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Quality Content for Outcome based Learning

Software Project Management

Project Evaluation and Project Planning

Ver. No.: 1.1 Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College

Course Content
• Importance of Software Project Management
• Activities
• Methodologies
• Categorization of Software Projects
• Setting objectives
• Management Principles
• Management Control
• Project portfolio Management
• Cost-benefit evaluation technology
• Risk evaluation
• Strategic program Management
• Stepwise Project Planning.

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Fundamentals of Software Project and Management

There are three main words that are used here:

• Software
• Project
• Management

Before discussing on these terms it is very important to note that a working knowledge of software
engineering is necessary to succeed but a good software manager needs to excel in people and
project management skills, too.

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What is a Project?
• According to Harold Kerzner-” A project is a series of activities or tasks that have a specific
objective to be completed within certain specifications, have defined start and end dates, have
funding limits( if applicable), and consume resources (i.e. money, people, equipment).”

• James Lewis views a project-” as a one-time job that has definite starting and ending points,
clearly defined objectives, scope and a budget; differentiated from repetitive activities such as
production, order processing and so on; a special activity with very tactical goals.

• A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.

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Jobs Versus Projects

‘Jobs’: Repetition of very well-defined and well understood tasks with very little

‘Exploration’: e.g. Finding a cure for cancer: the outcome is very uncertain.

‘Projects’: In the middle.

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Characterstics of Projects
A task is more ‘project-like’ if it is

•Non-routine tasks are involved

• Planning is required
• Specific objectives are to be met or a specific product is to be created
• The project has a predetermined time span
• Work is carried out for someone other than yourself
• Work involves several specialisms
• People are formed into a temporary work group to carry out the task
• Work is carried out in several phases
• The resources that are available for use on the project are constrained
• The project is large or complex
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Software Projects vs. other Types of Projects
• Invisibility – With physical artifacts, measuring progress is easy as it can be seen/ felt. However
with Software, progress is not immediately visible.

• Complexity – Software products are, generally, more complex than other engineering artifact of
same value.

• Conformity – Physical systems are governed by consistent physical law, while Software developers
have to conform to the requirements of human clients.

• Flexibility - It is easier to change/ modify software systems to meet changing organizational/ product
requirement as compared to other engineering artifacts; it may not be possible to modify a physical
artifact at all.
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Activities Covered by Software Project Management

• The Feasibility Study: Assesses whether a project

is worth starting?

• Planning: If the feasibility study indicates that the

prospective project appears viable, then project
planning can start.

• Project Execution: Implement plan, but plan can be

changes as we go along.

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Activities Covered by Software Project Management
The feasibility Study :- assesses whether a project is worth starting-that it has a valid ' business case '. Information is gathered
about the requirements of the proposed application. Requirements elicitation can, at least initially, be complex and difficult. The
stakeholders may know the aim they wish to pursue, but not be sure about the means of achievement. The developmental and the
operational costs, and the value of the benefits of the new system, will also have to be estimated.

Planning :- If the feasibility study indicates that the prospective project appears viable, then project planning can start. We create
an outline plan for the whole project and a detailed one for the first stage. Because we will have more detailed and accurate project
information after the earlier stages of the project have been completed, planning of the later stages is left to nearer their start.

Project execution :- The project can now be executed. The execution of a project often contains design and implementation sub-
phases. Design is making decision about the form of the products to be created. This could relate to the external appearance of the
software, that is, the user interface, or the internal architecture. The plan details the activities to be carried out to create these
products. Planning and design can be confused because at the most detailed level. planning decisions are influenced by design

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Software Development Life Cycle (ISO 12207)

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Software Development Life Cycle (ISO 12207)
Requirement Analysis – In this phase client has to provide the requirements.
• Business Analyst will involve in this phase and discuss with the client on the needs, and it is an interactive process to discuss
about the objective and scope of the project.
• This requirement information used to plan the basic project approach and to conduct product feasibility study in the technical,
financial and resources areas.
• Once discussion is completed, then the entire requirement has documented in SRS, which useful for next phase.

