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Name: ______________

Course: _______________

Year and Section: _______

Research 2: Problem Analysis and Methods of Research

Practice Task # 1

Research Topic:
Status of Central Philippine State University (CPSU) Graduate School Faculty Profile in
Compliance to Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Minimum Standards

Research Problem:
CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 15 series of 2019 in accordance with pertinent provision
of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994”. CMO No. 15,
Section 15 Program Requirements, on Faculty Requirements (No. 4), stated that graduate faculty
particularly doctoral level, shall be holders of doctoral degrees who have track record of scholarly work
(research or creative work) and with publication in refereed journals and/or books published in
reputable academic publishing companies. On the other hand, industry-oriented Masters’ program may
require at least one faculty with doctoral degree, depending whether there is a dearth in doctoral
degree holders in the discipline.
Because of these government initiatives, it is therefore imperative that policies, standard, and
guidelines (PSGs) for academic degree program in higher education, including graduate program,
should therefore be made consistent including the reforms being instituted in the entire Philippine
education system.

This study aims to investigate the status of Central Philippine State University graduate school
faculty members’ qualification in complying with the CHED minimum standards.

Research Questions:

Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the CPSU graduate school faculty in terms of:

A. Educational attainment

B. Employment status

C. Length of service

D. Vertical articulation

E. Professional Licensed

F. Administrative position
Deficiencies in Evidence:

Presently, no study has been conducted yet to evaluate the CPSU graduate faculty profile in
relation to CMO 15 thus, there is a research gap that needs to be addressed. There was no study that
was conducted. In this regard, this research is therefore deemed necessary to provide inputs to the

Relating the Study to the Audience:

The result of the study will serve as baseline information for the administration in preparing the
CPSU graduate faculty development plan for the monitoring and evaluation of CHED as well as
accreditation of ISO, ISA and Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the
Philippines (ACCUP). The faculty will also be aware of the qualification required by CHED.

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