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Raiza Paicaglino English Q3 Week 6 April 7, 2022

Grade 10-Iloilo Ma’am Castro


1. Lines 2-3
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood

For me this means that in life , there is only one path that we can take and it is in
our own hands where to go and what path to choose. As all people do we stand there
trying to choose which path we are going to take.

2. Lines 4-5
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

In life we can’t see what will hapeen in the future or to the path we are taking, but we
can look forward to the path we will take and think more about it.

3. Line 6
Then took the other, as just as fair

We should take the path that is righteous, equal and fair for all. Look at all the
righteous and possible ways we can take in life.

4. Line 7-8
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear

Sometimes we tend to be ahead of ourselves. We think that the things we do is better
than the others, the choices we make in life is better than others and we think that we
are in the right path just because we saw some evidences to prove it. But we can’t
always be right in life.

5. Line 9-10
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

As we go through the path that we chose in life, we compare it to others’ choice. We
sometimes think that what we go through is very different from them, but as we think
and analyze it more, it is all just the same. We go through different paths but we go
through the same way and that is the way we are thinking “right place and choices” in
life. Both roads/paths are equally traveled, so we must be wise to choose.
6. Lines 11-12
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.

In life we found both paths looking same. It is hard for us all to make a choice and to
recognize the way we should take. We could not decide the right path because we don’t
know more about it, it is new to us. The people we encounter in life are the ones like a
smashed leaves on the road that we can look to, they can be considered as our guide
and model that can allow us to go and choose for the right path.

7. Line 14-15
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever comeback.

We all have an idea about the way we choose in life. But when we already chose the
path we take, and that path did not meet our expection, we can’t go back to the very
first moment to take back our decisions. We can’t change the way we took already. As
much as we want to, we will never be able to come back and take the other path that
we did not take.

8. Line 16-17
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:

As we walk through the path we are taking, we also have something negative to say
about it. We can admit the once in our life we regret a decision we made. We can feel a
disappointment on ourselves and in decisions we make.

9. Line 19
I took the one less traveled by,

In life the choices we make can be right or wrong, but what matters is how we travel
the path we take. If we fail, accept it and continue to conquer life and if we succeed be
thankful for it.

10. Line 20
And that has made all the difference

Once we landed at the outcome of our decision, that is when we can assess if the
choices we make is right or wrong for us. But for me, there are no right or wrong
choices in life, because what we go through in the past, in present and what will we go
through in the future has been decided by God already. We just need to accept that
what we are experiencing now is not really our choice in life but it is part of the plan
that God has for us. This line may be indicating that making a choice out of two
objectives or path is responsible for our future so we must choose wisely because that
will make all the difference.


I understand that a moralist approach is a literary critique that shows the

value, moral and ethical teachings of the story or text. I understand that
moralist approach is not only to discover the meaning but also to determine
whether works of literature are both true and significant. It is used to
determine whether a work conveys a lesson or message and whether it can
help readers lead better lives and improve their understanding of the world.

I realize that it is easy to write a moralist approach/critique because in writing

it there are no wrong answers because you are pointing out your own
understanding and comprehension of the text. You are giving your
interpretation of the text or story.

I need to learn more about how to analyze a poem and to give its meaning in
my own interpretation.

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