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Writer :
Shakshi Sharma
A Nations Strength
A. 1. Men can make a nation great and strong true, who
can be brave and who have the dore can strengthen
the foundation of a nation.
2. According to poet, a brave men is who look when
others sleep and who are daring.
B. 1. Where 2. Which 3. Who
4. Whose 5. How
C. 1. at 2. on 3. to
4. by 5. for
D. 1. men 2. sky
3. pillars 4. gold
The Happy Prince
A. 1. The statue of Happy Prince was unique because it
was glided all over with thin leaves of fine gold and
at the place of eyes there are two sapphires and a
large red ruby glowed on his sword hilt.
2. The Happy Prince was weeping by seeing the
miserable condition of the city and the people there.
3. The Happy Prince wanted the swallow to give all
his previous stuff over his statue of the people of the
city who were living in poverty.
4. The statue of the Happy Prince was not remained
that charming. So the Mayor ordered it to be

Advanced English Reader–2

5. The Angel was ordered to bring the two most
previous things from earth. So, she took the
swallow and the leaden heart of the Happy Prince.
B. 1. Previous 2. Furnace 3. heap
4. alighted 5. statue 6. gold leaves
C. 1. rate wait crate
2. pardon warden jordan
3. beautiful dutiful helpful
4. favour great exaggerate
D. 1. both 2. but
3. or 4. because
5. if 6. unless
E. 1. an 2. a 3. the 4. the
5. an 6. a 7. an
F. Do yourself.
G. 1. in 2. over 3. at 4. with
5. from 6. at 7. in
H. Good better, best bad worse worst
little less, least ugly uglier ugliest
useful more caseful, most useful
lazy lazier, laziest
Rules of the Road
A. 1. We see different vehicle in big cities like cars,
buses, rickshaws, motorcycles, scooters, trucks etc.
2. The village people go here there from bicycles and

Advanced English Reader–3

3. The rules of the road are we should walk on the left
side of the road; check the brakes before start, check
the traffic signals at every crossing.
4. We should follow the traffic rules to prevent
ourselves from accident.
5. The policeman gives us directions and it is there at
every crossing to check the traffic flow. So he saves
us from accidents
B. 1. to the left
2. brakes before you start.
3. traffic light and other signals.
4. on a crowded road
C. 1. Stop 2. Get Ready 3. Go
D. Village accident
always traffic
check people
watch peaceful
E. 1. Very for at great distance
So many people gathered together crowd
Signal sign
Watch check
Moving of vehicles on the road traffic
F. Cities villages
Car bullock-carts
long lines of buses bicycles
trucks people on foot
heavy traffic no crowd

Advanced English Reader–4

a lot of people every where a peaceful
a big crowd atmosphere
traffic-light less noise
The King's Judgement
A. 1. Raju and Gopal Das went to the king to get justice to
the conflict between them.
2. The hearing ability of the king is not good. This is
the main problem with the king.
3. Gopal Das lost his bag of coins.
4. He promised to give twenty coins to the man who
found his bag.
5. Raju found the lost bag of Gapal Das.
6. According to Gopal Das Raju has already taken his
reward. So, he does not want to give him reward.
7. The king came to know about the truth when the
Minister filled the bag with coins and it only has the
capacity of containing hundred coins.
8. The King kept the bag in his treasury and said that
the bag does not belong to Gopal Das.
B. 1. (c)
2. (c)
3. (c)
C. Who said To whom
1. Minister King
2. Raju King
3. Gopal Das King
4. King Gopal Das
5. Raju King
Advanced English Reader–5
D. 1. He was suffering from cold.
2. The passengers rushed towards it.
3. It started raining
4. We felt glad.
5. Others were disturbed
F. 1. matter 2. Judgement
3. already 4. justice
5. reward
The Mountain and the squirrel
A. 1. The squirrel was proud of it's size and strength that
it can carry forest on it's back.
2. The mountain is locking in some quality than
squirrel. It has a very large size than squirrel. A
squirrel can move but the Mountain could not.
3. They are both proud of their abilities at the end of
the poem as their talents differ.
4. The name of his poet is Ralph Waldo Emerson
B. 1. (a)
2. (b)
C. Do yourself.
D. 1. The weather is cool.
2. He looked to me with disgrace.
3. That girl is pretty.
4. That looks like a sphere.
5. What a great talent!

