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The Prayers and Litanies to the Immortal Emperor

Incomplete, a Work in Progress

Libation to the Emperor

The Emperor is our guiding light. A beacon of light in a galaxy of darkness.

As we serve him, he is our greatest servant. As we pray to him, his thoughts are only for us.

And in the darkness where shadows threaten, the Emperor is with us; in spirit and in FACT!!

The Emperor’s Prayer

ADORE the Immortal Emperor, for He is our protector!

ADMIRE the Immortal Emperor for His sacrifice to mankind!

EXALT the Immortal Emperor for His strict guidance!

REVERE the Immortal Emperor for His undying guard!

VENERATE the Immortal Emperor for His holy wisdom!

HONOR the Immortal Emperor for His eternal strength!

GLORIFY the Immortal Emperor for His all-seeing vision!

PRAISE!!! PRAISE the Immortal Emperor for His unending rule!

HAIL the Immortal Emperor, for He is the Lord and Master!

WORSHIP the Immortal Emperor, for without Him, we are NOTHING!!

The Prayer of Adoration to the Emperor


Oh, Immortal Emperor, have mercy upon us, miserable unworthies that we are.

Oh, Master of the Galaxy, protect your flock from the alien.

Oh, Keeper of the Light, guide our path with your radiance.

We are YOUR warriors, and we are servants to Thee!

We stand free from blindness of heart; free from hypocrisy, vainglory, and deceit!!

But… we are captive to hatred, malice, and anger to the filth, the alien, the heretic!!

By thy agony and bloody sweat, by thy Golden Throne, and thy reemergence
as the God of Man!

Keep and strengthen us, we who fight for Thee.

Imperiala Lobgisanc! Love the Emperor, for he is the salvation of Mankind!

Obey his words! OBEY HIS WORDS!! For, He will lead you into the light of the future!!

Heed his wisdom, for he will protect you from evil!!

Whisper His prayers with devotion, for He will save your soul!

Honor his servants, for they speak in His voice!


Prayers in times of war and struggle.

Warrior’s Catacysm of worship

Look to your battle gear, and it will protect you.

We guard it with our lives. Your answer is your soul, and your soul’s dedication it’s armor.

The soul of a warrior is the protector of humanity!!

Honor the craft of death! Only the Emperor is higher in your devotion!

Honor the battle gear of the dead! We ask only to serve!!

The Warrior’s Prayer of Battle

I offer my life to the Emperor. I pray that He accepts it.

I offer my strength to the Emperor. I pray that He redresses it.

I offer my blood for the Emperor. I pray that it quenches His thirst.

I offer my body on the alter of the battlefield. I pray He grants me a noble death.

I pray for His protection as I offer all that I am!!

Prayer in the time of Turmoil.

Emperor of Man, oversee all that is right; Whose powers NONE can resist!

Save and deliver us, we beseech, from the hands of our enemies; by granting us dominion over them.

Show us the path to victory so that we may produce it in YOUR unending name!!

The prayer of Hatred for the Mutant

To be unclean, that is the mark of the mutant

To be impure, that is the mark of the mutant!

To be ABHORRED, that is the mark of the MUTANT!!


To be HUNTED!! That is the FATE of the MUTANT!!



Litanies and Incantations

The Oath to Obedience.

To be recited and repeated in times of weakness in spirit

I pledge myself to Thee, God Emperor of Mankind!! Do with me as you please, for my faith is absolute!!

The Oath to Allegiance

I swear: to stand steadfast in my loyalty, and may the darkness claim my soul if I prove unworthy.

The Litany of War

To be recited before entering combat

Emperor!! Bestow upon me your righteous fury and your furious strength!

Let me become the storm that blasts the enemy from Your sight!

The Oath to vengeance

To be recited before entering combat.

I will destroy all who seek to destroy me!!

The Death Incantation.

I fear no evil!! I fear no death, for the Emperor comes for me!
The Incantation of Fear

To be recited at any moment of fear

Fear is not, for my faith is strong!!

The Incantation of Bombardment

For whenever one is under the attack of an enemy bombardment.

Grant me stillness and serenity as my enemies pound and howl!

The Profession of Faith

To be recited at any time

With all my strength, with all my will, with every fiber of my soul, I pledge my soul and my faith to the
Immortal Emperor, Shepherd of Humanity!!

The Litany of Protection

To be recited and repeated in times of peril

Might Emperor, spread your divine light to protect me from the darkness!

The Litany of Duty

To be recited when performing an arduous task

Give me the strength to carry my duty through and smite those that seek to thwart me!!

The Ritual for Strength

To be repeat while kneeling and making the sign of the Aquela

I feel my bones! The strength!

I feel my muscles! The strength!

I feel my soul! The STRENGTH!!

I feel the Emperor who grants me grace, and by his will: strength!!
The Litany of Strength

To be recited in times of frailty

I am a man, prone to weakness, but I am a Guardsman where weakness is death!

I shall crush my weakness with the weight of my pride!

The Incantation of Battle

To be shouted and repeated during combat

Smite the foe!! Smash the Enemy!! For the Emperor, we bring DEATH!!

The Litany of the Lasgun

To be said before firing your weapon

Bringer of death, speak your name, for you are my life and the FOE’S death!!

Litany to staunch a wound

I pray to slow the blood and close the wound

The Litany of torment

To be said from or to a soldier in immense pain

Although my body is broken, although my blood pools away, although my time may end, the Immortal
Emperor will greet me and embrace me with His holy aura.

If only I remain constant to Him, through this time of torment.

The Litany of Protection

To be recited whenever in a dire situation

Oh, Emperor of Mankind, send your gaze to me with benevolence. Watch over your servant and soldier
and protect me from peril.

The Litany of Forgiveness

To be recited when near to death

Sweet God Emperor, forgive your servant his sins, and remember, I am just a man.

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