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4 ALJABER 4@@™ ENGINEERING va» US83INPP/SK/aa/17/0117 10 August 2017 Mis. New Port Project Steering Committee P.O, Box: 28333 Doha, Gatar Tel: 4406 4444 Fax: 4406 4420 Attention: The Engineer Mr. Maisar Jamil El-Qutami Project Executive Director Project: New Port Project Contract No. NPP/0085: Strategic Food Security Facilities Subject __; Method Statement for Geotechnical Investigation Works Dear Sir, The Contractor hereby submits the method statement for the geotechnical investigation works, associated ‘with the relevant inspection and testing plan (ITP) and risk assessment (RA), for the Engineer's review and approval ‘The Contractor looks forward to receiving the Engineers early approval on the submitted documents. fe faithfully, a Encldeures: 4. Method Statement for geotechnical investigation works 2. Inspection Test Plan (ITP) 3. Risk assessment (RA) F Paid-Up Capital worwjeca weUgs) New PORT PROJECT ALJABER Aljber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘All ENGINEERING NPP/0O8S: Strategic Food Storage Facies, v—_ Method Statement for Geotechnical Investigation Strategic Food Storage Facilities NPP/o085 (NPP0O85-CIVIL-MS-00002_0) Prepared by » rev) vate Modifications Content emer | basen 0 | 05-Aug-17, First issue ‘Abdala Barghouti Comstnietion; Manger a 2 3 Propared by Reviewed by Approved by Full Name: ABDALA BARGHOUT ‘ANIMA AL ALAWNEH SHADIALKHASHAB Designation CONSTRUCTION MANGER PROJECT MANGER PROJECT DIRECTOR Date | 05-Aug-17 o5-Aea7 _Asyuett Signature 4 : , / wis Revision 0-05 Aug 2017 NeW PORT PROJECT i ALIABER: ‘Ajaber Engineering Company Method Statement “il ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085; States: Food Storage Facilities OM as 1a PuRPOse 1.2 Score or wom 1.3 REQUIRED PERKATS 2 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 2a JC 2.2 SUB-CONTRACTOR 3. DEFINITIONS / ABBREVIATION / REFERENCES... 3.1 DerINmions. 3.2 Asoreviations 33 REFERENCES en 4 RESOURCES. 42 Mawwower 7 4.2 PANTANDEQUIPMENT.... 43° Marais 5 HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS 5.1 HEALTH AND SAFETY, . 5.11 Emergency response... 5.2. ENVIRONMENTAL SSUES. 5.21 Aspect and Impact Identification. hci caret 5.2.2 Aspect Idemification and Mitigation measures 7 10 5.23 Emergency Response... 6 SEQUENCE OF WorKS. 6.1 AREAOF THE Wonks. Se ote eee te a 14 6.2. PROGRAMME / TIMELINE OFTHE WORKS 7 14 63 SETTING OUT SURVEY... aemenens li dtueasnestet 6A BoReHouss 4 65 InSmu Testing 12 6.6 INSTRUMENTATION. 212, 6.7 LaBoRAToRY TESTS 12 68 REPORTING... 13 6.9 DEMOBIUSATION OF CREW AND PLANT. : : 13 7 APPENDICES [Ac FIGURE-1: ACKER AD? Lority MOUNTED ROTARY DRILUNG RIS 28 Revision 0-5 Aogst 2017 New poRT PROJECT Alber Engineering Company Method Statement [NPP/OO8S: Strategic Food Storage Facilities, INTRODUCTION _] 1.1 Purpose ‘The purpose ofthis method statement is to serve asthe details, sequence and quality for the Geotechnical Investigation ‘works, which will be conducted in order to obtain and determine detailed information about the surface and subsurface sol stratification along with geological conditions, physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the ground materials in the investigated site in order to provide sufficient information to asist design and construction purposes ofthe proposed structure, in addition to provide recommendation for ground and ste preparation works. 1.2 Scope of work This method statement describes the necessary in-situ and laboratory works/tests for the foundation design of the building as below: + Drilling of fifty boreholes, + Carrying out of in-situ testing and laboratory testing, + Submission of Factual Geotechnical Report in accordance with the project specifi requirements. The boreholes were determined according to topographic survey provided of the site area and matching with Design Consultant requirements ‘This method statement is subject to the requirements as stated in the following regulatory & statutory documents, applicable standards / specications / building codes: + Qatar Construx + SiS cP 2012 + QS, 8s 1377, Bs 8004:1986 n Specification (ACS) 2010 1.3. Required permits For the execution of this methad statement work no permits shall be required from government bodies, municipalities ‘and/or authorities. ss Revision 0-5 August 2017 NeW PORT PROJECT Ml ALJABER: ‘Ajaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘MBL ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085: Strategie Food Storage Facies wm sie 2__ ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 21 JEC Project Director *+ The Project Director is over all responsible for execution of this method statement and ensures that his team of Engineers and the Sub-Contractor are aware of this method statement. All resources to include personnel, required ‘material and necessary equipment are avallable in order to carry out the work as planned and without delay. ‘+ Heis also in charge for the implementation of all safety, health and environmental arrangements for JEC and its Sub- Contractor(s) and/or Sub-Consultant(s) Construction Manager + The Construction Manager is responsible for overseeing and co-ordinating the work has been