Advanced English Reader–6

E. heneÌ[ Deewj efieuenjer kesâ yeerÛe ceW PeieÌ[e Lee Deewj efheÚues ves Deieues keâes keâne
‘‘Úesše Ieceb[er’’
efieuenjer kesâ peJeeye efoÙee efkeâ legce meÛe ceW yengle yeÌ[ nes
F. Do yourself.
G. 1. Barking dogs 2. Man
3. The beautiful girl 4. Love
5. He 6. A terrible lion
7. New Delhi 8. They
9. These 10. All work and no play.
Secret of Success
A. 1. The old farmer had four sons.
2. They grew very good crops.
3. The labour and hard work of the farmer and his
family made them very rich.
4. The other farmers could not grow good crops
because the spend most of their time idle and
playing cards.
5. The other farmers decided to go the Head of the area
and complaint about the farmer that he know come
magic tricks.
6. The Head of the area came to the village in disguise.
B. 1. Farmer 2. grew
3. idle 4. magic
5. grow 6. secret
C. 1. daughter 2. boy 3. baby
4. fruit 5. tree 6. princess
Advanced English Reader–7
D. 1. A story will be told by Amit.
2. A kite will be flown by him.
3. This fields will be tilled by the farmer.
4. A song will be sung by her.
5. You shall be in vited by me.
6. The flowers will be plucked by him.
7. I will be helped by you.
8. We will be taught by them.
E. 1. (d)
2. (a)
3. (b)
4. (c)
5. (f)
6. (e)
F. 1. had some medicines
2. was delivering speech
3. is a student of this school.
4. are the highest mountain.
5. is playing in the playground.
6. study together.
7. brought a cake for my sister.
8. is celebrated on 15 August every year.
9. fulfilled his promise.

Advanced English Reader–8

The Piper
A. 1. The people were afraid of the rats because the rats
are more in number and large in size. They can even
kill cats.
2. The people went to the Mayor to discuss the
problem of rats in the town.
3. The piper demanded one thousand gold coins.
4. The rats were driven by the piper into the river and
the rats drowned in the river.
5. The Mayor said that he can only manage to give five
hundred gold coins.
B. 1. afraid 2. held
3. rats 4. thousand
5. cave
C. Parrot Piper Rat
Tree Ram Owl
D. 1. He worked hard but failed.
2. He was present but the teacher marked him absent.
3. He went to Agra but he did not see Taj.
4. It was raining but I went for a walk.
5. He was ill but he went to school.
6. He ran fast but he could not catch the train.
E. Do yourself.
F. 1. bravely 2. doing
2. rudely 4. acting
3. mainly 6. calling

Advanced English Reader–9

7. slowly 8. booking
9. swiftly 10. failing
Alberuni's Account of India
A. 1. Alberuni devoted the years of exile to study
Sanskrit literature. A the age of 40, he was well
versed in all Arabic works of science mathematics,
astronomy and astrology.
2. Alberuni said, ‘‘The people are hard to understand.
The attitude of Indians is unhelpful they are
prejudiced against all foreigners. They are vain and
narrow minded. They never critisized their own
customs and manners’’
3. Regarding religious practices he said, ‘‘The Hindu
believe that God is one; external i.e. from the
beginning end, one must act by free preserving,
living giving life ruling preserving.
4. His book explains the Indian system of astronomy
and astrology. He described the Indian concept of
planets, their size, movement, the lunar and the
solar eclipses, latitudes and longitudes, instruments
and observation etc. He has praised such talents of
Indian people.
5. In the south they wrote on Tari leaves bound
together by a card. In the north people oiled and
polished the bark of the Tuz tree and wrote on it.
After it became hard and smooth. The leaves were
wrapped in a piece of cloth and called pothi or