Architecture Design – After Requirements are finalized, then it is responsibility of the Developer or System architect to
develop the system design, system design consists of hardware and software requirements in the project.
• All the technical details of system design is discussed with the client, based on the various parameters like risk assessments,
technology to be used for developing the project, budget and time constraints and etc… are reviewed for the best design

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Software Development Life Cycle (ISO 12207)
• Selected design approach will give the brief about all the architectural modules and components that need to be developed
in the project along with database communication with external and any third party modules if required, this design details is
usually kept in DSD(Design Specification Document) for next phase. There are two stages in design:

• HLD – gives the architecture of the software product to be developed and is done by architects and senior developers
• LLD – done by senior developers. It describes how each feature in the product should work and how every component
should work. Here, only the design will be there and not the code.

Detailed Design – Each software component is made up of a number of software units that can be separately coded and
tested. The detailed design of these units is carried out separately.

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Code and Test –After requirement and design phase is complete, now developers takes the responsibility to develop the
application as per the requirements and design which has discussed in before phases.
• Based on the guidelines of the company, developers will develop the application in different high language like Java, C &
C++, C#, PHP. This phase takes more time to complete.
• Developers also write unit test to verify the code that they have written is working as per the client requirements, once
coding is complete, build will release for testing.
Integration – The components are tested together to see if they meet the overall requirements.
Qualification Testing –The system, including the software components, has to be tested carefully to ensure that all the
requirements have been fulfilled.
Installation – This is the process of making the new system operational.
Acceptance Support –This is the resolving of problems with the newly installed system Including maintenance and

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Some ways of Categorizing Software Projects
• Compulsory Vs Voluntary systems (projects):
 Compulsory systems are the systems which the staff of an organisation have to use if they want to do a
 Voluntary systems are the systems which are voluntarily used by the users eg. computer gaming, school
project, etc.
• Information Vs Embedded systems (projects):
 Information systems are used by staff to carry out office processes and tasks eg. stock control system.
 Embedded systems are used to control machines eg. a system controlling equipment in a building.
• Objective-based Vs Product-based systems (projects):
 Project whose requirement is to meet certain objectives which could be met in a number of ways, is
objective-based project.
 Project whose requirement is to create a product, the details of which have been specified by the client, is
product-based project.
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Some ways of Categorizing Software Projects

• Outsourced projects:
 Outsourcing is doing what you do the best in-house and delegating the other tasks that are not your core
competency to qualified onshore, nearshore, or offshore third party vendors.

 Companies may choose to outsource IT services onshore (within their own country), nearshore (to a
neighboring country or one in the same time zone), or offshore (to a more distant country). Nearshore and
offshore outsourcing have traditionally been pursued to save costs.

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Interactions / Stakeholders

• These are people who have interest in the project.

• Stakeholders can be categorized as:
– Internal to the project team:
This means that they will be under the direct managerial control of the project leader.
– External to the project team but within the same organization:
For example, the project leader might need the assistance of the users to carry out systems testing.
–External to both the project team and the organization:
May be customers (or users) who will benefit from the system that the project implements.

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Setting Objectives

• Among all these stakeholders are those who actually own the project. They set the objectives of the project.
• The objectives should define what the project team must achieve for project success.
• Objectives focus on the desired outcomes of the project rather than the tasks within it - they are the
'postconditions' of the project.
• Informally the objectives could be written as a set of statements following the opening words 'the project will
be a success if
– 'customers can order our products online' rather than 'to build an e-commerce website'.

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Sub Objectives and Goals

• In order to achieve the objective we must achieve certain goals or sub-objectives first.
• These are steps on the way to achieving an objective, just as goals scored in a football match are steps towards
the objective of winning the match.
• Informally this can be expressed as a set of statements following the words
'To reach objective. . . , the following must be in place. . . '.

