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General Instructions
Take color print of the paper. Paper consists of following five types of questions.
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
2. Fill in the blanks
3. True / False
4. Short Questions
5. Identification of pictures
Teacher will ask 04 parts in random from each student from each type of question and
twenty parts in total. Teacher will count the correct answers and will multiply it by 5 to get
the total marks obtained by the student. For example: Teacher asks 04 parts from each
question (20 in total) and if student provides answers of 17 parts correctly, then teacher will
award (17 x 5 = 85) eighty five marks to that student.
Teacher can ask questions in Urdu / English medium as per medium of instruction of
the students.

‫ اصتورییکاچہپن‬.5
‫ےسرضبدںی۔ہیربمناطبلملعےکلکاحلص‬5 ‫( ازجاوپںیھچ۔ااتسدحیحصوجاابتںینگاوراسوک‬20)‫ااتسداکیاطبلملعےسرہوسال ےساچرازجا اوروپرےرپیپےسلکسیب‬
‫(اچپیسربمندے‬17 x5 =85) ‫اکحیحصوجابداتیےہوتااتسداطبلملعوک‬17‫رکدہربمنوہںےگ۔اثملےکوطررپااتسدرہوسالےساچرازجاوپاتھچےہاوراطبلملعسیبںیمےس‬
Q.NO.1. Ask any four parts from the following Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and
award five marks for each correct answer.
)i(. Christians go for prayer in: : ‫یحیسمولگابعدترکےناجےتںیہ‬.(i)
a) Masjid ‫دجسم‬ b) Temple ‫دنمر‬ c) Church ‫رچچ‬
)ii(. The holy book of Hindus is:
a) Bhagwat Gita ‫وگھبتاتیگ‬ b) Holy Bible ‫ابلبئدقمس‬ c) Zaboor ‫زوبر‬
‫‪)iii(.‬‬ ‫‪All religions teach us:‬‬
‫)‪a‬‬ ‫‪fighting‬‬ ‫ڑلایئرکان‬ ‫‪b) virtue‬‬ ‫یکینرکان‬ ‫‪c) telling a lie‬‬ ‫وھجٹوبانل‬
‫‪)iv(.‬‬ ‫‪It is a moral value:‬‬
‫)‪a‬‬ ‫‪live in peace‬‬ ‫انمےسرانہ‬ ‫دنگیگالیھپان ‪b) spreading dirt‬‬ ‫‪c) misbehave‬‬ ‫رُباولسکرکان‬
‫‪)v(.‬‬ ‫‪The Lord Jesus Christ began to preach in the age of:‬‬
‫)‪ُ .(v‬خداودنوسیعحیسمےن‪----‬یکرمعںیمغیلبترشوعیک‪:‬‬
‫)‪a‬‬ ‫‪ten years‬‬ ‫دساسل‬ ‫سیباسل ‪b) twenty years‬‬ ‫‪c) thirty years‬‬ ‫سیتاسل‬
‫‪Q.NO.2. Ask any four parts from the following fill in the Blanks questions and award‬‬
‫‪five marks for each correct answer.‬‬
‫وسالربمن‪2‬۔دنمرہجذلی اخیلہگجُرپرکےنےکوساالتںیمےسوکیئےساچرازجاءوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکےئلاپچنربمندںی۔‬

‫‪)i). We should __________ other human beings.‬‬

‫(‪ .(i‬ںیمہدورسےااسنونںیکـــــــــــــــــرکیناچےئیہ۔‬
‫)‪(a‬‬ ‫‪worship‬‬ ‫ابعدت‬ ‫)‪(b‬‬ ‫‪respect‬‬ ‫زعت‬
‫‪)ii). Hindus go to _________ for worship.‬‬
‫(‪ .(ii‬دنہووپاجےکےئلــــــــــــــــــــــاجےتںیہ۔‬
‫)‪(a‬‬ ‫‪temple‬‬ ‫دنمر‬ ‫)‪(b‬‬ ‫‪church‬‬ ‫رچچ‬
‫‪)iii). Holy Book of Muslims Quran Majeed was revealed in ___________language.‬‬
‫(‪ .(iii‬املسمونںیکدقمساتکبرقآندیجم ــــــــــــــــــــزابنںیمانزلوہیئ۔‬
‫)‪(a‬‬ ‫‪Hebrew‬‬ ‫ربعاین‬ ‫)‪(b‬‬ ‫‪Arabic‬‬ ‫رعیب‬
‫‪)iv). Pharaoh drowned with his army in ______.‬‬
‫(‪ .(iv‬رفوعناےنپرکشلےکاسھتـــــــــــــــــــــــںیمڈوبایگ۔‬
‫‪(a) river‬‬ ‫درای‬ ‫)‪(b‬‬ ‫‪Sea‬‬ ‫دنمسر‬

‫‪)v). The Lord Jesus Christ was born approximately ____________ years ago.‬‬
‫(‪ .(v‬آجےسرقًابیـــــــــــــــــــاسلےلہپدخاودنوسیعحیسمدیپاوہےئ۔‬
‫‪(a) two thousand‬‬ ‫دوزہار‬ ‫)‪(b‬‬ ‫‪three thousand‬‬ ‫نیتزہار‬
Q.NO.3. Ask any four parts from the following True or False (T/F) questions and award
five marks for each correct answer.
‫طلغوساالتںیمےسوکیئےساچرازجاءوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکےئلاپچنربمندںی۔‬/‫دنمرہجذلی حیحص‬

(i) Ancient texts in Hinduism are called ‫دنہودرھمںیمدقمیرحتریوںوکودیےتہکںیہ۔‬.(i)


(ii) All religions believe that the soul ‫بسذمابہاکدیقعہےہہکروحیھبکںیہنرمیت۔‬.(ii)

never dies.

(iii) Hurting someone is a moral value. ‫یسکوکفیلکتدانیاکیاالخیقدقرےہ۔‬.(iii)

(iv) Lord Jesus Christ gave life to the ‫دخاودنوسیعحیسمرُمدوںوکزدنہرکدےتیےھت۔‬.(iv)

(v) Hazrat Moses ‫ہیلعاالسلم‬was brought up ‫رضحتومٰیسہیلعاالسلمیکرپورشرفوعنےکلحمںیموہیئ۔‬.(v)
in Pharaoh’s palace.

Q.NO.4. Ask any four parts from the following Short Questions and award five marks
for each correct answer.

(i) What does religion teach us? ‫ذمبہںیمہایکاھکساتےہ؟‬.(i)

(ii) Which is the Holy Book of Jews? ‫وہیدویںیکدقمساتکبوکنیسےہ؟‬.(ii)

(iii) Which is the Holy Book of Muslims? ‫املسمونںیکدقمساتکبوکنیسےہ؟‬.(iii)

(iv) State two effects of education on human ‫میلعتےکااسنینزدنیگرپدوارثاتایبنرکںی۔‬.(iv)

(v) State any two moral values. ‫وکیئیسدواالخیقادقارایبنرکںی۔‬.(v)
Q.No.5. Ask any four identification questions from the following by matching column A
and column B and award five marks for each correct answer.
‫ ۔دنمرہجذلیاصتورییکانشتخرکںیاوراکملافلوکاکملبےسگنچیمرکںی۔وکیئےساچرزجوپںیھچاوررہحیحصوجابےکےئلاپچنربمندںی۔‬5‫وسالربمن‬

Column “B”‫اکمل‬/ Column “A” / ‫اکملافل‬


Egyptian pyramid






Cleaning of Teeth


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