Advanced English Reader–10

B. 1. 973 modern Khiva
2. Superstitious omen in the daily life
3. Charak
4. Om, Geation
C. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F
D. territory society
external together
peculiar shoulders
beginning fields
E. astronomy steins of the heavenly bodies
astrology study of stars to predifulture
regarded considered
aecuretely correctly
insular narrow minded
omen sign of some future event
prevailing prevalent
admired praised
F. Do yourself.
Uddi and The Dinosaurs
A. 1. The dinosaur lived behind the huge mountain. He
was the only huge creature living in a deep cave of
the mountain.
2. The wanted to kill him because he was very
dreadful and the feel so be in danger every time.
3. Uddi asked the dinosaur to come to his house for a

Advanced English Reader–11

4. Uddi invited the dinosaur to the party.
5. The dinosaur began to laugh at Uddi's involution
B. 1. thunder 2. scared
3. eat 4. friends
C. 1. Dully 2. wisely
3. Backward 4. Unthoughtfully
5. Sadly
D. 1. gambling 2. forgiving
3. talking 4. learning
5. giving, receiving
F. 1. The house is huge.
2. The mountain is very high.
3. The stunt is dangerous.
4. The boy lives in that horse
5. She is my best friend.
G. 1. were talked Received Learnt
wrote forgave Gave took
Roared Sang Began
The Swing
A. 1. The child like to go in a swing because it is a very
pleasant thing to do.
2. The child see many thing like river, tree, cattle,
garden etc.
B. 1. Swing 2. Ever
3. Till 4. garden
5. flying
Advanced English Reader–12
C. 1. He is fall and handsome.
2. Her hair is black and curly.
3. He come to me and gave a gift.
4. We stayed at home and watched T.V.
5. It can speak Hindi and English.
D. Do yourself.
Playing the Game
A. 1. Alan's mother came to the gate to see him off.
2. Alan's father promised him to gave a bicycle if his
team wins the match.
3. Alan saw the old man the three cornered meadow.
4. Old man wanted Alan's help because he was very
weak that he cannot reach his come on his own.
5. He made his way to home slowly because he was
not permitted to play in the match.
6. The policeman took the old man home finally.
7. Alan's friends & classmate cheered him in the
classroom because of the kind thing he died.
B. 1. (b)
2. (e)
3. (c)
C. Do yourself.
D. 1. proud of 2. excited
3. sturdy 4. thin and cracked voice
5. bit his lip.

Advanced English Reader–13

E. 1. Alan asked the old man where did he live?
2. The old man fold Alan that he looked a very bind
little boy.
3. Alan asked kindly of he could help him?
4. The old man requested the boy to not leaving him
5. His father exclaimed excitedly for Alan.
F. worst ill light
down loose Rude
then sell less
Mother Teresa
A. 1. ‘Nirmal Hriday’ is located near the famous Kali
Temple in Kolkata which helps the people who are
sick and more wanted them.
2. Mother Teresa worked in the slums of Kolkata
because she alway wanted to help people and the
peoples are in very poor and miserable condition.
3. She got the training of nurse in Kolkata.
4. She decided to have the convent because the
thought the past way to serve god would be serve
the poor and sick people.
5. Mother Teresa and other nuns working with her led
a very simple life. They wore rough white saris with
blue borders.
B. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T

Advanced English Reader–14

C. 1. Yugoslavia, 27th August 1910
2. Moti Jhul, Kolakata
3. Nirmal Hriday
4. Nobel Peace, Bharata Ratna
5. September 5, 1997.
D. Convent famous shelter
profession miserable grieved
E. slum dwellers
great desire
living conditions
poor patients
Comfortable environment
very sad
adequate amount
noble work
F. Do yourself.
Yudhishthira Reoenes Heaven
A. 1. After the death of Krishna the Pandavas decided
that their life was not worth living. So, they decided
to leave Hastinapur.
2. They crowned Parikshit, the son of the emperor of
3. They dressed in tree barks and deer skin.
4. The Pandavas were traveling towards the north. In a
few days, they reached the Himalayas, they climbed
the mountains to their last pilgrimage.

