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(ii) Scoliosis in children and (lateral) plane. Consideration of time, the fourth dimension,
requires the surgeon to judge the possible therapeutic effect or

teenagers potential damaging effects of growth on the spinal deformity.

At birth, the spine has a gentle C-shaped curve throughout its
length in the sagittal plane and is straight in the coronal plane.
Nigel W Gummerson
The normal cervical lordosis develops as the child gains head
Peter A Millner control and begins crawling; the lumbar lordosis begins to
appear at the time of walking. There are subtle changes in the
sagittal profile throughout growth until the normal adult pattern
is achieved. The sagittal profile is never fixed, and will continue
Abstract to change as the spine ages, becoming more kyphotic with
Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine whose cardinal
advancing years.
feature is a curve in the coronal plane with a Cobb angle that exceeds
The net effect of the normal spinal sagittal profile is to posi-
10 . In the growing spine and the degenerative spine scoliosis will evolve
tion the head and thoracic cage over the centre of the pelvis. It is
over time; the fourth dimension. This article discusses the possible
the relative positioning of head, shoulders, thorax and pelvis that
causes of scoliosis in the paediatric population. The aim is to provide
gives the normal body surface contour. Normal shape is much
the reader with a basic understanding of spinal growth, the natural
harder to define than a simple Cobb angle. It is accepted that
history of scoliotic spinal deformity and outline the options for treatment.
symmetry is important, but beyond that questions of ‘normal’ or
‘attractive’ become very subjective.
Keywords congenital abnormalities; scoliosis; spine
Clinical assessment of scoliosis
The clinical assessment of patients presenting with scoliosis and
Introduction the subsequent radiological investigation is described in another
article in this mini-symposium.
Scoliosis is a common and relatively slowly evolving condition.
With the exception of some neuromuscular conditions, young
patients with scoliosis are usually active and mobile. Scoliosis in Causes of scoliosis
children tends to present as a cosmetic problem, whereas scoli- Scoliosis may be structural or non-structural. A non-structural
osis in adults more often presents with pain and neurological curve will usually have no rotational element, being a pure
symptoms. coronal plane deformity. A non-structural scoliosis may be due
Deformity of the axial skeleton may have a bearing on other to:
musculoskeletal problems in the upper or lower limb and  Pelvic tilt secondary to leg length inequality
vice versa. Patients with spinal deformity will often present to  Pain or irritation
non-spinal orthopaedic surgeons with other joint problems  Hysterical scoliosis.
(particularly shoulder and hip problems). These observations
mandate that all orthopaedic surgeons should have a basic The key feature of non-structural scoliosis is that the curve
understanding of scoliotic spinal deformity. Surgical trainees will spontaneously straighten when the underlying cause is
should also be aware that paediatric patients and their parents corrected or removed. In the case of pelvic tilt scoliosis, the curve
are usually very happy to appear at higher surgical examinations! will disappear when the pelvis is leveled and this can be achieved
by sitting the patient or by equalizing any leg-length-discrepancy
The normal spinal profile with blocks. This may be done prior to radiographic examina-
tion. Pain-induced or irritant scoliosis is seen with disc prolapse
The spine is a three-dimensional structure and spinal deformities
and other painful conditions, such as osteoid osteoma, typically
can only be fully described in these three dimensions. Scoliosis is
triggering muscle spasm (Figure 1). The scoliosis will resolve
defined as a deformity primarily in the coronal or frontal plane
when the underlying pathology is treated. Hysterical scoliosis is
(a Cobb angle of >10 seen on an AP or PA erect spine radio-
very, very rare and should only be diagnosed once all other
graph). The plain radiograph is a repeatable investigation and
possible diagnoses have been eliminated.
much of what is known regarding the natural history of scoliosis
Structural scoliosis may be classified according to the under-
comes from serial measurement of the Cobb angle. This is merely
lying aetiology. The aetiology may be reasonably obvious, as it is
a two-dimensional assessment of the deformity, but it still has its
in congenital (15%) or neuromuscular (10%) cases. Trauma,
uses. However, in order to fully understand the spinal deformity,
tumour and infection are also possible causes, but are not
one must consider the axial (transverse) plane and the sagittal
frequently encountered. In most cases there is no detectable
underlying cause (idiopathic). This is the most common
aetiology, with 70% of all cases of paediatric scoliosis being of
Nigel W Gummerson MA FRCS(Tr&Orth) Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal the idiopathic type. A long list of rare conditions, including
Surgeon, Leeds General Infirmary, Great George Street, Leeds, UK. hereditary and mesenchymal abnormalities such as neurofibro-
matosis, Marfan’s syndrome, EhlerseDanlos syndrome etc. make
Peter A Millner BSc FRCSOrth Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, up the remainder; a detailed discussion of these rare conditions is
Leeds General Infirmary, Great George Street, Leeds, UK. outside the scope of this article.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 403 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The paraxial mesoderm is a condensation around the neural

