear. Ji Qisen stayed silent for a while, and finally
opened the game app for the first time in his life:
Twenty-five years, technology is changing with "Mom, you can play for a while."
each passing day, people's lives have
undergone such a big change! Gu Yuan took the phone and curiously watched
Ji Qisen click a few times: "Wow, isn't this the
Thinking about it, she remembered the little TV previous game console?"
that her son had shown her before. That thing
was really interesting, as if everyone had it? Game console?
Ji Qisen saw Gu Yuan staring at the mobile Ji Qisen raised his head expressionlessly and
phone on the table, and said softly: "This is a glanced at Gu Yuan, OK, it can be used as a
mobile phone." game console.
Gu Yuan: "Everyone has a mobile phone?" After Ji Qisen tentatively clicked a few times, Gu
Yuan had already seen the doorway, and soon
Ji Qisen: "Yes, you can call on your mobile took over the mobile phone, excited to play little
phone, you can surf the Internet, and you can by little, this game is a kitten, you can tease the
also query various information." cat, you can feed the cat, You can also let the
In the meantime, Ji Qisen picked up the phone cat go to the competition. Gu Yuan became very
and briefly popularized it with her. happy after getting familiar with this game.

Gu Yuan suddenly saw a cute icon when the Ji Qisen looked at his mother who was addicted
smart and slender fingers were displayed: "What to the game, but raised her eyebrows: "I have
is that?" something to do, you play first, you can call me if
you need it."
Ji Qisen was silent for a moment.
Gu Yuan had thrown his son out of Jiu Xiaoyun
Gu Yuan's eyes shined, and he didn't let go of at this time: "Okay, I know!"
the topic: "...It's funny."
As she said, "Okay, I know." I only heard a
Ji Qisen's temple was slightly drawn, and his lips "bang" on the phone. The naughty cat hit the
were slightly pursed. He turned back to the wall and hit a star.
screen just now and said slowly: "This is a pre-
installed game on the phone." Gu Yuan did not look at Ji Qisen, and whispered
distressedly at the screen: "Mom distresses you!
His mobile phone is the latest model of a certain My poor cat!"
brand, with powerful and complete indicators in
all aspects. It is excellent, but because this Ji Qisen's temple twitched again. After a while,
company happens to have a game, so the his lips tightened and he went to the next room.
Gu Yuan lowered his head to play with his Gu Yuan was embarrassed. Although Ji Qisen
mobile phone, and he had a lot of fun, and he had already told her some science about this
had already forgotten about it. After playing one society, in her view, everything that happened in
by one, he continued to play one by one, and he front of her was still like a science fiction movie,
could not help but sigh: "High-tech development which would only be seen in the fantasy world.
is better than our original game console. Too
much!" What she didn't know was that just at the end of
the video conference, after Ji Qisen quickly
Who knew this sigh came out, she was turned off the picture and sound transmission,
surprised to find that the screen of the phone the entire conference room had already
turned black. exploded.
Her cat is gone. Everyone was shocked.
She quickly pressed the button, but the result "Did I hear that right? A little girl is calling Mr. Ji's
could not be pressed. name?"
Gu Yuan is anxious, she still wants to play, why "You heard the name right, and it's very
is it gone?Could it be broken? intimate!"
Thinking of this, she hurried to the next room to "Ji always has a girlfriend?"
find Ji Qisen: "Qi Sen, why did your cell phone
suddenly turn off? Is it broken?" "It's so late, and it's at Ji Zong's house?"

However, as soon as she entered the room, she This is very, very shocking!
felt something was wrong. You know, Ji Qisen has a cold personality. He
There is a whole wall of screen in this room. A never allows any outsiders to enter his home. As
screen is displayed on the screen. It is a a result, the little girl even entered his home, and
conference room. There is a group of people apparently lived in his home!
sitting in suits and leather suits. It seems that More importantly, the little girl was using Ji
there is a business meeting in a serious manner. Qisen's mobile phone and playing games!
And Ji Qisen is sitting in front of the display, play games?
wearing headphones on his ears.
Can you imagine that there is never a game app
Ji Qisen saw Gu Yuan coming in, apparently on the phone of a workaholic genius boy?Can
also somewhat surprised, raised his hand, you imagine an indifferent president who is
pressed a few buttons, and then took off the alienated from indifference and no one can
headset: "Mom, what's wrong?" enter, even lent his mobile phone to a little girl to
Gu Yuan raised his mobile phone and showed it play games?
to Ji Qisen. He complained to Ji Qisen: "I don't Mobile phone, what a personal thing, he even
know, I didn't touch anything, and it didn't light lent a little girl a game!
This really subverted Ji Qisen's design in
Ji Qisen looked at her innocent look, silenced for everyone's mind in an instant, and everyone was
a moment, and took her phone to check. surprised.
Gu Yuan looked at the big screen wonderingly, After being so shocked, I said a thousand words:
and saw the people on the big screen all President Ji is in love?
shocked, whispering curiously, as if something
terrible had happened. Ji, who has never scorned women, has fallen in
"Qi Sen, is this a movie?"
Gu Yuan didn't know that her roar had caused
"This is a video conference." thousands of waves, and she was staring at the
"Oh." mobile phone in Ji Qisen's hand.
Ji Qisen pulled the screen, swiped the screen to still tries to get up and wash down to eat
unlock, and the phone screen turned on again. breakfast.
Gu Yuan's eyes also brightened. The restaurant is elegant, spacious, and bright.
Ji Qisen was sitting there wearing a valuable
Ji Qisen raised his eyes and looked at Gu Yuan: suit, sitting in front of her and preparing to have
"It's not broken, it's just the phone's lock screen." breakfast. When she came to see her, she
After briefly telling what happened to the lock nodded and said, "Early."
screen, Ji Qisen handed the phone to Gu Yuan Gu Yuanxian also greeted him with a smile, and
again and told her how to unlock the screen. then returned his mobile phone to him.
Gu Yuan nodded again and again, then ran The two sat up to eat together.
away holding the phone.
Breakfast is very rich, comparable to the buffet
As for my son... I can't take it for now. in high-end hotels, everything is complete, both
Ji Qisen continued the meeting. Chinese and Western food.

