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APTITUDE TEST–Test (3731) – 2022

Option (a) is correct. The lines ―It is considered as the only viable option for reducing the gap between
production and consumption of fish‖. This shows that aquaculture is the best method. So, it best reflects
the crux in the given option.
Option (b) is incorrect. According to the passage, Egypt certainly has a lot of production through
aquaculture but there is no discussion on its potential at the world level. There is no indication also
towards the same in the passage. Hence, this is not the best-implied crux.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines ―… production of Egypt with over 99% produced from privately owned
farms‖. This merely shows that the private sector has the maximum share, but this doesn‟t mean the state
needs to intervene. So, this option is not the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines “Most aquaculture activities are in the Nile delta region‖. This line
merely states a fact about the area of production. But it cannot be concluded that there is a need for other
basins to be explored. So, this is not the crux of the passage.

Assumption 1 is incorrect. In the passage, there is no discussion on whether trust is the foundation of any
interaction or not. Only Two kinds of approaches (psychological and behavioural) are discussed with
regards to the meaning of trust. So, this statement is not a valid assumption.
Assumption 2 is incorrect. There is no comparison between the two approaches in the passage. So, to
conclude that one is better than the other is not correct. So, this statement is not a valid assumption.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The lines ―Civil Servants across the board strongly favour greater autonomy for
the Services and ask for the establishment of minimum tenures for federal servants‖. These lines reflect
that Civil Servants favour minimum tenure. However, its relationship with optimum performance is not
established in the passage. So, this inference is incorrect.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage ―The size of the civil service is at an all-time high,
and the quality of the civil service is deteriorating because of this increase‖. So, this statement is correct.
Statement 3 is correct. The lines ―The expansion and growth of the civil service cause several problems,
including low productivity and inefficiency in the civil service, inefficient and bad public service delivery,
and an increase in the number of cases of corruption‖. These lines establish that expansion and growth of
services leads to corruption. So, its growth should be restricted. Hence, this statement is correct.

Statement 1 is correct. The line ―Production and productivity can be improved by reducing waste and
inefficiency, and …‖. This reflects that waste and inefficiency can be caused by production issues. Hence,
this assumption is correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The passage is about scientific management, and there is no discussion on the use
of technology and its impact on the quality of production. So, this option is beyond the scope of the
passage. Hence, the assumption is not correct.

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Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is vague and a bit extreme. It is not the correct implied crux of
the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The concept of management revolution is not covered in the passage. Hence it is
beyond the scope of the passage. Therefore, it is not the correct implied crux of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. According to the passage, ―Scientific Management is, at its core, an attitude and a
philosophy that rejects the traditional hit-or-miss and rule-of-thumb approach to managing projects and
employees…. The goal of management should be to maximize wealth for both the employer and the
employee by developing each man to his maximum efficiency‖. This states with the help of scientific
management, equitable growth can be achieved and traditional weaknesses can be resolved. Hence, it is
the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines, ―Scientific Management is, at its core, an attitude and a philosophy that
rejects the traditional hit-or-miss and rule-of-thumb approach to managing projects and employees‖
mention core elements different from the one given in the option. Hence, it is not the best-implied crux.

D + 4 = H; M – 3 = J; S + 2 = U; P – 1 = O
I + 6 = O; A – 5 = V; S + 4 = W; I – 3 = F; P + 2 = R; S – 1 = R
Hence, “IASIPS” will be coded as “OVWFRR”.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Explanation for Questions 7, 8 and 9
It is given that, Bajrang lives on an odd numbered floor, and there are two persons living between Bajrang
and Lovlina. Bajrang does not live on floor number 1 or 7. Meerabai lives in an even numbered floor
above fourth floor. One person lives between Meerabai and Lovlina. Meerabai lives above Lovlina.
We can conclude that, Bajrang lives floor number 3 and MeeraBai lives on floor number 8 and Lovlina
lives on floor number 6.

Ravi lives in an even numbered floor above Bajrang. So, he must be living on floor number 4.
Only one person lives between Ravi and Sindhu. Sindhu does not live on lowermost floor and lives above
Neeraj Chopra. Only one person lives between Bajrang and Neeraj Chopra.