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Objectives should be (SMART)

S -> Specific: effective objectives are concrete and well defined. Objectives should be defined so that it is obvious
to all whether the project has been successful
M -> Measurable: Ideally there should be measures of effectiveness which tell us how successful the project has
A -> Achievable: It must be within the power of the individual or group to achieve the objective.
R -> Relevant: The objective must be relevant to the true purpose of the project.
T -> Time constrained: There should be a defined point in time by which the objective should have been achieved.

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What is Management ??
• It is an act or art of managing.
• It involves the activities and tasks undertaken by one or more persons for the purpose of planning and controlling
the activities of others in order to achieve objectives that could not be achieved by the others acting alone.
• Management involves the following activities: – – – –
 Planning - deciding what is to be done;
 Organizing- making arrangements;
 Staffing - selecting the right people for the job;
 Directing - giving instructions; Monitoring - checking on progress;
 Controlling - taking action to remedy hold-ups;
 Innovating- coming up with new solutions
 Representing - liaising with clients, users, developer, suppliers and other stakeholders.
• Much of the project manager's time is spent on only three of the eight activities: project planning, monitoring, and
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Principal Project Mangement Processes

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Management Control

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Management Control

• Data- 'location X has processed 2000 documents'

• Information- (transform raw data into useful and meaningful data) 'percentage of records processed',
'average documents processed per day person' and 'estimated completion date'.
• Comparison with objectives/goals- e. g. we should meet target of processing all documents by 31 st
• Making decisions/plans-Comparing 'estimated completion date‘ with ‘completion date‘ In project
objectives. if one or two branches will fail to complete the transfer of details in time then move staff
temporarily from one branch to another.

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Management Control

• Modelling- The date for the branch from which staff are being moved is pushed forward beyond that date.
The project manager would need to calculate carefully what the impact would be in moving staff from
particular branches. (This is modeling the consequences of a potential solution).
• Implementation- Choose one of modeled solutions and implement it.

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Traditional versus Modern Project Management Practices

There is a radical change in the basic approach taken by software industry to develop softwares over the last two
• Hardly any software is being developed from scratch any more.
• Software development projects are increasingly being based on either tailoring some existing product or
reusing certain prebuilt libraries.
• Two important goals of recent life cycle models are maximization of code reuse and compression of project
• Some other goals include – Fascilitating client feedbacks – Accomodating customer participation – Incremental
• Change requests form clients are encouraged, rather than circumvented

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Traditional versus Modern Project Management Practices

These recent trends have changed project management practices in many ways. Some of these are
• Planning Incremental Delivery :
• Quality Management
• Change Management
• Requirement Management

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A Buisness Case

• A Business Case provides justification as to whether an initiative is worth

investing in.

• It assesses whether the benefits are greater than the costs and whether
the change initiative is viable.

• The overseeing body is responsible for the Business Case and ensuring
it remains viable throughout its lifecycle (not just at the point of approval).

• The different elements to consider in a Business Case can be seen on

the diagram.

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A Buisness Case

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Project Portfolio Management

• Portfolio project management provides an overview of all the projects that an organization is undertaking or is
• It prioritizes the allocation of resources to projects and decides which new projects should be accepted and
which existing ones should be dropped.
• The concerns of project portfolio management include:
 Identifying which project proposals are worth implementation.
 Assessing the amount of risk of failure that a potential project has.
 Deciding how to share limited resources.
 Taking account of dependencies between projects.
 Remove duplication between projects.
 Ensuring that necessary developments have not been inadvertently been missed.

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Project Portfolio Management

There are three elements to PPM:

• Project Portfolio Definition:
 Create a central record of all projects within an organization.
 Must decide whether to have ALL projects in the repository or, say, only ICT projects.
 Note difference between new product development (NPD) projects and renewal projects e.g. for process
• Project Portfolio Management:
 Actual costing and performance of projects can be recorded and assessed.
• Project Portfolio Optimization:
 Information gathered above can be used achieve better balance of projects e.g. some that are risky but
potentially very valuable balanced by less risky but less valuable projects.

