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UNIT 1: The Cell


Direction: Write True if the statement is true and False if the statement is false.

_____1. All organelles have cytoplasm.

_____2. All human cells are prokaryote.
_____3. Ribosomes are not organelles.
_____4. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus.
_____5. A bacterial cell is a eukaryote.
_____6. Animal cells have cell walls.
_____7. Compared to eukaryotic cells, prokaryotic cells are very complex.
_____8. Proteins are formed in the ribosome.
_____9. Animal cells have box-like structure.
_____10. All cells have cell membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes.

I. Introduction
Hi! Let us begin by watching the video in the first activity.

Activity 1: Video Viewing

Have you ever wondered what are our bodies made of? In this lesson, we will be exploring the basic unit of life
called the cell.

Click the link below and answer the following questions: – Introduction to cells

Process Questions:
1. Do cells come in same size and shape?
2. Do cells work independently?
3. How can such a tiny cell do so much?

II. Learning Activities

Let us have our learning activities, follow each direction in every activity.

Activity 1: Development of the Cell theory: A timeline

Have you tried making a timeline of the memorable events in your life? Timelines help us easily see how things or
events change or progress over time. Click on the link below to learn about how the discovery of the cells and the
development of the cell theory came about. - Development of cell theory

Process Questions:
1. Who are the scientist involved in the discovery and development of cell theory? What are their contributions?
2. How important are their contributions to what we presently know about the cell?
3. What does this situation tell us about how theories are developed in Science?
Activity 2:

A. Cell parts and Function

Click the link below and answer the table below

PAGE 1 MODULE 9 – Cell structure

Summarize what you have learned:

Cell Structure/Organelle Function

B. Comparing Plant and Animal Cells

Click the link below and study the differences and their similarities. – Plant cell vs Animal cell

Fill in the Venn diagram below. Give their similarities and differences of Animal and plant cell.


Process Questions:
1. What structures in animals are not found in plants?

2. What activities can be performed by plants which cannot be done by animals?


C. Comparing Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells

Click the link below and answer the following questions below. - Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic cells

Process Questions:
1. Based on your readings, do all cells have the same shape? Structure? Nucleus? Cell wall? Cell membrane?
2. Why do cells have different shapes and structures?

Great Job! Now let us now go to the lesson proper.

The Cell

What is cell?
All organisms are made up of cells. It is simplest collection of matter that can live. It is an organism’s basic unit of
structure and function. Cell size and shape differ too. The shapes of cells depend in its function.

Basic Cell Structures

a. Nucleus – The nucleus is the brain of the cell.

b. Nucleolus – The nucleolus is the one which produces ribosomes, which then carry protein.
c. Cytoplasm – The cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance found inside the cell where organelles are
suspended. This acts as a medium for chemical reactions within cell.
d. Cytoskeleton – The cytoskeleton gives support and shape to the cell which made it an important, complex,
and dynamic component of cell.
e. Golgi Body (Apparatus) – The golgi bodies are the one that is responsible for packaging the proteins with
the aid of ribosomes so they can possibly go out of the cell.
f. Mitochondria – The mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cell” because it has the ability to breaks down
sugar molecules in order to release energy.
g. Vacuole – The “storage bag” of the cell which holds nutrients responsible for cell growth and survival.
h. Ribosome – The one that makes proteins for the cell can be found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) or free in the cytoplasm.
i. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – The one that serves as a transport network for the cell which moves
materials around in the cell with the help of ribosomes and other channel.

Rough Endosplasmic Reticulum (RER) –It is where has multiple ribosomes attached to it. It is the oe
directly attached to the nucleus.

Smooth Endosplasmic Reticulum (SER) – does have few-not have attached ribosomes. It is attached in
the rough endosplasmic reticulum.

j. Lysosome – The “stomach of the cell” helps the cell digest food, waste and worn out cell parts.
k. Peroxisome – The “suicidal bag of the cell” which is made up of digestive enzyme.
l. Cell membrane – The “gatekeeper” of the cell which separates the cell from other cells or the rest of the
m. Chloroplast – The one that contains chlorophyll, the pigment which traps light to produce glucose in a
process of photosynthesis. Only present in plant cell.
n. Cell wall – The rigid outer layer made of cellulose that serves as additional support for the cell. Present only
in plant cells.
o. Centriole - Organizes special parts of the cytoskeleton called microtubules for cell division.

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells

Let us identify them through a table:

Structure Eukaryotic Cell Prokaryotic Cell
Animal Cell Plant Cell
Cell membrane Present Present Present
Cell Wall Absent Present Present
Nucleus Present Present Absent
Chromosome Present Present Present (Single)
( Multiple) (Multiple)
Ribosomes Present (Large) Present (Large) Present (Small)
Endoplasmic Reticulum Present Present Absent
Golgi Bodies Present Present Absent
Lysosomes Present Absent Absent
Vacuoles Absent Present Absent
Mitochondria Present Present Absent
Chloroplast Absent Present Absent
Cytoskeleton Present Present Absent

III. Demonstration

Gather three to five recent and related research articles about the cell. Make use of various sources – journals,
magazines, and internet.

Make a summary of the articles. Then, put together and synthesize the information found in the different researches
you gathered. You can do it in any output you want.

IV. Summary and Reflection

Generalized all of the ideas you have gained in the lesson by completing the dialogue box below.

I have learned that


 Fernandez, J.A., Mendoza, A.D., (2015) Sci-Bytes Worktext in Science 7. Magallanes Publishing House pp.

 - Development of cell theory
 - Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic cells
 – Introduction to cells
 – Cell structure
 – Plant cell vs Animal cell


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