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Rani Rampal lives on an odd numbered floor, above floor number 3. Manprit lives somewhere above Rani
Thus, we can finally conclude the table as:

Manprit lives on 7th floor.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

Rani Rampal lives between Ravi and Lovlina.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

All except Rani Rampal, lives on an even numbered floor.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

It can be observed that it is the names of four Indian metropolis. If we fill all the blank places, it will
delhi/mumbai/kolkata/c hennai
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Positions of letters in English alphabet series:
A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4…………X = 24, Y = 25, Z = 26
So, P = 16, H = 8, Q = 17, C = 3, F = 6, N = 14, K = 11, Y = 25
Now, on analyzing the relationship of P, H and 24, we find that
P(16) + H(8) = 16 + 8 = 24
Q(17) + C(3) = 17 + 3 = 20
N(14) + F (6) = 14 + 6 = 20
K(11) + Y(25) = 11 + 25 = 36
Hence, option (b) is correct answer.

On multiplying the digits of the given numbers, we get:
729 → 7×2×9 = 126
936 → 9×3×6 = 162
868 → 8×6×8 =384
385 → 3×8×5 = 120
469 → 4×6×9 = 216
367 → 3×6×7 = 126
Thus, there are three such numbers in which the product of the digits is less than 150.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
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Given sequence:
If a number is immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a letter, then write that
symbol which comes between T and 9. i.e. “^”.
Thus, we will get ^^.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Figure given in option (a) can be formed by joining the pieces given in the question figure as shown

Hence, option (a) is correct answer.

As per the question, the letters are arranged as follows:
Thus, fourth letter to the right of the 13th letter from the right end is S.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

On separating the Odd and the Even Series, we observe the following pattern:

In the above series, 63 is the wrong term. It should be replaced with 61. Hence, option (a) is the correct

Assumption 1 is incorrect. According to the passage, there is no discussion on global deliberations and
consensus. The passage just talks about the drug menace and its manifestations. So, this statement is not a
valid assumption.
Assumption 2 is correct. The lines ―Some of these revenues can end up in the war chests of international
terrorist groups, or even finance an entire rogue state. Worldwide, some $80–100 billion ends up
channelled in such unsavoury directions. Some of Afghanistan’s revenues from the drug trade may have
benefited the Al-Qaeda network‖. These lines reflect that drugs can destroy societies and finance terror
organizations. So, this statement is a valid assumption.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage mentions, ―What looked like a manageable problem in Thailand in
August 1997 flared up into a two-year, continents-spanning financial crisis in the emerging markets of
East Asia, and then even in Russia and Brazil‖. Although there is no information on the impact on
developed countries, we cannot assume that they are immune to economic shocks. This reflects that the
statement is not correct.
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Statement 2 is correct. The lines ―What looked like a manageable problem in Thailand in August 1997
flared up ...‖ and ―The crisis inflicted a lot of damage, particularly in Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, the
Philippines, and Malaysia; poor people were affected the most‖. These lines show that economic distress
is initially manageable. However, if not handled on priority basis, it affects everybody, especially the
poor. Therefore, this statement is correct.
Statement 3 is incorrect. Although the impact of this crisis was on multiple countries, there is no
discussion in the passage on the perception of countries on globalization. There is only a limited
discussion about the impact of the crisis. But how countries perceive globalization cannot be assumed. So,
this inference is not correct.

Statement 1 is incorrect. In the lines, ―… establish more public sector jobs in less advantaged locations
with higher unemployment and lower incomes …‖, the cause of inequality is not discussed, but rather a
solution has been given. Therefore, the statement is not correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. There is no discussion on who should pay taxes. There is only limited discussion
on tax consolidation. So, this statement is not correct.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The line ―However, in another sense, to eat is also to give oneself the disease, to
poison oneself, and this when the food is of poor quality‖. The passage only talks about the quality of
food and not quantity. Hence, this assumption is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage, the lines, ―Given all this, ethno-dietetics and ethno-
nutrition appear as a body of endogenous knowledge on the nutritional, health and medical value of foods
produced by Negro-African societies‖ depict that food is considered valuable in different ways. Hence,
the assumption in the statement is correct.

Rank of Prateek from Top = Total students + 1 - Rank of Prateek from bottom = 60 + 1 - 29 = 32
Rank of Prateek will be 32nd from the top.
Therefore, option (b) is the correct answer.
Explanation for Questions 22 and 23:
Modhumita scored more than Sonchita but less than Avantika. Avantika scored 87% marks.
Avantika (87%) > Modhumita > Sonchita
Moumita scored less marks than only Porinita.
Porinita > Moumita ≥ Avantika (87%) > Modhumita > Sonchita
The one who scored the minimum marks, scored 79% marks and the one who scored the highest, scored
98% marks.
So, final arrangemernt:
Porinita (98%) > Moumita ≥ Avantika (87%) > Modhumita > Sonchita (79%)

Modhumita is the most likely to have scored 83% marks.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Moumita or Avantika scored the second highest marks.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

