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Animated short film, 2016

A flock of sandpipers is hunting for food at a seashore. A baby sandpiper is taken to the
shoreline by her mother so she can learn to find her own food. However, when a large wave
comes in, she fails to pull away in time and is soaked wet. After this incident, the baby
sandpiper is terrified of water and refuses to leave the nest. Soon, she is compelled to return to
the shoreline by her hunger and notices a hermit crab digging in the sand. While she is watching
the crab, a large wave comes in and drowns her.

The animation of this short film is beautiful. Not to mention, the baby sandpiper is really cute.
But, behind the beautiful animation and cute baby sandpiper, it conveys an important and
motivational message for all of us to not be afraid to take a step forward and open your eyes.

I give Piper 5-stars, it's a shame to miss this beautiful and cute little short film.

Haidar (17 years old, Indonesia)

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