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Cielo Mae Fernandez

Grade 11 STEM 03

DLP 3.2

1. When do you use audio, information, and media?
2. How audio, information, and media help you as a

I think I use audio, information, and media most of

the time, because, I prefer to listen to music when
I’m doing my homework or activity or even when
I’m just scrolling to my social media, I use it often. I
will relate it also when I’m reading some
information so that it is convenient for me and at
the same time it practices my learning skills.

It really helps me a lot because ass a student,

nowadays, I need more relaxing stuffs to help me
not only in studying but also in practicing my
skills. Audio, information, and media helps me to
make my mind more peaceful because as I listen
to calming sounds or audio it’s easier for me to
take some information that enhance my thinking
skills and by the use of media these information
will come to my mind more accurately and more
This poster may describe myself or even every individual that
listening to music is always part of their living and how this
hobby really helped them. Example, in the late years people
used to listen in cassette tapes but compare nowadays that
there are a lot of Digital CD’s and music platforms that you can
listen to your favorite music whenever you want, and as for
listening music while studying it relaxes me and helping me to
get more accurate information and by the transformation of
media, it makes our lives easier, these gave me the idea that
as these three are transforming it captures also the
improvements that they gave in each every person.

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