As he continued the meeting, he clearly felt that Gu Yuan didn't quite believe it: "Just two of us?"
his subordinates were not looking at him. Ji Qisen looked up at her for a moment, before
He coughed softly and asked calmly and saying: "Yes"
seriously: "Is there anything?" Gu Yuan: "Oh..."
All subordinates' heads shook in one direction: She was originally curious, but think that this is
"It's okay, it's okay." the home of the well-known entrepreneur Ji
But I was thinking: President Ji is in love, Zhentian, the son in front of him is Ji Zhentian's
President Ji is in love... son, such a rich family, people can eat whatever
they want.
Gu Yuan finished playing the game all night and
returned to his room to play with his mobile With her head down, she started to dine, and the
phone. meal tasted so good that Gu Yuan ate one and
ate another.
It wasn't until late at night when she rubbed her
eyes to sleep that she didn't seem to talk to her Sunlight spilled into the restaurant through the
son! half-blind shutters, plating everything in the
restaurant with a touch of gold. The
7/189 surroundings were quiet, except for the maid
who occasionally came in and walked, and there
Chapter 7 Returning to the Film Academy was no sound at all, Gu Yuan even thought ,
Living in an oil painting depicting Western
This novel has been translated by
and if you are reading this somewhere, they
have stolen our translation. After Gu Yuan ate another delicious dim sum,
she was satisfied, she quietly looked at the son
Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest
who was three years older than herself.
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and
call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 7 Returning His son looks really nice, with clean and
to the Film Academy refreshing short hair, high nose and thin lips,
and the sun sheds on his three-dimensional
After Gu Yuan got up the next day, Aunt Sun
clear face, which brings a sketch-like shadow
had diligently told her to go downstairs for
contrast to that face, making this face more
solemn and noble.
Gu Yuan found that perhaps his body had slept
He didn't seem to laugh very much. He raised
for many years. Now he always feels that he is
his hand and exuded a dominance. Even the
not sleeping enough, and he hopes to sleep for
way he eats is different from the average
a long time, but it is not too late to see, but he
This is simply a realistic version of the male Gu Yuan heard this and looked at his son in
character in the romance novel, but it is her son. surprise.
If this is a romance novel, she can only be the Since the meeting, she has always felt that
mother of the man who hinders true love... although her son is cold and overwhelming, she
still speaks very well, but what he said just now
Gu Yuan, who is enjoying the food, is very sad is unquestionable, just as if he had made a
because of his positioning... decision, he would not have to change it. .
Ji Qisen, who was looked at by Gu Yuan, Feeling the dominance of the boss, Gu Yuan's
naturally felt Gu Yuan's gaze. mother can only admit: " have the
Adhering to the etiquette of eating and talking, Ji final say."
Qisen never spoke when he was eating, but Ji Qisen, of course, heard the courage in her
after being looked at by all kinds of people and words, glanced at her now, and said nothing.
hearing the sigh from the heart of the opposite
table, Ji Qisen finally said: " Mom, do you have It only took a day to know, but he already had a
any questions?" rough idea of this mother.
Gu Yuan quickly put away his cranky thoughts: Let her go?He was afraid of receiving a phone
"No, nothing... Hey, I don't know when my house call from the police during an international
will come back? How long will it take? Before conference and said that a little girl was lost on
that, I always have to plan my life." the overpass.
Ji Qisen put down the knife and fork in his hand: So after eating, Ji Qisen got on his luxury long
"My lawyer is already collecting evidence. The car and went out, but Sima Butler was busy
evidence collection is complete and the legal waiting for Gu Yuan to go to the Film Academy.
process can begin. It takes about two days."
Gu Yuan feels that she is going to be a student,
Gu Yuan: "Two days, that's okay." not to be ostentatious, and the housekeepers of
these luxury cars are not hers, so she should
Ji Qisen: "Well, if it goes well, two days, if it does keep a low profile and discuss for a long time.
not go well, it may take more time, but before The Sima housekeeper finally ordered someone
that, you can live here with peace of mind." to pull the car. The lengthened RV drove people
However, Gu Yuan frowned and thought for a back to the garage and replaced it with a very
while: "I will go to my school today and find out if simple car.
I can go back to school again." Gu Yuan followed Sima Butler in the car happily:
Although the son is very good, the son seems "How much is this car?"
filial and willing to support her, but she who has Sima Butler: "This is the cheapest car in the
only contributed one egg, can not always stay garage. The visual price is between 7 million
here, still have a long-term plan. and 8 million. If Miss Gu needs a detailed
Ji Qisen is not optimistic about this, but still said: number, I will order someone to check it."
"Yes, I will let Sima Butler accompany you." Between 7 million and 8 million?
Gu Yuan: "Sima Butler?" The seats under Gu Yuan's buttocks are
Ji Qisen: "Yes, the one you saw yesterday." somewhat hot.