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Problems with Project Portfolio Management

• Too many projects running simultaneously, which distracts or misleads the creation of a portfolio. At the same time, one project manager is
accountable for multiple projects which results in a lack of focus and failure.
• Some projects have the undefined scope and few are not aligned to objectives. This comes as a challenge for PPM.
• Many projects have somewhat similar secondary objectives and are executed in a similar way. But this distracts the focus from the main
underlying objective of individual projects.
• Project prioritization not done effectively at an early stage.
• The project risk assessment must be done. It is also very important in PPM to identify and manage the individual project risks and how do
they impact the portfolio.
• Lack of senior management support for requirements claimed by project managers can prove to be a challenge for portfolio management.
• Sometimes differentiated support for distinct projects can also be a struggle.
• The nature of PPM sometimes can be a challenge, for example sharing of resources for multiple projects. This may ultimately cause
confusion among project managers who are managing more than one project. This is termed as a miss-location of resources.
• The in-house politics and company culture is one of the main barriers.

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Cost - Benefit Analysis
• It is one of the important and common way of carrying “economic assessment” of a proposed information system.
• This is done by comparing the expected costs of development and operation of the system with its benefits.
• So it takes an account:
 Expected cost of development of system
 Expected cost of operation of system
 Benefits obtained
• Assessment is based on:
 Whether the estimated costs are executed by the estimated income.
 And by other benefits
• For achieving benefit where there is scarce resources, projects will be prioritized and resource are allocated
• The standard way of evaluating economic benefits of any project is done by “cost benefit analysis”

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Cost - Benefit Analysis
• Cost benefit analysis comprises of two steps:
Step-1: identifying and estimating all of the costs and benefits of carrying out the project.
Step-2: expressing these costs and benefits in common units.
 It includes
 Development cost of system.
 Operating cost of system.
 Benefits obtained by system.
 When new system is developed by the proposed system, then new system should reflect the above three as same as
proposed system.
• Example: sales order processing system which gives benefit due to use of new system.

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Cost - Benefit Analysis

• Step-2:
 Calculates net benefit.
 Net benefit = total benefit = total cost.
 (cost should be expressed in monetary terms).

Three types of cost :

 Development costs: includes salary and other employment cost of staff involved.
 Setup costs : includes the cost of implementation of system such as hardware, and also file conversion,
recruitment and staff training.
 Operational cost : cost require to operate system, after it is installed.

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Cost - Benefit Analysis

• Three categories of benefits:

1) Direct benefits : Directly obtained benefit by making use of/operating the system.
Example: reduction of salary bills, through the introduction of a new , computerized system.
2) Assessable indirect benefits : These benefits are obtained due to updation / upgrading the performance of
current system. It is also referred as “secondary benefits”.
Example: “use of user – friendly screen”, which promotes reduction in errors, thus increases the benefit.
3) Intangible benefits: These benefits are longer term, difficult to quantify. It is also referred as “indirect benefits”.
Example: enhanced job interest leads reduction of staff turnover, inturn leads lower recruitment costs.

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Cash Flow Forecasting

• Cash flow is the movement of the money in and out of an organisation. It involves the expenditure and income
of an organisation.
• In simple words, it is the estimation of the cash flow over a period of time.
• It is important to do cash flow forecasting in order to ensure that the project has sufficient funds to survive.
• It gives an estimation that when income and expenditure will take place during the software project’s life cycle.
• It must be done time to time especially for start-ups and small enterprises.
• However, if the cash flow of the business is more stable then forecasting cash flow weekly or monthly is

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Cash Flow Forecasting- Typical Product Life Cycle Cash Flow

Cash flow is of two types:

Positive Cash Flow:
If an organisation expects to receive income more than
it spends then it is said to have a positive cash flow and
the company will never go low on funds for the software
project’s completion.
Negative Cash Flow:
If an organisation expects to receive income less than it
spends then it is said to have a negative cash flow and
the company will go low on funds for the software
project’s completion in future.