Advanced English Reader–15

5. When Sahadeva died Yudhishthira said, ‘‘He was
found of his wisdom. That is why he had to die.’’
6. Bheema was the last to fall.
7. When he reached the end of his journey, he saw a
strange light all around him. Then he saw Indra, the
King of gods coming towards him in his chariot.
8. Yudhishthira did not want to go to heaven without
his brother and Droupadi.
9. Dharma took the form a dog because he want to take
their test and they passed in that test.
B. 1. (c)
2. (a)
3 (b)
C. Who said To whom
1. Yudhishthira Remaining Pandavas
2. Bheema Yudhishthira
3. Indra Yudhishthira
4. Yudhishthira Indra
5. Dharma Yudhishthira
D. 1. a dog followed them exhausted
2. all of them where fired and gathered to watch them
3. where the people of the city
4. he saw a strange light all around him
5. he smiled and soud.

Advanced English Reader–16

A told winter Night
A. 1. The money lender came to Hari's hut because he has
lended some money Hari and now he want his
money returned.
2. He could not buy the blanket because he money
they saved for the blanket was given to the money
lender as a repayment to the money Hari borrowed
in the past.
3. Hari said, ‘‘What can we do? it is our bad luck that
we are born poor. We can not change our fate.’’
4. Moti barked because he saw the cottles destroying
the crops of Hari.
5. He took a sigh of relief a lost because now he would
not have to worry about his crops and he could work
as a labourer.
B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F
C. rebuked abused
tolerats bear
immediately at once
forming growing crops
got up woke up
otherwise else
D. piece cattle
immediately destroyed
labourer relief
shivering neither

Advanced English Reader–17

E. 1. in need 2. a lot of
3. instead of 4. to get rid of
5. As soon as 6. on time
F. 1. A thing of beauty is a joy for ever.
2. The monkey climbs up the tree.
3. The students can also serve their country.
4. The earth moves around the sun.
5. She has an umbrella.
6. What a delicious flavour these mangoes have!
7. An honest man is he noblest work of God.
8. Mother is cooking in the kitchen.
9. I used to do odd jobs.
10. He advised me to study the saw.
11. She could not help watching films then and now.
12. She is fond of dolls.
13. The prisoner begged him pardon of the judge.
14. The prime Minister announced relief for the flood
affected people of the district.
15. The ox pulls the cart
A. 1. When he woke up he was unable to move because
his legs and arms were fastened to the ground on
either side. This hairs were also tied with the

Advanced English Reader–18

2. The little man ran in terror because the large
monstorous man they found started to raise up and
this terrified them.
3. The stopped throwing arrows at him because he lay
down still without moving himself.
4. The king ordered his menu to bring Gulliver to the
5. One of the small men stulk his spear into Gulliver's
nose which made him sneeze.
B. 1. woke up 2. wonderful
3. soldier 4. journey
5. favorablel
C. 1. though 2. of
3. of 4. with
5. in
D. 1. beginning 2. swimming
3. cutting 4. putting
5. flying 6. seeing
6. paying 7. giving
9. knitting 10. going
11. making 12. waiting
E. 1. day 2. ten
3. are 4. plays
5. our 6. ways
7. her 8. earn

Advanced English Reader–19

The fountain
A. 1. From morning till night the fountain water was
shining because of the sunlight.
2. When the winds were blowing the fountain water
was waving and looked white in moonlight.
3. The nature changes every moment.
4. The name of the author is James Russell Lowell
B. 1. night 2. blow
3. day 4. rest
5. same 6. patent
C. Parrot Axe Tiger Rat
Indian Owl Throat
D. 1. Can 2. Can
Cannot Cannot
3. Can 4. Can
Cannot Cannot
The Kabuliwala
A. 1. The talkative behaviour of Mini annoys her mother.
2. Bhola told Mini that there is an elephant in the
clouds who blows water from his trunk caeesing
3. He was dressed in loose clothing and wore a tall
turban on his head. He carried a bag on his back and
a box of raisins in his hand.

