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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin wabihi nasta’in ala umuriddunya waddin wa’ala ‘alihi

waasohbihi ajma’in amma ba’du

A wise and wise board of judges

As well as the audience I'm proud of

There is no string of words that we should say other than praise and gratitude for the presence
of Allah Almighty

Shalawat and greetings are still poured out to the prophet muhammad SAW

On this occasion I will make a speech with the title "Cultural diversity is the strength of the
Indonesian nation".

Ladies and gentlemen

Indonesia is a country with different backgrounds, different tribes, religions, customs and
languages. This is what made Ir. Soekarno say "Somehow the unity was achieved, somehow
it seemed to be unity, but the ship that brought us to Indonesia Merdeka was the Ship of

Diversity is not a barrier and a reason for division, but it becomes a national force that must
be valued, and appreciated. As Allah says in Sura al-hujurat verse 13:

‫ٰيٓاَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اِنَّا َخلَ ْق ٰن ُك ْم ِّم ْن َذ َك ٍر َّواُ ْن ٰثى َو َج َع ْل ٰن ُك ْم ُشعُوْ بًا َّوقَبَ ۤا ِٕى َل لِتَ َعا َرفُوْ ا ۚ اِ َّن اَ ْك َر َم ُك ْم ِع ْن َد هّٰللا ِ اَ ْت ٰقى ُك ْم ۗاِ َّن هّٰللا َ َعلِ ْي ٌم خَ بِ ْي ٌر‬

O man, verily We created you from a man and a woman and made you nations and tribes so
that you might know one another. Indeed, the noblest among you on Allah's side is the most
devout among you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing and All-Knowing. ( Al-Hujurat 13 ).

Let's together make cultural diversity in Indonesia the strength of the nation.

Bhineka tunggal ika, even though the beerbeda is different, it is still one.

That's all I can say

Waallhulmuwaffiq illa aqwamithariiq

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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