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Change Management Skills

Article  in  Indian Journal of Community Medicine · April 2015

DOI: 10.4103/0970-0218.153869


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4 authors, including:

Sanjiv Kumar Neeta Kumar

Indian Academy of Public Health Jamia Millia Islamia


Vaishali Deshmukh


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ISSN 0970-0218

Apr-Jun 2015 / Vol 40 / Issue 2

Indian Journal of Community Medicine • Volume 40 • Issue 2 • April-June 2015 • Pages 71-***

Indian Journal of
Community Medicine
Official Publication of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine
CME6 Leadership and Strategic Management for
Health Professionals

Change Management Skills

Sanjiv Kumar, Neeta Kumar1, Vaishali Deshmukh2, Vivek S. Adhish3
Executive Director, National Health Systems Resource Centre, National Health Mission, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare Campus, New Delhi, 3Department of Community Health Administration, National Institute
of Health and Family Welfare, Munirka, New Delhi, 1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Dentistry, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi, 2Program
Officer, The Inclen Trust, Executive Office, New Delhi, India

“Change is the only constant.” and personality are some aspects of individual’s life
which do not change with time; whereas, appearance,
—Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher, 500BC educational qualification, physical possessions, and skills
do change. Similarly core values of an organization do
Introduction not change. Organizations have areas of comparative
advantage and unique selling points they may like
Change has always been there since beginning of to retain. Whereas they need to keep changing with
the universe. The pace and magnitude of change has new technology, competition, product range, product
accelerated in recent times. The environment within upgrades, diversification, etc., which require proper
health sector and outside is changing much faster today. change management.
The managerial skills of change management are more
important in today’s world of globalization and rapidly Why Change Occurs in Health Sector
changing technology. Jim Collins Level 5 leadership
model(1) illustrates a health professional acquiring higher The changes with in and outside health sector drive the
levels of managerial and leadership skills as s/he moves change in health sector.
from highly capable individual to contributing team
member, competent manager, to effective leader. The Factors responsible for changes within health sector
management skills of anticipating change, adapting Various factors bring changes within health sector which
to it, and keeping an eye on what is changing within include:
and outside health sector are necessary for health • Technological advances and their application in the
professionals to acquire. It refers to the third domain of health sector: Technological innovations are being
skills in the three domain model of leadership.(2) introduced every day due to easy availability of
internet, mobile telephony and other technologies
What changes and what does not change and reach rest of the world much faster. These
It is important to understand what can and cannot change. technological innovations provide opportunities for
expert to provide top class services even in difficult
Change is best expressed by the Chinese concept of ying
to reach remote areas. The potential of these remains
and yang. Certain things like core values, character,
untapped by public health system initiatives such as
Mother Child Tracking System, e-Asha, e-Aushadhi,
Access this article online
and Mobile Kunji are the real-time uploading of
Quick Response Code:
Website: data from district/subdistrict. Other than this
telemedicine, teleradiology, and teleophthalmology
are being scaled up or expanded directly from health
DOI: facilities.
• Demand for quality assurance: The systems are
becoming more quality conscious due to demand

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Sanjiv Kumar, Executive Director, National Health Systems Resource Centre, National Health Mission, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare Campus, Baba Gangnath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi - 110 067, India.
Received: 10‑03‑15, Accepted: 14-03-15