Sima Butler?It sounds very special. Seven or eight million cars!

Gu Yuan hurriedly said: "Actually... I don't need This is the most low-key at home...
it anymore. I can just go by myself. After all, I However, as the mother of the seven or eight
went to school there for a year. million luxury car, Gu Yuan's legs were
However, Ji Qisen insisted: "The outside has frightened. She still felt that she should be calm.
changed a lot now compared to 25 years ago, After coughing, she shook her head: "No, I don't
and you are not familiar with it." care too much, so I just ask ."
Sima Butler nodded politely and said with a Gu Yuan inquired all the way, preparing to ask
smile: "The Capital Film Academy is coming." about the situation in the teaching department of
the past performance department. Who knew
Gu Yuan tilted his head and looked over. There that he was walking, he saw a group of people
was a big sign in front of the Capital Film surrounded by the large auditorium in front of
Academy. him, and yelled excitedly.
But twenty-five years later, the address is still "Ms. Lu, Ms. Lu!"
the same, but the school's appearance has
changed for a long time. The high-rise buildings "Brother Lu is here, here!"
inside it are full of modern atmosphere, and they
are not what they were 25 years ago. land?

Gu Yuan pondered, and proposed: "I'll go and Gu Yuan wondered and asked a male student
explore myself, how about you let me be here?" next to him, "Everyone is running into the
Sima Butler was obviously not at ease: "Miss
Gu, but the young master ordered--" The male student glanced at Gu Yuan, but it
was slightly stunning. Gu Yuan was a beautiful
Gu Yuan, who had just counseled in front of Ji woman and a little girl of classical style, but soon
Qisen, said she could not listen to a it was no surprise that everything in the film
housekeeper! school might be lacking, that is, there was no
lack of beauty.
Since Gu Yuan was admitted to the Film
Academy, her future goal is of course to enter Male student: "Don't you know? Teacher Lu
the entertainment industry. Although she is still a came to our school to give a speech!"
student of the Film Academy, she will also
consider the future, and she will be too proud to Gu Yuan has a meal, Lu?Shouldn't it be so
bring a housekeeper and a luxury car. coincident?

So she learned what Ji Qisenba was like, waved Twenty-five years before she slept, the man who
her hand, and said with a thick voice: "Sima scummed her was surnamed Lu, and she was
Butler, I will do it in the past, but if you go, you also a student of the film school. Although this
will be onlookers." surname is not uncommon, it is not necessarily
so common.
Sima Butler looked at Gu Yuan's firm look, and
was a little surprised. How did she feel that Miss She curiously held people and asked: "What is
Gu was a little like her own master? Lu called?"

It's just... such a move is made by her, like a The male student looked at her wonderingly:
child stealing adult clothes... "Are you from the Film Academy? You don't
even know Teacher Lu Zhiqian? Teacher Ying
Three black lines on the forehead of Sima's Lu, do you not watch TV or go online?"
forehead surfaced. Think about it, or let the
driver stop, and asked Gu Yuan some time, then Gu Yuan heard Lu Zhiqian's name, and in his
let Gu Yuan go to the school. heart it was like he gritted his teeth, it was him,
and it was him.
Gu Yuan, who walked into the film academy
alone, is sighing his life. The twenty-five years However, he nodded to the male student with a
have changed a lot. Not only the school building, smile: "Oh, it's him!"
but also the students here. The dress of the Looking at many young students running
students now is completely different from that of towards the auditorium with admiration and
the previous 25 years. The clothes with exposed respect, Gu Yuan couldn't really tell what it was
navel eyes, and a bunch of nails on the ears, of like.
course, there are some who are considered
serious in Gu Yuan's clothes, white and Twenty-five years have passed, and times have
beautiful, walking around the campus with two changed. Lu Zhiqian has become famous and
long legs. became a family. After being called Teacher Lu,
everyone still admires?
She sighed and came to the auditorium, where She gently clenched her fist and decided to go in
she saw a huge standing sign, with a large-scale to pay tribute to the movie star superstar!
full-body photo of Lu Zhiqian printed on it, and
the introduction written in small letters below. 8/189