Advanced English Reader–20

4. The Kabuliwala is tall man and has a long beard and
she has heard the Kabuliwala carries children in his
5. Kabuliwala was sent to jail because he has owed
some money of from a person for the shawl.
6. Kabuliwala came to meet Mini on the day of her
7. He refused the money because it was his feeling and
feeling are not for sale.
8. There were the impression of the hands of the little
daughter of Kabuliwala.
9. Mini's father realised that Kabuliwala himself has a
daughter and as a father he understood the feelings
of Kabuliwala and called Mini.
10. In the end Mini's father gave Kabuliwala some
money to go and meet his daughter and he felt
happy to do so.
B. 1. because the elephant blows water out its truck.
2. Mini's fear
3. because of her talkative behavour
4. When she saw the Kabuliwala.
5. That Mini was still the some
C. 1. daughter novel silence difference language
protection exclamation marriage

Advanced English Reader–21

D. door keeper guard
chattering talking too much
greeted welcomed
debt loan
hampered disturbed
offered gave
inquired asked
profit gain
F. 1. It takes a real courage to get off a moving car.
2. You need to keep an eye on the ball.
3. You need to take care of him.
4. In the meantime I used to read novels.
5. I am going out for long time.
6. I am fit but on the other hand he is sick.
7. The event is to take place
8. The wolf is sounding from for off forests.
F. 1. Suresh said that Suman had written the essay.
2. Sonali told Sohan that Goving was singing a song.
3. The peon told the teacher that some girl had gone.
4. Altan said that Albert would go to Japan.
5. The teacher said that Alka would not write it.
6. Pinki said that some boys did not like mangoes.
7. She told me that Ashish would go there.
8. The teacher said that the boys were reading their
9. She said that the boy had already done his work.

Advanced English Reader–22

10. They told him that the weather was stormay and the
way was long.
11. Atul told Bala that Himani would be at the station.
12. Govind told Gopal that Gaurav had done it badly.
13. He said that I was striving hard for success.
14. The elephant told lion that the ox was bellowing
15. The captain told him that the ship sinked into the
The poor woodcutter
and the moneylender
A. 1. The woodcutter was proud of himself because he
has never took a single penny from the money
2. The woodcutter dreamt one night that he has
borrowed one thousand rupees from a money
3. When woodcutter wife up, he found himself in a
sweating condition and he was a little tensed too.
4. The woodcutter's wife told this story of the dream to
her friends and they thought that it is an interesting
story and they should till it to others. So it reached
the moneylender of the city.
5. The money lender came to the woodcutter and
asked for the repayment of the sum money he has
taken from the moneylender.

