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Cocke and balle

Volume number 2.

Some retarded NS who went insane

Hello reader of this book, I see that you have decided to read this
degeneracy, so let's begin. First and foremost, this is not a legit book
and shouldn't be taken seriously. It's supposed to mock off those
retarded Martinet Press books. It should be of note that in the event of
either genital mutilation or severe brain damage after reading this
book, I am not responsible for either of these two, proceed to read at
your own risk.To the reader of this book we pose the question.
"Would you consider him retarded? The one who would read this book."

Retardation - the art of being so fucking dumb nobody wants to talk to


Ball torture No.1

Hold your cock and start to masturbate, while squeezing your
balls and walking, when will you feel that you are about to cum
squeeze your balls so much and then fall on the ground. This
ritual is very good if you want to get sterilised without actually
being sterilised.After you did this, turn off the lights in your room.
Then look into mirror and scream out loudly "AVE SATANAS
and of course imagine satan standing infront of you with a sinister
look on his face. While you do this proceed to cum in your pants
like a brainlet you are. After this you should be done torturing your
body and balls. For now atleast.

Cock torture No.1

This one is suggestion from our dearest reader, Alex also known
as Carpathid, author of book "Rape" where he describes how to
properly rape small girls and how to not get caught by Czech
police. This method has been largely regarded as the most
retarded and degenerate so far, if you are not okay with that
please stop reading this. If you are okay with it then let me tell
you. This method involves raping a child, so if you can't get a
child then fuck off retard you are fucking magian nigger. Well if
you don't have a child then you can also use pigeon before you
behead him with your knifey. Let's say you dont have some child
like Carpathid does (he mostly has gypsy children). So you use
pigeon and buttfuck him till his shit gets on your dick you then rub
your dick in condom and then set afire the condom while
SHAPIRUS". Oh, also I forgot to mention one thing, do this in
public so you get as much attention as you possibly can. If you
will be lucky some Gamer will come up to you and beat the fuck
out of you and probably cut of your dick and call police on you.
But that will only happen if you are lucky, if you are not then
everyone will just end up staring at you with disgust or maybe not
who the fuck knows. Well if you will be really unlucky and the
thing which I just described won't happen. Then I suppose you
should keep the condom on, or atleast the remains of it right? And
stick your dick into a hot vinegar and let it rest there for 10 mins. If
you can't take it anymore and the vinegar is literally burning your
dick then you can also stick it in dry ice. Oh did you say that you
don't have dry ice? Well fear not my retard, you still have your
teeth so just start peeling off your skin and eating it. To truly finish
this exercise of your cock you should print a picture of our dearest
lord and savior the.... DONALDUS TRUMPUS then after you have
his picture printed, you will make a hole into his mouth and you
stick your dick there and you will proceed to masturbate and then
cum, oh right also one thing before you decide to do this, he
should be facing you so it would look like if you were cumming
into him. HAHAHAHA DO YOU GET IT? It's so funny. What, why
aren't you laughing you retard. Fuck you.

Ball torture No.2

This cock and ball torture is bit more brutal and involves your balls
getting hurt, so if you are a weak fag then gtfo you nigger and
stop reading this right fucking now. Anyway let's begin, so first
you need to get your hands on small knife. Yeah but don't think
you can use your shitty ass nigga kitchen knife, no. YOU need to
get tacticool knife usually the ones who look so epic. I would
recommend you this one "Talon Tactical Survival and Self
Defense Knife" it looks so epic that I can't even look at it. Well
now that you have your TACTICOOL knife you can use it to carve
a massive pentagram on your hand, also you fucking pussy, it
needs to be very very deep. Deeper than your mom's pussy. After
you did that, and you are prob. bleeding we can move on to the
actual ball torture. You see your pubes right? So basically start
pulling them off with force so that you may start screaming (well if
you are pussy ofc, you will). Now that you are screaming go to
your bathroom and castrate yourself with the tacticool knife. That
again should be enough for today.

Cock torture No.2

This cock torture is less grotesque and more serious, you have to
go outside find and nice tree. Oak preferably, after you did that
you need to drill a hole the size of the hole depends on the size of
your cock, but most of the times the holes are pretty tiny. So after
you did that use glue and put all over the place rub it on tree so it
would look like cummies, why you may ask? Well because you
are infertile castrated peace of shit, now you get it right? So go on
ahead and do it. Alright you are done you should now stick your
dick into the hole and go in and back and scream like retard. After
you did that use nails and hammer to hammer your dick on the
tree. After you did that and you are probably screaming like a
mongol, tried to pull it out and repeat the same process atleast 5
times. Yes, only by doing this you will eventually become real

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