carried out on field as per the approved method statement. + with the Safety and Health Specialist and with the Environment Engineer. ‘+ Hels also in charge to ensure that all necessary required equipment, tools and materials are in place prior to, ‘commencement of the works QA/aC Engineer + The QA/AC Engineer is responsible to ensure work has been executed on field as per the specification and approved ‘method statement. Safety and Health Specialist, + The Safety and Health Specialist is responsible to ensure that al safety precautions and procedures are in place. + Hemay conduct audits or inspections to ensure said compliance. Safety and Health Officer ‘+The Safety and Health Specialist i responsible to ensure that all safety precautions are in place, all personnel have undergone any necessary induction trainings and that all personnel are equipped with (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment. Environment Manager ‘+The Environment Manger is responsible to ensure that all environmental arrangements are in place, all personnel have undergone any necessary induction training and that all personnel are trained and complaint with all environmental regulations, legislation, policies and procedures. ‘+ He may conduct auaits or inspections to ensure said compliance. 2.2. Sub-Contractor Branch Manager ‘+ The Branch Manager is over all responsible for execution of this method statement and ensures that his team of Engineers, Technicians, Manager and Supervisor are aware of this method statement. All resources to include personnel, required material and necessary equipment are available in order to carry out the work as planned and without delay, + The ultimate responsibility for determining the Sub-Contractor’s company policy environment matters lies with the Branch Manager. + He checks each report to be issued by Sub-Contractor for the accuracy and completion of all date and results and a final inspection form is issued. ans Revision 0-5 August 2017 NEW PORT PRO.ECT 7M ALJABER ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING 'NPP/00KS: strates Food Storage Facilities 1 Project Engineer +The Project Engineer is responsible for overall management of field works and laboratory testing, ‘+ He issues the reports in compliance with the regulatory & statutory documents, applicable standards / specifications / building codes and project specific requirements. ‘+ He also co-ordinates with the Safety and Health Specialist and with the Environment Engineer of JE. Foreman (Chief Driller) +The Foreman is responsible forthe supervision of all field works. ‘+ Hei in charge for implementation of Health and Safety throughout the execution of the field works. He ensures that personnel use the proper work procedures. + He is also responsible for the Environmental awareness, in order to achieve maximum commitment and therefore ‘effectiveness, compliance with their company polices, project specific & Employer's environmental regulations and statutory environmental requirements. sis Fevsion 0-5 August 2017 NEW PORT PROLECT Aber Engineering Company Method Statement [NPP/OO8S: Strategic Food Storage Facilities 3.1. Definitions 3 _ DEFINITIONS / ABBREVIATION / REFERENCES ‘SFSF ‘Strategic Food Storage Facies CONTRACTOR | Ajaber Engineering Company ENGINEER ‘Mr Maiser Jamil ELQutami, Acing Project Executive Director, New Port Project EMPLOYER ‘The Government of the State of Qatar, represented by the New Port Project Steering Commitee ‘SUB ‘Qatar Industial Laboratories/ Arab Centre for Engineering Studies CONTRACTOR 2 Abbreviations BEGL Below Existing Ground Level BH Boreholes EC Environmental Consultant (COW) De Engineering Design Consultant (Worley Parsons) TAR Improvement Action Report ec Independent Engineering Consultant IFA Issued for Approval Fe Issued for Construction FI Issued for Information FR Issued for Review R Inepection Request ISRM International Society for Rock Mechanics. me Inspection Test Pian KPI Key Performance Indicator Ms “Method of Statement MSIC Employer Designated Port Master Systems integration Consultant MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet NCR 'Non Conformance Report PMC Programme Management Consultant POP: Project Quality Plan’ sas: Qatar Sustainability Assessment System ass) Employer Designated Securty Sub-Contractor (Qatar Security Systems Co.) RA Risk Assessment RFI Request for Information| RI Request for Inspection SHEE Safety, Health and Environment sis Site Inspection Schedule ‘SOR Site Quality Observation Report Revision 0-5 August 2017 ons NeW Poar PRO.ECT Aliaber Engineering Company Method Statement [NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facies Ml ALJABER ENGINEERING ‘Standard Penetration Test Tal Pit Work Breakdown Structure 3 References Document slegencs Document title NPPOOBS-JEC-ITP- | TTP Inspection and Test Plan for Geotechnical Works (00020 INPPOOBS-JEC-RA- | RA~ Risk Assessment for Geotechnical Works ‘00020 'NPPOOBS-JECHSE- | Health and Safety Management Plan 001_0 NPPOOBSJECTMP- | Traffic Management Plan 001_0 NPPOOBSJECDMP- | Disaster Management Plan 001_0 Fevsion 0-5 August 2017 78 NEW PORT PROJECT 27M ALJABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING NPP/OO85: Strategic Food Storage Facilities: wi Wh Aaa. 4 __ RESOURCES 4.1 Manpower Safety and Health Offcer— 01 No. Foreman (Chief Driller) 01 No. Chief Oriller-01 No. Assistant Driller 08 Nos. Back hoe excavator Operator—01 No. * Trial pit Technician ~02 Nos. 4.2. Plant and equipment ‘The following equipments and materials shall be used for the works: * Lorry mounted driling rigs ~ up to 02 Nos. * Backhoe excavator JCB type or similar—01 No. ‘Note: All equipments should have accurate certificates for use, and should be checked before starting works by trained safety officer for ood concition. 