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1.. What is CMOS battery in computers?

It is a battery that powers BIOS even in unplugged situations

2. Full Form of PCIe?

peripheral component interconnect express

3.Full form of EEPROM?

Electrically erasable read only memory

4. What happens when computer turns on?

1.POST(power on self test )

2.Checks ram,checks vga
3.Loads OS into ram
4.Display Prompt

5.What is Semantic error?

A semantic error is also called logic or run-time error that cause it to operate incorrectly

6.What are recursive functions?

Functions that call by itself

7.Difference b/w Interpreter and compiler?

Interpreteter converts the code into machine code by line by line

compiler converts the code into machine code in one go.

8.What are tokens in programming language?

Basic elements in programming language

9.What is type casting?

Smaller data type to larger datatype (explicit type conversion)

10.Difference b/w break and continue?

Break keyword breaks out from the loop

continue forces to next iteration

11.What is role of comments and indentation in a programme?

Comments and intendation enable us to debug easily and increases readability of

12.What is world’s first microprocessor?

Intel® 4004
13.What is architecture used for manufacturing computer processors?

X86 based architechture

14.What type of connector used for network devices such as server,modem?


15.What is the difference b/w algorithm and a computer programme?

Algorithm should be finite and should terminate

programme can run without terminating

16.Full form of TDP?

Thermal design power

17. What is the read and write speed of a hard drive ?

80-500 Mbps

18.What is smps?

Switch mode power supply to power computers

19.Full form of ddr and what is fastest type of ram supported by consumer grade processors?

Double data read and ddr5

20.Is BIOS is a software/hardware/firmware?


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