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Cash Flow Forecasting

Importance of Cash Flow Forecasting:

•It allows the management to plan the expenditures based upon the income in future.
•It helps the organization to analyse its expenditures and incomes.
•Makes sure that the company can afford to pay the employees and suppliers.
•Helps in financial planning.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

It consider
• the timing of the costs and benefits
• the benefits relative to the size of the investment
• Common method for comparing projects on the basic of their cash flow forecasting.
 Net profit
 Payback Period
 Return on investment
 Net present Value
 Internal rate of return

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Net- Profit

 Calculated by subtracting a company's total investment from total revenue.

 Showing what the company has earned (or lost) in a given period of time (usually one year).
 Also called net income or net earnings .

Net profit = Total Revenue - Total Investment

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Consider the project cash flow estimates for three projects. Negative values represents
expenditure and positive values represents income.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Calculate net profit : (-ve total cost or total investment)

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

Example: Consider the project cash flow estimates for four projects. Negative values represents expenditure and
positive values represents income. Rank the four projects in order of financial desirability amd make a note of your
reasons for ranking them in that way.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

Example: Consider the project cash flow estimates for four projects. Negative values represents expenditure and
positive values represents income. Rank the four projects in order of financial desirability amd make a note of your
reasons for ranking them in that way.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

Limitations of Net Profit Technique:

• Higher net profit is better but this is not giving insights like after how much time we are getting total investment.
• Net profit takes no account on timing of cash flows. So it is not very effective technique.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Payback Period:
• The payback period is the time taken to recover the initial investment.
• Or is the length of time required for cumulative incoming returns to equal the cumulative costs of an investment
 simple and easy to calculate.
 It is also a seriously flawed method of evaluating investments
Dis advantages
 It attaches no value to cashflows after the end of the payback period.
 It makes no adjustments for risk.
 It is not directly related to wealth maximisation as NPV is
 It ignores the time value of money
 The cut-off period is arbitary

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Calculate Payback Period

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Payback Period is :

Project1 = 10,000+10,000+10,000+20,000+1,00,000 =1,50,000

Project 2= 2,00,000+2,00,000+2,00,000+2,00,000+3,00,000 =11,000,00
Project 3= 30,000+30,000+30,000+30,000 + 75,000 =1,95,000

 It ignores any benefits that occur after the payback

 period and, therefore, does not measure profitability.
 It ignores the time value of money.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Return on Investment:

• It provides a way of comparing the net profitability to the investment required.

• A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a
number of different investments

• It takes no account of the timing of the cash flows.
• Rate of returns bears no relationship to the interest rates offered or changed by bank.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
For example, suppose Jo invested $1,000 in Slice Pizza Corp. in 2017 and sold the shares for a total of $1,200 one year later. To
calculate the return on this investment, divide the net profits ($1,200 - $1,000 = $200) by the investment cost ($1,000), for a ROI of
$200/$1,000, or 20%.
With this information, one could compare the investment in Slice Pizza with any other projects. Suppose Jo also invested $2,000 in
Big-Sale Stores Inc. in 2014 and sold the shares for a total of $2,800 in 2017. The ROI on Jo’s holdings in Big-Sale would be
$800/$2,000, or 40%.

Examples like Jo's (above) reveal some limitations of using ROI, particularly when comparing investments. While the ROI of Jo's
second investment was twice that of the first investment, the time between Jo’s purchase and the sale was one year for the first
investment but three years for the second.
Jo could adjust the ROI of the multi-year investment accordingly. Since the total ROI was 40%, to obtain the average annual ROI,
Jo could divide 40% by 3 to yield 13.33% annualized. With this adjustment, it appears that although Jo’s second investment earned
more profit, the first investment was actually the more efficient choice.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Return on Investment: Annualized Formula

ROI = (average annual profit * 100) / total investment

Average annual profit = net profit / total no. of years

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Calculate ROI for Project 1

Total investment =1,00,000
Net profit = 50,000
Total no. of year = 5
Average annual profit=50,000/5=10,000rs
ROI = (10,000/1,00,000) *100 = 10%

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

Example 1 Calculate the ROI for the following projects and comment which is more

The period of above project is 5 years.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

Example 2. There are two projects x and y. each project requires an investment of rs 20,000.
you are required to rank these projects according to the pay back method from the following


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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Net Present Value :
The NPV technique is a discounted cash flow method that considers time value of money in
evaluating capital investments.