tube and notochord. This paraxial mesoderm segments to form
paired somites (42e44 in humans, up to 500 in some snakes).
This occurs in a time-dependent manner from cranial to caudal
and is under the control of the hairy gene. The expression of
hairy is seen to cycle over a 90-min period in the chick embryo,
acting like a molecular clock. Other fantastically named genes,
such as notch and lunatic fringe are also involved!
Under the influence of signalling molecules from either the
notochord or the neural tube, the somite will differentiate into
sclerotome and dermomyotome. The dermomyotome goes on to
form the dermis of the back and the muscles of the back and
limbs. The cells of the sclerotome migrate ventrally and dorsally
around the notochord and neural tube and give rise to the
vertebrae and ribs.
The somites will then go through a process of re-segmentation
(week 5e6). Each somite forms the inferior half and posterior
elements of the superior vertebra, the intervertebral disc and the
superior half of the vertebral body below. A fissure arises in each
somite (von Ebner’s fissure), which will form the intervertebral disc.
Notochord remnants within the discs become the nucleus
pulposus. Notochord within the vertebral body degenerates.
Chondrofication (appearance of three paired centres of chon-
drofication) begins at week 6. Ossification centres appear at week
8, beginning at the thoracolumbar junction and progressing
Figure 1 (a) Painful scoliosis. (b) Bone scan of the same patient showing
rostrally and caudally.
intense uptake. The underlying pathology is osteoid osteoma.
It is the process of somite formation and re-segmentation that
may be disrupted, leading to congenital vertebral anomalies.
Bilateral failures of formation or segmentation may have no
Congenital scoliosis
structural consequences. A shift of ventral fusion between the
A brief history of spinal development two sides (hemimetameric shift) may lead to balanced hemi-
The fertilized egg (zygote) divides to produce a ball of cells: the vertebrae, separated by a normal level, again with little structural
morula. A cavity forms within this ball, now called the blastocyst consequence. It is the asymmetric anomalies that will affect
(the cavity is the blastocoele). A group of cells at one side of the spinal growth leading to progressive spinal deformity (Figure 2).
blastocoele forms the inner cell mass. The inner cell mass The commonest congenital deformity is congenital scoliosis.
(embryoblast) will go on to form the bilaminar embryo by week Congenital kyphosis or lordosis may also occur dependent on the
two of gestation. The amniotic cavity forms dorsal to this bila- 3D configuration of the anomaly.
minar disc and the yolk sac forms ventrally. By week three, the It is common for other developmental anomalies to cluster
primitive knot (also known as Hensen’s node in bird embryo- with congenital spinal anomalies. Neural axis anomalies such as
genesis) and the primitive streak form. Gastrulation occurs, with Chiari malformation, diastematomyelia, syringomyelia and
an ingress of cells (derived from primitive ectoderm) through the tethered cord occur in around 40% of patients with congenital
primitive streak, to form a three-layer embryo with ectoderm, scoliosis. Renal anomalies are seen in 30% of patients and
mesoderm and endoderm. Bone Morphogenic Proteins and cardiac anomalies in 20%. These associated anomalies reflect the
Fibroblast-derived Growth Factors are important signalling timing of the development of these organ systems, their common
molecules during this process. embryonic origin and the underlying genetic and intercellular
Ectoderm will go on to form the nervous system and signalling pathways, which control their development.
epidermis. The endoderm will form the epithelium of GI tract and In general, congenital scoliosis is not a hereditary problem.
associated organs, the respiratory system and the urinary The majority of patients do not have affected relatives. There are
bladder. The mesoderm (middle layer) goes on to form bones, a few families with multiple affected members. In these cases the
muscles, dermis, haemopoietic tissue, spleen, the renal system, parents are more likely to be closely related.
the reproductive system and much of the circulatory system.
During gastrulation the notochord forms from mesoderm. Spinal growth in congenital scoliosis
The notochord induces changes in the overlying cells of the Neonates are approximately 50 cm long at birth. In the first year,
ectoderm, causing them to form the neural plate, which then the length increases by 25 cm and then by 12.5 cm in the second
develop into the neural tube. year. A 2-year-old child is therefore approximately 87.5 cm tall.
The mesodermal cells cluster into lateral mesoderm, interme- Children then grow at around 6 cm per year until the pubertal
diate mesoderm and paraxial mesoderm. The lateral mesoderm growth spurt, which peaks at approximately10 cm per year at the
forms the limbs and the intermediate mesoderm differentiates into age of 11e12 years for girls and approximately11 cm per year at
the kidneys. the age of 13e15 years for boys.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 404 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