Advanced English Reader–23

6. Bahadur Singh helped the woodcutter. He called he
moneylender and asked him to take his money in the
mirror and moneylender came to know that he has
found his match.
B. 1. borrowed 2. one thousands
3. Bhadur Singh 4. woe
5. moneylender
C. Who said To whom
1. woodcutter woodcutter's wife
2. woodcutter's wife woodcutter
3. woodcutter's wife woodcutter
4. woodcutter's wife woodcutter
5. Bahadur Singh moneylender
D. 1. The cat has Caught the rat.
2. The doctor has advised me to take rest.
3. I have written a letter to my friend.
4. Rohan has bought a new bicycle
5. Amita has given bread to the dog.
E. 1. Simple present 2. Simple present
3. Present perfect 4. Simple present
5. Present perfect
F. 1. You are not very sad.
2. You were weak.
3. They have any horses.
4. You had four books.
5. You want to go.
6. Your father bath in the river.
Advanced English Reader–24
7. David will sleep at night.
8. You are speaking the truth.
9. She is waiting for me.
10. Ravi was paying the doctors fee.
G. 1. Are these mangoes sweet?
2. Is Ali's brother courageous?
3. Were they in the park?
4. Was he very happy
5. Was the lawyer has a black coat?
6. Had I an urgent piece of work?
7. Does she swims in the pool?
8. Do you see a wolf in the forest?
9. Did the robbers killed him?
10. Will the school open on 1st of July?
A Blood Relation
A. 1. Mohit was sure of his victory that he will win the
‘‘All India General knowledge Test’’ and get the
2. Rustam was hurt in the car accident.
3. The people gathered around Rustam and some
suggested that the boy should be take to the hospital
and some said that the police must be informed first.
4. The condition of the boy was not good as lot of
blood he has lost from his body and also fractured
his leg.
5. The doctor on duty examined the boy and he needs
blood as the boy has lost a lot of blood.
Advanced English Reader–25
6. Mohit had done a very noble deed. He donated
blood to Rustam.
7. The headmaster said to Mohit ‘‘Our School
Committee has given him the award of best student
of the year.’’
B. 1. a. Mohit b. Rustam
2. a. Rustam's b. Mohit relatives
3. a. Mohit
4. a. Head Master b. Mohit
C. appear wounds
fractured gentleman
Scholarship injected
D. general knowledge test
fractured his leg
set an example
made a mistake
a lot of blood
police case
noble deed
best student
E. 1. traffic, drive, two
accident, walking
car, meet

Advanced English Reader–26

A. 1. There are three main groups of oils –animals,
vegetable and mineral oil.
2. Vegetable oil is very important in a family as food
can not be cooked without vegetable oil.
3. Mineral oil has changed the life of a common man.
4. Mineral oil is very important to us as it serves many
of our needs like it is used to drive tanks, aeroplanes
and worships and also motor car diesel locomatous.
5. Scientists think that the oil under the surface of
earth originated from living things in the sea.
6. The main four area of the world where deposit of oil
appear are middle East, between North and south
America, between Asia and Austrelia and the fourth
area is the part near North pole.
7. The fourth area of oil deposits is the part near the
north pole.
8. It is difficult to get oil in the North Pole and the cost
is also very high because the temperature is very
9. When the oil fields will disappear and the deposits
at the North pole may rest where they forever.
B. 1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (a)
C. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

Advanced English Reader–27

D. 1. blubber 2. Petrolium
3. perfume 4. Politician
5. Worship
E. 1. (b)
2. (f)
3. (e)
4. (a)
5. (c)
6. (d)
F. tallest fast near
uncertain valids thick
include in significant superior
G. 1. It is not much important.
2. It’s origin is from sea.
3. It is rich in quantity.
4. There are number of creatures living here.
5. Locomotives were used in the old times.
H. 1. Herd 2. school
3. Banquet 4. Banch
5. Archipelago 5. Mountain Range
7. Team 8. Gang
9. Constellation 10. Packs

Advanced English Reader–28

I. C.N. M.N. A.N.
army cabinet adulthood
band stone behavour
banelly caravan bravery
crawd copper childhood
galaxy plastic death
gang gold freedom
library iron sickness
tam silver theft
sugar truth
The Story of Science
A. 1. Long ago man was homeless wanderer, hunting
animals or collecting wild fruits and seeds for his
2. By chance a man struch two stones together and
made fire.
3. Man began to build houses and villages after the
discovery of agriculture.
4. Issae Newton discovered many other lows of nature
and did some important work in mathematics. So,
we regard him as the father of modern science.
5. Machines are considered to be very important in
industries as it reduce the human efforts and make
the working efficient and precess.
Advanced English Reader–29
6. Spacecrafts are used by the scientist to travel in the
space and to discover new planets.
B. 1. Space craft 2. India
3. doconwand 4. 17th
5. beginning
C. electricity Michael Foroday
telegraphy morse
electric lamp Edison
radio Marconi
noon Neil Armstrong
D. invention wonderer
telegraphy space
beginning traveled
radio aeroplane
E. Jet plane
space science
homeless wanderer
modern fruit
great power
long ago
steam invention
F. travelled, aeroplane
Mumbai, about, landed
passangers, book off
fasten, airhostess

