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Story Map:

Time: Hot summer day

Places: Verona, and Apothecary in Mantua.

Protagonists: Romeo, Juliet,

Antagonist: Tybalt,

Secondary: Benvolio, Mercutio, Rosaline (Romeo’s original love interest), Paris, Montague(Romeo’s
father), Prince of Verona( Name not mentioned. He banished Romeo), Lord Capulet (Juliet’s father), and
Friar Laurence.



The Capulet family plans a feast to introduce Juliet to a Count named Paris. Romeo and his friends hear
about the party and decide to attend it wearing disguises. In the party, Romeo hopes to see his beloved
Rosaline but instead falls in love with Juliet. As soon as he laid his eyes on Juliet, Tybalt saw through
their disguise and forced them to leave.


Romeo stays near the Capulet’s house, and Juliet appears through her window. They proceed to confess
their love for each other, and they decide to get married the next day. With the help of Juliet’s nurse,
the lovers arrange to marry when Juliet goes for confession at the cell of Friar Laurence. There they are
married. Soon after Tybalt sends a challenge to duel Romeo but Romeo refuses. His friend Mercutio
decided to fight for Romeo. Mercutio goes to fight Tybalt; Romeo pursues Mercutio to stop the fight but
he was too late; he witnessed his friend's death at the hands of Tybalt. Filled with anger he decides to
chase after Tybalt and avenge his friend. He did so and killed Tybalt; he was then banished by the prince
of Verona. Juliet was getting an uneasy feeling and she was right she learned that a brawl had happened
and Romeo was banished. Friar Laurence arranges one last meeting for the lovers. Romeo and Juliet said
their goodbyes and parted. The day after, Romeo set off to go to Mantua. As the family grieves for
Tybalt’s death, Lord Capulet decides to push Juliet and Paris’s wedding to the next day. The parents are
infuriated to know that Juliet does not wish to marry Count Paris.


Friar Laurence aids Juliet, so she could avoid getting married. Friar provides a sleeping drought which
will make her seem dead. The plan worked, when the wedding party arrived to greet Juliet, they
believed she was dead. Friar Laurence sends a letter to inform Romeo about Juliet’s plan and where he
should go. The message was not sent because their town Verona was currently facing a plague that
forbade the messenger to leave. Romeo’s servant informs him of Juliet’s passing and dealing with a
hurting blow he decides to buy poison from an Apothecary in Mantua. He set off for Verona shortly
after. He returns to Verona and goes to see Juliet’s tomb; he surprises and kills Paris who was mourning
at Juliet’s grave. He then takes his poison and dies. Juliet was informed by Friar Laurence about the
events that took hold and refuses to not live without her love Romeo and stabs herself in her own tomb.
The Friar returns with the prince and the Capulet’s along with the father of Juliet. Romeo and Juliet’s
death lead the families to make peace. They decide to erect a statue in their name

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