Through these small prints, Gu Yuan probably Chapter 8 Former Boyfriend Has Become an
knows that the pattern of film and television Emperor
media is now quite different from what she knew This novel has been translated by
before. Hezongtianxia Media is currently the and if you are reading this somewhere, they
world’s largest and most influential media have stolen our translation.
company, with many TV stations, movie theaters
and well-known portals. The website can be said Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest
to control the throat of the media, but Lu Zhiqian update Five big guys kneel in front of me and
is the movie emperor who is under the umbrella call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 8 Former
of the world's media.Lu Zhiqian was originally a Boyfriend Has Become an Emperor
student of the Capital Film Academy. In his
student years, because he was inseparable from Walking into the auditorium, there were plenty of
his terminally ill girlfriend and went to the seats in the hall, and many students who came
newspaper, he moved many people who did not tonight stood in the aisle and tilted their heads to
know. Lu Zhiqian also got an opportunity to look inside. The female students were
enter a well-known director's crew. With superb particularly excited. They screamed and cheered
acting skills and a world of popularity, he has at the film emperor on the podium.
become a film emperor with thousands of fans.
Gu Yuan finally squeezed into it, stepped on the
Nowadays, Lu Zhiqian has forty-five, but he still
steps and looked at the rostrum. Sure enough,
keeps the heat, and everyone in the
she saw Lu Zhiqian.
entertainment circle admires.
The film emperor Lu Zhiqian has superb acting
Gu Yuan stared at the line of "going to the
skills and countless masterpieces. He has won
newspaper with his girlfriend who was terminally
several awards at the National Film Festival
ill" and was so angry that he couldn't wait to kick
several times. His fans are millions, even if he is
this standing sign!
45 years old, he still has the charm, and his fans
Yes, at that time, Lu Zhiqian was inseparable are all over the 13-year-old girl. By the age of
from her sweet words, she was also moved, but forties, middle-aged aunts, the female students
later! of the Capital Film Academy naturally have
many fans, not to mention that these students all
Later, Lu Zhiqian brought her girlfriend to visit take the movie emperor as their ultimate goal in
her and said that this was to express blessings life. Speeches, one by one, were as excited as
on behalf of the classmates, and also gave her chicken blood.
flowers to wish her a speedy recovery. She was
also moved to feel the warmth of her I don’t know how many people were cheering
classmates. and screaming. After the school leaders calmed
down, it was barely calmed down. The film
As a result, when the forefoot of the family was emperor Lu Zhiqian started to take over the
finished in the hospital, the affectionate microphone and chat with everyone. The
boyfriend and warm classmates set up, and as opening was a gentle and close "students and
soon as the hind foot came out of the hospital, school girls are good", but these five A word,
the two people hugged together! cheers came up again instantly.
Gu Yuan's gaze moved upwards from the line of Emperor Lu Ying really is a person who attaches
small prints, looking at the 45-year-old Lu great importance to love and righteousness.
Zhiqian. After graduating for so many years, he is already
the emperor of the red world, and even returning
Youth is gone, and there are crow's feet in the to his alma mater, he still calls their teachers
corners of the eyes, but it is indeed mature and and sisters.
stable. It is an international superstar!
Gu Yuan gritted his teeth.
The young female students were so moved that ground, she was pushed to the big On the
they cried. In their eyes, Lu Zhiqian was a god, a podium of the auditorium.
god above him.
There, Lu Zhiqian was looking at this lucky little
Gu Yuan looked at the man on the podium girl with a charming smile, ready to stretch out
among the tens of thousands of people in the his arms to hug, ready to listen to the screams of
screams and cheers admired by a group of the fans below.
people, and she couldn't help it any more. She
had to quickly go to the director of teaching to It was only when he stretched out his arm that
get back to the film school. She To make up for he froze.
the missing parts of those years of sleep, she The little girl across from him made him seem to
has to work hard, she has to be famous! have returned to more than twenty years ago
Who knows that at this time, Gu Yuan screamed and back to his youth.
and cheered around, and Gu Yuan, who was He stared at her in a daze, a little trance, the
about to lift his legs away, found that everyone's whole person seemed to be dreaming.
eyes were focused on himself.
And Gu Yuan stood on the platform where the
They looked at themselves, their eyes wild with tens of thousands of people watched, and
envy. watched Qian Qian from a close range.
What's wrong? The full-body photos on the standing cards are
Gu Yuanzheng was puzzled and saw someone obviously processed, and the lighting effects and
scream: "She received it, she received it!" long-distance hazy bonuses seen under the
stage across Lao Yuan, so Lu Zhiqian is full of
Following everyone's crazy eyes, Gu Yuan mature charm, not old at all.
slowly looked down. What did she see?There
was a ball hanging on her dress. But now, at such a short distance, she can
clearly see that this man is old, really old, and
Gu Yuan squeezed the ball in confusion, and did too old. The forty-five-year-old man and the
not understand how this came to his clothes? twenty-year-old young man are different. You It
can be said that he is calm and mature and
But her little action, some people almost tears charming, but when he is old, he is old, and his
excited: "She actually got it!" youth is no longer. Although his face is not
Gu Yuan was ashamed. loose, it is strangely tight, and there is a thin red
light, as if the skin is strained. Ever.
At this time, someone ran quickly and asked her
to come on stage and take a group photo with Gu Yuan did not understand what happened to
the emperor. his face, but she felt unnatural and ugly.

Hug a group photo? Gu Yuan was like drinking a glass of cola with
ice when it was the hottest in the summer.
Who wants to take a group photo with that scum
man?Bah, disgusting Bara! There is nothing great about being a film
emperor. When I am old, I am old. I am 25 years
Every cell in Gu Yuan's body refused to come on younger than you. This is my capital. My future
stage! is full of infinite possibilities!You are old, old, one
foot into the coffin!
The person in charge looked dumbfounded at
Gu Yuan, and was dumbfounded: "That's Lu Lu Zhiqian stared at Gu Yuan: "You, who are
Zhiqian!" you?"

