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Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Vol.6; Issue: 1; Jan.-March 2021

Original Research Article P-ISSN: 2456-9321

Assessment of Nutritional Status and Its Associated

Factors in Elderly in Rural Area of Tamil Nadu,
M. Vidyalakshmi1, B. Kirubhakaran2
Senior Resident, Department of Geriatric Medicine, JIPMER, Pondicherry, India.
Assistant Surgeon, Government Hospital, Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India.
Corresponding Author: M.Vidyalakshmi

ABSTRACT Keywords: Caloric intake, Healthy

ageing, Malnutrition, Nutrition
Introduction: Ageing population is increasing
rapidly in India, posing many challenges to INTRODUCTION
health care services. One among the challenge is The elderly population is extremely
growing malnutrition in elderly. Malnutrition diverse, ranging from fit, active and healthy
impairs body composition and body function of octogenarians to extremely frail, totally
elderly thereby impairing their quality of life.
dependent people with chronic diseases and
Hence measures to prevent and treat
malnutrition are need of the hour. Malnutrition severe disabilities. The percentage of elderly
is multifactorial and hence study to determine is growing rapidly worldwide. The global
various factors associated with malnutrition number of elderly is projected to rise from
becomes essential. an estimated 524 million in 2010 to 1500
Aim and objective: The objective of present million in 2050, with most of this increase
study was to assess the nutritional status of in developing countries. [1] India’s geriatric
elderly and to study the various factors population is also increasing rapidly
associated with malnutrition. accounting for 8.1% of total population and
Materials and methods: Each individual in the poses several challenges. [2] The lack of
study was subjected to a personal interview on guaranteed sufficient income to support
demographic detail, living condition, literacy
and financial status. Functional status was
themselves, the absence of social security,
assessed using Instrumental activities of daily loss of social status and recognition,
living (IADL), depression using Geriatric unavailability of opportunities for creative
depression scale (GDS), nutritional status using use of time and persistent ill health are some
Mini nutritional assessment (MNA) and caloric of the daunting problems the elderly face in
intake using 24 hour dietary recall. this country. [3] This increases the demand
Result: A significant association was found on care givers, the society and the health
between the nutritional status and age group services of our country.
more than 75 years, female gender, illiteracy, Malnutrition can be defined as the
living alone without family support, status of state of being poorly nourished, mostly lack
being financially and functionally dependent, of one or more nutrients. Malnutrition is not
depression and inadequate caloric intake.
an inevitable side effect of ageing, but many
Conclusion: It is essential to perform nutritional
assessment as routine outpatient procedure for changes associated with the process of
all elderly to detect malnutrition at earliest and ageing can promote malnutrition. It is a
intervene early to prevent deleterious effect of very frequent condition, especially in lower
malnutrition on elderly. Multi dimensional income group and institutionalized elderly
approach is needed to educate about need of people. In these subjects, malnutrition is the
proper nutrition to elders and their caregivers. consequence of energy and protein
deficiencies that cause adverse effects on

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 38

Vol.6; Issue: 1; January-March 2021
M. Vidyalakshmi Assessment of nutritional status and its associated factors in elderly in rural area of
Tamil Nadu, India.

