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Requirements for Literature Survey Paper (Spring 2023) (Contributes 40% to final course grade)

by Haluk S. Balkan -

You are required to write an original and comprehensive Literature Survey Paper, publishable in a
scientific journal. In addition to information in your textbook and related course recordings, I suggest you look
at the information given in the following link:

1- The review must cite at least 10 journal articles which were published on 2012 or later in your
review topic.
2- Your review should not only summarize those papers but you should also critisize those papers.
3- In your conclusion, indicate the gaps in those literature that may require further research.

Use 12 point Times New Roman font.

Due dates and Format:

The deadline for submitting both the hard and soft copies of your Literature Survey paper is 6th of April 2023,
17:00 ( North Cyprus time). You may upload soft copy of your paper, starting on 30th of March 2023. You
should hand in the hard copy of your paper either in my office (ST211) during my office hours (14:15-16:00 on
Mondays and Thursday or at the beginning of the lecture, at the classroom, on the due date.

You must upload the soft copy of your assignment to proper location RESERVED FOR THAT PURPOSE IN
EMN525 MOODLE PAGE, where this anouncements appears:
1- The soft copy of your assignment should be a Word document file and its file name should be
“nnnnnnnn.doc”, or “nnnnnnnn.docx”, where “nnnnnnnn” should be your student number. File name
in any other format will be penalized 10 points.
I will send that copy to for plagiarism control and I will also send you a copy of the your
turnitin result report, if you have above 10% plagiarism. I will be sending these papers to your e-mail address.
2- The hard copy of your paper should be printed on a white A4 size paper without a cover page. Your name
and student number should appear below the title of your paper as the author name

Due date and hour is a deadline, if you cannot upload your soft copy and hand in your hard copy after the
deadline, you will get a “Zero” grade from this assignment. NO SOFT COPY FILES WILL BE ACCEPTED BY
e-mail or any method other than as explained above. No sad stories will be entertained, therefore do not wait
until the last minutes, before the deadline, to upload your file. If you upload early and later you find out that your
paper needs improvement, you may also upload the improved pdf file as long as you upload the second set
before the deadline. I will consider the latest submited file in such cases. Make sure that your hard and soft
copies have identical contents.


Your paper should be written in a scientific periodical artical format and Your Full name and Student number
should be placed as the author of that paper.the soft copies of your paper will be controlled by Turnitin program
for plagiarism. Depending on the percentage of plagiarism in your paper, your paper grade will be adjusted as

0 to 10% plagiarism, your grade will be multiplied by 1.0 (that is no penalty);

11 to 20% plagiarism, your grade will be multiplied by 0.9 (that is 10% penalty will be deducted);
21 to 30% plagiarism, your grade will be multiplied by 0.8 (that is 20% penalty will be deducted);
30 to 40% plagiarism, your grade will be multiplied by 0.7 (that is 30% penalty will be deducted);
40% or more plagiarism, your grade will be ZERO.
Up to 5% proper quatations will be tolerated.

The reason for these penalties are that following the rules, promptness and ethichal values are the
requirements of a proper research.

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