4.3 Materials + Piezometer. + pvCpipe2” * Pea gravel Portland cement. Cast iron flush cover 300mm x 300mm. Revson 0-5 August 2017 NeW PORT PROJECT af ALJABER ‘Alber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING NPP/OO8S: Strategic Food Storage Facilities: Cm is JS_HEALTH / SAFETY / ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS 5.1 Health and Safety The health and safety activities are to be in accordance with the relevant Health, Safety and Environmental requirements as described, but not limited to, within the guidelines for method statement. ‘The Sub-Contractor shall ensure that the JEC’s Health and Safety Management Plan is followed stringently; in adlition Sub- Contractor shall ensure their internal health and safety procedures are followed by all crew members which Is prepared to sult. Where applicable particular site safety procedures shall be adhered to at all times during site works. Prior to commencement of any work activity crew members shall ensure all relevant third party certificates for plant equipment to be in place. All site employees to attend both QSS and JEC safety inductions. A Dally tool box talk shall be given to all employees; this shall include a 360 Har ID, findings of which shall be discussed and where practical mitigated. Allemployees shall hold on their possession of New Port Project identification ID cards along with JEC training 1D Cards. In the event of an emergency the Project Engineer / Foreman shall Immediately inform the JEC Project Director (Mr. Shadi ‘Alkhashab 3339-9740) in addition the S&H Specialist (Mr Zafar Khan 5030-1309) providing them with all relevant Information regarding the emergency. During the works Sub-Contractor shal ensure adequate barricading in order to restrict access to authorised personnel only ‘The roles and responsibilities of safety staf is to be listed under chapter 2 of this MS. 5.1.1 Emergency response ‘The activities for emergency responses are to be in accordance with the (NPPOO8S-JEC-HSE-0001_0 and NPPOO8S-JEC- DMP-0001_0) as described, but not limited to, within the guidelines for method statement. 5.2 Environmental issues ‘The activities for environmental preservation through mitigation are to be in accordance with the Qatari Environmental Legislation, MoE permits, environmental contract conditions and CEMP. Compliance to Qatari Environmental Legislation, MoE permits, environmental contract conditions and CEMP isto be listed and ensured prior to commencing the works. Specific environmental risks and mitigations related to the activities of the method statement are addressed through the Aspect Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures table attached to this section. JEC and their Sub-Contractor ensures that the preservation of the environment is achieved via no damage is caused to the environment as a result of the execution of this method statement ‘The roles and responsibilities of environmental staff is to be listed under chapter 2 of this MS. oy18 Revision 0-5 August 2017 [NEW PORT PROJECT Alber Engineering Company [NP /0O8S: Strategic Food Storane Facies, Method Statement 5.2.1 Aspect and Impact Identification ‘The aspeets and impact relevant to the works described in the method statement are addressed through the Aspect Impact ‘Assessment and Mitigation Measures table attached in this section, 5.2.2. Aspect Identification and Mitigation measures 2M ALJABER ‘Mil ENGINEERING Environmental Sourceimctivity | Relevant permits | Relevant control} _Adiltional mitigation measures ‘aspect procedure (Contamination Fut, ot or nyarauie | CEMP Use ap trays during | Maintan appropri spl ks on ‘ui irom equipment ‘any manienarce, MOB | sie a all mes and traning for teak DeEMOB. emergency sil response ‘Groundwater Boring for coe ‘cEMP Use ony fresh water as | i any potential for contamination of contamination samp lubreant curing boring | groundwater occurs, all activins Wil be ceased and investigation wil be undertaken Greenhouse gas Operation of fossil fuel | CEMP Ensureall equipment | Monitor equipment for any abnormal emissions combustion engines has undergone condition and replacamaintain Inspection of emissions | equipment as required ‘within the fst 8 monte Litering Daly actives cEMP Prompt collec lt_—_| implament the principe of duce, rubbish and dspose in| reuse and rece tot the approved receptacle | amount of rubbish generated 5.2.3 Emergency Response All reasonably practicable precautions shall be taken to eliminate the potential for hydrocartion or chemical spills. All equipment (10 Ton truck and diesel operated drill rig) will be maintained