We will solve it step by step;
There are 9 columns containing 5 cubes each in the top block. Hence, total number of cubes in it = 9×5 =
There are 7 columns containing 4 cubes each in the second top block. Hence, total number of cubes in it =
7×4 = 28

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There are 5 columns containing 3 cubes each in the third top block. Hence, total number of cubes in it =
5×3 = 15
There is only one cube in the bottom block.
Hence, total number of cubes in the given figure = 45 + 28 + 15 + 1 = 89
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Culture is civilization → 759 ……….(i)
Civilization are ethics → 369 ………(ii)
Culture is ethics → 675 ……………..(iii)
Religion also civilization → 924 ………...(iv)
From equations (ii) and (iii),
ethics → 6
From equations (i) and (ii),
civilization → 9
From equations (i) and (iii),
Culture / is → 7 / 5
We can‟t get the exact code for “is” and “religion”. So, the given data is not sufficient.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

If each consonant of the word „EXAMINATION‟ is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical
series and each vowel is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series, then we get:
Now, arranging all these letters according to English alphabets series, we get:
In the above, seventh letter from the right end is “N”.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

The question figure is embedded in option (a) as shown below:

Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

Statement 1 is incorrect. This assumption is beyond the scope of the passage because it is not established
in the passage that education is a must for contribution to global society.
Statement 2 is correct. The lines, ―Education is a kind of universal right because it provides ―human
capabilities,‖ in the words of economist Amartya Sen the essential and individual power to reflect, make
choices, and steer towards a better life‖ reflect that empowerment is possible through education. So, this
statement is correct.
Statement 3 is incorrect. The passage mentions, ―Even from a moral standpoint, one could argue that
education is a kind of universal right because it provides…‖. Here, education is stated to be a universal
right, but whether it is critical for moral and ethical development cannot be assumed.
Statement 4 is incorrect. There is no discussion on the role of the government in achieving 100% literacy.
Also, literacy is different from education.

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Statement 1 is incorrect. There is no discussion on giving legal backing to community policing. So, this is
beyond the scope of the passage. So, this assumption is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage, “the police are not seen as a problem or stranger whose
presence stands for danger but as partners in development …‖. This reflects that public perception
changes with such policing. So, this statement is a valid assumption.
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions ―Despite the establishment of community policing and
numerous efforts by various police administrations to curtail the level of crime in Ethiopia, crime and
social disorder persist in the country‖. So, community policing may not be the best model and nowhere in
the passage is such a thing mentioned. Hence, this option does not reflect the best central idea.
Option (b) is correct. The essence of the passage about policing is that the involvement of the community
is important but community policing alone cannot control crimes, like in Ethiopia. Hence, if society is
ethical and follows the rules, then social order can be easily maintained. So, this option best reflects the
central idea.
Option (c) is incorrect. There is no discussion on reducing police burden by involving the community. So,
this statement is not the central idea.
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines ―One rationale for public involvement is the belief that police alone can
neither create nor maintain safe communities‖. So, the statement provided in the option is not correct.

Barfi and Chocolate are dry in nature, while Rosogolla is a syrupy dessert. Rosogolla is called Barfi. So,
Barfi is a syrupy dessert.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Explanation for Questions 32, 33 and 34:
In the first round each team played against each of the other teams. So, each team must have played 7
matches each.
Each country had a different number of wins. So, one team must have won all 7 matches, one must have
won 6, one must have won 5, and so on.
Now, we know that:
i. A won the least number of matches. It means it won 0 matches.
ii. C lost all of its matches against all the other countries except D, who lost only one.
We can represent the above information in the form of the following table.

As F and D were in the finals, they must have won the greatest number of matches. So, F must have won
all the matches.
Also, E and H occupy 3rd and 4th positions after the first round.

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Now, B won more matches than G. So, the final standings after the first round will be as follows:

32. (d)
From the above table, it is clear that D won six matches in the first round.

33. (d)
From the above table, it is clear G won 2 matches in the first round.

34. (c)
From the above table, it is clear that F won the highest number of matches in the first round.