85 Indian Journal of Community Medicine/Vol 40/Issue 2/April 2015

Kumar, et al.: Change management

from customers, policy makers, and increasing focus motivates private sector to achieve and maintain
on results. Customer awareness, needs, expectations, international standards in medical care.
consumer protection act, and legal accountability are • Changing lifestyle and demographic profile: The
increasing and they are looking at healthcare as any lifestyle is changing with physical inactivity, refined
other service. The growing knowledge of customer unhealthy foods, and anxiety in day-to-day work and
puts pressure on health professionals and health weakening family ties with consequences of lifestyle
systems to change by providing quality services with related diseases. These require more attention to
zero error. behavior change. Changing one’s behavior needs
• Epidemiology of diseases and emerging and re- equal attention to logic and emotional buy-in.(5)
emerging infectious diseases like Ebola, avian flu, Changing patient behavior is a must, otherwise
and rapidly expanding infections by drug resistant health system would fail in their mission. Of
organisms is becoming a challenge to public health. improving health outcomes, (6) an increasing life
• Era of evidence-based policy, health, and medical expectancy needs more attention to geriatric health
care: The established healthcare practices are being and noncommunicable diseases. A large proportion
challenged to be replaced by evidence-based practices. of young population in India offers an opportunity
Every policy direction needs to be supported with to develop desirable healthy behavior as foundation
evidence that stands scientific scrutiny. Even the time- of healthy lifestyle to prevent noncommunicable
honored expert opinions no longer hold ground if, not diseases and address their nutrition, growth, and
supported by evidence. The need to curb unnecessary development needs.
investigations, interventions, and irrational use of • Availability of health literature online: Today most
drugs, at times for profit motive needs to be curbed. of the scientific literature, journals, updates, and
• Health as a human right: There is more and more guidelines related to public health and medical
attention to provide equal health status and access to specialties are available online. Many online courses
healthcare to the poor and the marginalized. There from leading international institutions are available.
is a necessity to get disaggregated data to unmask The leaders and managers in health system need to
in equity in access to healthcare and address these. keep an eye on it and update their skills in technical
There is more attention to bring financial protection and managerial areas. Similarly, the public has
to the poor in availing medical services. access to this information and service providers
• Privatization and commercial interests: Rapid need to be prepared to answer questions of informed
privatization in healthcare is filling in the void left beneficiaries.
by public health system including medical and • Climate change and environmental degradation:
paramedic education. The need for public-private Pollution both indoor and outdoor and climate
partnership to complement public health system change are becoming increasingly important factors
cannot be ignored. Since the primary motive of adversely impacting health across the world. With
private sector is profit making, it requires a close increase in estimated deaths from air pollution have
watch and regulation by the government to curb increased to 620,000 in 2010 from 100,000 in 2000 and
profiteering and unfair practices. has become fifth major killer in India.(7) The weather
pattern is changing. Extreme weather events and
Factors responsible for change from outside health natural disasters adversely impact health conditions.
sector Health professionals need to deal with these and
The changes in other sectors impact healthcare actively engage with other ministries to reverse
technology, transmission of health data and information, environmental degradation.
and lifestyles that have implications for health. These • Active media and civil society organizations: The
include: media and civil society organizations play an
• Globalization: The impact of growing international increasingly important role in highlighting health
trade on health systems and policies, improving issues. It focuses more on failure of the health
communication, and increasing flow of goods impact systems and less on success stories. Public health
availability of healthcare and related products. professionals need to partner with them to educate
Increasing international travel, medical and other the public and make the system more transparent to
tourism, and migration facilitate the spread of build credibility.
infectious and antimicrobial resistant diseases. The • Contribution of other sectors to health: The social
illicit drugs trade, trade liberalization, intellectual determinants of health such as water, sanitation,
property rights, and generic drugs impact the cost education, road and transportation, and environment
of medicine and drugs(3) and medical care. Medical contribute more to health than health sector. Recent
tourism to India was USD 78.6 billion in 2012 and emphasis on “Health in All Policies” requires
is expected to grow to 158.2 billion by 2017. (4) It public health professionals to understand social

