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Monographs ofthe Hebrew Union College 1. Lewis M. Barth, An Anabss of Vatican 30 6 Samson H. Levey, The Messiah: An Aramaic Intapretation Ben Zion Wacholder, Eupolemus: A Study of fulae-Greok Literature Richard Victor Bergren, The Prophets and the Law Benny Kraut, From Reform Judaism to Ethical Culture: The Religious Fvolution of Felis Adler David B, Ruderman, The Word ofa Renaissance Jw: The Life and Thought of Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol ‘Alan Mendelson, Secular Bucation in Philo of Alexandria 8. Ben Zion Wacholder, The Daun of Qumran: The Setarian 1 12, 13. Torah and the Teacher of Righierusness Stephen M. Passamaneck, The Traditional fish Law of ‘Sal Shulban Arukh, Hoshen Mishpat, Chapirs 189-240 Yael S. Feldman, Modernism and Cultural Transfer: Gabriel, Prail and the Tradition of Jeuish Literary Bilingualism Raphael Jospe, Torah and Sophia: The Lifeand Thought of Shem Te ibm Falaquera Richard Kalmin, The Redaction ofthe Babylonian Talmud: ‘Amore or Saboric? Shouly Rubin Schwartz, The Emergence of Jeish Scholarship, in Ameria: The Publication of he fish Encyclopedia John C, Reeves, jevish Lore in Manichaean Cosmogony: ‘Studies inthe Book of Giants Traditions JEWISH LORE IN MANICHAEAN COSMOGONY Studies in the Book of Giants Traditions JOHN C. REEVES Hebrews Union College Press Cincinnati {© Copyright 1982 by the Hebrew Union College Press. Hetwem Union Callege-fewish Institute of Religion Library of Congress Cataloging n-Publiaion Daa Reeves John. “Jewish lore in Manichaeancoumogony: studies inde Book of Giants teidivont / jot C Rees. prem. —- (Monographs ofthe Hebrew Union College ; no. 14) Thcuesbatiograpal ferences and index ISbNOaTHBO-TISK Ih Manichaeim—Hitory—Sources 2. Book of gians—Criism, intespretition, ete. 3. adatim--Reiations—Manichacism. 4 Manian Relations asim, Connogony. 1 Tie. I Sri biaeker me Barat 90-2866 Printed on acittee paper Manuiactired inthe United States of America Distributed by Beeman House, ne 285 Watchung Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052 SiR Contents Prefaceand Acknowledgments... sonnet Prequel Ged Abrsiains 5 Introduction : 1 atest radon A 1. A Manichaean Book of Giants? ° "The Manicharan Canon a Reported iy Hoste Wiese. 18 Toolated Citations of the “Book of Giants or “Giants radtions? 20 Modern Opinions Concerning dhe Nature of the Book of Giamt..26 “The Recovery ofthe Book of Gans ee Natt ape One 38 I, The Qumran Fragments ofthe Book of Giants. st “Transhteraton ofthe Aratc Fragments ofthe Book of Gans 57 “Tranaation ee Commentary to QG1 6 ‘Commentary to QG2 ~ 76 Commentary QG8. a2 Gommentary 9 QEAR ry Commentary 10 QGAB. 95 Commentary 19 QC. 102 Gommentry 10 Q65.— 107 Gornnentar 10 QG7 and QOS 19 Commentary t0 O09. “as ‘Commentary to QGI0 12 (Commentary 0611 124 Natt Chae To, 1 UL, Severus of Antioch and the Book of Giants 165, ‘Notes 0 Chapter Thee 175, TV, Manichaean Cosmogony and Jewish Traditions...18 “ evi Loren Masichasan Caomogony te to Chap our V. Conclusions Bibliography = Indices nde Chto. Inde Ancient ond Metical Autos Inde Matern Aur. att Prefaceand Acknowledgments ‘he present study isa thorough revision ofthe author's disse. tation sbmited to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Insticate of Religion in the spring of 1989. Te represens the first sage of a Comprehensive research projec investigating the hewerodox Jewish backround of early Manichaci. Mach work remains to be done, particularly with regard to Mani’s youthful afiiation with dhe Fchassite sect and that sects possible role in the preservation, transmission, and adaptation of Second Temple Jewish erature, 1 Sincerely hope thatthe present study conurbutes some potentaly fruitful sggestions fr ines of further inquiry: "Thanksare inidally due o my teachersat Hebrew Union College, to those at hose feet sat and whose words I thirsty imbibed. My fratitude extends especialy to my dissertation referees. Professor Ben Zion Wacholder first recognized the possibilities contained in this topic, and he provided me with constant guidance through & labyrinthine mare of textual sources. Professor Herbert H. Paper tnymentor in Iranian studies, supplied needful encouragement and tvice every step ofthe way ‘While engaged in the demanding task of revision, { profited ready from the suggestions and criticisms offered inthe course of Ih correspondence with several scholars acve in Manichgean ‘Studies. am especially indebted to Profesor Werner Sundermann df the Zenualinsiat fe Alte Geschichte und Archdologie of the ‘Akademie der Wissenschaften in Beri for hisinsightful emarkson A vatieay of problematic issues. ‘Speval thanks are duc to Professor Michael A. Meyer, chair of the Publications Committee of Hebrew Union College, and co Ms. Barbara Selya, eapyeditor ofthe Hebrew Union College Pres, for thete diligent labors in transforming my rough manuseripe nto the present monograph. vil Josh Laren Manica Cosmogony Most ofall, [thank my wife Lu Waggoner for her interest in and support of my work, Tewas her vision that kept me working a (a9 twhich, without her confidence and gentle prodding, I might have Sbandoned long ago. eis to her that f dedicate this book John G. Reeves NOTE: Altanslasonsofancientsources, unless otherwise indicated, are those ofthe author paw psoas sos oue 500 op ep FGt es Homies sc ume aves ay a Hos: JB. Frequently Cited Abbreviations ‘Abhandbungen der Pression Akademi der Wiss ‘ehaftenin Bein let of th Se of Orton Aca Seis Bullen of he Sea of OneStat Coleg Mand Ce Corpus Soiptoram Cristiano Orintaliom isso he udacan Desert (Oxford, 1955-) The Enya of Iida, new edition (Leiden, 1960-) Die Fragment der grchischen Histor (Leen, 1s) Grice Cite Sees Manche Hondubifien dr Sammlung A. Chester Beaty, Band Manica Homies (Sagat 1988) Hareart Studies Classica Pilogy Harvard Telia Raview Hes Usion Colle Anal Lora Exploration journal Journal asi Journal of be American Oneal Sais Jr of Bical Ltrtare

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