FILE - 20220318 - 185147 - MULTIPLE CHOICE UNIT 10.8 Bichngoctran

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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in
each question.
1. A. event                 B. netiquette                 C. percent                 D. agent
2. A. tiny                 B. river                 C. native                 D. driven
3. A. measure                 B. pleasure                 C. ensure                 D. version
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. battery                 B. electrical                 C. telepathy                 D. communicate
5. A. dimentional         B. immediately         C. opposite                 D. polite
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. Is there any significant _________ inquality between these two items?
1. differ                 B. different                 C. differenciate         D. difference
7. During the war, many couple had to endure long periods of __________.
1. separate                 B. separately                 C. separation                 D. separated
8. Having the opportunity to work would make retirement more _________ for many senior
1. meaningless         B. meaningful                 C. meaningly                 D. meaningfully
9. No date has yet been set for the ___________ of applications.
1. submit                 B. submitted                 C. submission                 D. submissive
10.  She held him in considerable __________.
A. respect                 B. hope                 C. concern                 D. worry
11. They believe that sport can _________ any barriers.
A. step                 B. border                 C. cross                 D. stand
12.  As part of their program, most schools organize __________ events for the students.
A. social                 B. society                 C. sociable                 D. sociably
13. Their conversations were taken down__________  shorthand by a secretary.                B.on                        C. at               
14. He had apparently experienced a lot of_________ abuse from his co - workers.
A. verbally                   B.verbalist                        C verbalise                        D. verbal
15. She's senior__________ me, so I have to do what she tells me.
A. at                         B.over                         C. above                        D. to
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following sentences.
16. The print is so tin£ that you need a magnifying glass to read it.
        A. large        B.small        C. blur                        D. neat
17. I'm not properly dressed for this kind of weather.
A. fitly        B. neatly        C. kindly                D. appropriately
18. The achievements of science and technology of recent years have influenced
the careers of many people.
A. markets                B.trades        C. professions        D.hands
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of
the following sentences.
19. About one million Welshmen still speak their native language.
A. original                B. natural         C. folk                        D. other
20. It is said that a large army of young Canadians lonxs for knowledge, but it is not easy to
obtain it with the heavy cost of education.
A. dislikes                B. desires        C. craves                        D. looks for
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. I __________ dinner at this time tomorrow.
      A. will cook                 B. cook                 C. am cooking         D. will be cooking
22. I’ll call you as soon as I _________ in London.
      A. will arrive                 B. will be arriving                 C. arrive                 D. am arriving
23. Hoa _________ twelve next month.
      A. will be                 B. is                 C. is going to be         D. is being
24. This time tomorrow, I _________ on the beach.
      A. will sunbathe                 B. is sunbathing                 C. sunbathe                 D.will be
25. A: Should I buy meat or fish?      B: I’ve already told you what _____.
1. to buy                 B. buying                 C. buy                 D. bought
26. This problem is hard _______ because it is very complicated.
     A. solving                 B. to solve                 C. solved                 D. be solved
27. I expected Mary ______ me last night but she didn’t.
     A. to phone                 B. phoning                 C. phones                 D. phone
28.A: How do you feel if someone laughs at you?  B: I hate ___ at.
1. laughed                 B. laughing                 C. being laughed         D. to be laughed
29. ___ books on history helps school children to get knowledge about the past of different
    A. Reading                 B. Reads                 C. Has read                 D. To read
30. It is very pleasant ___ in the river on hot days in the summers.
    A. bathe                 B. bathing                 C. bathed                 D. to bathe
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
31. Almost(A) all of the(B) students were confusing(C) because Ms. Kelly’s explanation
was unclear(D).-> confused
32. Many news story(A) which deal with(B) TV and film personalities(C) are
often exaggerated(D). -> new stories
33. Despite(A) the increase in air fares, most(B) people still(C) prefer travel(D) by plane.
34. Even(A) onthemost careful(B) prepared trips(C),problems willsometimes(D) develop.
35. The existence(A) of many stars in the sky lead(B) us to suspect that there may be(C) life
on another(D) planet, leads
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True(T) or False(F)
           Today, people can buy a newspaper from a machine or at a newsstand. But back in the
1800s, newsboys, or “newsies,” were the principal sellers of newsapers. Newsies sold their
newspapers, or “papes,” on New York’s streets.