Indian Journal of Community Medicine/Vol 40/Issue 2/April 2015 86

Kumar, et al.: Change management

determinants of health and acquire skills to influence organization or skill sets) and where I want to get
and collaborate with other sectors to improve health. (future situation, skills, occupation, position within the
organization or skill sets). How do I get there (transition
Managing Change or transformation) and how much time I have to get
there (transition period). The key activities I need to
The individuals and organizations not adapting to undertake to get there, the timeline, the milestones,
change get left behind and fail to achieve desired results, people involved, new partners, allies, and what I loose
incur extra costs and efforts, miss opportunities, become and gain in the process (transition management plan).
outdated, loose business, get demoralized, and delay A transition management plan starts with final outcome
activities and projects. A successful manager needs to and works backwards from there [Table 2].(9)
manage change for self and for her/his organization.
“We like change better when it comes by invitation
Managing change for self instead of imposition.” —Kelly Standing
Like universe, each one of us has been changing since
birth, from toddler to child to adolescent, young adult, Managing organizational change
family person, professional, retired person, and so on. One A good leader keeps an eye on what is going on in the
also changes with and for personal growth; continuous organization, changes within the sector and outside the
advancement in personal, family, and professional life; sector and what are the implications for the organization.
and lifelong learning. As we go through lifecycle, one has He keeps an eye on how the diseases pattern, trends,
to keep reinventing and reevaluating oneself and adapt projections, factors within and outside health sector,
from one phase of life to the next. Family is changing availability of technology, their application in health
and so do people and the environment around us. One’s sector, and the way health institutions function are
ability to respond to change in life is a strong predictor of being managed.(2) The newer health interventions are
professional success. Charles Garfield studied 500 peak
performers in different industries. He concluded that they Table 1: Types of change that impact health professionals
were not necessarily the most talented or the most able or and their organizations (adapted from(8)
even the luckiest. The one thing they had in common was Level Changes in Adaptation to change for public health
their ability to respond to change in their lives. This was and clinical practice
even true for other species as Charles Darwin concluded 1 Clinical practices Adopt clinical protocols and standards
that are accepted as effective by medical
from nature: “It is not the strongest of the species that
and scientific authorities
survive nor the most intelligent, but the most responsive 2 Providers Encourage attitudes and behaviors that
to change”.(3) This is true for us the humans as well even behaviors and have been effective in similar settings
in one life span [Table 1]. attitudes and that support the changes at Level 1
3 Management Revise the ways in which a health
practices program is managed from day-to-day to
Competencies for self to achieve personal goals
better support changes at levels 1 and 2
An effective leader makes an active effort to acquire and 4 Health systems Build/modify systems that support and
improve on his skills to adapt to changing environment sustain the desired changes at levels 1,
and learn new available technology and maximizes 2, and 3
benefit from it. He strongly believes in lifelong learning, 5 Organizational Adopt strategies and create new
strategies and structures where necessary to support
seeks regular formal and informal feedback on how he
structures changes at all levels
is doing, and is aware of his weaknesses and strengths. 6 Technology, Acquire/impart new skills to use new
software technology, software, mobile telephony
It is important to clearly define where I am (present applications, mobile applications, etc.
situation, skills, occupation, and position within the telephony, etc.

Table 2: Managing change for self

What is changing Types of change Adaptation required Consequences of not
adapting to change
Self-driven: New vision, ambitions, Incremental: Progress by evolution Acquire new skills, open to adopt Missed opportunity, career
new job, new skills on moving work method, process, office and use new acquiring/using new stagnation, sidelined in
up, and moving into new areas layout, reporting structure, new technology, and new ways of doing the organization, and
of professional work product, services, and projects things demotivation
External: New technology, product Fundamental or disruptive: Large Alliance building, consortium, and
or services, policy change, dramatic changes may involve networking
demographic profile, and services major upheaval
to new/underserved geographic
areas and ethnic groups