It is a method of calculating the present value of cashflows (inflows and outflows) of an investment
proposal using the cost of capital as an appropriate discounting rate.

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Time Value of Money:

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Discounting:

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

Present Value = (Value in year t)/ (1+r) 𝑡𝑡

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Net Present Value :

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Example 1: Calculate Net Present Value

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Solution:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4: Since NPV is +ve so we can Accept the Project

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Example 2: Calculate Net Present Value

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques
• Solution:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4: Since NPV is -ve so we cannot Accept the Project

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Internal Rate of Return

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• Internal Rate of Return

The IRR represents the discount rate at which the NPV of an investment is zero.

It is a discounted cashflow technique which takes into account the time value of money.

Present value of the expected cash inflows = Initial cash outflow

IRR Acceptance Rule

Accept if IRR > r

Reject if IRR < r

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• Internal Rate of Return

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• Internal Rate of Return

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• Internal Rate of Return

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• Internal Rate of Return

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• Internal Rate of Return (IRR) =

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

IRR asks a different question of the same two cash flow streams. Instead of proposing a discount rate and finding
the NPV of each stream (as with NPV), IRR starts with the net cash flow streams and finds the interest rate
(discount rate) that produces an NPV of zero for each. The easiest way to see how this solution is found is with a
graphical summary

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Cost – Benefit Evaluation Techniques

• These curves are based on the Case A and Case B cash flow figures in the table above. Here, however, we have used nine
different interest rates, including 0.0 and 0.10, on up through 0.80.
• As you would expect, as the interest rate used for calculating NPV of the cash flow stream increases, the resulting NPV
• For Case A, an interest rate of 0.38 produces NPV = 0, whereas
• Case B NPV arrives at 0 with an interest rate of 0.22.

Case A therefore has an IRR of 38%, Case B an IRR of 22%.

IRR as the decision criterion, the one with the higher IRR is the better choice.

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Risk Evaluation
Risk evaluation is meant to decide whether to proceed with the project or not, and whether the project is meeting
its objectives.
Risk Occurs:
• When the project exceed its original specification
• Deviations from achieving it objectives and so on.
Risk Identification and ranking
Risk and Net Present Value
• For riskier projects could use higher discount rates
• Ex: Can add 2% for a Safe project or 5 % for a fairly risky one.
Cost benefit Analysis
Risk profile analysis
Decision trees

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Risk Evaluation

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Risk Evaluation

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Risk Identification and Ranking

• Identify the risk and give priority.

• Could draw up draw a project risk matrix for each project to assess risks.
• Project risk matrix used to identify and rank the risk of the project.
• The table illustrates a basic project risk matrix listing some of the business risk for the project with their
importance and likelihood classified as high(H), medium(M), low(L) or exceedingly unlikely(_)
• Example of a Project Risk Matrix

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Risk and Net Present Value

• If project is relatively risky, then use higher discount rate to calculate NPV.
• Reasonably safe project------ Additional 2% risk premium.
• Fairly risky project ----------- Additional 5% risk premium.
• Risks are generally categorized using scoring method…….. And risk premiums can be designated for each
category ………….. Some means of considering risks…..

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Cost Benefit Analysis including Risk

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Cost Benefit Analysis including Risk

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Risk Profile Analysis

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Risk Profile Analysis

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Decision Trees

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Decision Trees

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Programme Management

A group of projects that are managed in a co- ordinated way to gain benefits that would not be possible were the
projects to be managed independently

Programme may be:

• Buisness cycle programmes

• Strategic Programmes
• Infrastructure Programmes
• Research and Development Programmes
• Innovative Partnership.

