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Credit Bureau of Nepal Credit Report Order Number : W-0018910228/2022

Karja Suchana Kendra Limited

Heritage Plaza, 4th Floor
Kamaladi, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: 977-01-4169015/ 16/ 17
Fax: 977-01-4169020

Consumer Credit Score Cum Comprehensive Report

Scoring Details
No Data found

Score History for last 12 months

No Data found

Report Details
CIR Number W-0018910228/2022 Report Order Date/Time 23/09/2022 10:48 AM

Ins�tu�on Name Century Commercial Bank Branch Head Office User ID 311000101647

Search Details
Name Gender Female Date of Birth(AD) Na�onality Nepali
ID Issued ID Issued
Iden�fier Type Ci�zenship Number Iden�fier No. 13541769 07-Jun-2005 ID Issued Date(BS) 2062-02-24 Siraha
Date(AD) District
Search Confidence Score 100% Father's Name GARHAI LEKHI THARU

Consumer Details
Name Gender Female Date of Birth(AD) 11-Feb-1969 Date of Birth(BS) 2025-10-29 Na�onality Nepali
Iden�fier Type Ci�zenship Number Iden�fier No. 13541769 Issue Date(AD) 08-Jun-2005 Issue Date(BS) 2062-02-25 ID Issued District Siraha

Father's Name GARAHI LEKHI THARU Grand Father's Name Mother's Name JANAKI CHAUDHARY Marital Status Married

Spouse Name1 Spouse Name2


BlackList Indicator
No of Ac�ve Blacklist Repor�ng No Of Ins�tu�ons Most Recently Reported Ac�ve Blacklist Details

CF Type 0 0

Non CF Type 0 0

Group Associa�ons
No Data Found

Blacklis�ng History
No Data Found

Credit Profile Overview

Indicator Status Reported Month

Maximum number of days overdue in the last 24 months - -

Minimum number of days overdue in the last 24 months - -

Maximum number of installments overdue in last 24 months - -

Minimum number of installments overdue in last 24months - -

Maximum % of total credit u�liza�on in the last 24 months - -

Minimum % of total credit u�liza�on in the last 24 months - -

Maximum number of facili�es overdue in the last 24 months - -

Minimum number of facili�es overdue in the last 24 months - -

Number of Inquiries by Financial Ins�tu�ons in the last 24 months 1 SEP-2022

U�lized revolving credit to current debt ra�o - -

Credit Profile Summary

Classifica�on of Ac�ve Accounts by Ins�tu�on Type

No Data Found

Classifica�on of Ac�ve Accounts by Product Type

No Data Found

1 of 2 23/09/2022, 10:50 am
Credit Bureau of Nepal Credit Report Order Number : W-0018910228/2022

Total Liability Summary

No Data Found

Inquiry Summary
Ins�tu�on Number in last 12 Number in last 12
Inquiry Reason
Type months months
New Credit

Credit Facility Details-Open Accounts

No Data Found

Credit Facility Details-Closed Accounts

No Data Found

Guaranteed Loans
Credit Facility Guarantee Credit Facility Expiry/Maturity Sanc�oned Amount / Limit Total Outstanding Balance Amount Overdue Asset
S.No Facility Holder Currency
Type Type Date (NPR) (NPR) (NPR) Classifica�on
1 Term Loan Full 01-May-2031 1,000,000 918,035 0 Pass Loan NPR

Other Liabili�es
No Data Found

Security Details
No Data Found

Inquiry History
S.No Inquiry ID Inquiry Date Ins�tu�on Type Inquiry Purpose Facility Type Amount Currency

1 19017263 23-Sep-2022 BANKS New Credit Applica�on Other Product 5,000,000 NPR

Rela�onship Details
No Data Found

Address History
S.No Address Type Date Reported

1 BHAWANIPUR,Siraha, 1, BHAWANIPUR, NPL Communica�on Address 26-Aug-2020

2 BHAWANIPUR,Siraha, 09, BHAWANIPUR, NPL Permanent Address 26-Aug-2020

3 BHAWANIPUR,Siraha, 1, BHAWANIPUR, NPL Permanent Address 26-Aug-2020

4 BASTIPUR,Siraha, WARD NO : 02, SIRAHA, NPL Permanent Address 18-Aug-2021

5 DHANGADHI,Siraha, 1, BHAWANIPUR, NPL Permanent Address 17-Oct-2020

6 DHANGADHI,Siraha, 09, BHAWANIPUR, NPL Permanent Address 17-Oct-2020

7 DHANGADI,Siraha, 01, BHAWANIPUR, NPL Communica�on Address 17-Oct-2020

Contacts History
S.No Details Type Date Reported

1 9804791901 Mobile Telephone 1 26-Aug-2020

Employment History
No Data Found

Dispute History
No Data Found

Disclaimer: The informa�on has been collated from various sources and does not represent the opinion of Karja Suchana Kendra Limited of Nepal. No liability (in tort contract or otherwise howsoever)
a�aches to Karja Suchana Kendra Limited with respect to the colla�on or supplying of the informa�on or any use made of it and whether in rela�on to its accuracy or completeness or any ma�er
whatsoever. The informa�on is supplied on a confiden�al basis to you and not for the use of any other party save of any person or whose behalf you have sought the informa�on. We are en�tled to
indemnify from you against any claims or loss made or sustained in consequence of the provision of the informa�on sought.

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