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History Of C++ Language

C++ Language - C++ was initially known as “C with classes, ” and was renamed C++ in 1983. ++ is
shorthand for adding one to variety in programming; therefore C++ roughly means that “one higher than

What is C++ Language?

C++ is an object-oriented computer language created by notable computer scientist Bjorne

Stroustrop as part of the evolution of the C family of languages. It was developed as a cross-platform
improvement of C to provide developers with a higher degree of control over memory and system

Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ at Bell Labs in the early 1980s to merge the best advantages of
several other languages. He wanted to put together the quickness of BCPL, the high-level of Simula, and
the universality of Dennis Ritchie’s C. He took inspiration from other languages as well, such as Ada, ML,
and ALGOL 68, to create a well-structured, general-purpose language that could compile nearly all C
programs without changing their source code. C++ is so flexible that is often nicknamed the "Swiss
Pocket Knife of Programming Languages" (although this nickname is shared by Python as well).

All About C++ Programming

C++ was made available outside Bell Laboratories in 1985. The first commercial C++ compiler,
Cfront, was released in 1985. It was only a front-end compiler for C. The American National Standard
Institute (ANSI) formed a committee for (precise description of computer language) C++, in 1989. The
first draft standards were published in 1995.

History Of C++

1979 C with classes was first implemented. 2003 C++03 got released which contained major
bug fixes of C++98
1982 C with classes was reference manual
published. 2009 C++OX got released.

1984 New official name C++ was given. 2011 C++11 got released which was a major
1985 Commercially released - the first edition.
2014 C++14 was released which has a small
1989 Release of C++ 2.0.
improvement on C++11
1997 C++98 ISO Standard release.
2017 C++17 released a major revision.
1998 3rd edition of C++ got released.
2018 C++20 is being developed.
Origin Of C++

The Simula sixty-seven language – that was the variant that Stroustrup worked with is
considered the primary language to support the object-oriented programming paradigm. Stroustrup
found that this paradigm was helpful for package development; but, the Simula language was way too
slow for practice & practical use.

Shortly subsequently, he began work on “C with Classes“, because what the name implies was
meant to be a superset of the C language. The first C with categories compiler was referred to as Cfront,
that got derived from a C compiler referred to as CPre.


C++20 is the latest version of C++. A newer & study of 2019, behind Java & C, by knocking out
advanced version of C++ is being released, i.e. Python. All credits for this go to the newly
C++23. released C++11 version, which according to the
users made it much robust, safer, easier simpler,
C++ is still the third most popular programming
and more expressive.
language according to the TIOBE Index’s latest

Summary Table of History of Various C++ Versions

Version Release Date Major Changes

C++98 October 1998 The first version

C++03 February 2003 Introduction of value initialization.
C++11 August 2011 Introduction of Lambda
Expressions, Delegating
Constructors, Uniform Initialization
Syntax, nullptr, Automatic Type
Deduction and decltype, Rvalue
References etc.

C++14 August 2014 Introduction of polymorphic

lambdas, digit separators,
generalized lambda capture,
variable templates, binary integer
literals, quoted strings etc.

C++17 December 2017 Introduction of fold expressions,

hexadecimal floating point literals,
a u8 character literal, selection
statements with initializer, inline
variables etc.
C++20 March 2020 This update extends C++ with the
facilities to inspect program entities
such as variables, enumerations,
classes and their members,
lambdas and their captures, etc.

C++23 Future Release The next major revision of the C++



Aquino, Mariya Ursula

Bautista, Kisha Cazzandra

Paragas, Mercylita

10 - Joule

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