body composition and on body function approval was obtained and the study was
such as impaired muscle function, decreased carried out. Informed consent was taken
bone mass, immune dysfunction, anaemia, from the participants before commencing
reduced cognitive function, poor wound the study.
healing, delayed recovery from surgery, Each individual in the study was
higher hospital admission and readmission subjected to a personal interview on
rate and increased mortality. [4] The demographic detail, living condition,
presence of malnutrition in hospitalised literacy and financial status. Functional
elderly may deeply affect the prognosis, the status was assessed using Instrumental
length of hospitalization, the incidence of activities of daily living (IADL), depression
acute events and complications. [5] using Geriatric depression scale (GDS),
Therefore the treatment and prevention of nutritional status using Mini nutritional
malnutrition in elderly, is an important assessment (MNA) and caloric intake using
challenge for the health care system. 24 hour dietary recall.
While most nutritional intervention A 24 hour dietary recall method was
programs are directed toward infants, young used to assess the caloric intake of the
children and pregnant mothers, nutrition and elderly. The calorie requirement was
health of the elderly is often neglected. calculated by using Recommended Daily
However, nutritional interventions could Allowance [RDA] 2010 guidelines as per
play a major role in the prevention of the weight of the elderly. [6]
degenerative conditions of the elderly and Nutritional status was assessed using
can improve their quality of life. A timely Mini nutritional assessment (MNA) tool and
intervention can stop weight loss in those at the values were interpreted as follows:
risk of malnutrition. An evaluation of Score <17 was considered malnourished,
nutritional status is important for the Score 17-23.5 was considered at risk of
creation of database to assist in initiation of malnutrition and Score >23.5 was
nutritional intervention programs and considered well nourished. [7] Weight and
formulation of policies. Hence we height were measured by using standardized
conducted this study with an aim to assess weighing machine and stadiometer
the nutritional status of elderly and to study respectively. Weight was measured to the
the various factors associated with nearest 0.1 kg and height to the nearest 0.1
malnutrition. cm. For the elderly with spinal curvatures,
arm length was used to estimate height.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Elderly people who were self-
A cross sectional study was earning, getting pension, having savings or
conducted from April 2016 to September getting rent for a house were considered
2016 for a period of six months at financially independent. Functional status
Thiruverkadu, Thiruvallur district in Tamil was assessed using Instrumental activities of
Nadu. There were 440 community dwelling daily living (IADL) using Lawton’s index.
people, aged above 60 years in and around Based on the self-reporting, the elderly
Thiruverkadu. People above 60 years who who needed help with one or more item
could understand and respond to were assigned to the functionally dependent
questionnaires and willing to take part in the group. Geriatric depression scale (GDS) was
study were included in the study. Those who used to assess depression in elderly. In
were seriously ill, fed by feeding tube and Geriatric depression scale, a score of more
with known neuropsychiatric illness were than five indicated depression.
excluded from the study. Based on inclusion In order to find out the association of
and exclusion criteria, out of 440 elder important variables with nutritional status,
people, only 386 people participated in the only those who fell into the categories of
study. Institutional ethical committee well-nourished and malnourished by MNA

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 39

Vol.6; Issue: 1; January-March 2021
M. Vidyalakshmi Assessment of nutritional status and its associated factors in elderly in rural area of
Tamil Nadu, India.

scoring were included. Those who fell into malnutrition. Based on RDA guidelines of
the “At risk” category were excluded. 2010, 230 people had adequate caloric
Analysis of qualitative variables was done intake and 156 people had inadequate
using Chi-square test. Data thus collected caloric intake. Assessment details were
was tabulated and chi-square test was used summarized in Table 2.
to determine the association of various
factors with malnutrition. A p-value of less Table 2.Assessment details of study population Assessment Parameter Number
than 0.05 was considered to be statistically scale (percentage)
significant. 1 IADL Functionally 226(58.5%)
Functionally 160(41.4%)
RESULTS dependent
2 GDS depressed 189(48.9%)
Table 1 summarizes the normal 197(51.1%)
demographic details of the study population. 3 MNA tool Well nourished 130(33.6%)
At risk 188(48.7%)
Malnourished 68(17.6%)
Table 1.Demographic detail of study population
4 RDA Adequate calorie 230(59.5%)
1. Age 60-75 years 278(72%) intake
76-85 years 96(24.8%) Inadequate 156(40.4%)
>85 years 12(3.1%) calorie intake
2. Sex Male 218(56.4%) IADL-Instrumental activities of daily living, GDS-Geriatric
Female 168(43.5%) depression scale, MNA-Mini nutritional assessment, RDA-
3. Living status With spouse 54(13.9%) Recommended Daily Allowance.
With children 122(31.6%)
With spouse and 78(20.2%)
children A significant association was found
With relative 126(32.6%)
Alone 6(1.5%)
between the nutritional status and age group
4. Educational Illiterate 210(54.4%) more than 75 years, female gender, literacy,
status living status, status of being financially and
Upto primary school 87(22.5%)
Upto secondary school 60(15.5%) functionally dependent, depression and
College 29(7.5%) inadequate caloric intake. It was found that
5. Financial status Independent 142(36.7%)
Dependent 244(63,5%) malnutrition was significantly more
prevalent in age more than 75 years, female
Using IADL, functional status was gender and illiterate people. People living
assessed showing 226 people as functionally under the care of relatives or living alone
independent and 160 people as functionally were more malnourished. It was found that
dependent. GDS showed 189 people as malnutrition was significantly present in
depressed and remaining 197 people were people who were depressed, financially and
normal without depression.MNA showed functionally dependent on caregivers and
130 people as well nourished, 68 people as those eat inadequate calories per day. Table
malnourished and 188 people at risk of 3 summarizes the association of different
factors with malnutrition.
Table 3.Association of factors with malnutrition. Factor Well nourished Malnourished P value
1 Age > 75 years 14 28 < .00001
2 Female 52 44 .0009
3 Living without spouse and children 20 32 .00015
4 Illiterate 57 54 < .00001
5 Financially dependent 55 41 .02
6 Functionally dependent 47 37 .013
7 Depressed 60 44 .017
8 Inadequate caloric intake 53 44 .0013