Given series:
2 4 7 8 9 11 16 19 23 25 28 31 36 40 41 46 49 54 67 73 82 89 97
Prime numbers in the series are: 2, 7, 11, 19, 23, 31, 41, 67, 73, 89 and 97.
After deleting prime numbers from the given series, we get:
4 8 9 16 25 28 36 40 46 49 54 82
Arranging them in descending order, we get:
82 54 49 46 40 36 28 25 16 9 8 4
Thus, 25 will be the 5th element from the right end in such an arrangement.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.
Logic: n3 – (n – 1)3 + (n + 1)2
13 - 03 + 22 = 1 – 0 + 4 = 5
23 - 13 + 32 = 8 – 1 + 9 = 16
33 - 23 + 42 = 27 – 8 + 16 = 35
43 - 33 + 52 = 64 – 27 + 25 = 62
53 - 43 + 62 = 125 – 64 + 36 = 97
63 - 53 + 72 = 216 – 125 + 49 = 140
73 - 63 + 82 = 343 – 216 + 64 = 191
Thus, there should be 191 in place of 193.
Hence, option (b) is correct.
In 1st figure, a circle is on the triangle.
In 2nd figure, circle comes inside the triangle and all lines inside the triangle of 1st figure are moved
outside of the triangle.
In 3rd figure, a square is on the circle.
In 4th figure, square comes inside the circle, and all lines inside the circle of 3 rd figure are moved outside
of the circle.
Thus, the figure formed will be:

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

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Option (a) is correct. The whole essence of the passage is about multiple issues caused by deforestation
and that too on a global level. So, their protection is a must for survival. Therefore, this best reflects the
central idea of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines ―Since forests also tend to moderate runoff during rains and thaws, their
loss makes mudslides and downstream flooding more frequent—Himalayan Forest losses have made life
much harder in lower-lying Bangladesh‖ are only in a limited context, whereas option (a) presents a
broader and more appropriate central idea. Hence, this does not best reflect the central idea of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. In the lines, “Since forests also tend to moderate runoff during rains and thaws,
their loss makes mudslides and downstream flooding more frequent‖, the given option about controlling
erratic monsoon is not established. Hence this is not the central idea of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. There is no discussion concerning issues in the implementation of forest laws. So,
this statement is beyond the scope of the passage and hence it is not the central idea of the passage.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage mentions that “Traditional industrial design is about functions and
forms‖. This just reflects the limited context of elements of traditional design, but the elements may still
be very much a part of the design, as reflected in the lines, ―this is also due to the functions of products
are increasingly complex to interact, i.e., electrical/computers devices, mobile phones and multifunctional
products‖. So, this statement is not correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. According to the passage, ―Technology revolution results in products getting
more complex, in that multimodality interfaces include car dashboard and aircraft cockpits that display
information such as engine temperature, fuels level, speed etc.‖ It is just talking about products getting
complex and user experience getting simpler (“So that industrial design now emphasizes bettering user
experience”). So, this statement is not a logical inference.
Statement 3 is correct. The passage mentions that ―However, technology innovation has shifted industrial
design from the stage of technology-driven to user-centred design-driven, this is also due to the functions
of products are increasingly complex to interact, i.e., electrical/computers devices, mobile phones and
multifunctional products‖. This reflects that changing functions have resulted in the change of design of
technology, as well. So, this statement is correct.

Option (a) is correct. The lines ―Appropriate disposal of used menstrual material is still lacking in many
countries of the world‖ and ―… most of the women dispose of their sanitary pads or other menstrual
articles into domestic solid wastes or garbage bins … ―show that disposal of menstrual waste is not a
priority. So, it best reflects the crux.
Option (b) is incorrect. According to the passage, there is no discussion on the recycling of waste. So, this
option is not the best-implied crux.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines ―… most of the women dispose of their sanitary pads or other menstrual
articles into domestic solid wastes or garbage bins that ultimately become a part of solid wastes‖. This
shows that the menstrual waste becomes part of solid waste but no discussion on rules is present in the
passage. So, this option is not the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines ―… most of the women dispose of their sanitary pads or other menstrual
articles into domestic solid wastes …‖. There is an assertion that menstrual waste becomes part of solid
waste but no details of parity in disposal are given in the passage. So, this is not the crux of the passage.

Option (a) is correct. The passage clearly indicates the significance of regionalism. It helps uncover old
traditions, methods, cultures that are much more appealing to wider social groups.
Option (b) is incorrect. There is no mention of „nation‟ in the passage. It also makes no mention of
regionalism, the central keyword of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The passage does not make any mention and comparison of traditional versus
modern medicine.
Option (d) is incorrect. There is no Indian context provided in the passage.

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Option (a) is close but not the correct option. Though the passage clearly indicates that there is a stigma
attached to the nursing profession, which is considered lowly, it is not the central theme of the passage,
which goes beyond to mainly emphasize upon the implications of this stigma. The implications of this
stigma is the best implied and central theme of the passage. Therefore, this is an incorrect option.
Option (b) is incorrect. The statement in the option uses the word “rampant” and the passage mentions
that „There is little data on the gendered nature of violence experienced by healthcare workers during this
pandemic’. Therefore, it is not the best option.
Option (c) is correct. The passage states that “research before the pandemic had found that most violence
is targeted at female nurses in emergency departments with long waiting times, in isolated places at
patients’ homes, or in geriatric and psychiatric departments. In addition, women healthcare workers
experience many forms of routine violence that might not be physical in nature, but is discriminatory,
intimidating and threatening.”
Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not make any comparison between countries in the passage.