Advanced English Reader–30

G. 1. Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 at
Porbandar in Kathiawar.
2. Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime Minister of India
he was born in 1889.
3. Kamla said to Sita ‘‘this is my book. I cannot gur it
to you.
4. We said to him, ‘‘you will go to Lucknow tomorrow.’’
5. ‘‘Why are you making the water dirty?’’, the wolf
said to the lamb.
6. King Janak come down the throne and embraced
7. Ravan asked Rama, ‘‘What is your name?’’
8. Raju said, ‘‘Uncle, may we come in? I have a friend
with, me.’’
9. Uncle Rajesh said, ‘‘You are most welcome little
boy come in.’’
10. Akbar, the son of Humayun is still remembered.
11. Rahul, our captain is a good batsman.
12. ‘‘Why are you late?’’, said the teacher.
13. He said, ‘‘Always speak the truth.’’
14. ‘‘Never tell a lie,’’ the teacher said.
15. He did his work neatly, quickly and correctly.

Advanced English Reader–31

Faithful Friend
A. 1. A flattring man can not be our friend.
2. False friends will come to us when we have a lot of
money and spend it openly.
3. When we have no money the false friends will leave
us and only the true friends will stay with us.
4. A true friend does not leave us in any condition
whether happy or sad. He will support and help us
whenever need.
B. Do yourself.
C. 1. Brand 2. deed 3. dart
4. beep 5. no 6. we
D. 1. (c)
2. (f)
3. (d)
4. (e)
5. (b)
6. (a)
E. 1. Sweeps 2. missed
3. became 4. quacks
5. lives
F. 1. Will he be my guide?
2. Whom Kamla worship?
3. Is Rekha a beautiful girl?
4. Has he gone there?

Advanced English Reader–32

G. 1. He did not write a letter.
2. He did not praise me.
3. I cannot do it.
4. You have not done it.
5. I do not want to go.
Auspicious Elephant
A. 1. He was jealous of the Elephant because when he
was riding the elephant all the people just looked at
the beauty of the elephant instead of the king.
2. The King planned to kill the elephant by making
him fall from the vepulla mountain's peak by
insisting him to show some deadly tricks.
3. The elephant with his Mahawat headed towards
Varanasi because the king of Magadh wanted to kill
him and the king of Varanasi is very kind.
4. The Mahawat said to the king of Magadh, “You are
not worthy enough to possess such an Auspicious
5. The king of Magadh welcomed the Elephant and
Mahawat with respect.
B. Who said To whom
King of Magadh Mahawat
Mahawat King of Magadh
Elephant Mahawat
Mahawat Elephant
King of Varanasi Elephant
C. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F
Advanced English Reader–33
D. 1. have understood 2. have seen
3. has gone 4. has, opened
5. has finished
E. kind love
few dislike
close light
displeased sad
F. 1. The elephant is very big.
2. We shocked by seeing the brilliance of the elephant.
3. This is my favourite pen.
4. Holi is a festival o f Hindus.
5. He gave me the garland.
6. The king showed his Jealousy
G. 1. I am cheated by him.
2. He shall be killed by me.
3. You are not taught by me.
4. The snake was killed by him.
Exercise and Growth
A. 1. According to Kumar, ‘‘One's right arm is thicker
than one's left arm.’’
2. Ali sided Kumar and Ravi sided Rahim.
3. There were 2 man whose left arm were thicker.
4. Do yourself .
5. Exercise is necessary to make the body strong and

Advanced English Reader–34

6. Few exercises are playing outdoor games, lifting
weights, dand baithak etc.
7. The teacher told the natural way of exercising by
living naturally and eating healthy food.
8. Do yourself.
B. 1. arguing with each other, sure
2. Impossible, equally
3. measure, tape - measures string
4. slightly
5. by
C. thicker thinner
right left
often seldom
simple difficult
stronger weather
much little
remember forget
better worse
D. exercise weight cricket
thinner thicker sense
A. 1. Man's greed is the environment severely as the man
overuse the natural resources and which make them
short and endanger