Gu Yuan: Yes, that is Lu Zhiqian, see it! Gu Yuan blossomed a bright smile: "Why, the
great film emperor, how many nobles forget
However, Gu Yuan’s refusal seemed to be things, don't you know me?"
ignored, she desperately said I don’t want me,
but the people around her thought she was too Lu Zhiqian was shocked, his face pale, almost
excited, too shy, too excited, almost to the fell on the table.
The people under the stage and the person in But at this time, Gu Yuan in front of him smiled
charge of the school next to them were ignorant. again: "Zhi Qian, I haven't seen you for years,
What's wrong with the film emperor?The movie you are so old."
emperor is not right?
As soon as these words came out, Lu Zhiqian
According to the normal process, shouldn't this was cold in the back, his body was weak and his
time give this lucky girl a charming smile, then face was pale.
hug her lovingly, face the camera, and pose in a
handsome professional pose? With a clatter, planted straight back.

Why is the film emperor like this? ...

Of course, Lu Zhiqian knew that his current The film emperor fainted when he selected lucky
performance was too abnormal. The assistant fans to hug and take pictures as a souvenir.
next to him cried hard to remind him that he The on-site staff and the film emperor's
stared at the little girl in front of him, this little girl entourage quickly took the fainted film emperor
exactly like his former girlfriend. to the background and called an ambulance.
From the age of seventeen to twenty, she was The school security was dispatched to maintain
his girlfriend and later became terminally ill. He order, and finally the scene was finally
knew that she could not survive, and it was also stabilized.
very uncomfortable. Gu Yuan, who directly attacked Lu Zhiqian's
But what about the discomfort, she was going to coma and collapsed on the first scene, was also
die, of course he had to look forward and think called by the police to ask about the situation.
of his own way. Gu Yuan: "He is my ex-boyfriend, maybe I am
Qiao Junyun is a classmate at the Film too excited to see me?"
Academy. He has always liked him and his Police A: "To be honest!"
family is in this circle. Of course, he has to
consider his future. Gu Yuan: "That's the truth, he betrayed me and
felt guilty when he saw me thinking that I came
Anyway, she is going to die sooner or later, and to him for his life."
she and Qiao Junyun are just the difference
between sooner and later. Police A: "Please tell me your mobile number."
But she was not happy, and did not consider Gu Yuan: "I don't have a mobile phone number!"
herself at all. Seeing herself kissing Qiao
Junyun, she scolded him angrily and broke up Police A: "Are you honest?"
with him.
Gu Yuan: "I honestly tell the truth!"
Lu Zhiqian took a deep breath, he remembered
Police A has a headache.
how Gu Yuan scolded him.
What's wrong with the little girl now, chasing
Gu Yuan said she was terminally ill and was
stars and chasing silly one by one, can't
going to die. He obviously betrayed and
distinguish fantasy and reality?Who doesn’t
betrayed Huan Xiuen's speculation and
have a cell phone this year?
hypocrisy!Saying that he sucked up the blood of
the dead and said that she would not let him go Police B continued to ask: "You said that you
by being a ghost. and Lu Zhiqian used to be boyfriends and
And now, Gu Yuan is standing right in front of
him, exactly the same, even his own eyes are Gu Yuan: "Yes."
the same as they were 25 years ago.
Police B: "When were you together and when
Was she hallucinating, or did she become a did you break up?"
ghost to retaliate herself?
Gu Yuan: "We have been together since high
school. We worked hard to get into the film
school. Later, when I was a sophomore, I broke Gu Yuan: "..."
up because of my illness."
And when she was extremely helpless, a man
Police A&B: "..." wearing a police uniform came over, and it was
obvious that this man was the boss of the two
Is this crazy?Chasing the stars and chasing policemen.
Boss: "Let her leave."
Police A: "Little girl, if you do this again, we will
call your parents over." Police A: "Report to the Chief, she presents."
Police B: "It's useless to pretend to be crazy and Boss: "Let her leave."
sell silly, to be honest."
Police B: "She concealed the truth from us and
Gu Yuan was helpless: "I really and Lu Zhiqian did not actively cooperate in investigating the
are high school classmates and university truth."
classmates. We are male and female friends. It’s
true that we talked for three years. Later, I got Boss: "Let her go!"
terminally ill. The disease was just frozen. I’m
still the same as before." 9/189
Thinking of it this way, she suddenly Chapter 9 Son teaches me to use mobile phone
remembered one thing: "Look at Lu Zhiqian's
personal introduction, saying that when he was This novel has been translated by
young, he never gave up on his terminally ill and if you are reading this somewhere, they
girlfriend. Later, his girlfriend died without have stolen our translation.
treatment. I am the girlfriend who died without
treatment!" Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and
They should understand now. call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 9 Son
teaches me to use mobile phone
The police A&B glanced at each other and
thought, "Is the young girl chasing the stars and Responsible police AB is obviously a sense of
chasing her brain?" humiliation that has been dumped by power, and
he has contemptuously despised their chiefs.
Gu Yuan looked at their apparent unbelief and
was anxious: "Look at my ID card, I was born in However, the sir is also very helpless. It was not
NIS2019, I am 45 years old this year!" a big deal at first, and this matter has nothing to
do with the little girl. From the scene, the film
Police A coughed: "Little girl, this is what we emperor fainted by himself. What happened to
want to talk to you about, so please take out the little girl?