Assumption is an unstated or hidden fact which supports the conclusion or arguments made in the
Statement 1 is a valid assumption The term „Non-human primates‟, mentioned in the first line of the
passage, implies that there exists a category of animals (living beings) that are termed, „primates‟.
Thereafter, the author, for the sake of the passage, sub-divides them into „human‟ and „other- non-human‟.
While the latter is specifically mentioned, the former can be stated to be a valid assumption.
Statement 2 is invalid as it is the other way round. The last line of passage says “Further, they were
surprised by the fact that listeners responded more quickly and accurately, and with a higher neural
sensitivity, to non-alarming and positive scream calls than to alarming screams.”, which suggests that
humans are more sensitive to positive screams like whooping, i.e. screaming in enthusiasm. Hence,
Option (a) is the correct answer.

The message of a passage implies the intent of the author behind the passage. It gives a sense of the
motive of the author behind writing the passage.
Choice of Option (a) is incorrect. As the passage clearly says “Non-human primates and other mammalian
species frequently use scream-like calls when embroiled in social conflicts or to signal the presence of
predators and other threats.” which suggests that primates scream in aggression.
Choice of Option (b) is incorrect. As there is no link between positive screams and well-being made in the
Choice of Option (c) is close but incorrect. Though the statement is correct as evident from the lines “In
contrast to primates and other animal species, human scream calls seem to have become more diversified
over the course of human evolution -- something that considers being a big evolutionary leap.” But it is
not the main idea being conveyed by the passage. Focus of passage is more on the various types of
Choice of Option (d) is correct as the passage clearly states that studies found 6 types of screams in
humans, i.e. they got more diversified over the course of human evolution. This is evident from the lines
“The results revealed six emotionally distinct types of scream calls indicating pain, anger, fear, pleasure,
sadness and joy. In contrast to primates and other animal species, human scream calls seem to have
become more diversified over the course of human evolution -- something that is considered a big
evolutionary leap.”
Given series: WLIP7, ZING2, DANK8, JOAL9, UEAR3
New series: FLIP7, PING2, PANK8, FOAL9, FEAR3
FLIP means to turn.
PING means a short-pitched sound.
FOAL means young-one of horse.
FEAR means afraid.
Except PANK, all other 4 words are meaningful English words. Hence, option (c) is correct.
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Here, each term of the series is divided by a number. First term is divided by 1, second term is divided by
„2‟, third term is divided by „3‟, fourth term is divided by „4‟. So, the fifth term will be divided by 5.
For numerator:
1st term = 13 + 1 = 2
2nd term = 23 + 1 = 9
3rd term = 33 + 1 = 28
4th term = 43 + 1 = 65
5th term = 53 + 1 = 126
So, ? = 126/5
Hence, option (a) is correct answer.
Explanation for Questions 47, 48 and 49:
It is given that,
Civil engineers ⟶ Prabhash, Deepak, Pawan
Mechanical engineers ⟶ Saumya, Richa, Vidisha, Deepti
Richa ↮ Prabhash
Richa ↮ Vidisha
Pawan ↮ Deepti
It is given that, team consists of 4 members and there must be at least two civil engineers in the team. It
means that team will have either 2 civil engineers & 2 mechanical engineers or 3 civil engineers & 1
mechanical engineer.
All possible combinations of teams when there are 2 civil engineers:
(Prabhash, Deepak, Saumya, Vidisha), (Prabhash, Deepak, Saumya, Deepti), (Prabhash, Deepak, Vidisha,
Deepti), (Deepak, Pawan, Saumya, Richa), (Deepak, Pawan, Saumya, Vidisha), (Pawan, Prabhash,
Saumya, Vidisha)
All possible combinations of teams when there are 3 civil engineers:
(Prabhash, Deepak, Pawan, Saumya), (Prabhash, Deepak, Pawan, Vidisha)

Team with the combination (Prabhash, Deepak, Deepti, Richa) cannot be formed.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

Hence, only 8 possible teams can be formed.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

When there are 2 civil engineers in the team, then the possible combination of teams is six. So, option (a)
is incorrect.
When there are 3 civil engineers in the team, then the possible combination of teams formed is two. So,
option (c) is incorrect.
The number of mechanical engineers in the team is either less than or equal to civil engineers. Thus,
option (b) is the correct statement.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

