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Alacapa, Hazel John M.

December 19, 2022

Final Exams

1. Is there a break between the pre-Easter proclamation of Jesus and the post-Easter
kerygma? Please explain your answer.
Let us first understand the word kerygma. The word kerygma can be understood as the
preaching of life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it cannot be limited there for
the term itself in an open definition of t, kerygma can also be the preaching Christ Jesus
himself, as we can read within the Gospels. With this perception of the word, the
preaching events made can be classified as a kerygma that belongs to either the Pre-
Easter or Post Easter era. It might be claimed that the pre-Easter kerygma taught by Jesus
Christ himself, as we read in the gospels, is marked by the advent of the kingdom of God,
thus being eschatological, against the backdrop of Jewish yearning for a messiah, savior,
and king. Post-Easter kerygma is sermons delivered following the resurrection of Jesus
Christ, notably following Pentecost, which signaled the start of the apostles' preaching
efforts. The differences will manifest as to how the kingdom of God is being proclaimed.

2. How is the relationship between schema (text) and reality to be explained in

interpreting the passages about the imminent end and Eschatology general?
The literary expression is schematic. There can be many voices, phrases being put
together. It can hardly tell the story of the future. Schema and reality are differently
related by different authors. But none of them makes the bold claim to an identity
between the two. Since what interest them is not the question of a possible causality but
an inner unity of the whole. There perspective of future can hardly be described by means
of strict and seamless chronology. The difference between schema and reality plays an
essential role in clarification of the two. It cannot be erased by purely literary means.
Only reality itself in its own forward movement can clarify what the schema leaves
obscure. We can better understand what the schematic tells us as the reality unfolds for
us. Only as the only actual course of history unfolds does reality fill the schema with
content and shed light of its meaning and interrelatedness of its various aspects.

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