group of complex anomalies that defy description. This classifi-

cation comes from the work of Winter, Moe & Eilers1 and
a b c
McMaster & Ohtsuka,2 which was based largely on plain radio-
graphs. Kawakami et al. have suggested an update to this system,
analyzing the 3D CT appearances of the deformity.3 CT will
reveal additional abnormalities in 50% of patients, over and
above those seen on the plain films.
A 3D CT analysis allows for a better understanding of the
relative (3D) position of the abnormalities, as well as providing
more information regarding fusions between levels and the
anatomy of the posterior elements around the abnormality.
Consideration of any associated rib anomalies is an important
aspect of congenital scoliosis. Multiple rib fusions may be seen in
JarchoeLevin syndrome (spondylothoracic dysostosis). This
condition causes marked a reduction in thoracic growth and
results in early death from thoracic insufficiency syndrome.
A lesser form, spondylocostal dysostosis, causes less severe rib
d e f
problems and has no appreciable effect on life expectancy.
Isolated rib abnormalities may be seen in cases that do not have
these syndromes, reflecting the common embryonic origin of the
rib and vertebral body from the sclerotome of the somite. Non-
syndromic rib anomalies are most commonly seen with unseg-
mented bars.
Specific examples of congenital vertebral anomalies are
considered below as we discuss what is known regarding the
natural history (Figure 3).

Natural history
Our knowledge of the natural history comes from the work of
Winter et al.1 and McMaster et al.2 Around 50% of all cases of
Figure 2 Defects of formation and segmentation in congenital scoliosis. congenital scoliosis will progress by a significant degree, 25% do
(a) Semisegmented hemivertebra. (b) Unsegmented hemivertebra.
not progress and the remainder progress only slightly or not at all.
(c) Hemimetameric shift, with balanced hemivertebrae. (d) Fully
segmented hemivertebra. (e) Multiple hemivertebrae. (f ) Unilateral bar.
The most benign form of congenital spinal anomaly is a block
vertebra. This is the result of bilateral failure of segmentation.
Block vertebrae do not cause progressive curves, but may cause
If a deformity progresses with growth, then the most signifi- shortening of the trunk when multiple block vertebrae are
cant period of progression will be during the first 2 years of life, present.
with a second at-risk period during the pubertal growth spurt. An incarcerated or non-segmented hemivertebra has very
little potential for progression. A wedged vertebra will cause only
Classification 1e2 progression per year. A single semisegmented or fully
The classification of congenital scoliosis is largely descriptive segmented vertebra will progress at 1e3.5 per year, worse at the
(Table 1). Congenital anomalies are divided in to defects of thoracolumbar junction. Multiple hemivertebrae will progress
segmentation, defects of formation, mixed defects and a small more rapidly.

