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Unit 4

1. State the Biot-Savart’s law with mathematical expression.

2. Explain the concept of divergence and curl of a vector.
3. State Gauss’s law in electrostatics and give its expressions in integral and differential
4. What is meant by flux of an electric field?
5. What is the physical significance of equations (i) ∇.B=0 and (ii) ∇.D=ρ?
6. Differential and Integral form
7. A point charge of + 6q is placed at the center of an electrically neutral spherical
conducing shell with inner radius a and outer radius b. What is the net electric field at
a distance r from the center of the shell if (i) r<a, (ii) b>r>a, and (iii) r>b?
Solution (similar problem)

8. A metallic sphere of 1m diameter is immersed in oil of relative permittivity 2.5 and

dielectric strength of 8×106 V/m. Evaluate the maximum amount of charge that can be
held on the sphere.
9. Two point charges of 0.7mC and 4.9µC are situated in free space at (2,3,6) and (0,0,0).
Assume distances are in meter; calculate the force acting on the 0.7mC charge. [Ans.
0.63 N]
Unit 5

1. State the relation between the nuclear radius and the mass number of an atom
2. Define atomic mass unit. Convert the energy of 1 a.m.u. to MeV.

3. With the help of a neat labelled diagram, explain the principle, construction and
working of a scintillation counter
4. With the help of a neat labelled diagram, explain the principle, construction and
working of a GM counter
5. Why Plasma is defined as a quasi-neutral gas?
6. State any two applications of plasma in real life.
Unit 6

1. Classify the nanomaterials based on their dimensions and give an example for each of
2. List any two properties of a superconductor.
3. What is the Meissner effect?
4. Explain the isotope effect and its significance.
5. The critical temperature Tc for Hg with isotopic mass 199.5 is 4.185 K. What will be
its critical temperature when its isotopic mass is increased to 203.4?
6. Explain Penetration depth for superconductors.
7. The critical temperature of lead is 7.2 K. Determine the penetration depth in lead at 5.1
K if the penetration depth at 0 K is 380 Å.
8. The critical temperature Tc for Hg with isotopic mass 199.5 is 4.185 K. What will be
its critical temperature when its isotopic mass is increased to 203.4? (Ans: Tc2 = 4.1446

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