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Studying the mind

③ what is mind? Definition

④ what is cognitive psychology?

⑥ 1868 (11 years before found lab) - Francisco Donders - first Psychology experiment

⑦ table (reaction time)

Wilhelm Wundt
⑧ example table (pic) first lab

⑨ 1879 (11 years after Donder's experiment)

⑩1890 - William James - first psychology textbook

Abandoning the study of mind

①③ Classical conditioning - John Watson found behaviourism

①④ operant conditioning - b.f skinner's oc

Edward Chance Tolman
①⑤ timeline 1800s - 1900s behaviourism.
①⑥,①⑧ setting the stage for the reemerge of the mind in psychology

①⑨ Noam Chomsky - a linguist - language.

The rebirth of study of the mind

②① 1950 - beginning of cognitive resolution
②② Cognition revolution - timeline

The evolution of cognitive study

②⑤ Neisser's book developments

② cognitive neuroscience definition

Levels of analysis

④ Levels of analysis : Behavioral level, physiological level

Neurons: Basic Principles

Early conceptions of Neurons

⑥ Early conceptions of neurons - nerve met - Golgi stain - dendrites/axons

⑦ stained tissue under microscope

⑧ 1870s, Italian anatomist Camillo Golgi staining technique - Golgi stain, Spanish
physiologist Ramon y Cajal
⑨ nerve net was not continuous, individual units called neurons
①O Basic component of neuron (pic)
①① Basic component of neuron (pic with explanation)
①② Basic component of neuron (pic with explanation)
①⑤ synapse, form connections only to specific neurons, neutral circuits
①⑥ pic
①⑦ synapses, presynaptic cell and postsynaptic cell
①⑧ neurotransmitters
①⑨ microelectrodes
②O charge picture
②① millivolts. Resting potential
②② Edgar Adrian - signals from single neuron
②③ Adrian, increasing stimulus intensity, increases the rate of nerve firing
Representation by neural firing

②⑤ Principle of neural representations

②⑥ representation by neurons can be explained by considering

Localised representation

②⑧ localization of function ( prosopagnosia)

②⑨ ③O ③① ③② localization determined by neuropsychology

③③ ③④ recording from neurons (single neurons)

③⑤ ③⑥ ③⑦ brain imaging (pet) (fmri)

Distributed representation

③⑨ multidimensional - seeing a faces,remembering, producing and understanding


④O ④① Looking at a face

④② Remembering - memories

④③ - semantic and episodic

④④ producing and understanding language

④⑥ neural networks

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