Descriptive classification of congenital scoliosis

Defects of segmentation Bilateral Block vertebra
Unilateral Unsegmented bar
Defects of formation Partial unilateral Wedge vertebra
Complete unilateral Hemivertebra Incarcerated
Fully segmented
Mixed anomalies Unsegmented bar with
contralateral hemivertebra
Unclassifiable anomalies

Table 1

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 405 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 3 (a) Complex congenital scoliosis. Demonstrates:

 segmented hemivertebra at L3
 bony diastematomelia at L1
 multiple semisegmented hemivertebrae on the right side in the thoracic spine
 abnormalities right 3rd and 4th ribs. (b) MRI scan showing split cord and bony diastematomelia. (c) CT scan showing diastematomelia at L1.

An unsegmented bar will cause progression of between 2 and Treatment

9 per year. Again this is worse at the thoracolumbar junction. There is a choice between continued observation and surgery in
The most troublesome combination is the mixed defect of congenital scoliosis. Neither bracing nor physiotherapy can alter
unsegmented bar with a contralateral, fully segmented hemi- the natural history of these curves. Surgery is indicated for
vertebra. The thoracolumbar junction is the problematic location for progressive curves. The potential for progression can be deter-
this abnormality, where it may progress at more than 10 per year, mined by a thorough work up with CT and MRI. Associated
necessitating early (prophylactic) surgical treatment when detected. conditions should be actively sought and the possibility of an

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 406 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

underlying syndrome considered prior to surgery. A formal a description of a small and heterogeneous group. This term is of
assessment of pulmonary function before intervention, as little value for the purposes of treatment, prognosis or research.
a baseline, will guide treatment and prognosis.
The surgical options range from hemiepiphysiodoesis (short
Early onset idiopathic scoliosis (EOIS)
segment anterior growth arrest over the convexity of the curve)
to more complex osteotomies such as resection of a hemivertebra Classification and natural history
or vertebral column resection. EOIS is rare (1% in the USA, w5% in Europe). It is typically
The choice of treatment will depend on the nature of the a left-sided curve, which develops after birth, but is not present
abnormality and the age at presentation. Techniques such as at birth. It is more common in boys (M:F ¼ 3:2). EOIS is
hemiepiphysiodoesis rely on significant growth potential in the strongly associated with other conditions such as talipes
concavity and are of little use in the older patient. equinovarus, developmental dysplasia of the hips, torticollis
There is little to be gained by waiting ‘to preserve growth’ and inguinal herniae. The classification of EOIS is descriptive,
with a progressive deformity. Combined anterior and posterior with useful discriminating features being the curve size, the rib-
fusion is often indicated in these cases. ‘Normal’ levels should be vertebral-angle difference (RVAD) and the appearance of the rib
preserved where possible, but the whole curve may need to be heads.
instrumented to restore normal spinal balance. In true EOIS, 90% of cases will resolve spontaneously. Inter-
Each congenital curve pattern must be assessed on its own estingly and inexplicably, girls with a right sided-curve have
merits but, as a general rule, early surgical treatment should be a much poorer prognosis than those with left-sided curves.
considered for curves with more than one hemivertebra, Progressive EOIS is associated with increased mortality and