your own ID card."
Now someone with a very high status has come
Gu Yuan: "That's my ID card. I already to bail this little girl in person, can he not let go?
explained it to you. If you don't believe you can Why not let others go?
call the institute? Or you can go directly to Lu
Zhiqian and ask him if I am his girlfriend?" Gu Yuan finally got the opportunity to leave, and
she was relieved. The helplessness she had just
However, no matter how she argued, or even been asked to dissipate, and she even waved
gave the phone number that Dr. Chen gave her politely to the two policemen: "Thank you two
before leaving, the police still didn't believe it. young people, aunt, I'm gone."
They thought that Gu Yuan was chasing the
stars and chasing the fool to compile stories. The two policemen immediately gritted their
teeth. A 20-year-old girl had to call herself a 45-
Gu Yuan: "Then you, you believe it or not, but Lu year-old aunt??
Zhiqian's business has nothing to do with me. I
didn't do anything. Please let me go!" Looking at the two policemen's groaning, Gu
Yuan was in a better mood. He walked briskly
Police: "We need you to register, please show out of the police station, and as soon as he got
your identity card."
out, he saw the emperor, Maybach, in an RV Ji Qisen never likes to watch TV movies and
parked outside. other variety entertainment, that is another world
for him.
The Sima housekeeper wearing a soot vest and
white shirt and bow tie stood respectfully; "Miss The only contact may be that after a shadow at
Gu, please get in the car." a cocktail party, the big star gave him a hug, and
he came directly to a "roll".
Gu Yuan: "How did you change the car later?"
Since then, there has been no uninformed co-
With that said, she got into Maybach and found op.
her cheap son Ji Qisen sitting there.
"Yeah." The sofa inside Maybach is too
Ji Qisen looked at her and looked displeased: luxurious, and Gu Yuan leaned comfortably on
"They are embarrassing you?" the seat: "I like to be an actor, yearn to be an
Gu Yuan did not care, and was in a good mood: actor. When I was a senior in high school, I used
"Okay, they are going to be mad." to have a line in a popular drama. Xiao Longtao,
the director praised me for having a sense of
Ji Qisen looked at her like this, so he said lens and talent. Later, I was admitted to the film
nothing. school and went to school for a year. The
teacher also admired me and praised my basic
Gu Yuan reported to his son with excitement skills, saying that I must have a future."
today: "Guess who I met today?"
At that time, she even participated in the
Ji Qisen obviously knows, but he still cooperates production of a certain crew, and even took a
with the authentic: "Oh, who?" shot. Unfortunately, she later found a terminal
illness and could only give up all these
Gu Yuan began to Ji Qisenkopu’s own ex-
opportunities for treatment.
boyfriend: “Oh, when my feet said to me in front
of my bed, I couldn’t wait to get out of the ward When she was lying in the hospital, watching
with my little third parents! I went to the crew TV, her classmate Hu Yuejing played the role
and made my official debut, but now they are all instead of her. It was popular all over the world,
filmmakers? Seeing me terrified, I might think I and even the nurses in the hospital were
was looking for him to kill him." discussing the role.
Gu Yuan was happy when Lu Zhiqian fell down. Ji Qisen nodded slightly: "What did the school
Gu Yuan was satisfied with Lu Zhiqian's face say?"
that was obviously no longer good.
As soon as his son mentioned this, Gu Yuan's
She touched her youthful face full of collagen original expectation suddenly fell: "I was
with satisfaction: "Twenty-five years later, he is planning to go to the school to talk to the
old, but I am still young. What is the most teaching office, but when I met Lu Zhiqian, I
precious thing in the world is not wealth, status went directly to the police station. I haven't had
or fame. , But youth." time to speak."
Ji Qisen raised her eyebrows and looked at her Ji Qisen looked at her helpless look and said
pride and self-satisfaction, with a slight invisible softly: "You have encountered so many things
smile in her eyes. today, go back to rest first, wait for me to let
Sima Butler go to help you talk about it first, it is
"You came to school today, do you want to go
not good, you can go to school to explain it
back to school again?"
yourself Clear, how?"
"Yeah, otherwise, I'm 20 years old, and it's not
Gu Yuan was really tired after this toss. After
realistic to go back to high school to take the
twenty years of deep sleep in her body, it
university entrance exam. I want to go back to
seemed that her energy had not recovered
the film school."
temporarily, and she nodded again and again.
"Do you like to be an actor?"
After nodding, she saw her son and suddenly
remembered something.
Ji Qisen realized that she looked at her eyes as stiff, raising his ears to listen to his young
if thoughtfully, as if looking forward to it. master's response.
Ji Qisen raised an eyebrow: "Huh?" Is it furious?Disdain, or...?
Gu Yuan smiled lightly, with some flattering At this time, Sima Butler heard the words of his
meaning: "Qi Sen, that..." young master: "Give."
Ji Qisen's voice is concise: "Say." Only a simple word.
Gu Yuan said cautiously: "While it's okay in the But Sima Butler actually heard tolerance and
car, will you lend your mobile phone to play helplessness out of thin air.
Sima Butler:!!
The Sima housekeeper in front of the seat is
planning to turn back and ask Ji Qisen about the At this time, he began to seriously consider Aunt
purchase of the villa's vehicle. Chen's guess.

Before I even spoke here, I heard Gu Yuan say Master is falling in love and has fallen in love?
this and suddenly fell off his seat in shock. Master, it seems that it is no longer the original
Master's mobile phone, master's mobile phone! master.

