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Singapore International School Mumbai

TOK Essay Planning Form- May 2023

Name of the Candidate: Shruti Sriram

TOK prescribed title: 1. Is replicability necessary in the production of knowledge? Discuss

with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Your definition of the key terms and concepts in the title- should not be from dictionary and

Replicability: refers to the approach of producing consistent results answering one point
repeatedly. It can also be interpreted as producing the same copy of a novel with the same
storyline without altering the meaning and outcome and the impact that it has on the target

What does this title ask you to discuss? How will you go about approaching the question? In
other words, what is your interpretation of the title? In other words what is going to be the
main thesis of your response?

The title mainly asks us to discuss the importance of replicability in the production of
knowledge and how it changes the meaning and effect on the audience. I am going to approach
the title , first by explaining the concept of replication of knowledge to produce newer versions
of the same collection. Its impact on the methods, perspective of the writer and the
interpretation of knowledge passed on through a certain text on its knowers. Hence the TOK
Essay prompt focuses on the importance of replicability, methods , perspective of the author
and its impact on the message passed on to the knowers.
What are the TOK concepts which emerge strongly based on your interpretation from the title?
(Please do not mention the two AOKs here)
The TOK concepts which strongly emerge from the title are truth and Justification . While the
other two concepts include culture and perspective.

Which areas of knowledge will be included in your essay? Explain how they will contribute to
the development of the discussion (Perspectives through similarities or differences between
the chosen AOKs).

The 2 areas of knowledge here are art and one of the human sciences, physics. Under natural
sciences , I have chosen physics while under art I have chosen the period of Renaissance. In
physics I will explain the perspective of Newton on his theory of “The Three Laws of Motion”
while bringing in suitable arguments to justify the certainty and validity of his theory
presented by various renowned scientists.

List the probable specific examples of the chosen AOK1 & AOK2
Some of the examples for AOK 1: Physics:- Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, Archimedes’
Buoyancy Principle, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion.

Some of the examples of AOK 2: Modern Period of Renaissance:- Painting of The Birth of
Venus, The Last Supper and Raphael’s Depiction on Humanist Concerns painting.

Do you see any underlying assumptions in the title? If yes, what are they?
The underlying assumptions in the above TOK title are that is the concept of replicability
applicable in the case of certain texts, scientific theories where the newer versions have more
chances of being altered ,where newer arguments are presented forth which can impact the
knowledge of a knower. Replicability sometimes can be applicable when we present artistic
representations of some of the historical civilizations where art can play a key role in
impacting the knowledge of the knower in depicting various events associated with that
particular chosen civilizations.

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