a unilateral bar or a mixed defect, as these are the curves which a consequent reduction in life expectancy.
tend to progress. It is likely that the historical descriptions of this group of
patients included many who had an underlying cause for their
Neuromuscular scoliosis scoliosis. 22% of patients with presumed EOIS with curves less
than 20 have an underlying neural axis anomaly (i.e. they were
The clinical presentation and treatment of patients with neuro-
not truly idiopathic). In one series, eight out of 10 patients with
muscular scoliosis is described in another article in this mini-
a neural axis anomaly required neurosurgical intervention.
For prognostic purposes it is useful to differentiate curves
according to the RVAD (rib-vertebral-angle difference). This
Idiopathic scoliosis
measurement was defined by Mehta4 and is the difference
Idiopathic scoliosis is a structural curve in the absence of any between the right and left sides in the magnitude of the angle
other underlying problem (such as a congenital anomaly, measured from the long axis of the rib and a line drawn
neuromuscular disorder, connective tissue disease etc.). By perpendicular to end plate of the vertebra at the apex of the curve
definition, the deformity is self-generating and the underlying (Figure 4). Mehta showed that if this difference in the angles was
cause is yet to be established, although there are many theories less than 20 , then there was an 85e90% chance that the curve
with regard to aetiology and some of these will be explored later would resolve spontaneously. She went on to describe a second
in this article. It is possible that ‘idiopathic scoliosis’ describes a feature: the phase of the rib head on the convex side at the apex.
heterogeneous group of patients who have curves with a variety A ‘phase 1’ rib head does not overlap the vertebral body and is
of underlying causes. As yet, we do not have evidence to support associated with resolution in 84e98% of cases. A ‘phase 2’ rib
this theory. head does overlap the vertebral body and is associated with
Idiopathic scoliosis has been subdivided by a number of progression in 84e97% of cases. Double curves are more likely
authors. James described three groups: infantile, juvenile and to progress than single curves.
adolescent. Dickson proposed a strong case for division into two
groups: early and late onset, with the cut-off being the age of 5
years. The logic behind this comes from an analysis of thoracic
and lung development and the consequence of spinal deformity
on this development. It is well recognized that the patients
who present with progressive infantile curves will develop
life-shortening respiratory complications, whilst adolescent
scoliosis has little effect on physical well-being or life expectancy.
The difference between the two groups relates to the timing of
respiratory development. Alveolar numbers and thoracic volume
increase most rapidly during the first 5e8 years of life (full alve-
olar number by age 8, 30% of adult thoracic volume by age 5).
Curves that appear early will have the most deleterious effect on
both lung volume and alveolar numbers; curves appearing after
the age of 5 will have less of an effect.
It is argued that the juvenile group represents a mixture of late
presenting infantile cases and early presenting adolescent type Figure 4 Measurement of the RVAD. The rib vertebral angle is the
cases. Therefore, the description of a juvenile group is in fact difference between angle A and B.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 407 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Aetiology curves do not present clinically. The data on small curves