according to manufacturer's specifications and dlivered to the project site in a clean condition free of leaks, drips, etc. A drip tray (or similarly suitable containment) and spill kit wil be avallable for each truck/dfil rig to be used in the event of a spill, The spi kit wil contain hydrocarbon absorbent, durable receptacle, PPE and Emergency Response Instructions. In the event of an environmental issue or incident, JEC’s Environmental Manager and the PMC will be immediately notified and it will be entered into the InfoExchange system. Revision 0-5 August 2017 sy 18 NeW PORT PROJECT 41M ALJABER Alaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING [NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilities, WR pA sitacia 6 _ SEQUENCE OF WORKS 6.1 Area of the works ‘The Geotechnical Investigation will ke conducted on the field at NPP/O085 Strategic Food Security Facilities construction site, and the samples willbe tested at the laboratory by Sub-Contractor. Site access, whether vehicular or foot, shall be through designated routes and passages approved in advance by al parties and will be in compliance with the Traffic ‘Management Plan NPFOO8S-JEC-TMP-0001_0 6.2. Programme / Timeline of the works The submitted Subsurface Investigation program, as detailed in sections 6.4 through 6.9 ofthis method statement, is developed for the planned buildings, roads and parking areas. Based on the outcomes ofthis investigation program, the Contractor's designer (APG) will advise on the necessity of further extending the scope of the SI program, in particular ifthe subsurface conditions revealed to be heterogeneous and/or necessitating ground improvement. The Geotechnical investigation Works shall be executed within thirty (30) working days in line with the programme. This is based on six (6) day working weeks, between 6:00 to 17:00. AA detailed programme is also provided at the Appendix C. 6.3 Setting out Survey ‘The accurate location and ground level of boreholes and trial pts shall be set by JEC prior to the commencement of Geotechnical Investigation. 6.4 Boreholes Fifty (50) boreholes will be sunk to a nominal depth ranging between 10m and 20m below existing ground level (BEGL| or refusal. Acker ADII lorry mounted rotary din rig (see Figure 1) will be used in the execution of the boreholes. The borehole will be advanced from ground surface using 125mm (S") diameter casing up to rock head. Large disturbed bulk sample shall be taken from the inspection pit. Disturbed samples willbe taken at ground surface and in cohesions soil at 1.0m intervals from SPT split spoon. Undisturbed samples will be taken in cohesive materia, if encountered, at 1.0m intervals andor at change of strata using Shelby tube. In-situ standard penetration test, SPT, will be carried out at 0.5m BEGL and at 1.0m interval for the top $.0m and at 1.5m interval thereafter. Upon reaching rock head coring will commence using double tube core barrel with diamond core bits capable of producing cores of the specified diameter. The hole diameter will be 101mm (2"). Water will be used as a flush media a all time during driling. Bulk samples willbe taken from surface and preserved in polythene bags and properly labeled. ‘The SPT split spoon samples will be kept in airtight jars and labelled Cohesive undisturbed samples will be preserved inside the sampling Shelby tube and sealed from both ends using multi layers of wax. The tube will be properly labelled. Core samples will be kept in special wooden boxes and labelled, Groundwater level shall be measured at the beginning and end of each day shift Borehole to receive standpipe piezometer will be flushed clean from debris and residual water before installing the standpipe and pea gravel backfill. Boreholes with no instruments to be installed will be backfilled with arising. aya8 Revision 0-5 August 2017 NeW PORT PROJECT 1 ALJABER ‘Ajaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085; Strategic Food Storage Facilities MW ON {At the end of each borehole all samples will be transported to Sub-Contractor’s laboratories in Doha for further ‘examination logging and eventually testing. 6.5 In-Situ Testing Standard Penetration Test in Borehole, SPT SPT, will be carried out at 0.5m BEG and at 1.0m interval for the top 5.0m and at 1.5m interval thereafter, as specified and In accordance with Clause 25.2, BS 5930. ‘The drive assembly of SPT consists of 63.5 kg weight, a driving head and a guide permitting a free fall of 76cm. The sampler, consisting ofa split spoon sampler, is driven 450mm into the soll for each test or refusal. The number of blows for every 150mm penetration will be recorded as standard penetration resistance. The samples recovered from the split spoon sampler will be inspected visualy, properly identified and preserved in airtight containers. The sarmples will later be transported to Sub-Contractors laboratory in Doha for further testing. Constant Head Permeability Test Three (3) constant head permeability tests will be carried out in boreholes at pre-specified depth. Fresh water shall be used at alltime during testing, The test will be carried out in accordance with Clause 25.4.4 of BS5930. Packer ity T ‘Three (3) double packer permeability tests will be carried out in boreholes at pre-specified depth zone. Fresh water shall be used at alltime during testing. The test will be carried out in accordance with Clause 25.5 of 8S5930, 6.6 Instrumentation PVC Samm diameter standpipe piezometer will be installed in selected boreholes (3 Nos). Installation details including borehole purging, well development, protective cover, etc, shall bein full compliance with Specification, Water level within the standpipe piezometer will be monitored dally during fieldwork period only 6.7 Laboratory Tests All samples sent tothe laboratory will be thoroughly examined and described andthe findings incorporated inthe final borehole and trial pit logs. Selected samples will be destined for testing for classification, compaction related, strength and chemical properties ‘The Table below lists all specified tests and their tentative quantities: Item | Test Description No. 1 __| Sieve analysis inc Mc) 90 2 __| Extra over 1 above by hydrometer (inc Mc) 90 3__| Dryandbutk densities of cemented and cohesive sol 0 4 | Plasticity indices | 5__| Specific gravity 10 6 __| Unconfined compression tests on cohesive soils 10 7 | WUTsI compression tests on cohesive soils 3 ny Revision 05 August 2087 NEW PORT PROJECT MM ALJABER Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facilites poi dau ‘CU Tal compression tests on cohesive soils, : Direct shear test i 3 10 _ | One dimensional consolidation tests on cohesive soils 3 11_| One dimensional swell or collapse potential tests on cohesive soils 3 12 _| Determination of the dry density/ moisture content relationship of soil, 25 13 | CBR (4 day soaked) # 25 14 _| UcStests on rack cores inc bulk density and Me 50 15 _| UcS tests on rock cores inc bulk density, Me + E 7 16 _| Point load index of rock samples q 50 17__| Sulphate Content fi 10 18 | Chloride Content 10 19_| pH Value 10 20 _| Calcium carbonate content of soll or rock a 10 6.8 Reporting ‘The Geotechnical investigation and factual report giving a full description of subsurface conditions and result of in-situ and laboratory testing. Detalled description of the surface condition and features within the site shall be provided. Site Description. * Geology of the Area * Seismicity and Tectonic of the area + Prevailing weather conditions * Field and Laboratory Testing * Material Properties; physical and mechanical + The choice of foundations type Conclusions and Recommendations: = Foundation Depth and Type = Allowable bearing pressure for shallow foundations = Deep Foundation (Deep) = Foundations settlement - Earth Pressure = Excavation Side Slope = Excavation Method + Ground Improvement Method + Backfill Material and Compaction Criteria = Protection from Soll = Depth Shallow Foundation Excavation 6.9 Demobilisation of Crew and Plant Upon completion of each task the related personnel, equipment and plant will demobilize from site efter ensuring that ‘work site is re-instated to its original condition. For instance the tral pitting when completed the back hoe will be demobilized immediately outside the site area waiting for low loader to be transported away. The drilling rigs however are lorry mounted that will be driven out of site immediately after completion of their tasks. Appendix D shows demobilization plan as part of the work program. 3/18 Revislon 0-5 August 2017, ALJABER. NeW PORT PROJECT ‘Ajaber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING 'NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facies OMe 7_ APPENDICES [ovens Ee joe A | Figure-t 8 | Layout Drawing | Programme 1D | Design Consultant's Subsurface investigation Specification, MOM, and 80 ups Revision 0-5 August 2017 Ml ALJABER New PORT PRONECT ‘Aljaber Engineering Company Method Statement ‘Mil ENGINEERING 'NPF/0085: Sates Food Storage Facts __ Appendix A ACKER AD2 Lorry Mounted Rotary Drilling Ri 15/18 Revision [New PORT PROJECT 4 ALJABER ‘labor Engineering Company Method Statement ‘MM ENGINEERING [NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Facies wm ics ‘Appendix B 16/8 RevsionO—5 August 2017 ASABER ENGINEERING UMD Holts } i ss seman ee ea Se [See aaa pS ee ee eee See SS ——— Sees eee Patmos Ea-Heere eee aan ae 2a es eee efeeetaaees aes See nee = oe Aes es 2 eeu pain eae ogi teed ee Hee SS aes stanatues ees Fe een SEES | SSeS 2a i 2 eee SBS See a sees Se SSeS ae a anos ee [efi le SSeS | Boast Sele pes (Steet See pa Pee aaa rs | sess [re 75 [eas | ate 96 fesse] vs “borne or “e_| soem su or common eee vedi tee Sane ee : ee Pines oor a ae ae ee eee Spee SE - ee ee ee ees 2 Sees f eo a fape ines ee ee ee - Hee — Soe ves age eee ee tenet —t Eats Sess ee ten eee ee ieeeee eee eee: ear pe ee Pees ae ates Desks eee eee : Eee Es ae arteatae ELSES eee bee oie ice. rung Pov Srey Fay SSF) 2 = a = SSE = : See ee ol aeateest — | fags ar é See ee Rees ee ar : oe Sn See a eeiapeer a : eee hee Sees ae Ome sltuais : SEES ae =e a i ae ee ae Seen ee z a Ee teeel eee 2 ee 2 ete == : - SUES Sea oe = sox. esronnon 2 eee Ss Pees a corceanons s ee aes = = {eae ——— if Pe aE sieetea— = E==|— = # SEES ea we een = = r : ; = : : et — [NEW PORT PROJECT ALJABER Alber Engineering Company Method Statement ENGINEERING [NPP/0085: Strategc Food Storage Facies wm iow | Appendix ¢ Programme | | w/18 Revision 0-5 August 2017 NEW PORT PROUECT ‘ALJABER Alber Engineering Compeny Method Statement ENGINEERING NPP/0085: Strategic Food Storage Faces wm siews Appendix D nsultant’s Subsurface Investigation Specification and Sco, ays Revision 0-5 August 2017 Lagbaiallg djLacll ac gare ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING GROUP Sao). PROJECT NO. 346.6 ‘ate: FEBRUARY 2017 Ref: NPP0dss_Gta2 SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES PURPOSE. Geotechnical Consultant services in the areas of geotechnical investigation, analysis and design are required by the Department in support of preliminary engineering and construction-related efforts. In the execution of its services, the geotechnical Consultant will work principally with and coordinate its activities with the main contractor / consultant. ‘The Report shall consist of site description, investigation procedures, description of subsurface conditions, borehole log sheets and shall present discussion and recommendations for design. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED. This section describes various work items which may be required of the geotechnical Consultant. All of the work items will not necessarily be required in a single assignment. The geotechnical consultant shail be prepared to perform all work included in the work areas covered by the contract. When work items are referenced to existing specifications and/or standards, all work must strictly adhere to those specifications and/or standards unless alternate methods are approved in advance by the main contractor / consultant. All works performed by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be in accordance with the Department's current Soils and Foundations Procedure Manual, the Qatar Construction Specifications QCS 2014 and Guidelines for Review of Geotechnical Reports and Preliminary Plans and Specifications, related directives, and referenced standards and specifications. ‘The Consultant's services shall include, but not be limited to the following: B01 A Data Collection Data collection shall be a combined effort of the geotechnical Consultant and the Main Contractor/Consultant and shall include the appropriate activities listed or any other activity deemed necessary by the Department's Project Manager. and shall be considered incidental to data collection. Obtain all existing geotechnical data from: 1. Topographic maps 2. Aerial photographs 3. Ground water resources 4. Construction plans 5. Geological bulletins 6. Pile driving and construction records 7. Existing plans 8. Other sources EO] B, Geotechnical Seismic Desi wwirement 1 Foundation Stiffness matrices including individual pile stiffness’s, pile group stiffness's and footing stiffness’s will be developed using the procedures outlined in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Design Specifications. 2 Selsmic Site Classification and corresponding recommended response spectra for both period and displacement. 3+ Liquefaction Potential (where required) will be assessed per the current LRFD Design Specifications or equivalents. 4 A preliminary lateral pile analysis and the corresponding lateral load vs. deflection curve isto be included in the final geotechnical report 5+ Special dynamic analysis beyond that required by codes such as ground- foundation response. 6 Special physical soil model analysis. 7- Horizontal Earthquake Coeff,(c) in Earth Pressure due to Earthquake according ‘to Mononape Okabe method. C.Field Reconnaissance Field reconnaissance shall be a combined effort of the geotechnical Consultant and the Main Contractor / Consultant and shall include the appropriate activities listed or any other activity deemed necessary by the Department's Project Manager. and shall be considered incidental to field reconnaissance. Perform a site reconnaissance and note the following: 1. Location with detailed land description 2. Horizontal and vertical survey control 3. Geologic formations 4, Seismicity and tectonic of the area 5. Surface soils 6. Surface water (if applicable) 7. General site condition 8 Presence of rock outcrop and rock type 9. Conditions for detours 10, Foundation type, condition and location 11. Type, condition, and location of nearby structures 12, Visual evidence of scour at bridges or culverts 13. Site conditions relative to boring plan including site access, private property, and checking all field testing locations for existing utilities/obstructions and revising locations where necessary 14. Presence of Hazardous Materials and Waste 15, Prevailing weather conditions including temperature and pressure, relative humidity, rainfall and wind 16. Other pertinent data 17. Based on information from Section Il, A, B and C, develop a plan for geotechnical investigation DField Investigation - Soil 10. LL 12; ‘The field investigation for structures may include, but is not limited to: Bore holes shall be drilled at specified locations to obtain information about the sub-soil profile, its nature, strength and to collect soil samples for strata identification and conducting laboratory tests. The minimum. diameter of the bore hole shall be 150 mm and boring shall be carried ‘out in accordance with the provisions of QCS 2014 and as per specification Thin-walled tube samples per ASTM D 1587 ‘Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings per ASTM D 1586 including water table readings. Extra samples are taken in areas where continuous, sampling is desired or at every change in strata. Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) borings per ASTM D 3441 including water table readings Field Vane Shear Tests (Drained Condition) as per ASTM D 2573 (soil shear strength) Soil Lateral Stiffness Engineering support required in conjunction with determination of piezometric head of artesian aquifers if encountered. Obtain environmental corrosion samples of soil and water for testing Obtain samples to determine D50 grain size Monitor well installation and data acquisition Permits for test borings or other work items, Miscellaneous drilling services not covered elsewhere, Provide survey services to locate and determine elevations of field testing locations. 13. Water Flow through soils under the effect of head different between the sea level and SFSF level. E.Laboratory Testing (Structures) The laboratory testing for structures may include, but is not limited to: 1 1. 12, Grain-size analyses and shape (Sieve analysis) conducted according to BS 1377: Part 2:1990 and related standards (Complete Hydrometer Analysis) used to further classify the shape of the grains. (Determination of the proportions of soil constituents) Atterberg limits conducted according to ASTM D 4318 and ASTM D 4318 and related standards (shrinkage, Plastic and liquid limit) we can define the soil if swelling or Collapse soil and we can identiy the liquefaction. Moisture content test conducted according to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) or related standards including the optimum moisture content & the corresponding max dry density) Organic content by wet combustion tests or by loss on ignition tests conducted according to ASTM STP479 and related standards Specific gravity test conducted according to FM. 1-T100 and related standards Consolidation tests conducted according to Terzaghi and directions from the Department's Project Manager (soil decrease in volume - decrease in water, content of saturated soil without replacement of water by air.) - to determine the soil settlement and corresponding time. ‘Triaxial compression tests conducted according to ASTM D 7012-2010 and directions from the Department's Project Manager (to identify the Angle of Intemal Friction and soil Cohesion C) Point load test conducted according to ASTM D 5731: 1995 Unconfined compression tests conducted according to ASTM D 2166 and directions from the Department's Project Manager Corrosion tests for environmental classification conducted according to Department directives and the following: a pH tests conducted according to ASTM D 1293 (water) and ASTM. G51 (soil) b. Resistivity tests conducted according to ASTM D 1125 (water) and ASTM G 57 (soil) ©. Chloride content tests conducted according to BS 1377 Part 3:1990 4, Sulfate content tests conducted according to BS 1377: Part 3:1990 pH tests conducted according to ISO 4316 Splitting Tension tests ASTM D-3967 with variations noted inary Report (Structures} ‘The Preliminary Report shall include, but not be limited to: 13 4. 15, 16, 11, ‘Summary of background data Analysis of foundation alternatives, to include: & Spread footings Steel H-piles of various sizes and capacities Steel pipe piles of various sizes and capacities Other feasible foundation types Basis of recommended selection Evaluation of retained earth walls for external and internal stability (ifapplicable) Evaluation of other wall systems for external stability (if applicable) Analysis of design soil resistance, including: © Plots of design and ultimate compression and tension, safe bearing capacity and soil resistance versus elevation for all feasible foundation sizes and alternatives Calculation of lateral soil resistance and allowable lateral load for all feasible foundation alternatives. Plots of allowable lateral loads. ‘A detailed boring/sounding standard sheet for inclusion in the construction plans ase scted by the Department's Project Manager, to include Specialized construction requirements, ‘A summary of all pertinent soil parameters used in analysis calculations, ‘The source of all parameters shall be clearly indicated as deriving from tests, correlations with tests, or standard references. The summary shall include, but is not limited to: a. Pre mee Unit weight Specific gravity, SG Existing ground water (dated) and seasonal high groundwater elevations Consol Cohes Strain @ 50% stress level ‘Modulus of subgrade reaction Other parameters as required by the Department's Project Manager 18, a Construction information report. As a minimum, the report should address: a. Estimated hammer requirements and maximum driving resistance anticipated Provisions for footing or shaft construction, as applicable Recommendations on test pile/shaft plans, as applicable 4. Recommended Special Provisions for soils-related construction considerations © Plan sheets for special treatments, as necessary 19. Anappendix, to include as a minimum: SPT boring logs CPT sounding logs Data from specialized field tests Laboratory test data sheets Engineering analysis notes, 20. Recommendation for Soil stabilization in case When no good material is available for filling F. Construction The Consultant shall perform activities during the pre-construction and/or construction phases as requested by the Department's Project Manager. 