It is given that 1 is opposite to 5 and 2 is opposite to 3. So, 4 will definitely lie opposite to 6.
2 cannot lie opposite to any of the two numbers 4 or 6. Hence, 2 necessarily lies adjacent to both 4 and 6.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

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Pictorial representation of the given cuboid:

Each cube or cuboid has eight corners, and the corner small cubes are the only cubes that have 3 exposed
faces – all of them will be painted with different colours.
Hence, the required number of small cubes is 8.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

We know that cubes with no surface painted can be found using the formula:
(x - 2)3, where x is number of small cubes on any edge/side of the larger cube. Here x = 6
Therefore, Inner smaller cubes = (6 - 2)3 = 64

The first layer of the cube looks like the matrix given below:

We notice that each of the cubes in the second layer will be numbered 64 + n, where n is the small cube
directly below the cube in question. Each of the cubes in the third layer will be numbered 64 x 2 + n, and
so on.
In general, to find the number on a particular cube 'P' on the kth layer, we can use the formula P = (k - 1)
64 + n, where n is the number on the bottom-most cube below P.
Since the diagonal being referred to in this question is on the bottom-most layer, we can refer to the
diagram given above. Clearly the diagonal is made up of numbers forming an arithmetic progression,
where the first term is 8, and the common difference is 7. There are 8 terms in all. We can find the sum of
all the numbers using the AP formula:
Sum= (n/2) [2a + (n−1)d] = (2 × 8 + 7 × 7) × 4 = 260

On the basis of the given coding, we can conclude that:
H is coded as *, O is coded as +, W is coded as $, R is coded as ^, A is coded as @
Thus, HOWRAH will be coded as *+$^@*.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

Given number series: 573 489 985 378 789
If all digits in each of the given numbers are arranged in descending order, then we get:
573 => 753
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489 => 984
985 => 985
378 => 873
789 => 987
On observing the above data carefully, we find that 984 is the third highest number.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Given series: negotiation, negotiatio, egotiatio, egotiati, gotiati, ?
One letter from the end, and one letter from the beginning of the given word is removed, one by one, in
alternate steps.
Thus, next term will be “gotiat”.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

As, I – 1 = H; N – 1 = M; D – 1 = C; I – 1 = H; A – 1 = Z
Similarly, C – 1 = B; O – 1 = N; N – 1 = M; S – 1 = R; T – 1 = S; R – 1 = Q; U – 1 = T
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

Statement 1 is incorrect. According to the passage, ―Thus, significant opportunities through technological
innovations were created for enhancing the income of smallholder and rural-based dairy systems in
coming decades and hence poverty reduction‖. It is not necessary to increase the animal population for
the growth of the dairy sector. It can be done through technological innovation. So, this statement is not a
valid assumption.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The lines ―Faster development of the dairy sector is essential to de-accelerate
the deterioration of natural resources of subsoil water and soil health of Punjab‖. The line mentions „de-
accelerate‟ and not „rejuvenate‟ the natural resources. So, this statement is not a valid assumption.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The passage deals with a review of the last fifty years, not since independence.
Also, socio-economic rights are the DPSPs, not Fundamental rights. So, this inference is incorrect.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage ―This conclusion is arrived at by the persistence of
human deprivation over the last 50 years and by the existence of a series of non-freedoms, which has led
to a condition of human poverty‖. This shows that the cause of human poverty is the denial of rights. So,
enforcement may (possibility) alleviate poverty. So, this statement is a correct inference.
Statement 3 is incorrect. The lines ―This conclusion is arrived at by the persistence of human deprivation
over the last 50 years and by the existence of a series of non-freedoms, which has led to a condition of
human poverty‖. The relation is opposite, which means that the existence of a series of non-freedoms
resulted in denial of rights. Hence, this statement is not correct.

Option (a) is incorrect. Though it may be true, it‟s rather an absurd statement. It cannot be the central idea
of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines ―Given the centrality of the brain to human health, its malfunctions
should be a priority, separated from stigma and treated on par with the diseases of the body‖. This shows
that understanding of malfunctions should be prioritized not the stigma attached to malfunctions. Hence,
this is not the central idea of the passage.
Option (c) is correct. The lines ―Given the centrality of the brain to human health, its malfunctions should
be a priority, separated from stigma and treated on par with the diseases of the body‖. It talks about at
par treatment for malfunctions with other diseases of the body. So, this is the best central idea of the
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines ―As science rapidly charts the brain’s complex structures, new
discoveries are revealing the biology of how the mind functions and fails‖. This reference reflects that
with science new discoveries are possible. However, we cannot say that it‟s a priority yet.
13 ©Vision IAS