It has been suggested that EOIS is the result of intrauterine originates from school screening programs.5 School screening
moulding; the counter to this suggestion is the fact that EOIS is programs have largely been abandoned, as there is no reliable
rarely seen at birth. Others argue that it is the result of ‘body treatment that we can offer to children with small curves that
moulding’ from the positioning of the child. If the infant lies in would alter the natural history of the curve.
the lateral decubitus position a curve will develop; this is The development of a late onset curve is an insidious process.
supported by the observation of plagiocephaly in this group. It is unsurprising that small curves go unnoticed by parents, who
rarely see their teenage children undressed.
Most spinal surgeons agree that serial casting is a reasonable Classification
non-operative treatment option for progressive EOIS. Rigid We have yet to find the ideal classification6,7 system for LOIS.
braces are of little use, due to the rapid growth rate of the child, Currently, the most widely used classification is that of Lenke
but serial plaster casts such as those popularized by Cotrel and et al., published in 2001. Lenke and the Harms Study Group have
used to good effect by Mehta (elongation de-rotation flexion, or provided us with a useful tool, which allows reproducible
EDF casts) can be moulded to control a small, progressive curve. description of LOIS curves, can guide treatment and facilitates
Large curves (greater than approximately 50 Cobb angle) are research. The Lenke classification is based on static erect and
best treated surgically. The dilemma is that early spinal fusion supine bending radiographs. There are three component; curve
will prevent thoracic growth and this in turn will lead to thoracic pattern, lumbar modifier and sagittal thoracic modifier
insufficiency syndrome, respiratory failure and reduced life (Figure 5).
expectancy. Therefore the goal of surgical treatment is to control Three structural curves are identified. Thoracic curves have
the curve, whilst maintaining growth. Many techniques have an apex at T2 to the T11/12 disk, thoracolumbar curves have an
been tried. Our favoured technique is a dual rod growing system. apex at T12 to L1 and lumbar curves have their apex at L1-L2
Here, the curve is instrumented proximally and distally (usually disk to L4. A curve which bends down to less than 25 does not
two levels at each end), but the centre of the curve is left meet the structural criteria in this classification unless it is the
undisturbed. Rods are used on each side to connect the proximal main curve or has more than 20 of local kyphosis. Identifying
and distal instrumentation. The rods have to be lengthened every the structural curves gives six groups (see figure). The next step
four to 6 months to allow growth and clearly this necessitates is to examine the position of the lumbar pedicles relative to the
repeated surgical procedures. Complications such as wound central sacral vertical line (CSVL) to give the lumbar modifier. If
infection or rod breakage will be encountered in all of these cases the pedicles of the most displaced lumbar vertebra fall either side
eventually, due to repeated extension of instrumentation through of the CSVL the modifier is A. If both pedicles lie to one side of
the same scar. A rod with an intrinsic magnetic motor that allows the CSVL the modifier is C. If a pedicle falls on the line or there is
telescoping has recently entered clinical use and offers the uncertainty, the modifier is B. The lumbar modifier gives
possibility of repeated lengthening using an external magnet in a measure lumbar coronal plane deformity. The final measure is
the outpatient clinic, obviating the need for repeated surgery. the degree of kyphosis from T5-T12, normal (in this classifica-
Another possible solution is to selectively inhibit growth on tion) is 10e40 .
the curve convexity. This technique is still somewhat experi- This classification is two-dimensional and addresses both the
mental and not widely adopted although it has been used in both sagittal and the coronal plane. Work continues to find a truly 3D
EOIS and late-onset idiopathic scoliosis (LOIS). Memory metal classification. These classification systems do not address the
(Nitinol) staples are used on the convexity of the spine to arrest problems of which the patients complain e their cosmesis.
or slow growth in much the same way as staples across the
physis are used to correct deformity around the knee. Memory
metal staples undergo a change in shape at a sharply defined
Idiopathic e arising spontaneously or from an obscure or
temperature, being inserted ‘open’ and closing when they reach
unknown cause.
body temperature. The problems with this technique relate to the
There are many theories regarding the aetiology of LOIS, but
staples themselves and the application of the staples. Nitinol is
much remains unknown. Endocrine, neurological, muscular and
difficult to make and work with and contains nickel, which is
skeletal causes have all been postulated. It is more common in
a potential carcinogen. It is difficult to be sure of the optimum
tall and slim (exomorphic) females. The deformity is lordosis
position for a staple around the physis (which is a circular
with scoliosis, or lordo-scoliosis. The rotation of the curve as the
structure); misplaced staples will induce sagittal plane deformity.
spine deforms may give the appearance of kyphosis on the
standard lateral radiograph, but a derotated view will give a more
Late-onset idiopathic scoliosis (LOIS) accurate assessment. It is thought that excess anterior spinal
Late-onset idiopathic scoliosis is a relatively common condition. growth relative to posterior growth reduces the stability of the
Small curves are more common than large curves. The preva- thoracic kyphosis, which then buckles to produce a scoliosis.8
lence of curves greater than 10 is 2%; for curves greater than
30 , the prevalence is 0.2e0.3%. Overall, only 6 in 10 000 Natural history
children will require treatment for LOIS. The main driver of progression in late onset curves is remaining
The gender ratio approaches 1:1 for curves of 10 although for growth. Indicators of remaining growth correlate with curve
curves greater than 20 , the male/female ratio is 1:5. Small progression:

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 408 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 5 The Lenke classification of late-onset idiopathic scoliosis.

(Illustration Copyright by AOSpine International, Switzerland).

In the long term, LOIS patients have a normal life expec-

Risk of progression (>5 ) tancy.9,10 The incidence of back pain is no higher than the
general population, but when painful episodes do occur they may
C Age <10 88% be a little more severe and last a little longer than the average.
C Age >15 29% Unexplained back pain in this group should prompt a search for
C Pre-menarche 53% other possible causes, especially pathologies that cause painful
C Post-menarche 11% scoliosis, such as osteoid osteoma or spondylolysis.
C Risser grade 0 68% There is an increased awareness of body image in this group,
C Risser grade 3e4 18% and there is certainly a psychological effect of the deformity. Girls
with LOIS have a higher incidence of eating disorders and a lower
BMI (body mass-index).
LOIS does not cause significant cardiopulmonary compromise
The Risser grade is the degree of fusion of the iliac apophysis as unless the curve is very large. A curve size of 80e90 is often quoted
seen on an AP radiograph. At grade 0 the apophysis has yet to as a threshold for such compromise, although in truth some degree
appear. At grade 5 it is fully fused. Grades 1e4 represent of measurable pulmonary dysfunction may be seen across all curve
progressive fusion of the apophysis to the iliac blade from lateral sizes. In contrast, severe pulmonary dysfunction is much more
to medial. common in EOIS. The important distinction is where pulmonary
Menarche is a useful indicator of growth. Girls grow rapidly for dysfunction becomes clinically significant. Patients with a curve of
18 months before and 18 months after menarche. Formal more than 50 may have symptoms of exertional dyspnoea.
assessment of bone age using a radiograph including the left hand There is little evidence that LOIS causes any significant
and wrist is also useful. Even with significant remaining growth, problems in pregnancy of childbirth. There may be difficulties in
small curves are unlikely to progress. Data for curves of 5e19 siting an epidural in women who have had previous long
shows that 22% progress if the child is Risser grade 0e1, and only posterior fusions.
1.6% progress if the child is Risser grade 2e4. Note that a curve of There is long term data to suggest that all curves progress
5 is below the current accepted threshold for a diagnosis of a little, even after skeletal maturity. This progression is approx-
scoliosis. imately 0.5 per year on average. Progression is more rapid in

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 409 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 6 (a) and (b) Pre and postoperative PA radiographs of a Lenke 1A-late-onset idiopathic curve.

larger curves (>50 ). This data comes from a study where the years with curves less than 25 . The test costs US$3000 and the
patients were Risser grade 4e5 at entry and one could argue that full scientific methodology behind the test has yet to be fully
they were not truly skeletally mature; it should be noted that the disclosed.
spine continues to grow for a couple of years after growth of the
long bones has ceased. Treatment
A number of LOIS patients will represent to spinal surgeons as Many areas of possible treatment in LOIS remain controversial
adults with progression and degeneration in the curve, with and are still hotly debated at scientific meetings.
symptoms of pain and possibly nerve root compression. Physiotherapy can be helpful for those children who develop
back pain and in those who have significant coronal imbalance.
Natural history e genetic studies There is no good evidence that physiotherapy can alter the
There is a genetic component to LOIS. Patients with LOIS will underlying curve.
have a first degree relative with the condition in 8e20% of cases. Spinal bracing is still a common treatment in the USA.
The search for the genes responsible continues. It is likely that A spinal brace has to be worn for the majority of the time for
scoliosis is the result a complex interaction between multiple there to be any measurable effect. There is evidence that the
genes. A couple of candidate genes have been identified. brace changes the spinal shape while the brace is worn, but no
A genetic test (ScoliScoreÔ) is currently being marketed. This good evidence that the brace alters the long-term natural history
aims to stratify the risk of progression for patients with small of the curve being treated. There is a strong argument, which
curves. If a patient is stratified to a low risk group, monitoring of suggests that the brace may improve the coronal plane deformity
the curve may be less frequent. If a patient is in a high-risk group, at the expense of the sagittal plane.11 However, bracing comes
then the decision to treat the curve surgically may be made with other problems, particularly with compliance; the braces are
earlier, when the curve is smaller and surgery is technically rigid and restricting and can be unsightly. Dynamic (elasticated)
easier. The test is only suitable for Caucasian patients aged 9e13 braces have been developed, and are still being evaluated.

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 410 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 7 (a) and (b) Pre and postoperative PA radiographs of a Lenke 3CN late-onset idiopathic curve.