           For two weeks in 1899; however, the newsies went on strike, refusing to sell papers.
What started the strike? During the Spanish-American War, people were eager to read the
news, so the Journal and Evening World raised the price that they charged for their
newspapers, Newsies had to pay ten cents more for the papers. A dime made a difference to
the kids who earned less than a dollar each day. Most newsies lived on the streets. Others used
their earnings to help their struggling families. When the war ended, newsies expected
newspaper companies to reduce their prices, but that did not happen.
           Although the cost of papers to newsies never dropped, the strike was considered a
success. The two offending newspaper companies agreed to buy back all unsold papers, and
eventually this strike helped bring about child labor laws in the United States.
           (Adapted from Moor. E Daily reading comprehension. P21. Educational Publisher)
36 The strike occurred in a Spanish-American colony in the 1800s. v
37 Most of the newsies lived in poverty. v
38 The strike occurred due to the cost rise on eager readers of the war. v
39 The strike was considered to be successful because the cost went down v
for the newsies,
40 The strike helped the public become aware of the newsboys’ problems. v
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each of
the questions below.
          As tweens turn into teens, parents can have an increasingly hard time getting messages
across. A new study suggests one way for parents to keep up communication: Sit down
together for dinner.
          The results show that while parent-child communication generally declines as kids go
through middle school, eating meals together can help protect against this conversation dip.
          Kids who frequently are dinner with their parents when they were in sixth grade saw
less of a change in communication with their folks over three and a half years than kids who
rarely or never ate dinner with their parents in sixth grade.
The results suggest family dinners inn a child’s early adolesence can set the stage for long-
lasting communication.
          The benefical efferct of family dinners on parent-child communication is real.
However, the researchers can’t distinguish whether the childrent kept up goof communication
because they ate family meals together, or they ate meals together because they already got
along well with their parents in sixth grade. Family studies can help better charity the reasons.
                               (Adapted from: Family Dinners Increase Parent-Teen Communication)
41. The problems in communication between parents and children arise when the children:
      A. enter high school
      B. turn twelve
      C. start grade seven
      D. go through middle school year
42. As kids go through secondary school, they find it hard to
      A. communicate
      B. share their feelings
C. get the text across their place, to their parents.
43. According to the passage, kids ate dinner with their parents in sixth grade.
A. talk to their parents the same way over years later.
B. see their folks more often.
C. rarely have dinner with their parents the next few years.
D. find it hard to talk to their parents later.
44. It is suggested that long-lasting communication is
A. set in early teens.
B. early in life.
C. resulted from early dinner.
D. the cause of family dinner.
45. What needs further research to clarify?
A. The reason families have dinner together
B. The bond that hold families together
C. The talk that families share in meals
D. The reason for lasting family communication
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence.        
46.She usually spends one hour riding to school every day.
A. She usually studies in school one hour every day.
B. It usually takes her one hour to ride to school every day.
C. She usually goes to school by bike once a day.
D. It usually takes her one hour to ride on her bike everyday.
47.I’d rather be hungry than eat fish.
A. I am hungry and I want to eat fish.
B. I can’t stand being hungry so I’ll eat fish.
C. I am hungry enough to eat fish.
D. I prefer being hungry to eating fish.
48.He was such a smart student that he could solve all the math problems.
A. He was not smart enough to solve all the math problems.
B. He was so intelligent that he could solve all the math problems.
C. The math problems were too difficult for him to solve.
D. All the math problems were so smart that he could solve them.
49.There are many factors contributing to air pollution.
A. Air pollution results in many consequences.
B. Air pollution is contributing to these phenomena.
C. Air pollution is the result of burning forests.
D. Factors contributing to air pollution are numerous.
50.The singer has given up performing live.
A. The singer is accustomed to performing live.
B. The singer used to perform live.
C. The singer's live performance has been cancelled.
D. The singers got used to performing live.

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