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2.1 Functions & evolution of

HRM - question bank
2.1 Functions & evolution of HRM - Question bank

Test your understanding of this topic in the IB Business Management syllabus by answering these
questions. This is a "dynamic quiz" with 20 questions, but feel free to revisit this page regularly as
the questions are updated each time you take this quiz (there are over 100 questions in total for Unit
What is the management process of forecasting an organization’s current and future staff needs a
part of?

A.   Training

B.   Workforce planning

C.   Recruitment

D.   Work patterns and practices

Which of the following is not associated with a high labour turnover rate?

A.   A highly contented work force

B.   Staff feeling inadequately trainedk

C.   Poor job satisfaction

D.   Better pay and working conditions externally

Which of the following is not associated with a high labour turnover rate?

A.   A highly contented work force

B.   Better pay and working conditions externally

C.   Staff feeling inadequately trainedk

D.   Poor job satisfaction

Tests that measure a candidate’s ability to perform specific tasks as well as skills and abilities are
referred to as what?

A.   Aptitude tests

B.   Psychometric tests

C.   Intelligence tests

D.   Trade tests

Which of the following is not an advantage of induction training?

A.   Diverts senior managers from their jobs

B.   Creates fewer disruptions

C.   Enables employers to set clear expectations

D.   Enables an employee to embrace the role and expectations of the new job

Which of the following is not a direct reason for conducting appraisals?

A.   To help to identify training needs

B.   To help management reward high achieving employees through promotions and bonuses

C.   To help assess an employee’s performance against agreed targets

D.   To help improve workforce planning

Termination of a worker’s employment due to incompetence or breach of contract is referred to as

A.   Redeployment

B.   Reinstatement

C.   Redundancy

D.   Dismissal

Which of the following is not a reason for redundancies in the workplace?
A.   Outsourcing and offshoring of certain jobs

B.   Unacceptable behaviour or conduct by an employee

C.   Changes in external environment leading to a need for restructuring

D.   A decrease in the demand for the firm’s products by merit rule

Which term describes a person having several different part-time jobs, all carried out

A.   Homeworker

B.   Core worker

C.   Portfolio worker

D.   Teleworker

What is the term used to describe the practice of transferring internal business activities to an
external firm in order to reduce costs?

A.   Outsourcing

B.   Offshoring

C.   Exporting

D.   Re-shoring
Drag the text boxes to fill in the missing parts in the following text:

             Termination misconduct


    need very definite, with precise reasons for the     of workers as they can be challenged in

courts of law. In case dismissal is proven to be unfair, the employee has the legal right to seek    

 from the employer. Dismissals generally go through a process of initial     warning to an

employee followed by a     warning, failing which a dismissal occurs, i.e. the     of the

worker’s     contract. Workers can be dismissed on the grounds of continual     , such as

repeated and unauthorised absenteeism, being regularly late to work,     , rudeness, missing

deadlines or harassing co-workers.     misconduct can lead to instant dismissal, and covers

actions such as theft,     or indecent behaviour in the workplace. Dismissals based on race,    
 , age, gender or sexual preferences is illegal in most countries.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

     - The issues or factors that are beyond the control of the organization, e.g. minimum wage

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:
   - Type of training intended for new employees in order to help them acclimatise with the
people, policies and processes of the organization.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

   - The process of examining what a particular job involves, thereby enabling the HR department
to determine the roles, tasks, duties, responsibilities and skills required to do the job.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

   - The amount of people who leave an organization, expressed as a percentage of the

workforce, per time period (usually one year).

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

      workers - People who move to other countries in search of better job opportunities.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

   - The ability and willingness of employees to do another job or pursue a different career.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

   training - Type of training led by external specialists and takes place away from the place of
Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

   - This happens when an organization relocates some of its operations overseas, usually due to
cost advantages.

Fill in the missing parts in the following text:

   - The opposite of labour turnover, this measures the ability of an organization to keep its
employees at the firm.

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