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Philosophy Proponent Tenet Teacher Student Orientation

Idealism Plato Soul; Perfection; Perfectionist; High Pressured; Follow the Teacher-Centered;
Standards Expectation; Rules; Curriculum-Centered
Strict Discipline

Realism Aristotle Experience; Senses; Considerate; Forgiving; Actual Work Student-Centered;

Reality Realistic Curriculum-centered

Essentialism William Bagley Basic Skills; 3Rs Sage on the Stage Passive Learners Teacher-Centered

Perennialism Mortimer Adler Classics Interpreter of Passive Learners Teacher-Centered;

Knowledge Curriculum Centered

Pragmatism Charles Sanders Peirce Put into Action Guide on the Side Active Learners Student-Centered
Idea to Practice

Progressivism John Dewey Learners for life Facilitators Questioning Student-Centered

Social Reconstructionism Theodore Brameld Create social change Social Activists Reformists; Student-Centered;
Will change the world Society

Behaviorism John B. Watson Environment is Givers of Stimulus Reactors of Stimulus Change of Behavior

Existentialism Soren Kierkegaard Existence precedes Considerate; Allows To discover themselves Student-Centered
essence Freedom

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