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Activity 1: Formulate assertions based on the given pictures.

Statement of Convention: GMA, being the vice president, advance to the
presidential position when Estrada stepped down from his office.
Statement of Fact: GMA is the second woman president of the Philippine
Statement of Opinion: I think our country's situation will continue to
become worse under Gloria's administration.
Statement of Preference: Estrada was more concerned with the masses
compared to GMA.
Statement of Convention: ______________________________________
Statement of Fact: ___________________________________________
Statement of Opinion: ________________________________________
Statement of Preference: ______________________________________
Statement of Convention: ______________________________________
Statement of Fact: ___________________________________________
Statement of Opinion: ________________________________________
Statement of Preference: ______________________________________
What Is It?
Activity 2: Formulate assertions based on the words given in each number. Follow the
type of assertion specified in each word.
1. Martial Law (statement of opinion)
2. Senior High School (statement of preference)
3. extrajudicial killing (statement of opinion)
4. dog (statement of convention)
5. lagundi (statement of fact)
What’s More
Activity 3: Instructions: Read the given text and formulate assertions about the content and
properties of a text.
“Educational Challenges and Opportunities of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic”
Statement of Convention: _____________________________________________________
Statement of Fact: ___________________________________________________________
Statement of Opinion: ________________________________________________________

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Statement of Preference: ______________________________________________________
What is it?
Activity 4: Solve the puzzle using the definition provided.

Activity 5: Read each sentence carefully. Then write T if the statement is true and F if False.
__________ 1. Being able to make an assertion is enough to formulate counterclaims.
__________ 2. Analyzing an argument is important in formulating counterclaims.
__________ 3. Claim is a statement that addresses opposing viewpoints.
__________ 4. Critical thinking concerns in determining the quality of our beliefs.
__________ 5. Counterclaim is a contrasting perspective to the argument.

What is it?
Activity 6: Read the given claim. Write your counterclaim based on the given claim.
Claim: Hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution.
Many people believe that hybrid cars are an effective strategy to fight pollution. This view sounds
convincing at first but instead of focusing on cars, which still encourages a culture of driving even if it
cuts down on pollution, the nation should focus on building and encouraging the use of mass transit
1. Claim: Tracking devices on phones is a good idea because if you go
somewhere your parents will now your whereabouts.
2. Claim: Being grounded is a good idea depending on what they did.
What is it?
Activity 7: Read passages below. Apply the questions above in identifying the claim and counterclaim.
Watching television entertains, educates, and informs. These three factual advantages
developed, giving more and more advantages. The value of family life could increase when they
spent time together, and the ability of television to entertain supports this condition to happen.
There are shows which fit all generations and could make people happy watching it. When
members of the family watch the shows, they laugh, and a comforting atmosphere is created.

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Claim: Watching television strengthens the family relationship.
Counterclaim: It might seem as if watching television strengthens family relationship. This view
sounds convincing at first but watching television prevents the talking, the games and the family
festivities and arguments through which the child’s learning takes place.
They are certainly right. Sunscreen protects your ski n from ultraviolet light rays. Too much
ultraviolet is bad for your skin. If you spend a long time outside without any sunscreen on, you
might get a sunburn because of the ultraviolet rays.

Claim: ____________________________________________________________________
Counterclaim: ______________________________________________________________
You need a total of about 60 minutes of physical activity a day. Here is the good news. ----.
Five or ten minute sessions of physical activities throughout the day are just as good for you. These
may include walking, jogging, running, and riding a bike.

Claim: ____________________________________________________________________
Counterclaim: ______________________________________________________________
The House of Representatives approved House Bill 6517, or the Philippine Compassionate
Medical Cannabis Act, on its final reading on January 29, 2019. The bill aims to “legalize and
regulate the medical use of cannabis” with the overall goal of making it more accessible for
Once the bill gets enacted, the government will establish Medical Cannabis Compassionate
Centers (MCCC), as well as a Medical Cannabis Research and Safety Compliance Facility (MCRSCF)
for research and testing. These new institutions will safeguard the distribution and research of
medical cannabis in the country.