87 Indian Journal of Community Medicine/Vol 40/Issue 2/April 2015

Kumar, et al.: Change management

improving management of health problems. He plans 2. Create a cross-functional team with power to lead the
ahead and prepares his organization to benefit from change: The leader should assemble a team and give
these developments. He also keeps in mind how his it enough power to lead the change.
organization contributes to benefit the community. No 3. Create a vision and strategic plan to help direct
organization exists in a vacuum, and its existence and the change effort while developing strategies for
growth is linked to the society, its norms and values. He achieving that vision.
actively engages himself and his employees in activities 4. Communicate the change vision and implement
to benefit the community. The leader develops and a communication strategy that consistently
uses an active network of formal and informal contacts communicates the new vision and strategic plan. It
beyond the organization/team he leads to get a regular is necessary to go beyond logic and reasoning and
feedback on how the organization he leads is perceived. get emotional buy-in.
He drives change in self, team members, and the 5. Eliminate barriers to change: Encourage risk taking
organization to adapt to the anticipated and emerging and creative problem solving. Get rid of obstacles,
changes within and outside the sector. and change systems or structures that undermine the
change vision.
Leading and managing change 6. Encourage risk taking and creative problem solving:
Addressing healthcare challenges entail leading change Generate quick, easy, and short-term wins. Plan for
management. For sustainable improvement in health visible improvements in performance, or “wins”
system understanding the influence of change within and create those wins and recognize and reward people
outside the organization is imperative. To improve the who made the wins possible.
health of the community, one needs to be clear about the 7. Consolidate gains and produce more change: Using
errors occurring in the community and have clarity about increased credibility to change all systems, structures,
what needs to change and how to find a way through the
and policies that do not fit together and do not fit
change process. The change management is feasible in
the transformation vision. Hiring, promoting, and
clinical or management practices, organizational structure
developing people who can implement the change
and systems, and national or organizational policies and
vision. Reinvigorating the process with new projects,
strategy; depending upon the scope and complexity of
themes, and change agents.
the challenges that may lead to change.(10) Leading and
8. Reinforce new approaches in the culture: Create better
managing organization change is about supporting each
performance through beneficiary- and result-oriented
in the organization to adopt and adapt to change.
behavior. Articulate the connections between new
behaviors and organizational success.
Organizational change and its management
The term “change” refers to any alteration that occurs
Role of change agents in managing change
in the overall work environment of an organization.(11)
Change plans make the results tangible, and help control Change agent is a person from inside or outside the
the processes, guide decision-making, and provide organization that helps an organization transform
security around uncertainties.(12) This change involves itself.(15) Having an internal change agent who cares
a sequence of organizational processes that occurs deeply about changing a practice is the most critical
over time. Lew in, in his model suggests three steps for factor for success. Miller and Lawton (2002) said; “They
bringing such changes through unfreezing, moving, are the invisible hands that turn vision into action”.(16)
and refreezing. In unfreezing step, the acting forces are Their role is to facilitate the work of the groups in
reduced to keep the organization in its current condition. developing, applying, and advocating new practices.
In the next step moving it involves the development Rogers’ model reflects the origins of diffusion research
of new values, attitudes, and behaviors through focusing on the promotion of innovation in the areas of
internalization, identification, or change in structure. agriculture and health by government agencies. From
In third step, process involves stabilizing the change the diffusion study, Rogers identified seven-point
at a new quasi-stationary equilibrium, which is called process of change agent activity from an initial contact
refreezing. However, Jogn Kotter (1996) developed an to the end of the agent-client relationship.(17) To achieve
eight-step process for implementing change based on the above, the change agent can lead the way only if
Lewin’s three-step change model.(13) change agent can recognize a challenge/gap between
the desired achievement and actual achievement,
The steps below summarize the process for implementing identify promising practices for improving services,
change (adapted from Kotter’s and Lewin’s models):(14) adapt and test one promising practice or set of practices
1. Create a compelling reason for change: Examine the to make sure it fits the context, implement the new
market and competitive realities through identifying practices to build a base, and scale up the successful
and discussing crises or major opportunities new practices.

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How to cite this article: Kumar S, Kumar N, Deshmukh V, Adhish VS.
7. Air pollution killing 620,000 Indians every year: Global Change Management Skills. Indian J Community Med 2015;40:85-9.
burden of disease report. Down to Earth. Available from:
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

89 Indian Journal of Community Medicine/Vol 40/Issue 2/April 2015

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