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I. Complete the following dialog with right sentences in the box.

Lengkapilah dialog berikut dengan kalimat yang benar yang sudah tersedia didalam kotak.

is everything clear?

Is that right?

Do you understand?

Sure, I will try

please pay attention

Mr. Rudi : Class, (1) ______________________________ to my explanation.

Students : Yes, Sir.

Mr. Rudi : Put up your hand if you don’t understand. (2) ________________________

Students : Yes, we got it, Sir.

Mr. Rudi : Tom, will you do number 4 on the board?

Tom : (3) ______________________________.

Mr. Rudi : Everybody, look at the board and pay attention. Bob,(4)________________________?

Bob : That’s right, Sir.

Mr. Rudi : Great, you have got it. Class, (5)_______________________?

Students : Yes, Sir. Thanks

II. Create a simple dialog about :

Buatlah dialog tentang:
1. To get attention ( meminta perhatian)
2. To check if we are understood (mengecek pemahaman)

Example (contoh)
Teacher : Can I have you attention, class?
Students : Yes, ma’am.
Teacher : I will give you an announcement. Tomorrow we will have an outing to Batik Museum.
Students : Hurray!

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