In the era of hands-on-one, mobile phones At this time, he heard Gu Yuan wondering there.
mean communication and privacy. The mobile "Huh, what is this?"
phone of the average person will not be easily
seen by others, let alone the mobile phone of "How do you open this?"
the young master.
And his young master, the young master of the
why? world's top ten powerful AK Group general helm,
Tianliang Wang, who was domineering and
First, the young master is the head of the AK leaking, was turning sideways, holding his
Group. There may be a lot of trade secrets in the mobile phone, and teaching Miss Gu to use her
phone. mobile phone little by little.
Secondly, the young master is a person with a "This is Weibo, many people will post Weibo
lot of cleansing habits and a very heavy self here, you can leave a message below."
field. Not to mention the mobile phone, few
friends in his villa come to visit. "Oh oh, I get it, it's like our previous BBS!"
But such a young master was actually borrowed "This is WeChat, you can communicate with
from the phone by Miss Gu, and listened to that each other, you can add friends."
tone, the phone used to lend the phone to Miss
Gu before? "Isn't this just the penguin? I have also played
with penguins and added a lot of friends!"
Although Sima Butler is just a housekeeper, he
is also a Ph.D. in family management from a "This is a browser, you can view all kinds of
well-known Ivy League school abroad. His family news."
background is good, not to mention working for
Under the guidance of Ji Qisen, Gu Yuan soon
Ji Jia for many years. He is very familiar with the
became familiar with the various apps on her
nobility in Ji Qisen's heart.
mobile phone. At this time, she had temporarily
In Ji Qisen's life, it is absolutely impossible to lost interest in that game. The mobile phone was
lend his personal mobile phone to others, even too fun, she could surf the Internet anytime,
my father can borrow it! anywhere, and chat anytime, anywhere.

But now, Gu Yuan actually borrowed it? Unlike at that time, she had to go to an Internet
cafe to get online, and it was also particularly
Sima's housekeeper said that his forehead was expensive.
slightly cramped, and his whole body was half-
This time happened to be the peak period of get This novel has been translated by
off work, and the road was a little blocked. The and if you are reading this somewhere, they
windy Maybach slowly drove on the street, and have stolen our translation.
Gu Yuanwo was having fun in the luxurious and
comfortable seats. Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest
update Five big guys kneel in front of me and
"Wow, you can watch the news casually!" call Mom the latest chapter!Chapter 10
Invincible Blade
"Qi Sen, look here, search for anything you
want!" Until the wind, Maybach drove back to the villa,
Gu Yuan was still holding Ji Qisen’s mobile
"Here, you can also check the map and book a phone and found various surprises. The mobile
hotel!" phone was too fun. In her era, there was no
Sima Butler was sitting on his seat, sitting on his such a convenient game console. No, it’s not
shoulders with a serious expression. just Game console, this is a combination of
game console + computer + TV + phone. It is
He was already on the verge of a cerebral palsy. perfect. Watch the movie online anytime and
What a fascinating soup did the young master anywhere.
have been poured into?How much did the young
master love this Miss Gu to indulge her so While playing with pleasure, Gu Yuan suddenly
much?In the end, which corner of Miss Gu came silenced, and then kept fingering, but there was
out of nowhere even had you ever played with no such kind of exclamation or admiration or
your mobile phone? wow wow discovery of the New World.

When did the young master fall in love, how did Ji Qisen was holding a tablet while processing
he come to the point of giving his cell phone to company documents. When he realized this, he
the other party to play blindly? looked up at his mother.

While Sima's housekeeper was thinking about it, My mother, who was several years younger than
he heard Gu Yuan behind him suddenly say: herself, was nesting herself on the sofa. Her
"Hey, Qi Sen, is this a liar? Or is it poisoned? dark hair was slightly chaotic because she was
Suddenly popped up." nesting on the sofa. She stared angrily at the
screen, her face full of disbelief.
With that said, he heard Gu Yuan whispering a
sentence: "The case of Shi Tian has now been Ji Qisen sat there silently, unmoved.
basically finalized, and currently talks about He waited for her to say.
14.83 billion..."
Sure enough, after a while, she said angrily:
Sima Butler's heart suddenly choked, almost "There are so many fans of Lu Zhiqian on the
choked on his mouth. Internet. They turned out to be so black. They
This is a trade secret, a trade secret!Do you said that the lucky fans were too ugly and
understand Miss Gu? scared Lu Zhiqian! Am I ugly? Why should I say
Behind him, the young master of his family who
is doing things in a glance, who did not swear Ji Qisen didn't speak.
about anyone, even took over his mobile phone Gu Yuan clenched his fists, and his cheeks were
and explained to Miss Gu casually: "This is a full of pink gas: "These people's mouths are too
WeChat message reminder." poisonous!"
It seems that the 14.83 billion acquisition case Ji Qisen raised his eyebrows, got up, and took
does not need to be kept secret at all! his phone to watch.
10/189 Although Lu Zhiqian is forty-five years old, he is
Chapter 10 Invincible Blade no longer an idol artist. But these years, there
are naturally many wives and girlfriends. These
fans heard that Lu Zhiqian was fainted by the
lucky fans, and they were spreading their wings
to protect them. Old hen with little chicken.
Qianqian's true wife on the first floor: "Ugly is Hearing this, Gu Yuan remembered that he
more terrifying to our Qianqian than daring to go hadn't eaten yet, and finally his stomach seemed
out on stage and hide at home!" to be awakened.
The grumpy girl on the second floor quietly said: Breakfast was delicious, and the skill of the
"Is this fan's ass and head pretending?" son's chef was very good.
Qian Qian little girl on the third floor: "Ugly is not She swallowed secretly, she wanted to open her
the original sin, it is deserving of the brother mouth to ask what she had for dinner today, but
Qian Qian deserved to die!" thinking about how angry she was, and
embarrassed to ask, she could only stand there
Kitty on the 4th floor: "It hurts me to think that my without talking.
brother Qian Qian was fainted by the ugliness."
But at this time, she heard Ji Qisen said lightly:
Sunshine2%fun on the 5th floor: "It is time for "Dinner is lobster soup cream pudding dark
the Capital Film Academy to see the chocolate foie gras."
ophthalmology department. What ugliness
actually went into the film school?!!! Look at the Gu Yuan's eyes suddenly lighted up: "Then let's
mirror before going out!" go eat."
Today on the 6th floor is still thinking about Ji Qisen said again: "Not much."
Qianqian's day: "Is anyone scratching the face
of ugly? Was curious what kind of ugly can After talking, he walked to the restaurant.
scare my brother Qianqian~~~" Gu Yuan has stopped thinking about the phone
7th Floor Boom Boom www: "Seeking Ugly +1 at all, and hastened to keep up with his son.
than Right Face" The amount is small, she believes, this kind of
On the 8th floor, your hair is messed up: top-class food, the chef does not do much, what
"Seeking ugliness is more than a face +10086" if the son is eaten up late?