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Programme Management

• Buisness cycle programmes: A portfolio of project that are to take place within a certain time frame e.g. the
next financial year
• Strategic Programmes : Several projects together implement a single strategy. For example, merging two
organizations will involve many different activities e.g. physical re-organization of offices, redesigning the
corporate image, merging ICT systems etc. Each of these activities could be project within an overarching
• Infrastructure Programmes: In an organization there may be many different ICT-based applications which
share the same hardware/software infrastructure
• Research and Development Programmes: In a very innovative environment where new products are being
developed, a range of products could be developed some of which are very speculative and high-risk but
potentially very profitable and some will have a lower risk but will return a lower profit. Getting the right
balance would be key to the organization’s long term success

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Programme Management

• Innovative Partnership: e.g. pre-competitive co-operation to develop new technologies that could be exploited
by a whole range of companies

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Strategic Programme Management

 A programme manager must possess these qualities:

• Managing simultaneous projects inside the portfolio
• Resources must be well understood
• Utilization of resources must be attained
• Optimal usage of specialist staff for specific tasks
 When portfolios of projects contribute to a common objective, it leads to strategic management.
 To have consistent and uniformity of projects, a business objective is defined to coordinate the project at
a different level.
 Large organizations typically have a large and complicated organizational structure. For example,
government department like OGC (Office of Government Commerce) has defined effective guidelines for
the strategic programme development.

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Strategic Programme Management
Creating a Programme

The various phases involved in creating a programme are defined as:

• Creation of programme mandate
• Programme brief
• Vision statement
• Blueprint of programme
• Programme portfolio

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Strategic Programme Management

1. Creation of programme mandate

 A programme mandate contains a formal document containing:
• New services the programme delivers
• Benefit of organization by new services
• Meeting the corporate goals and other initiatives

 A programme director is nominated within the organization to provide an initial leadership for the programme. The
programme director must be from the sponsoring group which has already identified the need for the programme.

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Strategic Programme Management
2. Programme brief
 A programme brief defines the feasibility study of the programme. It includes:
• Preliminary vision statement highlighting the capacity of the organization.
• Benefits generated from the programme
• Risks and other issues involved
• Estimated cost, effort and time limit for completion

3. Vision statement
 The vision statement describing the sponsoring group with a more detailed planning process.
 To govern the day to day responsibilities a programme manager is appointed from within the project
management team for running the Programme.
 Programme manager along with the project development team analyzes the vision statement and
formulates a refined plan for implementing the process.

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Strategic Programme Management
4. Blueprint of Programme
The description of the vision statement and the changes that have been made to the structure and the operations
are represented in the blueprint.
A blueprint must emphasize on:
• Requirement of business models for the new process
• Staff requirement by the organization
• Resources requirements
• Data and information requirements
• Cost, effort, performance and service level requirements

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Strategic Programme Management

5. Programme portfolio
 Initially, a list of projects are created along with is objectives to create a Programme portfolio.
 An outline schedule of the entire development process is presented by the sponsoring group with all
estimation factors.
 Groups are identified with similar interest and drawn out as a stakeholder map.
 A communication strategy and plan shows the appropriate information flow between stakeholders.

The preliminary plan produces the project portfolio, estimation of costs, expected benefits, risks identified
and the resources needed

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Program Manager vs. Project Manager

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Stepwise Project Planning

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Stepwise Project Planning-Aspirations

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Stepwise Project Planning-Framework

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Stepwise Project Planning

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
An Outline of Stepwise Project Planning Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
An Outline of Stepwise Project Planning Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
An Outline of Stepwise Project Planning Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-0 Select Project

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Step-1 Identify Project Scope and Objectives

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Back to Scenario

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Step-2 Identify Project Infrastructure

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Step-3 Analyze Project Characterstics

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-3 Analyze Project Characterstics

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Back to Scenario

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Step-4 Identify Project Products and Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-4 Identify Project Products and Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-4 Identify Project Products and Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-4 Identify Project Products and Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-4 Identify Project Products and Activities

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Step-4 Identify Project Products and Activities

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Step-5 Estimate Effort for Each Activity

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Step-6 Identify Activity Risks

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Step-7Allocate Resources

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Step-8 Review/Publicize Plan

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Step-9/10 Execute Plan/ Lower Level of Planning

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Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College
Thank You

Copyright © 2021, ABES Engineering College

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