Surgery can change the underlying spinal shape and the vertebra. The highest level should be chosen to ensure that the
cosmetic appearance (Figures 6 and 7).12e15 A curve of less than shoulders become or remain level and there should be a normal
40 is unlikely to require surgical treatment on the grounds of sagittal profile at the junction from fused to unfused. The lowest
dyscosmesis. The aims of scoliosis surgery are to prevent level should be selected based on the neutral and stable vertebra
progression and leave a stable and well-balanced spine with the on the standing film, as well as examining the correction
maximum safe cosmetic correction, preserving as many motion achieved across the disc spaces on the bending films. Choices
segments as possible. Cosmetic correction equates to level regarding the precise levels of fusion will be determined by the
shoulders, centralization of the trunk with balanced waist crea- choice of approach and the philosophy of correction.
ses and correction of spinal axial rotation to reduce the rib or loin Scoliosis surgery is a major undertaking and carries signifi-
prominence. cant risks. Spinal cord function is monitored during the proce-
There is a decision to be made regarding the approach taken dure, most commonly using somatosensory evoked potentials
and which levels to fuse.16 The majority of scoliosis surgery is (SSEPs) using posterior tibial nerve stimulation at the ankle and
done via a posterior approach. Anterior surgery may be indicated detection of evoked potentials by scalp electrodes or an epidural
for larger, stiffer curves and is usually combined with posterior electrode placed in the upper thoracic or lower cervical level. In
fixation. Thoracotomy in scoliosis results in a statistically recent years the monitoring standard has developed to include
significant decrease in lung function (10%).17 The clinical motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in conjunction with SSEPs.
significance of this is unclear. As the motor and sensory pathways travel in different spinal
To identify fusion levels, the simple rule followed in the tracts, multimodal monitoring gives much more information
majority of cases is to identify the end vertebrae i.e. the vertebrae regarding spinal cord function and is believed to increase the
with endplates that are most tilted from the horizontal plane and safety profile for scoliosis surgery. EMG monitoring is more
fuse all structural curves from upper end-vertebra to lower end frequently being used in conjunction with SSEPs (the motor and

ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 411 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

sensory pathways travel in different spinal tracts and monitoring 6 Stirling AJ, Howel D, Millner PA, Sadiq S, Sharples D, Dickson RA.
both gives more information regarding cord function). Neural Late-onset idiopathic scoliosis in children six to fourteen years old.
complications occur in 1:150 cases (e.g. dural tear and nerve root A cross-sectional prevalence study. J Bone Jt Surg Am Sep 1996; 78:
injury). Spinal cord injury occurs in approximately 1:325 cases. 1330e6.
In the two recent large reported series of complications, all cord 7 Millner PA, Dickson RA. Idiopathic scoliosis: biomechanics and
injuries recovered. biology. Eur Spine J 1996; 5: 362e73.
Patients should be counselled pre-operatively regarding the 8 Weinstein S. Natural history. Spine 1999; 24: 2592.
degree of correction that surgery can deliver. It is unlikely that 9 Weinstein SL, Ponseti IV. Curve progression in idiopathic scoliosis.
that the correction will normalize all measurable parameters. In J Bone Jt Surg Am 1983 Apr; 65: 447e55.
some cases it is better to leave small balanced curves, than 10 Dickson RA, Weinstein SL. Bracing (and screening) e yes or no?
attempt 100% correction. The important factor is overall cosm- J Bone Jt Surg Br 1999 Mar; 81: 193e8.
esis and this is the hardest outcome to measure! 11 Hibbs RA. A report of fifty-nine cases of scoliosis treated by the
fusion operation. J Bone Jt Surg 1924; 6: 3.
Conclusion 12 Harrington PR. Treatment of scoliosis: correction and internal fixation
Late-onset idiopathic scoliosis is the most commonly seen by spine instrumentation. J Bone Jt Surg 1962; 44-A: 591e610.
scoliotic deformity in the paediatric population. The clinician 13 Dickson RA, Archer I. Surgical treatment of late-onset idiopathic thoracic
should keep an open mind to alternative diagnoses, even in the scoliosis. The leeds procedure. J Bone Jt Surg Br 1987; 69: 709.
‘typical’ late-onset idiopathic scoliosis patient. A 14 Lenke LG, Kuklo TR, Ondra S, Polly Jr DW. Rationale behind the
current state-of-the-art treatment of scoliosis (in the pedicle screw
era). Spine 2008; 33: 1051e4.
15 Gummerson NW, Millner PA. Spinal fusion for scoliosis, clinical
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1 Winter RB, Moe JH, Eilers VE. Congenital scoliosis a study of 234 2010 Oct; 39: 939e42.
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3 Mehta MH. The rib-vertebra angle in the early diagnosis between Spine 2007; 32: 2641e3.
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4 King HA, Moe JH, Bradford DS, Winter RB. The selection of fusion
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5 Lenke LG, Betz RR, Harms J, et al. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: The authors would like to thank Dr James Rankine, who provided
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ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 25:6 412 Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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