Various reasons cited for inadequate decisions regarding food intake was taken
caloric intake were problems of chewing by caregivers (56.4%) and 83.3% elderly
and swallowing (71.7%), some complained were unaware of balanced diet.
of loss of appetite(55.1%), some indicated
they could not afford it (67.9%), for some,

Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 40

Vol.6; Issue: 1; January-March 2021
M. Vidyalakshmi Assessment of nutritional status and its associated factors in elderly in rural area of
Tamil Nadu, India.

DISCUSSION and nutritional status in the geriatric age and

Like most geriatric problems, found that scarce economic resources limit
malnutrition is multifactorial and the availability of access to food. Elderly
overlapping. Normal age-related changes in people often have to decide what foods to
the neurological and musculoskeletal system give priority to purchase, with an increased
were responsible for weakness in elderly risk of having a non- balanced diet in terms
individuals and this weakness is exacerbated of macro- and micronutrients. Economic
by malnutrition. Prevalence of malnutrition hardship can lead to the use of more energy-
in our study was 17.6% of elderly which dense foods, that are less expensive, but
was almost similar to result in studies by with a lower nutritional quality. [20,21]
Vedantam et al [9], Ferdous et al [10], Baweja In our study there was a significant
et al [11], Saka et al [12]. association of malnutrition with financial
In an attempt to study the association and functional dependence. This result was
of different variables with malnutrition, it in accordance with other studies correlating
was found that older aged people were more malnutrition with financial status of the
malnourished. Similar relation of people [22,23] and functional status of the
malnutrition with old age was found in people [24,25]. There was significant
studies by Baweja et al [11] and Wadhwa et association between caloric intake and
al [13]. Older people were less active and malnutrition in our study which was in
hence had a poor appetite leading to reduced accordance to the study by Vedantam et al
calorie intake and malnutrition. Females in South India.
were more malnourished in our study. This Weight loss and malnutrition in
could be due to the role of women in the elderly people due to poor dietary intake can
society and financial dependence. Studies also have psychological causes. Reality is
by Saeidlou et al., [14] Donini et al. [15] and often perceived by elderly people with a
Boulos et al. [16] also recorded significant sense of futility. Elderly subjects usually are
association between female gender and not able to succeed in their choices and to
malnutrition. express their will, and they often direct their
Other factors that contribute to aggression against themselves. The first
malnutrition among the elderly are social manifestation of depression is the lack
isolation and financial deprivation. In our of interest in food. [26,27] In our sample,
study, the percentage of malnutrition was depression was very frequent and seemed to
significantly higher in those elderly who be related to nutritional status.
were living alone. This emphasizes the This study had some limitations. No
important role of social support for this age assessment of biochemical parameters of
group, as they were often unable to serve nutritional status and hemoglobin were
themselves and have no support for done. It was also not possible to look into
preparing food. morbidities which might affect nutritional
The present study highlighted that status.
higher educational status had the best
nutritional status. Similar finding was also CONCLUSION
observed in other studies conducted in As there is significant proportion of
various parts of India and neighboring geriatric people with malnutrition and risk
countries. [17,18,19] This could be because of of malnutrition, it is necessary to raise
the fact that those with higher education awareness of the elderly and their caregivers
might have better awareness about the about the quality, quantity and frequency of
nutritious food, healthy lifestyle and active food intake. However, a multidimensional
aging. approach is required at this moment to deal
Epidemiological studies have deeply with these issues. Routine screening for
analysed the relationship between poverty malnutrition is essential for early detection

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