And with these crazy topics, there is an instant Hurry up to keep up!
rise of hot search topics, and it is really "Ugly ...
than scared Lu Zhiqian."
The chef of Ji Qisen's house is the original
After Ji Qisen turned these things calmly, he Michelin chef, who was dug up by Ji Zhentian at
glanced at the young mother who had to jump a high price.However, Ji Qisen is not interested
up and down: "What do you want to do?" in this appetite, so the original Michelin
Gu Yuan was out of anger: "I want to beat Lu restaurant chef has always hated the hero’s
Zhiqian!" useless land, but is also obsessed with the high
salary given by Ji Jia, and has been achieving
Ji Qisen: "Modern society, murder law." ambition and amazing salary. Struggling
between time, finally came a Gu Yuan, even
"You, you--" Gu Yuan couldn't say a word. loved his food so much, and enjoyed the look he
How could there be such a son?Is she really liked very much. The original Michelin restaurant
going to beat Lu Zhiqian?She just talked about chef immediately rose up and put all his energy
it, but why was she staring at the house and into making Gu Yuan's fine products. Good food
bragging about something cruel, he even told above.
himself that murder was illegal? Gu Yuan ate the meal so fast that he sat on the
Ignoring her anger, Ji Qisen held her phone sofa lazily when he was full.
calmly, opened WeChat, and flexibly twitched In the large living room of Ji Family in the
her fingers. After sending the message, he said, evening, the curtains were all closed, and the
"It's dinner time, let's eat." sunlight projected into the living room through
eat? the elegant diamond lattice windows, which
gave the cool and luxurious living room cage a
light orange color.
Ji Qisen sat on the mahogany chair and looked "Who just said you want to beat Lu Zhiqian?" Ji
at the young mother nestled on the sofa. For the Qisen reminded her.
first time, she felt that the breath in the living
room was different. "But you said it was illegal!" Gu Yuan gave up
his hands helplessly.
What changed?
"Can't beat him to death, but it can make him
Is this the breath of home? uncomfortable." Ji Qisen followed the guide.
Ji Qisen lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on Gu Yuan tentatively said, "Then beat him into
the flat screen, where there was a response plan the hospital again?"
made urgently by the PR department.
"Law society, we should use some legal means."
AK is an old-fashioned enterprise in the Ji Qisen's fingertips lightly tapped on the handle
shopping mall for decades. The world's top ten of the mahogany chair.
chaebols naturally have their own professional
public relations team. As soon as the public Gu Yuan didn't understand it at all: "What should
relations team came out, the news about Lu we do?"
Zhiqian has disappeared. Ji Qisen didn't know what to think of and smiled.
Ji Qisen scanned Lu Zhiqian's personal profile Gu Yuan looked over and saw that the cheap
indifferently, when he saw the words "girlfriend son's perfect lips opened lightly and spit out four
never died". words: "The soldiers don't have blood."
Of course, he knew that in the twenty-five years
of Gu Yuan's sleep, there were other people
who had visited her besides himself, but that ex-
boyfriend was not included.
In fact, before Gu Yuan fell asleep completely,
this ex-boyfriend who had never abandoned his
girlfriend had hooked up with another woman,
the daughter of a director, but later, the director
failed to provide him with any resources.
"What do you want to do?" Ji Qisen suddenly
"What?" Zheng Yuan stunned, squinting his
eyes in the sun and comfortingly enjoying the
delicious sunset.
"Lu Zhiqian." Ji Qisen's voice was concise.
"Ah, he—" Gu Yuan stretched out.
In fact, she was angry just now, but when she
was satisfied, she immediately became angry.
What is the point of being angry? Anyway, she
still eats good food, enjoys the support of her
filial son, and her skin is still young and
Besides, it was not her who fainted.
"Just him!"
"You--" Ji Qisen's expression was light.
"Ah? What's wrong?" Gu Yuan immediately felt
that the son's expression was not right?

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