In first row:
45 is an odd number and 65is a two-digit odd number. So, condition 1 will be applied. So, 45 + 65 = 110.
Now, 110 is an even number and 22 is a two-digit even number. So, condition 2 will be applied. So, 110 ×
22 = 2420
So, resultant of first row is 2420.
In 2nd row:
64 is an even number and 4 is a perfect square number. So, condition 4 will be applied. So, 64/4 = 16
Now, 16 is an even number and 42 is a two-digit even number. So, condition 2 will be applied. So, 16 ×
42 = 672
Now, 672 is an even number and 12 is a two-digit even number. So, condition 2 will be applied. So, 672 x
12 = 8064
So, 8064 is the resultant of the second row.
Sum of the resultants of first and second rows = 2420 + 8064 = 10484
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

Explanation for Questions 62, 63 and 64:

OnePlus always performs better than Nokia. Nokia always performs better than Oppo.
Order of Ranks: OnePlus > Nokia > Oppo
Possibilities of 1st and 7th rank:
Possibility 1: If Micromax tops (1st) the quality test, then Apple gets the last rank (7th).
Possibility 2: If Samsung tops (1st) the quality test, then either Xiaomi or Oppo gets the last rank (7 th).

62. (a)
It is given that,
OnePlus > Nokia > Oppo
If OnePlus is ranked fifth, Nokia will be ranked sixth and Oppo will be ranked seventh.
It is also given that, if either Xiaomi or Oppo gets the last rank, then Samsung tops (1st).

Hence, we can say that rank of Samsung is 1st.

Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.

It is given that,
OnePlus > Nokia > Oppo
If Micromax is ranked third and Xiaomi is ranked lower than Micromax but higher than OnePlus, then:

14 ©Vision IAS

Hence, we can say that rank of Apple is 2nd.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

It is given that,
OnePlus > Nokia > Oppo
If Nokia is ranked 4th, Xiaomi is ranked 6thand Apple stood last, then Micromax will be 1st.

Here, we can say that rank of Samsung is either 2nd or 3rd.

Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

There are 64 small cubes.

Number of small cubes having only one face coloured = (x - 2)2 × Number of faces = (4 - 2)2 × 6 = 24
Note: Here, x = side of big cube / side of small cube = 4 / 1 = 4


Number of small cubes having no face coloured = (x - 2)3 = (4 - 2)3 = 8

15 ©Vision IAS

Option (a) is correct. The lines ―Palm oil processing generates lots of waste which are underutilized in
some developing countries‖ and ―This is most useful where the fertilizer market is not easily accessible‖.
This reflects that the development of markets is needed for Palm Oil Waste. So, this best reflects the crux
of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. There is no discussion on the Indian context of Palm Oil Waste. Hence, it is not
the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines ―… which is a good alternative to chemical fertilizer especially for the
treatment of ultisol and acidic soils. This is most useful where the fertilizer market is not easily
accessible‖. These lines have limited context of palm oil being an alternative, i.e. where fertilizer markets
are not accessible and not generally. Also, there is no indication in the passage that it „must‟ replace
chemical fertilizers. Therefore, this option is not the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines ―… which is a good alternative to chemical fertilizer especially for the
treatment of ultisol and acidic soils ...‖. It reflects that not all soils fertility can be improved through palm
oil waste, but only that of ultisol and acidic soils. So, this statement is not the crux of the given passage.

Option (a) is correct. The whole essence of the passage is about changes in forms of administration of
justice. Therefore, this best reflects the central idea of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The phrase “meaning of justice” is a vague term and not defined in the passage.
Hence, this does not best reflect the central idea of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines “To resolve disagreements among themselves, they enlisted the help of
their elders‖. Here, only the help of elders in justice administration is mentioned, not anything about the
hierarchical structure of society. Hence this is not the central idea of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. As per the passage, ―There we find mental evolution from natural society to
developed and civilized society, which is thought to be the historical foundation for the development of
justice administration‖. So, the administration of justice is not only a feature of developed and civilized
society. Also, the passage does not talk about slow or fast delivery of justice. So, this statement is not the
central idea of the passage.