Advanced English Reader–35

2. In the 21st Century, man has got several unique
achievement. Man has stepped on Moon. There has
been a tremendous success in science and
technology. This is how the social front of the
society has changed. And also the gap between poor
and rich is increasing.
3. Curiosity is the most wonderful gift given by the
god to men. It is this curiosity which has led to the
whole heard efforts of man to convert all impossible
things of the post into reality.
4. In transport, our service system has already everted
revolusion by turning the world into an area of only
a few hours of journey.
5. Village means a small area where people can
contest each other easily and when it comes to
global level global village means that we can
connect to anyone easily using Internet and can also
get any product at home through internet.
B. 1. curiosity 2. computer
3. global village 4. dying out, malnutrition
5. poor
C. 1. cooker 2. bazaar
3. man 4. puppy
5. minister
D. 1. man 2. puppy
3. minister
E. 1. Adjective 2. Adverb
3. Adjective 4. Noun
5. Verb
Advanced English Reader–36
F. 1. Surdas, the famous hindi poet was blind.
2. Rana Pratap was in fact a very brave, wise and
patriot king.
3. Subhash Chandra Bose was of course a wise
intelligent and brave leader.
4. ‘‘Is this your final statement?’’ asked Ambar. ‘‘I am
sorry. I cannot change the statement,’’ said Atul.
5. The mother said to the rich man, ‘‘Please give me 5
rupees. I am hungry.’’
6. The man said to the girl, ‘‘Mohal knew Sohan
7. Ramesh said to flira, ‘‘Vijay Played well.’’
The Lady with the Lamp
A. 1. Florence Nightangle was a nurse. She was born in
Florence, Italy.
2. She wanted to help other peoples. So, she wanted to
become a nurse and serve the peoples.
3. The ladies were not advised to work as a nurse
because they earn very less money and very less
respect too in the society.
4. The hospitals at that time were no better. The bed
sheets are not changed. The nurse had to sleep on
the cages.
5. She worked in British Military Hospital during cri
mean war.
6. The visits the hurt soldiers with a lamp in her hand.
So, they started calling her ‘‘The lady with the
Advanced English Reader–37
B. 1. Florence 2. independent
3. hospitals 4. improve
5. order of Merit
C. 1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (b)
4. (a)
5. (c)
D. 1. My sister does not play with her doll.
2. The dog does not chases the cat.
3. My mother does not help me in my home work.
4. He does not go to the school by bus.
5. We don't play cricket every sunday.
6. My father does not work in a bank.
7. Neha does not sing a song.
8. The gardener does not water the plants.
9. Rohit doesn't open the gate.
10. My brother does not teaches me english.
E. Do yourself.
Sina – The Magical Bird
A. 1. The old man lived alone because his wife died and
he had no children.
2. Sina said to the old man that the will get him one big
fish everyday. Yes, she kept her promise.

Advanced English Reader–38

3. The old man became rich as the big fishes have a
good price in the marked. So, he became rich very
4. The old man heard ‘‘Who ever can give information
about this bird and help us in catching it, will be
rewarded with the half of the wealth of the royal
treasury and half the kingdom!’’
5. The King wanted Sina's blood because prince has
lost the eyesight and a wise man told him to wash
his eyes with Sina's blood to get them to normal.
6. The moral of the story is that we should not be
greedy and we should also care about others.
B. 1. look after 2. hard
3. alighted 4. tempted
5. relusant
C. 1. (d)
2. (e)
3. (a)
4. (b)
5. (c)
D. 1. live
There lived an old fisherman in a small village.
2. climbs
A boy climbed up the hill.
3. decide go
We decided to go for a picnic.
4. Sings
The little girl sang a beautiful song.
Advanced English Reader–39
5. flies
An aeroplane flied over my head.
6. cries
The little girl cried in kain.
7. helps
Minu helped her mother.
8. tells
My grandmother told me a story.
9. mends
The cobbler mended the shoe
10. Play
Some boys played cricket.

Advanced English Reader–40

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