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ASM657: Innovative Thinking Strategy

Class Activity: Week 1

At the end of the class activity, students should be able to understand what an innovation
is, how the innovation works and how the innovation creates impact.

1. Questions to be asked to the public – see Appendix 1. The second question is
about ‘dream’, which can be used as a resource for module 3.
2. Sticky notes. Use other materials as replacement.
3. List of innovation types based on needs, ie health, transportation, education,
lifestyle and others related. This list is to be listed on a board. See sample.

1. Ask the students to form a group that consists of three students.
2. Send the group for an outdoor activity:
i. Ask each group to show the questions and get the answers from four (4)
strangers. Each person shall be given a maximum of three minutes to answer
both questions. (Time for the students to spend on the outdoor activity is max of
25 minutes).
ii. Each answer should be written on a sticky note (see example)

3. When the students return, ask them to paste the sticky notes on the board (that has
the list). – (5 minutes)

4. Discuss the findings. You may appoint a student to lead the discussion. (20 minutes)

5. Lesson learnt: ask the students to conclude the session and the lesson learnt. (5
1. Namakan satu inovasi yang telah mengubah hidup anda. Bagaimana ia
mengubah hidup?

2. Namakan satu inovasi yang anda impikan dapat mengubah hidup anda.
Mengapa ia menjadi pilihan?
1. Namakan satu inovasi yang telah mengubah hidup anda. Bagaimana ia mengubah hidup?

2. Namakan satu inovasi yang anda impikan dapat mengubah hidup anda. Mengapa ia menjadi pilihan?
Education Health Life Style Transportation Entertainment

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