Statement 1 is incorrect. The line ―Africa is young in democracy and its political institutions are not well
established‖ only shows that Africa is a young democracy. It cannot be assumed that mature democracy
will solve the issues of the young population. Hence, this assumption is not correct.
Statement 2 is incorrect. According to the passage, the lines ―Nonetheless, this segment of the population
is unemployed and lives in an extremely discrepant way of life. That is why most young peoples of the
continent get into violence than harnessing positive and real changes in their communities‖. Here, the
cause for violence is unemployment as per passage. So, economic empowerment should be done, and not
necessarily political empowerment. Hence, the assumption is not correct.
Option (a) is incorrect. The lines “Africa is young in democracy and its political institutions are not well
established; youth are excluded from important decision-making processes”. This reflects that youth is not
politically empowered. So, establishing strong political institutions can be a valid implication but not the
crux. Therefore, it is not the correct implied crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The lines ―Indeed, the young population in Africa is growing at an alarming
rate‖. This statement merely states the fact of the growing population, but the challenges of youth cannot
be attributed to it. Therefore, it is not the correct implied crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. According to the passage, ―Africa is young in democracy and its political
institutions are not well established‖. This states a fact of Africa being a young democracy but there is no
mention of mature democracies and their linkage to strong established political institutions. Hence, it is
not the best crux of the passage.
Option (d) is correct. The lines ―Nonetheless, this segment of the population is unemployed and lives in an
extremely discrepant way of life. That is why most young peoples of the continent get into violence than
harnessing positive and real changes in their communities‖. These lines suggest that African youth is not
economically empowered. Hence, it is the best-implied crux of the given passage.
16 ©Vision IAS
Here the first letter of the group is moved forward with a gap of one letter. The second letter of the group
is moved backward one step and the third letter of the group is moved forward one step. Proceeding like
this, we get the final letter group "LMZ".
Pictorial representation:

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

The given word: VISIONIAS
After rearranging the letters of the given word as they appear in the English alphabet, we get:
Only two 'I' remain at the same position after rearrangement.
Hence, option (a) is the correct option.

Given series:
On changing the series according to the given direction, new sequence is as follows:
m o 5 n o 6 m o 7 m n 8 n o 9 o m 10 n n 11 o m 12 n m 13 n o 14 n m 15 n m 16
15th letter/number from the left end is 9.
Hence, option (a) is the correct answer.
The pattern is,
960/3 = 320
864/3 = 288
702/3 = 234
651/3 = 217
430/3 = 143.33
Here, each term of the series is completely divisible by 3, except 430.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Given series:
A, D, J, S, E, T, ?, ?
The pattern is,
S + 12 = E
E + 15 = T
? = T + 18 = L
? = L + 21 = G
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

Given word: onomatopoeia
2nd, 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th letters of the word “onomatopoeia” are n, t, o, o, i.

17 ©Vision IAS

No meaningful English word can be formed from the above letters. So, our answer will be “Y”.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

Given series:
20 30 35 40 47.5 62.5 x
We can understand it with the help of a pictorial representation.

So, missing number is 100.

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
Option (a) is correct. The overall essence of the passage reflects that the water crisis impacts rivers,
wetlands, ecosystems, etc. which are habitats of biodiversity. So, this best reflects the crux of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The line ―Climate change is altering patterns of weather and water around the
world, causing shortages and droughts in some areas and floods in others‖. Reference to the world is
given and no mention of India is there in the passage. Hence, it is not the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The lines ―Many of the water systems that keep ecosystems thriving and feed a
growing human population have become stressed‖. This statement reflects that water systems feed the
population but whether limiting it can solve the crisis has not been discussed. Therefore, this option is not
the crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. The lines ―Agriculture consumes more water than any other source and wastes
much of that through inefficiencies‖. The policy is not the cause for agriculture being the biggest source
of inefficiencies as per passage. So, reforming policy might not be able to deal with the water crisis. So,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage. So, this statement is not the crux of the given passage.
Statement 1 is incorrect. The lines ―In this present globalized world, there have been rapid changes in the
production and consumption location‖. Here, the limited context is rapid changes due to globalization.
But concluding that it aids in growth of technology is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage ―… trading internationally and flows of capital enables
the possibility of importing instead of producing some goods that could be destructive to the ecology‖.
These lines show that local ecology could be safeguarded by the import of products, whose production
may be detrimental to ecology of that area. So, we need to vouch out for this too. So, this statement is
Statement 1 is incorrect. The lines ―Agriculture in India is the main driver of development in most rural
areas‖. From this statement, we can conclude that agriculture is the main driver of development for most
of the rural areas, and not whole of rural India. So, this assumption is not correct.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage, “The economy is organized along value chains because
the point of reference for all economic activity is the products and the markets on which they are sold‖. It
reflects that whole economy is driven by products and markets. So, this statement is a valid assumption.
Statement 3 is correct. The passage mentions that “To meet these needs, the agricultural and food sectors
must be modernized‖. This reflects that modernization is a must for meeting the demands. So, this
statement is correct.

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