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Opinion of the lecture:

The 'Crying Indian' ad that fooled the environmental movement.

By Aracely Lona García
The lecture “The 'Crying Indian' ad that fooled the environmental movement”
is an interesting text that let us see how television and their ads can have an
impact on people. Even though, this ad is related to the anti-litter organization
Keep America Beautiful, it has more things involved. As we can see from the
article, ads can have many implications in people´s opinions and how they think
about a specific situation. This video is from the 70´s and won many prizes, and it
is mentioned in the article “For many Americans, the Crying Indian became the
quintessential symbol of environmental idealism”.
I think people from the United States have destroyed not only the
environment, but also the Native American Cultures of that country. This ad is also
related on how “Keep America Beautiful was trying to piggyback on the
counterculture’s embrace of Native American culture as a more authentic identity
than commercial”, as it is mentioned in the lecture. The author Finis Dunaway
wrote about the duplicities involved in the campaign. The leading beverage and
packaging corporations were the composers of this organization, and they were
opposed to many environmental initiatives. This ad was used as a therapeutic dose
of environmental hope by those companies related with Keep America Beautiful

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