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Autism, a serious developmental disorder that impairs the

ability to communicate and interact.It often regarded as a mad

geniuses problem by the people who do not bother to read and
learn and just wants to live in their cages of ignorance.
If you ever watched the film Rain man(1989) which end up
being the ambassador of autism , you came to know that the
film was inspired by Kim Peek regarded as aka human Google
who is this amazing person who is famous for being able to
perfectly memorize any book he read. While he did not have
the motor skills to button up his own shirt , Peek could perfectly
recall the contents of 12000 books ..yes BOOKS.
Most people like to think of autism in high functioning , not low
functioning cases . But this is sharp end of autism as not all
individuals with autism are lovable eccentrics with amazing
gifts. Far from it . Many are very difficult to live with and many
have additional problems . Studies shows only 10 percent of
individuals with autism have truly astounding gift , the families
of other 90 percent are rightly annoyed when their next door
neighbor thinks they have a genius in their midst . However
they also shows that among these 90 percent there are many
who have talents that are unusual and remarkable event if they
cannot be described as astounding and if nurture well can
change their life for good.
Autism is a developmental disorder Development means
change , and in autism it usually means improvement , an
increasing ability to cope with the petrifying aspect of a world
that is not shared and therefore unpredictable for these kids .
These improvements can all be expected when there is good
education and support for the growing child and his or her
Almost one in a hundred children born autistic with five times
as many boys than girls. For someone “normal” it is hard to
even imagine what it is like not to have a social sense , not to
be tuned in to other people , their actions , reactions and the
signal they give out to you and each other. Mark Haddon’s best
selling novel , The curious incident of the dog in the night time
Christopher , the protagonist in the book can solve difficult
logical problems but he does not get the social signals that are
very obvious to his sister and others .As it is autistic children are
not tuned into these things but they do have mental capacities
that help them to learn about these signals though they learn it
in a different way .

Why a different way?

Because autism start so early in life , many of the social routes
to learning about the world are blocked for a child with autism .
A normal developing child can take the path that has been
carved out by evolution and culture but for a autistic child he/
she have to find his/her own special route. There is not a one fit
all sizes route for a child dealing with autism , it has its own
spectrum. Autism originates from before birth , and all kind of
autism effect developing brain.Sometimes you meet or hear
about a child who is a genius , sometimes about someone who
is really hard to deal with and some who are in between .
But in this spectrum , at the core there are always some basic
characteristicswhich are:-
a. Inability to engage in ordinary reciprocal social interactions
b. Communication ( they like to live in their own world ; do
not prefer eye contacts ; and unaware of obvious social
c. Repetitive activities and narrow interests.

Professional help
As in case of autism it is advisable proceed the problem in
two stages
1. At 18 months
2. At 30 months
Psychologist look for signs among them three common signs
that are assessed are:-
a. Does the child show Joint Attention such as pointing
with a finger .
b. Is he/she following an adult’s gaze .
c. Does he/she engage in simple pretend play .
Most typically developing children aged 18 months can
master these things . Most autistic children can’t.
In the past treating any kind of mental problem is used
to be a dark , scary road that was most definitely not
taken , but now health professionals are more
knowledgeable and know what they are doing with tons
and years of research backing up their work with
promising results all you have to do is ask for help.

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