Claim: ____________________________________________________________________
Counterclaim: ______________________________________________________________

What’s More
Activity 8. Instructions: Read the speech of Sen. Manny Pacquiao. Apply the questions above in
identifying the claim and counterclaim. Write these below, followed by a brief explanation.
Sen. Manny Pacquiao's speech at Cambridge Union
President Charles Connor and other esteemed officials of the Cambridge University; distinguished members
of the Cambridge Union, other dignitaries in attendance, ladies and gentlemen, my fellow guests, good afternoon.
A famous pastor once said, and I quote, "The world is a university and everyone in it is a teacher. Make sure
when you wake up in the morning you go to school." End of quote.
Today, I am not just in any obscure part of the global university. I am deeply honored to be invited by the
Cambridge Union, the oldest debating and free speech society in the world and the largest student society in the
University of Cambridge.
I am not a scientist, a mathematician, or a philosopher. But you have given me this privilege of addressing
you. I am humbled to be in the midst of brilliant students in this prestigious university that has educated

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remarkable alumni, including British Prime Ministers, foreign Heads of states, monarchs, and royals. It is my distinct
honor to stand before all of you.
I am delighted to learn that one of Cambridge University's historic colleges is Emmanuel College and that
Harvard University, the first college in the United States, was organized after the model of Emmanuel.
I have not experienced how it is to pursue a degree like a regular university student. My circumstances
were very different from yours.
But I did not allow these circumstances to limit me. I worked on and finally received my degree through the
Alternative Learning System. More importantly, I continue to learn from the University called life.
So, here is Emmanuel Dapidran Pacquiao standing in front of you. I am not here to show off my left hook or
my fluid footwork. I am here because I want to personally share my narrative in the hope that it will touch even just
a few of you and persuade you to think differently about life.
I was born into poverty. There is a Filipino metaphor that goes "mas mahirap pa sa daga," which translates
to "more destitute than a rat." From a very young age, I had to struggle daily to survive. I fought hard, I faltered, I
failed many times. But I learned to rise again each time I fell. Each setback became a platform for a comeback.
That is what life was like to me as a child. But my hardships are not uncommon. There are so many others
around the world who have faced even worse. But my hardships taught me one valuable lesson. Never quit.
If the world knocks you down, get up. If all things conspire against you, fight back. Quitting is not an option.
I was only 7 years old when I had to take responsibility for my three siblings who were left under my care
because our mother had to earn a living. I took it upon myself to help her, "Mommy Dionisia", as she is fondly
called by the Filipinos, to earn extra money so that we can eat even just one decent meal a day.
I was still in elementary school back then. I managed to attend classes even without sleep and without
food. There were days when it was only water that kept me going. We were so poor that we could not even afford
school supplies; I would use my pencil even if there was only about an inch long of it left that I could no longer hold
it to write.
I remember when I was in the sixth grade, and my classmates would flock around me for our mathematics
homework because they knew I was reliable when it came to numbers. I did their math homework for them, and in
exchange they would share their food with me because they knew I rarely had any.
Boxing turned my life around. I was only 14 years old when I left my hometown in Mindanao so that I can
train for it in Manila. My narrative took a turn because of that crucial decision to take a big step away from my
comfort zone.
With the benefit of hindsight, I have realized that it is the grace of God that transformed me from nothing
into something.
My circle became bigger and bigger because of the countless opportunities that boxing brought about. My
victories in the ring pushed me right into center stage and ushered in fame and fortune. Opportunities came
knocking at my door, one after the other.
I apply the same principles in public service. As a lifelong learner, I must keep improving myself and I must
not stop learning. That way, I remain relevant to my people and the world that deserve the best of Manny
Pacquiao, inside and outside the ring.
For as long as I exist, I will keep showing up for life. I will continue to be a learner and always strive to be a
teacher by imparting my hard-earned lessons to others.
Each one of you in this room can change the world. Have faith, persevere. Find your passion and heed your
calling. I urge you, as the Roman poet Horace did: Carpe Diem -- seize the day.
And above all, FIGHT. Thank you and a pleasant afternoon.

The claim in the text:

My counterclaim:

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