1, Analysis of pile driving dynamics based on data supplied by the Contractor employing the wave equation analysis. The computer program used shall be approved in advance by the District Geotechnical Engineer. The geotechnical Consultant shall provide graphs of the following: 1) ultimate soil resistance as a function of the number of blows per foot and 2) maximum pile tensile and compression stresses as a function of blows per foot 2. Conduct pile/drilled shat load tests by standard methods, quick-load methods as approved by the District Geotechnical Engineer 3. Perform pile driving analysis utilizing dynamic measurement devices as approved by the District Geotechnical Engineer 4, Perform drilled shaft inspections and construction monitoring as approved by the District Geotechnical Engineer 5. Analysis and reporting of load test data. 6 Monitoring of settlement platform installation 7. Monitoring, performing analysis, and reporting settlement platform data 8. Pile Integrity Tester 9, Installation of piezometers | 10. Monitoring, analyzing, and reporting of piezometer data 11, Installation of slope inclinometer casing (Lateral Soil movement) 12. Monitoring, analyzing, and reporting of slope inclinometer data 13. Monitoring of other specialized geotechnical methods and/or equipment during construction phase including PIT testing of piles and shafts | 14, Serve as technical expert in the investigation and analysis of unforeseen geotechnical problems during the construction phase 15, Providing the labor necessary to perform all Section 16. Perform building condition surveys before construction begins and afier work is complete. Monitor vibrations during construction to determine potential for structural or cosmetic damage G.Emergency Subsurface Investigations The geotechnical Consultant may be requested to investigate roadway, drainage or structural problems to determine if the cause is a geotechnical issue. Investigations may occur on existing facilities or on-going construction projects. All activities shall be coordinated with the District Geotechnical Engineer, the main Contractor and Main Consultant or their representative. Conditions that potentially endanger the public, facilities or the environment may require immediate response (i.e., after normal working hours, at night, ‘weekends or holidays). Activities may include, but are not limited to any field and laboratory services previously listed in this Scope, and preparation of plans and/or specifications to remediate unsuitable soil conditions. 10) retey sores ve- 0084 aurtocrouest¥-00r00eeN wining yoipeueg fq ‘mained wuauwnodp 10) paisl 8q 01 JUSD puE AiAlRde Bis jemiDe 04 parsi| aq 01 W -UUIN}OD PANY S310N saBueW O0-VO peUubis {UlOg PIOH = H / tulog SSaURIM = mM / UORDadsUI ;eWI=IUI = | ~puaiay ot 6 8 “ 9 s OuBUILIOS euoRoeg ke a H H Woda 01 0U woenoy =| Siopenn | ul jwes sjoysiog | @OUBLULUOD €-uOHIeS Mw H H Buyjdwes 0} Jog Aoeinooy -p1oz-so0 | {ous uo) Buyip ejoyerog | for e-uonDeS ~ Buywesg nO H H H 20UALUUIOD 0} JOU einooy | SES | 9480 | sumog ud wilt waeeen | 2 payuans €-UOROES H H H 20UBLLUIOD 0} Joe sueuncog — | - prozeso | 04S quouierers pouren | | Wd | sowenuos | Aued né sprepuers | wl (mojaq pueda sed se) fouanboss see 5 / aujod jonuos jo uondi2saq isi quauranjonuy pauinbay eye souederry | uoreaypads | _ous> eu 0 Z0000-SW-TIAID-LO00ddN {Pus (uopesisanul je2}U4293035) 102-86 | ‘atep rennwans | 0 20000-dLI-IIAID-S800ddN ‘AUB 4PU dL ere (peat ‘ONIMSSNISNA uaavely aa uejd 384 uoWIadsul -sapupey Aaunoas poo fuedwog Buyaou oysone 41931044 1NOd MAN syorases _svoeiedo Oupionpuco pus “e038 120m siqeise uoue201 Cuseg we Bu mp des, ens Boy 07pue oes So SL OPSsOy _peRiog ans NaF 2000-%E-ID-S800dEN PUVA _uOqeBAsORU| POUN_!ED —_“SponyouoyseseG veciog Swsseuus egeiy = 0%eAU0D Ue fe bows a0 ones -nbcn 25H amy Wow sa panera wanes = q ‘anmong smn venano-aoNbieg Hepay — Haseeu eae ae juowssessy ONREZANIONS Ba Misi Gajes @ uicanmaaenias eng Aunoes pooa 9690s: 00/4 49arOwd LUOd MEN ‘Aueduwop Buuseui6ua Jeqelhy eyozateg t07 WoreV1 #2 OuDssy ‘WUHS-TOET-WO¥-0OTODAN seqiaroy nou me) Hus ABN) pq es Bupeowea| v0 ay vonerweW09 YOs ‘suew BUND ha ‘NaF 2000'SHEIAD-SBO00dAN WUSH aS uoHoNEuCO seODAEN "390m VOWED TO RSa0y — vIKeMOG-aNs o-n0F 2o00-va-TUALO-S8DOdEN WUYE — uoneBysanu| jeouYDeIceD —-SyoMJouDNdREEG ‘Auzouog Cuseu6u3 eqeliy -so;MUOD HEM eyo caaeg 249 dooy 0} pue nok ams 00 us ouypew sanaue ue 63n 49 oU0ud ott ‘weopea 0} sopeus efo.0 sping Moree ‘SUELO tehuaa ns] enn npnsnroiaiata ‘ep ou Suunp ses pue deo venous ene ot ans 0" Z000-SH-WWo-SB00ddN 2M SWI—_ ays uogonasveo ge00EN "10m 0 UOI=207| WO RS30¥ _oReMIOg-ang (o'r Z000-¥eI-AID-S800dKN "RUE uoyeBysanul jeouYsI00q Sy. jo UoNGHOESO ‘usdwop Euusouu3 Rely se}2e09 WEN

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